You tuck the precious tome into your side-satchel, taking just a few moments to admire the expertly crafted leather binding. Then you finish putting everything away, taking care to slot everything into the right place. Now it feels a bit more like home. You'd best get used to this place. Once that is done you find yourself surprisingly free to do whatever you'd like. The world is your oyster.
"See you," you say politely to your roommate. She gives and affirmative grunt, not looking up from her book. '101 Methods of Spellforms.' Neat.
Feeling like you'll be spending plenty of time studying or training in the days to come, you decide to start wandering. Exploring these halls brings with it a myriad of potential. So many people to meet, so many places to see. Without much of a better idea you think it best to start from the bottom and work your way up from there.
It doesn't take long to arrive at the entrance to Skyhold and start looking around. You find various shops in a boulevard of sorts, each with their own funny names and wordplays. Anything under the sun can be bought here. You've no doubt there's some kind of underground (in the illegal sense) market as well, hidden down some random hallways. Your grandfather hated how flighty smugglers were. Their ilk would take one look at a place like this and find heaven.
But out here, with carved shafts to bring sunlight deep, it's all above board. You walk through a long tunnel that has been turned into an open-air market. Merchants hawk their wares. You spy bright baubles of glass and gold, bountiful cornucopias of fruits, and artisanal weaponry on display.
Encounter shall be automatic given this is the first one. Random encounter roll is 36. Event is as follows; bar brawl.
However, as you leave the tunnel and enter what appears to be a group of taverns and restaurants, your pleasant daydreaming of limes is interrupted. A commotion can be heard near 'The Bear & The Bard', according to the sign. You hear angry shouts and drunken rambling. Suddenly you see a burst of liquid spray outwards from the door. A man is swept up in a tidal wave of... wine? He somersaults through the air and crashes down right in front of you.
"Gahh... fuck yeh, bastard!" The man is some kind of mercenary, you ascertain. He wears a set of sturdy chainmail, leathers, and gambeson. A sellspell, given the way he reaches to a box on his back and summons forth a wave of small metal spheres. Ball bearings. They orbit the man, quivering as his concentration fumbles. He's drunk, heavily so.
Looking up, you see a woman step out of the bar, cracking her knuckles. "Hah-hah-ah." Her laugh is slurred and slowed, and she stumbles lightly on the wet floor. She wears similar armor, a saber on her hip. "That's the -hic- last time you cheat me on cards, Derik!" She gestures and the pools of wine begin to lift into the air. "This'll be a fun one."
All the nearby people have wisely gone for cover, save for you. You're currently in the crossfire of two drunken battlemages. That's a bad thing, obviously. But how will you handle this?
[] [Choice] Evasive maneuvers. Try to get the hell out of dodge. Requires a successful Locomotion Pool + Athletics check. Moderate difficulty.
[] [Choice] Defensive maneuvers. Call upon your magic and try to block whatever's going to come your way. Requires a successful Skirmish Pool + Fortitude check. Moderate difficulty.
[] [Choice] Talk your way out of it. You try and convince these drunkards not to fight in the middle of a boulevard. Requires a successful Intrigue Pool + Diplomacy check. Hard difficulty.
[] [Choice] Start fighting them. You decide the best defense is a good offense. Begins a combat encounter.
[] [Choice] Write-in.