Grim Dark Tech Support: A Dark Mechanicum Quest

Voting is open
Scheduled vote count started by Uniquelyequal on Feb 7, 2024 at 11:07 AM, finished with 36 posts and 17 votes.

Going to keep this vote shorter, partially because there aren't really new options on display and also because I want to get back to writing ASAP.
Given the fact that you have explicitly gained more time, I'll allow it. Of course, it'll also take a lot of that gained time.
Eh, it's not like we can do anything else in the moment. I'm fine with throwing everything possible at the problem then, ancient tech-horrors beyond our comprehension are best dealt with by overwhelming firepower

[X] Plan: Tech support version 2.0
Honestly I want to wake the thing up and meet it, guessing it's a MoI or some such and what a coup it would be to find one of those
I wonder if we could be using the predictor to find out more information?

After all, the marines know of the cuttoff because predictions beyond the cutoff don't work, but they don't know enough about the precise nature of the problem to ask the machine about the actual problem.
I was cool with killing Terminator whathisface if the opportunity presented itself. Now that he (or at least his seneschal) have actively inconvienced us I want his fully aware brain in a jar in our fridge.

You don't fuck with tech support.
Thanks…for how much would we be able to sell that for?
Probably half a planet, assuming we find someone stupid enough to buy it. To my recollection while DarkMech dabbles in AI, even they don't work with actual MoI intelligences, if only because they're all homicidally insane and more than capable of blasting anyone in the area to atoms.
This is a genuinely hilarious exploration of the trails and tribulations of being tech support.

And you know what? Having 6 days to solve a problem, and spending three of those days to extend that to a number of weeks?
I see that as an absolute win.
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[X] Plan: We have re-opened your ticket
- [X] Create biological monstrosity
- [X] The rest of your Subordinates
[X] Direct Route

After this stunt I absolutely do not trust the Tincan and his vandalism goons to help us out with backstabbing us or getting weird about whatever's at the bottom of the hole. We'll handle this nonsense ourselves with our own do-it-yourself murder pet and crack the whip on our lackeys so they're actually doing their gods-damned jobs instead of whatever boondoggles they've decided to do instead.
This is a genuinely hilarious exploration of the trails and tribulations of being tech support.

And you know what? Having 6 days to solve a problem, and spending three of those days to extend that to a number of weeks?
I see that as an absolute win.

As it turns out, even the madmen tinkering with man-made horrors beyond comprehension aren't invulnerable to dissatisfied customers and impossible deadlines. And on the other hand, even when deadlines are literal and customers have orfices in places that were not supposed to have them, nobody respects the maintainance man.
Speaking of boondoggle, and personal projects

@Uniquelyequal is there a way we can try and find a moment to sneak in a bit of that mining software for Myges Talef?

My thinking is that he gets a bit of support to achive his personal goals, in so far as they don't risk causing problems for us, as a reward for his help, and to show the other three "I am fine with trying to do my job in a way that results in you getting what you want as long as it does not stop me dealing with whatever problem we've been sent to, or has a significant chance of causing blowback to me if discovered".

Ideally in the next few updates we'll come up with a solution that involves a redirecting a tiny portion of their computing power to a task, and hide the mining under that increase.

... if it gets discovered before we leave we can lie and say our subordinate worked on that bit, and he found that including the mining was intergral to the bits of the software solution that depended on warp effects.
Like... esoteric coding mysticism.

Complete bullshit, but if his mining is discovered before we leave, I want to be in a position to throw him under the bus if need be, but still retain the chance anyone who might ask might accept our excuse as to why 5% of their precog machine's computing ability is redircted to worthless energy wastage.

I'm having a lot of fun with the idea behind this quest.
There's liberation in playing as a bad person in shitty world who's here to do a job because he's forced to, with no regard to externalities.
Really makes it easy to able bribe your equally shitty subordinates into helping with your own work.
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