Character Sheet
Character Sheet

Zarya: That's you. A (former) debt-peon now once possessed by a demon an alien.
-"Demon": Formless and shapeless... a glowing unknown mass of bubbles. (An alien in truth!) (Freed!)
-Spiritual Aptitude: Zarya gains access to the following spells after praying to the Water-bearer statue in Antioch, which is permanently infused with a Spiritual Aptitude of 60.
--Spell: Momentum (enhanced movement speed)
--Spell: Dissolution (split apart into a mass of bubbles)
--Spell: Amorphization (transition of body shape between human and alien)
--Spell: Hydration (manipulation of already existing water)
--Spell: Kryation (manipulation of already existing ice)
--Cautious I:
requires 75+% voter approval to interact with any HM or MP without a (+) mark
--Cautious II: requires 75+% voter approval to reveal demon-possessed status on purpose
--Disciplined I: gain (+) with any HM or MP after following a direct order from her
--Disciplined II: gain (-) with any HM or MP after disobeying a direct order from her
--Water I: the more water you are near, the easier it is to use your magic
--Water II: must be near a body of water (or another source) to use your magic
--Water-bearer: Zarya has constructed a statue in Antioch and poured all of the spiritual essence she's acquired over the past few months into it. She must pray to this statue to use spells as of The Moon.
-Additional notes: One of your black eyes has turned blue, as have the tips of your black hair. Currently resolved to control her Demon. Has made progress in suppressing it. Has not yet attempted to manifest it. Currently traveling with Linza, Philippos, Libra Venus, Theodora, and Capricorn Saturn, with the aim of helping Theodora take revenge against the cultists who sacrificed her, and their allies inside the military and the church. Now able to manifest her "Demon" for a up to ten minutes at a time after meditating on JOY or BEAUTY while being around WATER for a few minutes. If in the ocean, the manifestation is immediate and can be held indefinitely. Has agreed to join the church, though it may be was temporary. Currently residing in Antioch. Has learned that her "Demon" is actually an alien being from another world, and is aiming for an amicable separation. Can sculpt ice with her powers, and will learn to work with other materials. Has traveled to Sardis on behalf of the Antiochian Church... and with her mission done, it's time to go! She's returned to Antioch with a warning... a rogue Angel is on the attack! While in Antioch, waiting for the attack, she constructed the WATER-BEARER statue and transferred her spiritual power to it. Not long afterwards, she was separated from The Being, and the two defeated the Angel by working together. Later, she would be instrumental in defeating the Demon known as BELIAL.

Martin Aurelius of Sardis (-): Your former master, who resides in Sardis. He is a wealthy businessman and landowner. He owns several workshops that provide various goods, such as agricultural equipment, weapons, industrial and mining tools, and so on. He's dead, murdered by cultists and sacrificed to a Demon.
-Cornelia Prima (+): His wife, and your former mistress. Despite Martin owning your debt, Cornelia had roped you into her service and not his. She treated you well enough and kept you close. Now the captive of Dione. Was traveling with your group, and left in Ephesus.
-Lucian Aurelius: Their young son. Travelling with his mother.
-Aurelia Prima: Their young daughter. Travelling with her mother.
-Julian Aurelius: Martin's brother, and an artisan. Status unknown.
-Aurelia Prima: Martin's sister, seeking marriage and now possessed by the same Demon that once possessed Theodora. Looks like she wants to escape, so maybe there's an opportunity to work together. Was traveling with your group, having been denied an opportunity to sacrifice avenge herself, and left in Ephesus.
-Mettia Prima: Martin's elderly mother, a widow. Status unknow.
-Fellow former slaves: Linza (+) (she); Eusebius (+; in Ephesus) (he); Philippos (+) (he); Anacletus (he); Hypatos (he); Lucretia (she; in Sardis); Theokleia (she; in Sardis); and many others...
-- Linza and Philippos are currently accompanying Zarya travelling with Capricorn Saturn.

The Holy Maidens:
Seven powerful and virtuous women based on in specific major cities.
-Humility (+): Resides in Sardis. Can detect lies, among other abilities. Was in Antioch / Ephesus, aiming to crush cultists. Now resides in Ephesus, having gained firm control over the city and its politics. Has retaken her hometown.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 84
-Kindness (+): Resides in Pergamum. Can heal any injury, among other abilities. Was sent to Sardis on Humility's order. Fled to Ephesus after Dione tried to capture her. Joined up with you temporarily to fight the rogue Angel, and now heading out to Pergamum once more. Has now taken charge of her home.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 57
---Spell: Healing I → Healing II → Healing III (cures wounds)
---Spell: Understanding I → Understanding II → Understanding III (connect minds)
---Spell: Reciprocating I → Reciprocating II → Reciprocating III (shares feelings)
-Charity: Resides in Thyatira. Can grant powers to the Mystic Priestesses. Traitor. Defeated and sent to Antioch, where she lives outside the city in a villa.
-Diligence: Formerly resided in Ephesus. Status unknown. Dead.
-Patience: Resides in Philadelphia.
-Chastity: Resides in Smyrna. Can block magic (?). Murdered by invaders from Antioch.
-Temperance: Resides in Laodicea. Status unknown, probably either heading to Sardis or already there. Found in Sardis, and rescued! Now marching towards Sardis and Laodicea, having just retaken the former.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 51
---Spell: Balanced Mind: Emotion (reduces emotional fluctuations)
---Spell: Balanced Body: Attack (strengthens body when attacking)
---Spell: Balanced Body: Defense (strengthens body when defending)
---Spell: Balanced Soul: Flow (occasionally slips around enemy attacks)

