Lex Mechanica

Most imperial worlds are functionally semi independent anyway considering how spotty warp travel and communication is. The imperium straight up isn't cohesive enough for it to notice most of the time. Or save us if we get hit directly by one of the main threats. At best they'll come to clean up long after we're dead and stop it from snowballing into a sector wide threat.
Reinforcements being late is mostly overblown because if that was the case then the Imperium would be in a worse position then in canon. Battlefleets and reinforcements more often than not arrive on time, maybe a month or two late or early, to help a besieged world it is just that the times they don't or something funny happens during transit we hear about it rather than the times everything went well. Most cases of extreme time dilation are more outliers than anything.

Besides if Warp travel was that spotty then the whole import and export system in the Imperium would collapse as well since Hive Worlds wouldn't be able to get food on time and Forge Worlds wouldn't get needed materials.
The imperium is the main source of misery feeding chaos in the warp and chaos recruits in real space so it causes just as many problems as it solves on its best day. It's also keeping all of humanity's potential on a leash by forbidding all innovation or more efficient organizing of resources.
One of the largest causes for that is the fact that the Imperium doesn't have time to dedicate to reorganizing things. Because the galaxy is so hostile that they can't go a full century without a major disaster happening. Mass restructing like that takes time and resources and due to the size of the Imperium such an act would take millennia a millennia the Imperium doesn't have. I mean look at the Tau they were able to progress so far because they had several thousand years of uninterrupted peace if the Imperium had the same liberty they would be in a better position.
That's definitely a problem for the average imperial protestor yes. You're stuck between the imperium leaving zero room for change and chaos being the only faction offering you backing with no questions asked.
Unfortunately the price for working with Chaos is always worse in the long run if you look at things objectively.
who is advocating for declaring independence from the Imperium in the first place? Theres pretty much nothing they can really do against us, we are a Forge World out in the boonies, noone really has de factor authority over us
The policies pushed by the Seekers will inevitably push us down that road because no one from the large Inperium will simply let us be if they find out about them. As for what they can do against us we have literally zero chances of defeating a single reprisal fleet sent against us at this stage. Being in the boonies doesn't protect us we don't have the military force to defend ourselves from a major faction and the wider Mechanicus doesn't like rivals for neighbors.
The policies pushed by the Seekers will inevitably push us down that road because no one from the large Inperium will simply let us be if they find out about them. As for what they can do against us we have literally zero chances of defeating a single reprisal fleet sent against us at this stage. Being in the boonies doesn't protect us we don't have the military force to defend ourselves from a major faction and the wider Mechanicus doesn't like rivals for neighbors.

whos going to be sending that reprisal fleet?

One of the largest causes for that is the fact that the Imperium doesn't have time to dedicate to reorganizing things. Because the galaxy is so hostile that they can't go a full century without a major disaster happening. Mass restructing like that takes time and resources and due to the size of the Imperium such an act would take millennia a millennia the Imperium doesn't have. I mean look at the Tau they were able to progress so far because they had several thousand years of uninterrupted peace if the Imperium had the same liberty they would be in a better position.

?????? but we are currently at peace and could do that restructuring.
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its currently 730.M14 so there are 33 turns left until we forcibly get turned independent by the Great Rift
Reinforcements being late is mostly overblown because if that was the case then the Imperium would be in a worse position then in canon. Battlefleets and reinforcements more often than not arrive on time, maybe a month or two late or early, to help a besieged world it is just that the times they don't or something funny happens during transit we hear about it rather than the times everything went well. Most cases of extreme time dilation are more outliers than anything.

Besides if Warp travel was that spotty then the whole import and export system in the Imperium would collapse as well since Hive Worlds wouldn't be able to get food on time and Forge Worlds wouldn't get needed materials.

It's quite different to run a scheduled trade route and to react to new threats. It's not just travel, astropathic communication is spotty to.

The imperium largely survives because it's so big. The most critical worlds already have defenses on site so they can hold until delayed reinforcements get there and the rest is just ablative armor for them that can be resettled once the threat is answered. That doesn't save the people hit by the first wave though.

One of the largest causes for that is the fact that the Imperium doesn't have time to dedicate to reorganizing things. Because the galaxy is so hostile that they can't go a full century without a major disaster happening. Mass restructing like that takes time and resources and due to the size of the Imperium such an act would take millennia a millennia the Imperium doesn't have. I mean look at the Tau they were able to progress so far because they had several thousand years of uninterrupted peace if the Imperium had the same liberty they would be in a better position.

Most threats and answers to them are only using local sector resources anyway because of the size of the galaxy and lack of coordination, and not every sector is on the frontlines. Plenty of places in the imperium have local peace they could use to pull themselves out of the muck but that'd be rebellion against imperial orthodoxy to even try. The imperium also clearly had millennias. 10 of them, in fact. It's large enough it can expect to last for quite a bit longer even on its declining course too.

The truth is that the imperium doesn't want to change.
Most of the rebellions caused by tyranny are going to be small and short lived enough they don't make any list except the "silent casualty of imperial enforcement" one. Meanwhile, chaos rebellions are going to be disproportionately represented in lists of rebellions with narrative impact because they have literal supernatural backing.
Ah I see you are talking about a different kind of rebellion, but with the Militarist than dosent want to fight we were talking about the serious ones. Well about those you mention, we cant really do much about it one way or the other as of now. There are probably food riots and gang wars going on right now in the Forgeworld and we dont even know it since they dont really matter. They are more of a background thing, like the extreme pollution we are producing or the rest of "bad" things we do as routine.
Ah I see you are talking about a different kind of rebellion, but with the Militarist than dosent want to fight we were talking about the serious ones. Well about those you mention, we cant really do much about it one way or the other as of now. There are probably food riots and gang wars going on right now in the Forgeworld and we dont even know it since they dont really matter. They are more of a background thing, like the extreme pollution we are producing or the rest of "bad" things we do as routine.

