All Level, No Experience (Worm/Pathfinder Amnesia Quest)

Any suggested wording changes in my plans then (there IS a write-in option I've not filled, we really want to give Coil 0% chance of nothing anything wrong before going for him, or the timeline will dissipate and along with it our hostility towards him)? Or do we want to follow up on Armsmaster?
Your write in is fine I think.
Regarding Coil, timeline thing is how he perceives his power. In reality he has Thinker power to retroactively make a correct choice, and then view what the consequences of the other choice would be. In other words, it does remarkably little if we just drop on top of him and take him out before he can act. This is a major weakness of Thinkers, as they need actions to make use of their insight so getting teleported on is a major weakness of theirs, something even Contessa can't escape.

At worst in one of his previous choices we attacked him so he has some prep, but realistically he doesn't have what it takes to prep for us correctly, with Scrying and Time Stop and everything. As an aside, we might also get access to some other capes through him, notably Noelle is a infinite source of capes we can give friendships bracelets to.
-[X] When done, see if you can read the Scrolls immediately by casting Prismatic Sphere in said Demiplane
Maybe a conditional where if it doesn't immediately reveal them we just stick a Permanency'ed Prismatic Sphere in there and recast Greater Demiplane to put the plane on 2x speed so that its only 94 hours to wait instead. Maybe also test if Prismatic Wall works as that is cheaper to Permanency.
Or is that all stuff that would be better used next plan section

Or do we just Permanency a Greater Demiplane on fast-forward and then Permanency a Sphere in there and have a fancy reading room for the scrolls from the start instead of burning some spells on potentially failing experiments. It would cost 45,000gp to do but we're rich now so who cares
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With the corrections in the Clockwork Soldier crafting speed, is it better to use them for crafting aids now, or stick with the previous option?
(Also, @Sckribe do we have to worry about the physical space to fit assistants past a certain point of things?)
Terra Cotta Assistants are still well faster and simpler to make, especially en masse, given their price of only 28.5K (and solely clay), compared to the fully kitted Clockwork Soldiers' Price of 330K, and letting them be more relatively specialized makes it so each can do their own jobs better, than one that does multiple things meh. The conundrum of most all rangers/monks, that is, I believe. As for fitting them, when not in use, given they're just constructs, they can easily just squeeze to stuff 4 per 5 foot square or so, and when in use, i'll probably just handwave it for the most part, especially for anything like a larger project. A bit ridiculous for a dozen working on a single battery, fairly plausible for a whole team on a Fission Generator.
Maybe a conditional where if it doesn't immediately reveal them we just stick a Permanency'ed Prismatic Sphere in there and recast Greater Demiplane to put the plane on 2x speed so that its only 94 hours to wait instead. Maybe also test if Prismatic Wall works as that is cheaper to Permanency.
Permanency for Prismatic Sphere is upwards of 22k diamond dust, so it is something difficult to us as we don't have easy way to get that much diamond dust. It would be easier if we just created a couple of Scrolls of Prismatic Sphere and had our Clockwork Soldier cast it every now and then.
upwards of 22k diamond dust
Fair, forgot we need actual specific items and don't just write off however much gp from our sheet. Clockwork soldier is a good idea to replace it tho, as long as he can cast the things.

EDIT: Scrolls of Sphere cost a bit over 4kgp each and last a bit under 6 hours for us, we would need 29 scrolls for that plan, costing us something like 120000gp in fancy writing supplies before crafting cost reductions
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Fair, forgot we need actual specific items and don't just write off however much gp from our sheet
To be fair, Blood Money and Transfiguring Touch largely allow us to ignore most of costs we run into. Sadly gems and diamonds are still beyond our ability to will out of thin air. While we do have some money now, converting it to something like diamond dust takes time, and we have other uses for that money besides, such as operation expenditures of our minions or just getting diamonds for Wish so we can get Clone, Simulacra, maybe scribe the likes of Dragon Form or Prismatic Wall etc.
Tbh we should probably just spend 20 mil to get eight Wish tier diamonds right now, we do have a bunch of things to do with them.
This tells us our CL @Sckribe , do you mind adding it to our sheet please?
You guys have known that for a while, I thought? I had even added the full 35 levels of Wizard for a while. Although, if it helps, I suppose I can find somewhere I can stick it.
Edit: Aight, added it just after "Wizard Spells Prepared:" in the sheet, also now remembering to update the sheet over to the informational post.
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Can we make a construct that has enough Strength to get Diamonds through a Scroll of Blood Money, I wonder?
Constructs are immune to Ability Damage, so it wouldn't work even if we did give one 51 strength to do so, and Blood money is a Swift Action spell you cast just before the main spell that lets you pay in strength damage rather than gold, it doesn't create a permanent item, the component collapses into a pool of blood at the end of the round. And finally, the spell says that its a spell you cast just before you cast another spell, which I believe locks us out from getting someone with enough strength to cast a scroll of it and then us using the diamond.