The Mystic Priestesses: Twelve powerful and virtuous women who wander the land.
-Libra Venus / Melina (+): First encountered outside Philadelphia. Skilled with the cithara. Very friendly. Now travelling with Zarya. Now travelling to Laodicea with Scorpio Mars, having met up in Antioch. Will be captured in Sardis unless you step in! Has rejoined your group and evaded capture! Lived with you in Antioch until her encounter with the rogue Angel, at which point she abandoned her old identity and renamed herself Melina. She's also put down her blessed cithara and now lives in a small commune.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 75
---Spell: Song of Roaring Flames (encourages and emboldens)
---Spell: Song of Calm Waters (relaxes and subdues)
---Spell: Song of Magnetism (attracts to a specific target)
---Spell: Song of the Sunshine (inspires warmth and joy)
---Spell: Song of Growth (draws out hidden powers)
---Spell: Song of Affection (draws out tender memories)
-Leo Sun: Deceased. (see also Theodora) Restored!
-Spiritual Aptitude: 85
--Spell: Block! (grow furred armor)
--Spell: Slash! (grow fire claws)
--Spell: Move! (gain super-speed)
--Spell: Strike! (gain super-strength)
--Spell: Roar! (intimidate)
--Spell: Burn! (gain fire breath)
--Spell: Transform! (lion aura coat)
-Sagittarius Jupiter: Resides in Sardis. Can command lightning. Now located in Ephesus and without her powers, aiding Humility. Has her powers once more.
-Taurus Venus: First encountered outside Philadelphia. Resides there.
-??? Pisces Jupiter: Resides in Sardis. Can command emotions. (see Dione)
-Virgo Mercury I / Virginia (-): First encountered in Ephesus. Can command demons and influence people. Searched for the Holy Maiden of Diligence on the orders of the Sovereign Priest of Antioch. Encountered again outside Antioch, and formed a temporary alliance. But the alliance is now broken, and it seems like she can only see Zarya as an enemy over circumstances that were not Zarya's fault. After having betrayed the Church and sided with the cultists in Ephesus, she was captured, brought back to Antioch, and stripped of her position. Is now called Virginia. Possessed by BELIAL (formerly).
--Spiritual Aptitude: 50 0 !?!?!? 0
-Gemini Mercury: Resided in Thyatira. Has some sort of magical hearing ability. Now in custody in Antioch.
-Capricorn Saturn (+): First encountered in Smyrna. Can predict events. Now travelling with Zarya. Heading back to Smyrna. Aiding the attack on Thyatira. Currently helping to restore Church control in Thyatira. Status unknown. Recovered from the rogue Angel's grasp and heading back to Smyrna, but not before warning you of a future disaster! Now on the way to Thyatira to restore that city, having restored Smyrna to a functional state.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 50
---Spell: Forewarn (predicts one upcoming disaster per day)
----Capricorn Saturn does not learn more spells. Instead, the quality of her warnings is improved.
-Aries Mars (+):
Resides in Laodicea. Former friend of Theodora. Was in Antioch, now marching towards Sardis and Laodicea. Helped to retake Sardis.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 75
---Aries Mars does not gain her own spells. Instead, her ability to draw out the full might of the Sword of Savage Strength increases.
-Scorpio Mars (+):
Resides in Laodicea. Now travelling to Laodicea with Libra Venus, having met up in Antioch. Will be captured in Sardis unless you step in! Has joined your group and evaded capture! Now marching towards Sardis and Laodicea. Helped to retake Sardis.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 51
---Scorpio Mars does not gain her own spells. Instead, her ability to draw out the full might of the Shield of Sturdy Strength increases.
-Cancer Moon (+):
Resides in Antioch. Status is unknown. Searching for her. Found her and joined forces to take down the Advocates. Convinced Zarya to join the Church and exorcised the Demon from Theodora. Planning to exorcise the Demon from Zarya as well. Having been made aware that The Being was an alien and not a Demon, she would successfully exorcise it from Zarya. Has been kidnapped by BELIAL, and is now free and restored.
-Aquarius Saturn (+): Was found in a dungeon in Thyatira after having been presumed dead. Was helping to restore Church control in Thyatira, now in Antioch. Can witness the past. Gave you a kind warning.
-Virgo Mercury II: Virginia's replacement. Seems to be loyal to the church. Resides in Antioch and helps the Sovereign Priest of Antioch.