[] Plan I need more time v2
-[] Magic Item Creation/Improvement.
--[] Make the Bracelet harder to notice (magically and/or physically).
-[] Go handle the matter with Lisa's current 'employer' afterwards.
-[] Start working on a way to get infinite time using a item imbued with Greater Demiplane
-[] When done, see if you can read/study the Nether Scrolls using said method

So that (in shadowrunning mode) a attentive Coil doesn't notice his other self suddenly having a Bracelet he didn't get, and terminating the timeline immediately out of paranoia?

Just read the explanation of Coil's actual power so
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In order to even make a scroll of Wish in the first place you'd need to have the material component. Also, on the things of making the Prismatic Sphere last long enough, a hint: There's another way of going about it that would be cheaper than the ideas y'all've had, and I think it even came up, sort of- but a good few chapters ago. Anyhow, long hint short; there's a way cheaper/simpler way of getting the sphere to last.
Our Staff already has effectively infinite charges via Memory of Function exploit. Expend charges, then expand charge to cast Memory of Function to replenish all the charges of the Staff. Repeat ad nauseam.
I wonder if we should create One Staff That Rules Them All if we have time then?
(Who needs to cast spells from your spell list when you have that)
Our native spells do have advantage of being something we can apply metamagic to, so they are stronger.
What we could do is put TT of certain level into a staff, cast it 500 times, upgrade stuff with 10x stronger transmutation and repeat that a bunch of times. Using this kind of positive resource loop exploit, we could create a staff that can make ten million gp per cast in only seven years!
I love that handling Coils is a minor annoyance we need to handle in a hurry while we set up what we need to read the nether scrolls.
we might also get access to some other capes through him
I'm way more curious about his Shard tbh, after reading the relevant Wildbow quotes - what will it decide to do?

[X] Plan I need more time v2
-[X] Go handle the matter with Lisa's current 'employer' immediately.
-[X] Improve our Staff with Prismatic Sphere, and then start using it to work on the Nether Scrolls, doing other things while continuing to wait
-[X] Start working on a way to get infinite time using a item imbued with Greater Demiplane

We can leave the Prismatic Sphere at-will, so we can just leave the Scrolls there and go do other things, waiting until the spell expires to recast?
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Infinit diemond expluit for broke ideots 😭😭😭

1- grab bug dud

2- bug dud borrows bakada for booms with brainer controls

3- bakada makes bumb dat makes thing turn to diemond

4- bumb go bom and turns tree to diemonz (very epic)

5- repeat

6- Unlimited power 😎😎😎😎

Tldr: Kidnap Bakuda when she shows her ugly mug and have her make diamond bombs for us... Probably mastering her in the process.
Probably mastering her in the process
Why not just give her a Demiplane access to make all the bombs she wants, then ask her to pass us some Diamond ones while she's at it?

Or Elemental Plane of Explosions, for that matter?

Hopefully this is the final version of my plan:

[X] Plan Bottleneck removal
-[X] Go handle the matter with Lisa's current 'employer' immediately.
-[X] Ask Dragon to help with setting up contacts to get a consistent supply of diamonds/gems, payment most likely in cash (Lab grown ones, where we buy the lab outright, or Parahuman Powers?)
-[X] Magic Item Creation/Improvement.
--[X] Add Prismatic Sphere to the Staff's casting list
-[X] Start the Nether Scrolls timer using the newly improved Staff in a secure location, exit the Prismatic Sphere and go get some other stuff done
-[X] Start working on a way to get infinite time using a item imbued with Greater Demiplane
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Infinit diemond expluit for broke ideots 😭😭😭

1- grab bug dud

2- bug dud borrows bakada for booms with brainer controls

3- bakada makes bumb dat makes thing turn to diemond

4- bumb go bom and turns tree to diemonz (very epic)

5- repeat

6- Unlimited power 😎😎😎😎

Tldr: Kidnap Bakuda when she shows her ugly mug and have her make diamond bombs for us... Probably mastering her in the process.
We don't even need Bakuda per se, there ought to be number of capes that can temporary or permanently create gems. With TT and Dragon we can just ask around.
The question only becomes if they can create gems that are actually useful to us.
Nah, you'd've noticed something up if it was, given your previous Brockton Cape research. They were transparent in the way a ghost tends to be, just looked like, well, a guy who was very lost. So, you hit it with a Magic Missile, and dispersed it.
... Clairvoyant? Somehow? That feels like the greatest possibility, but in that case... oops?