Gaius Helvius of Philadelphia: The son and heir of a wealthy farmer of the same name from the Philadelphia area.
-Ennia Segunda: His wife.

Theodora (+): The former Mystic Priestess Leo Sun. Was used as a human sacrifice to summon a Demon that now possesses her. NO LONGER IN CONTROL. Back in control, and no longer possessed... though her eyes have been permanently changed. Has a small grudge towards Zarya, but is mostly over it. Restored as the Mystic Priestess Leo Sun. Crusher of a Demon of Darkness (with help from her friend and ally Zarya).
-Demon: What must assuredly be some sort of water-dwelling dragon.
-Spiritual Aptitude: 85 0 (see Leo Sun)
--Spell: Block! (grow scale armor)
--Spell: Crunch! (grow fangs)
--Spell: Slash! (grow claws)
--Spell: Swipe! (grow a tail)
--Spell: Seek! (improve eyesight; gain night vision)
--Spell: Move! (gain super-speed)
--Spell: Rampage! (gain strength; lose control)
-Allies: Eugenios, Thais, Daniel (three heretics that Theodora met in a small town near the desert)

The Sovereign Priest of Antioch: A virtuous (?) man in charge of the Church of the Followers of the Way. Currently residing in Smyrna after being chased out of Antioch by an Advocate-led rebellion. Was critically injured and recovered in Smyrna before returning to Antioch. His return has been controversial amongst the people of the city.

!?!?!? Kavouras / Celso Longinus (-): A man formerly possessed by a Crab-shaped Demon. Fought Theodora outside Smyrna and was defeated. However, his soldiers managed to recover his body. Is likely licking his wounds and heading to Antioch. His abilities include growing shell armor, turning his arms into pincers, and transforming into a big crab. He was chased out of Antioch and is likely recovering in fled to Ephesus. Goal: defeat him for good! He was burned alive by Humility in Ephesus and is either dead or close to it. Regardless, he is no longer possessed by the Demon Crab!
-Demon: An otherwise ordinary looking crab, if quite larger than a man.
-Spiritual Aptitude: 85
--Spell: Protect. (grow shell armor)
--Spell: Pincer. (grow pincers)
--Spell: Molt. (shed shell armor healing)
--Spell: Carcinize. (full body transformation)
--Spell: Tidal. (control water)
--Spell: Swell. (increase size)
--Spell: Shrink. (reduce size)

???: A man possessed by a demonic serpent, who is likely near Sardis... if he's still alive. (He's not.)

Silvina (+) and Silas (+): Two house slaves, currently under the command of the Livius estate in Ephesus. They're brother and sister. Currently Were last seen working with spies loyal to the Antiochian church to break cultist control over the city and end slavery there. They have succeeded.

Dione (-): The former Mystic Priestess Pisces Jupiter. A holy woman who is also a snake, as she's the possessor of a Demon Serpent. However, she seems to be the one in control of the snake... and also in control of Sardis, having wrested spiritual control away from the Followers of the Way. Wants you to be her ally... is not doing a good job of it. Alerted you to a vision of death and despair... could it be true? (You made it false!) Has lost Sardis and fled from this world... to another place, not death.

Apollonia (+): A cultist woman who is knowledgeable about spirits and curious about the Being. Once the Being is free from you, she wants to study it for herself. Hopes that you'll come back to Sardis soon. Instead came down to Antioch to visit you. Now travelling the land with The Being for company.
-"Demon": ZIZ, King of the Birds
-Spiritual Aptitude: 55
--Spell: RAVEN (send messages of bad fortune)
--Spell: CHICKEN (send messages of good fortune)
--Spell: GOOSE (defend self from wickedness)
--Spell: CALADRIUS (treat sickness and wounds)

BELIAL (-): A demon of living darkness and the shadow of the angels. Uses cultists like puppets, and now possessing Virginia. Looking to possess the Trinity. Has kidnapped Cancer Moon. Has been defeated!

There are other characters, of course, but they'll be added over time.

Other Notes:
(+) = favored towards you
(-) = biased against you
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Well, whoever wanted to talk to Apollonia, the stage is all yours. I don't know what I'd like to talk with her about. Come to think about it, don't know what to say to Melina either.

I suppose, I'd like to know what she wants to do about the demon problem, and maybe if meeting the nature spirit changed her views about them (and if so, which way?). But at this point I just want to do away with the constant headache that is yet another demon incursion. Whatever needs to be done about it, goes, even if we reveal our ties with the... less orthodox elements.
again, if some votes come in within the next 24 hours, I'll work on the next update this weekend
[X][Melina] After talking to Apollonia, go talk to Melina as well.

[X][Apollonia] Accept her help and take her into Antioch. She'll need to be on her best behavior, however, or else.
-[x][Melina] Ask her what it like being bonded to Ziz

Almost forgot about this vote with doing stuff in my life
[X][Apollonia] Accept her help and take her into Antioch. She'll need to be on her best behavior, however, or else.
-[X] Now you're curious. Wasn't she pursuing the veneration of Nature Spirits, or just intrigued by humans wielding the powers of spirits?
[x][Apollonia] Accept her help and take her into Antioch. She'll need to be on her best behavior, however, or else.
-[x] Now you're curious. Wasn't she pursuing the veneration of Nature Spirits, or just intrigued by humans wielding the powers of spirits?
[X][Apollonia] Accept her help and take her into Antioch. She'll need to be on her best behavior, however, or else.
-[X] Now you're curious. Wasn't she pursuing the veneration of Nature Spirits, or just intrigued by humans wielding the powers of spirits?
Adhoc vote count started by Solarstream on Feb 10, 2024 at 5:27 PM, finished with 9 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X][Apollonia] Accept her help and take her into Antioch. She'll need to be on her best behavior, however, or else.
    -[X] Now you're curious. Wasn't she pursuing the veneration of Nature Spirits, or just intrigued by humans wielding the powers of spirits?
    [X][Melina] After talking to Apollonia, go talk to Melina as well.
    [X][Apollonia] Accept her help and take her into Antioch. She'll need to be on her best behavior, however, or else.
    -[x][Melina] Ask her what it like being bonded to Ziz

vote closed~!
The Star (VIII)
Winning vote:
[X][Melina] After talking to Apollonia, go talk to Melina as well.
[X][Apollonia] Accept her help and take her into Antioch. She'll need to be on her best behavior, however, or else.
-[X] Now you're curious. Wasn't she pursuing the veneration of Nature Spirits, or just intrigued by humans wielding the powers of spirits?

The Star (VIII)'ll accept her help.

"Of course you can see it. But-"

She cuts you off with an ecstatic gleeful shout and talking to herself about this supposedly lost art that you've rediscovered. You respond in turn by coughing loudly and reminding her that you weren't done speaking.

"Oh! Go ahead, Zarya."

You nod. "As I was saying... of course you can see it. But don't forget that you're a cultist and an enemy of the Church of Antioch. You'll have to be on your best behavior if you want the local holy women to allow to be in their city."

She scoffs. "Bah! It's not just their city, it's your city too."

"You know what I mean."

"Yes, yes, I'll be a good girl if it means you'll let me in. ...Though, this isn't going to cause any problems for you, will it? I could always try to sneak in and-"

You cut her off this time. "That would make it worse! No, you're going through the gate with me. We'll have you pretend to be my prisoner, and I'll say that I'm taking you to the Mystic Priestesses. Which is true enough, since I need you to talk with them anyway. Now follow me!"

You immediately start walking towards Antioch, making a quick pace. Apollonia complains about it, but follows along anyway, her pet raven croaking merrily, hopping back and forth between her shoulder and yours. Along the way, you ask her to clarify something for you regarding the nature spirits – was she looking to venerate them as the holy women do with God and Christ, or was she more focused on the practical aspects of connecting them to humans?

"The second one. I'm no holy woman, nor do I want to be one," is her response. "I'm interested in studying the different types and powers of the spirits. Hopefully Ziz and your friend aren't the only ones left..."

"I see... but, if you're deeply connected with a spirit, aren't you making yourself a holy woman anyway?" you ask in return. "The power you'd have wouldn't be inherently yours, it would be a 'divine gift' as the Mystic Priestesses would say.

She pauses for a moment, glancing at her little raven, before answering with a question of her own.

"I don't know. Do you think Dione is still a holy woman?"

...well, she still thinks she is, but you don't, and say as much. Apollonia laughs and notes that you have your answer. It's not just about the connection; it's about what you mean to do with it and what you actually do with it.

"Speaking of Dione, does she know that you're here?" you ask. "Did she send you to spy on us in exchange for allowing you to leave?"

"I'm sure she would have liked that, but no. I'm here of my own accord. She refused to hear me out regarding Ziz, so I had to slip away in the middle of the night. I'm sure she'll forgive me once I return with proof not just of the nature spirits but of the ability to make holy relics!"

Apollonia says that so happily too, her gray eyes sparkling beneath the sunlight, a warm smile stretching wide across her face.

"...You may not get the chance to do that. Temperance, Aries Mars, and Scorpio Mars have already left to retake the city. Granted, they'll have to stop by Ephesus to gain allies first."

Dione blinks. "Ah."

She coughs. "W-well, I'm sure she'll foresee that and make countermeasures. Though if the Holy Maiden of Humility joins the fight, there may not be much she can do other than escape. Not into the wilderness, but out of this place and into another world entirely."

You shake your head. "What, like that world of ice the Being came from? She'll die on the spot!"

She chuckles. "Oh, no, there may be others. You know, some philosophers think that we ourselves came from another world, our ancestors arriving here after fleeing some ancient calamity."

"I doubt it, but... oh, hold on."

In the midst of your chatter, you've come by Melina's commune once more. Good thing too, you wanted to bring her into this. You ask Apollonia to wait for a moment and hop inside to see if Melina is free. As it turns out, she's in the middle of readings and prayers, and so the Followers have you wait outside for her to finish. She exits the commune later with a curious expression on her face, one that's only heightened when she sees your companion and introduces herself.

Apollonia's self-introduction immediately puts her one edge. She glares at the cultist woman with her differently colored eyes.

"Apollonia!? Zarya, didn't you meet this woman in Sardis!? I thought she was working with Dione! Why is she here with you!?"

"Melina, she is my prisoner. She will help us deal with a cultist threat in the city in exchange for shelter in Antioch," you state before Apollonia can say anything. Rather than counter your statement, the cultist woman glares at you while nodding, her raven croaking in seeming amusement that's almost like laughter.

Melina remains tense. "Cultist threat!? What's happened now!?"

You explain the situation with Belial, Virginia, and Cancer Moon with her as you lead both her and Apollonia towards Antioch. Once you're done, she understands why you accepted Apollonia's help. She doesn't warm up to her of course, but you haven't either and it's not like you'll need to. You just need to work together for now.

The guards at the gate recognize Apollonia and demand to know why she's still here, prompting you to explain that she's your prisoner and you're delivering her to the local holy women. With that excuse prepared, they let her through without any further issues and you take her all the way to the Great Church of Antioch. She marvels at your statue outside the building, but there's no time for her to stay and examine it. Right now, you all need to chat with the three remaining Mystic Priestesses: Leo Sun; Aquarius Saturn; and the second Virgo Mercury.

While all three of their reactions were different, all of them were negative. Aquarius Saturn was aghast at the idea of having an unrepentant cultist aid them, and Virgo Mercury gazed upon both her and you with scorn.

Leo Sun, however, was tense with quiet fury, her aura warming the air around you all.

She speaks softly. "So. You're bonded with one of those Nature Spirits."

Apollonia, wisely cowering behind you, stammers out an agreement.

You hold your ground as Leo Sun turns her gaze to you instead.

"Zarya. Did you know this?"

You nod.

"And you knew that she was not repentant."

You nod again.

"Then why is she here."

That wasn't a question.

You answer it anyway.

"She has promised to aid us in dealing with Belial. In exchange, she wants to examine both the Being and my statue. I'll be the one keeping an eye on her, Leo Sun. Even if you don't trust her, you can trust me. I brought her here, after all."

Leo Sun – one eye lizard-like and one eye lion-like – continues to stare at you, aura intense.

Finally, she relaxes, and you hear Apollonia slump down to the ground behind you.

"Very well. But how exactly will she help? We've come up with some ideas of our own to deal with Belial, ones that don't need her around."

Apollonia, helped up by Melina, comes by your side. "W-well, with my abilities and knowledge, I can help out in a variety of ways. Actually, I've thought of something on the way here."

Leo Sun gives her a cold and curious look, one that makes her flinch. "Oh? Let's hear it then. And we'll tell you what we came up with."

You and Melina patiently listen as each of the three holy women and Apollonia make their own proposals, and after hearing all of them, you all decide to go with...

(Choose one.)
[] ...Apollonia's idea of using your ability to make enchanted statues as a way to seal Belial up for good. This is entirely untested, but has the potential to render this demon is non-threat forever.
[] ...Leo Sun's idea of burning out Belial from its host. She, with support from the rest of you, will dismantle and destroy the demon. However, this is very likely to also result in Virginia's death.
[] ...Aquarius Saturn's idea of consecrating the whole of Antioch. This way, when Belial returns, they can simply exorcise it rather than having to fight the Demon. This will take multiple days though.
[] ...Virgo Mercury's idea of boosting her hypnotic power to take control of the Belial-possessed Virginia. If this state can be maintained, then the rest of you can do the exorcism... but can it?
[] ...yours and Melina's idea of (write-in, potentially using parts of the ideas listed above)
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Hmm. I like the idea of sealing the demon with enchanted statues; looks like our sculpting talent will be good for something. Of course, it's also in every story, an Ancient Evil sealed behind an artifect, waiting to be unleashed some time into the future. The 'forever' part is unlikely hold, yet it's something that would work for the purposes of the story.

I also like the idea of consecrating the city; though not for banishment, but for general weakening. If we seal Belial, it makes sense to wear him down and strengthen our own magic. This leaves the possibility that the concecrating wards (or whatever is involved in the process) can run out, and the sealing statues can be broken, but that's a future us problem.

I imagine sculpting statues will take several days, and can only be done by us. Concecrating is said to also be a long process, but we are not required. I think these two can be done concurrently with the intention of combining their effects.

Do tell me if I am mistaking something and concecration doesn't work that way.
I also like the idea of consecrating the city; though not for banishment, but for general weakening. If we seal Belial, it makes sense to wear him down and strengthen our own magic. This leaves the possibility that the concecrating wards (or whatever is involved in the process) can run out, and the sealing statues can be broken, but that's a future us problem.

I imagine sculpting statues will take several days, and can only be done by us. Concecrating is said to also be a long process, but we are not required. I think these two can be done concurrently with the intention of combining their effects.

Do tell me if I am mistaking something and concecration doesn't work that way.

Zarya could have a statue ready by nightfall, though the longer she spends on it, the more effective she expects it will be. Apollonia and Melina agree with her.

Consecration meanwhile is all or nothing - you have to complete the process to get any benefits, and it can wear out / be removed.

However, it can also be used to weaken Belial if going for the sealing statue. You could also use or the other as a backup.

So, yeah, preparing both concurrently would be quite effective.
[x] ...yours and Melina's idea of (write-in, potentially using parts of the ideas listed above)
-[x] You will prepare sealing statues while Aquarius Saturn will be consecrating the whole of Antioch to weaken Brlial and make the statues more likely to work.

I don't know if Virginia could be separated from the demon while it's sealed, but I will not be too upsert if she can't.
I like the idea of burning out the demon, but it sucks the thought of having Virginia die because Cultists got the jump on her.
That could easily have been Zarya awhile ago.

[x] ...yours and Melina's idea of (write-in, potentially using parts of the ideas listed above)
-[x] You will prepare sealing statues while Aquarius Saturn will be consecrating the whole of Antioch to weaken Brlial and make the statues more likely to work.
-[X]Once the demon is out of Virginia and into the statue, we could let Leo Sun Destroy the Demon and statue all in one go. Plus this method means anyone else who gets into a mess like you or Virginia did can have running to the church as an option, knowing they won't lose their life for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
[X] ...yours and Melina's idea of (write-in, potentially using parts of the ideas listed above)
-[X] You will prepare sealing statues while Aquarius Saturn will be consecrating the whole of Antioch to weaken Brlial and make the statues more likely to work.
-[X]Once the demon is out of Virginia and into the statue, we could let Leo Sun Destroy the Demon and statue all in one go. Plus this method means anyone else who gets into a mess like you or Virginia did can have running to the church as an option, knowing they won't lose their life for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The Star (IX)
Winning vote:
[X] ...yours and Melina's idea of (write-in, potentially using parts of the ideas listed above)
-[X] You will prepare sealing statues while Aquarius Saturn will be consecrating the whole of Antioch to weaken Belial and make the statues more likely to work.
-[X] Once the demon is out of Virginia and into the statue, we could let Leo Sun Destroy the Demon and statue all in one go. Plus this method means anyone else who gets into a mess like you or Virginia did can have running to the church as an option, knowing they won't lose their life for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The Star (IX)

...a combination of certain proposed ideas, as selected by Melina and yourself after the two of you talk it over for a moment.

"These are all good ideas, but I think we should combine them together," she starts. "Zarya can build a sealing statue for Belial while Aquarius Saturn consecrates the city. That way, Belial will be weakened when we do the sealing, so it should work without any major complications."

"Once we've done the sealing, Leo Sun can destroy the statue and Belial with it, scattering his essence once more," you add. "As a bonus, this is something we'll be able to do at will if something like this happens again. I'd like to have someone who falls into the clutches of the cultists be able to come to the church for help, know that they can be saved in both body and soul."

Leo Sun, Aquarius Saturn, Apollonia, and her raven all nod in agreement with this idea.

Virgo Mercury, on the other hand, files a complaint.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Innocent people who fall into this kind of danger have nothing to fear from us!"

You can't possibly agree with that, but Leo Sun speaks up before you can make your own retort.

"Even if that's the case, Virginia isn't innocent. She's in this situation because of her own misgivings regarding Zarya and her failures to reconcile with my friend and with our church."

"Well, that's different. She deserves this."


Leo Sun doesn't respond. Perhaps she can't. She also is no friend of Virginia, and not even an ally. Perhaps the only person in this entire city who can say that she is on Virginia's side is Cancer Moon, and now she's on Virginia's side in quite a different way than she intended.

Aquarius Saturn responds instead.

"Does she?"

Virgo Mercury blinks, and asks her companion what she means by that.

"I meant exactly what I said. Does she deserve this fate? Does anyone?"

She holds open her book and flips it open. The pages are dense with black ink. You don't read every word, but you see Virginia's name on it as both Virginia and the former Mystic Priestess Virgo Mercury. This must be a partial record of her past deeds.

"Virginia's past is full of devotion, but also full of self-serving acts. She's neither fully innocent nor totally guilty. She's just another sinner, like the rest of us. Which means that we should try to save her, just like we would anyone else."

Virgo Mercury scoffs, but doesn't try to directly refute her companion. "While you have a point, not just anyone could do the things that Virginia did. She's her own person who did things her own way and got herself into a particular mess matching her disposition., I suppose we will have to save her in her own special way. Hmph! Very well then, I'll help out."

You relax, slumping your shoulders down. Melina claps once with a little cheer.

"Excellent!" exclaims Apollonia. "We should get started at once. It will take several days to consecrate the city, right?" she then asks the holy women.

"Yeah, we should be done by the end of Good Friday if we start now," notes Leo Sun.

"I can be done well before then," you add. "I'll need to ask around for more ice, but that shouldn't be too difficult. Once I have enough ice, making the statue is fairly straightforward."

"So is consecrating the city," notes Aquarius Saturn. "It involves a lot of things we will be doing already during Holy Week and includes the usual exorcism preparations – fasting, lighting candles, prayer, and so on. We'll have to mobilize as many Followers as we can, since it'll be too much for the three of us."

Melina blinks. "Huh? I can help too!"

"Oh, sorry, I thought you'd be helping Zarya."

"Well, I can, but I thought you'd need it more..."

You then speak up. "I'll be fine working on my own. I'll keep Apollonia with me in case I need her help."

Apollonia nods in agreement while the three holy women and Melina all glare at her. It'll be okay though. They only have to work together for a few days. Though what you're going to do with Apollonia after those few days are up is another question entirely. She can't stay here, but where could she go...?

Well, you'll have plenty of time to ask her later.

In any case, Melina chooses to work with the three Mystic Priestesses, though promises that she'll come by your workshop every so often to see how you're getting along. And with that decided, you and Apollonia split off from the group and you lead her back to your statue: The Water-bearer. You remain silent while she examines it, occasionally touching it and marveling it how it remains ice cold and never melting.

"This is outstanding... it's quite literally a miracle... enchanted ice, merging the spirits of humanity, aliens, and the so-called divine... I wonder if you could make a statue for anybody and create powers...?"

You shake your head. "I doubt it. I poured my own spiritual presence into the statue. Besides, why would I want to? That sounds like something you'd like to do. And no, I'm not going to help you."

"I wasn't going to ask you to-"

You cut off her protest. "Yes, you were, and don't even try to hide it."

She sulks while her raven croaks out like it's laughing. "A-anyway, this statue is quite realistic in its proportions and expressions. I expect that you'll have to do something like that for Virginia as well. You have a good mental image of what she looks like?"

You nod. And even if you didn't, Belial will likely strike again and you'll see her once more.

"That said, will just making a statue of her work?" you ask.

"No, that would probably just seal away Virginia instead!"

Apollonia laughs as if she's told a joke. You don't think that's very funny and don't react. When she realizes you're unmoved, she stops and gets back to her point.

"You'll need to focus your statue on Belial. Unfortunately, I don't know what Belial looks like. Do you?" she asks, circling your statue as if she's memorizing every fine detail.

"It was like a mass of living darkness... Aquarius Saturn called it a shadow of the angels, and it moved and flowed like water. I'm not sure it has something we could call an appearance of its own."

"Well, it must have one. There's no such thing as pure form," Apollonia counters. "Even the God of the Followers of the Way has a face. If you can't get an exact match, then you'll just have to get close enough."

Hmm... close enough, huh? Yeah, you can do that.

Actually, as you recall what the Belial-possessed Virginia looked like, you can come up with a few ideas. You'll focus on one of them and get it ready by Friday.

(As this statue will be destroyed, this is mainly an aesthetic choice. Pick one.)
[] Since Belial seemingly has no form, lean into that. Spheres of darkness, encased within each other and encasing a Virginia trying to break free.
[] Since Belial was once an Angel, lean into that. A coiled, eyeless, and winged serpent, sunken in on itself and sinking down into a pool of darkness.
[] Since Belial is to be destroyed by Leo Sun, lean into that. A lion with prominent fangs and a blazing aura tearing into a mass of flowing shadows.
[] (write-in...?)

QM Note: Next part will focus on preparations and hopefully start the final battle of the quest.
[x] Since Belial was once an Angel, lean into that. A coiled, eyeless, and winged serpent, sunken in on itself and sinking down into a pool of darkness.
[X] Since Belial is to be destroyed by Leo Sun, lean into that. A lion with prominent fangs and a blazing aura tearing into a mass of flowing shadows.

Because it's cool. I don't think the angel form will work since he's not one of them anymore.
[X] Since Belial is to be destroyed by Leo Sun, lean into that. A lion with prominent fangs and a blazing aura tearing into a mass of flowing shadows.
hey ya'll, sorry but no update today. I'll have it ready for next week instead
The Sun (X)
Winning vote:
[X] Since Belial is to be destroyed by Leo Sun, lean into that. A lion with prominent fangs and a blazing aura tearing into a mass of flowing shadows.

The Sun (X)

You nod, the idea solidifying in your mind as the statue will in the near future. "I know what I'll make," you declare to Apollonia, the curious cultist visiting from Sardis, and her pet raven. Both of them were focused on your prior work, and now turn their attention to you as you continue. "If Belial lacks a form, then I won't give it one. Instead, my statue will focus on its destruction and dissolution. I'll have a lion representing Leo Sun tearing into an indistinct mass of darkness, ripping it apart."

The raven caws and Apollonia nods in approval. "I suppose you'll also have Leo Sun pour some of her power into it?" she then asks.

"Of course, though I hope she'll get it back afterwards..."

Apollonia walks up to you, and then you both go to gather ice. "She ought to," she explains as you both walk the bustling city streets. "Belial will lack an anchor if the exorcism goes well, so it'll dissipate back into the darkness from whence it came. Leo Sun's power, meanwhile, has an anchor, namely her holy artifact."

"I see... but will it truly be gone when it dissipates?" you ask.

She shakes her head. "No, it can always return when summoned. I understand why they don't, but I think the church should publicize the powers of the Demons more, make it clearer what kind of threat they are to the people."

"Of course, that'd make it easier for you to study them," you note.

Apollonia chuckles and her raven croaks once. "Of course~! But would that really be such a bad thing? It would also mean possibly not having to work with Dione."

You have the distinct feeling that she would have done that anyway, but don't contradict her. Instead, you gather ice and have her help you. She lacks the strength to move around any blocks of ice on her own, but she can easily push them around on a cart. So, you gather as much as you can in your tendril arms and have her follow you to your workshop. You're going to need a lot of ice for this one, so it takes several trips before you have enough to get started... though you should probably draw it out first.

"Well, since you'll be busy with this, I'll go look for the Being and...!?"

You grab her a tendril from your back and stop her from leaving, still focusing on designing your new statue. "Oh no you don't. You're staying here where I can at least hear you, if not see you. Besides, I might need your help with something. It's always good to have a second opinion."

She grumbles and tries to struggle put, but ultimately has to relent.

You don't want her to just sit around while you draw, but luckily a distraction comes in the form of some curious townsfolk, including some of the other sculptors. You're too busy with your work to talk to them, but she isn't. So, you toss her out to explain the situation and warn people while you work. The sounds of a croaking raven and clucking chickens tell you that she doesn't just run away instead. By the time of day's end on this Holy Tuesday, you're entirely done with the design and have started working on it. Your reward is a quiet night, as Belial didn't make an attempt on the Trinity.

The holy quartet of Melina, Leo Sun, Virgo Mercury, and Aquarius Saturn would learn the reason for that on the night of Spy Wednesday. And you and Apollonia would see it for yourselves on the night of Maundy Thursday. As Belial would strike on both nights, but was ultimately repelled either by the holy power of the Church or by the spirit power of Apollonia and yourself. And in both cases, the demon was not solely puppeteering the body of Virginia.

No, Cancer Moon had been placed under its control as well!

At the Church on Wednesday, Belial had simply gone on the attack again, using its two bodies as human shields, aiming to capture the Trinity. But with the citywide consecration weakening it and Leo Sun bringing out her full force to try and strike the demon down, it got nowhere near the Trinity and was forced to retreat yet again. You'd hear the news – as well as what happened to Cancer Moon – the next morning. And that night, she'd visit you at your workshop right before you turned in for the night, your statue lacking only Leo Sun's blessing.

Well, Belial would visit you, using her and Virginia as her vessels. Several brave townsfolk were surrounding her bodies, armed, but Belial ignored them and only addressed you, its voice echoing through two mouths and the descending darkness.

"You are Zarya, yes?"
You nodded, watching it intently while Apollonia was writing something down next to you. You didn't realize Cancer Moon could get more pale, but that's how she looks. Virginia looks similarly unhealthy, and it seems like they're both shriveling up. The holy aura around must be taking its toll.


"You must make them stop."
You glare at this demon who has the gall to make demands of you. "No. The one who needs to stop is you. Release my companions and depart from this world, or you'll be made to leave."

The shadows around writhe and twitch, so the locals depart to go call in the holy women. But you stand your ground. You do not fear this demon. You've fought worse. And soon it will be a distant memory.

Belial roars and begs as its bodies come closer to you.

"You must help me! I must become complete! You understand, don't you? I need to absorb the souls of the Trinity to defeat the holy power and bring all lights into my darkness. Then I will be whole again!"
Apollonia looks ready to ask a bunch of questions, but you're not so curious and speak up first.

"I told you. No."

But Belial, rather than giving up, tries another approach.

"Zarya, you're making a mistake, siding the golden lights. Do you believe these holy people are your friends!? Don't be mistaken. You have..."
"...enemies on the inside, I'm well aware of that," you reply, cutting the demon off. "And I will handle them in my own way, with my allies on the inside supporting me. You happen to be possessing one of them."

You then turn your arms into tendrils.

"And speaking of holy power, how about you stay here so we can start the exorcism now?"

You fake a lunge, and Belial takes it for a real attack and retreats into the darkness, cursing you. Any trace of Belial has long dissipated by the time the holy women arrive, accompanied by Followers and other townsfolk. But Belial won't be able to vanish like this again on Good Friday. The city walls and outskirts are all consecrated to prevent demonic escape and the inside will be completed by sunset. Your statue is done and just needs the appropriate blessing and to be moved to the Great Church.

All you need now is Belial itself.

(Choose one.)
[] You and Apollonia will track down Belial while the others finish up.
[] Belial will come to you all for the Trinity, so wait and prepare a trap.

QM Note: The exorcism will be next update instead. Also, the Character Sheet was updated.