??? no we werent lol

and im a representing the military, who prefer not dying for nothing :) when you send skitarii to their deaths thats my people
Ah I see you are talking about a different kind of rebellion, but with the Militarist than dosent want to fight we were talking about the serious ones. Well about those you mention, we cant really do much about it one way or the other as of now. There are probably food riots and gang wars going on right now in the Forgeworld and we dont even know it since they dont really matter. They are more of a background thing, like the extreme pollution we are producing or the rest of "bad" things we do as routine.

I don't see why we couldn't answer them or why they wouldn't matter, let alone why we wouldn't know about them. We aren't a dysfunctional hive world where the nobles in the top spire barely know what happens in the lower layers. We're a fresh colony, we haven't accumulated that much rot or dysfunction yet.

It's also very detrimental to a well functioning forge world regardless of the moral aspect, so it very much matter. The imperium is just too corrupt to bother but we can easily do better.
whos going to be sending that reprisal fleet?
The Mechanicus investigating what happened to their new colony? Orthodox members against the radical direction things are going. Take your pick.
?????? but we are currently at peace and could do that restructuring.
But it will have no effect on the wider galaxy.
its currently 730.M14 so there are 33 turns left until we forcibly get turned independent by the Great Rift
Then we will have chaos and other horrble things to deal with on our own.
The imperium largely survives because it's so big. The most critical worlds already have defenses on site so they can hold until delayed reinforcements get there and the rest is just ablative armor for them that can be resettled once the threat is answered. That doesn't save the people hit by the first wave though.
Travel time for reinforcements have been a thing since war existed so it still isn't as big deal as you are making it.
Most threats and answers to them are only using local sector resources anyway because of the size of the galaxy and lack of coordination, and not every sector is on the frontlines. Plenty of places in the imperium have local peace they could use to pull themselves out of the muck but that'd be rebellion against imperial orthodoxy to even try. The imperium also clearly had millennias. 10 of them, in fact. It's large enough it can expect to last for quite a bit longer even on its declining course too.
It is canon that their are plenty of worlds that are at modern Earth levels or better so that is already happening. And the admin doesn't really care unless they are worshipping anything other than the Emperor and the tithe is payed. So planets do pull themselves out of the muck. It is just that a single planet or sector is very insignificant and books about peaceful world x don't sell. And yes things are mostly sector level but it is still happening every where enough so that the people are to distracted with incoming doom to reform.
Also 3 ish turns till people with male patter baldness can show up in your sewers.
??? no we werent lol

and im a representing the military, who prefer not dying for nothing :) when you send skitarii to their deaths thats my people
Ah my bad then sorry, its funny how we keep arguing to then realise we are talking about completely different things. About the military, idk maybe the Steel Cult will take a look if some of them prefere a more orthodox and less mercenary (weirdly very radical as of now, not that its a fault) outlook. I'm sure some are.

I don't see why we couldn't answer them or why they wouldn't matter, let alone why we wouldn't know about them. We aren't a dysfunctional hive world where the nobles in the top spire barely know what happens in the lower layers. We're a fresh colony, we haven't accumulated that much rot or dysfunction yet.

It's also very detrimental to a well functioning forge world regardless of the moral aspect, so it very much matter. The imperium is just too corrupt to bother but we can easily do better.

I agree with most of what you say here, efficency and policing would for sure benefit us (not sure why you are convinced only a extreme radical party could do that). But again you said it yourself, those small riots and rebellion matter so little they are not even mentioned so they are simply not worth the effort almost every time. Before it seems we were talking about different things so lets put this to rest.

Damn baldies here already? The bodycount will rise a lot then heh
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there are regular riots in our city, what should we do? get more law enforcement to kill them, that will work spendidly!

Ah my bad then sorry, its funny how we keep arguing to then realise we are talking about completely different things. About the military, idk maybe the Steel Cult will take a look if some of them prefere a more orthodox and less mercenary (weirdly very radical as of now, not that its a fault) outlook. I'm sure some are.

the steel cult is not really a military party, its a military-industry party, as can be seen with them building their base among military-industrial workers
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there are regular riots in our city, what should we do? get more law enforcement to kill them, that will work spendidly!

the steel cult is not really a military party, its a military-industry party, as can be seen with them building their base among military-industrial workers
So why it cant be a workers and soldiers party? Nobody has a monopoly on types of voters, dont forget we also include Logi and Artisans too. And the policing is not to mindlessly kill people like you want to assume I mean, its for security and criminal activity.

That's around when the first tyrranic war happens
Hell yea we really need a good mindless war to unite us a bit. Dibs on melta production please its soo cool
So why it cant be a workers and soldiers party? Nobody has a monopoly on types of voters, dont forget we also include Logi and Artisans too. And the policing is not to mindlessly kill people like you want to assume I mean, its for security and criminal activity.

it can be, but the interests of the military-industrial complex are still at odds, as can be seen with the Iron Cult wanting to throw the Skitarii to their deaths.

Policing is already too high, solving the problem of regular riots is done by solving the root causes, not sending in more tanks to crush them...
Travel time for reinforcements have been a thing since war existed so it still isn't as big deal as you are making it.

The combination of communication lag and long and risky warp travel is in fact not a constant across eras, no. Communication lag especially is something we eliminated from industrial warfare with radio, but it's back with astropaths. A lot of large scale industrial wars also had pretty short supply chains with rail and trucks.
it can be, but the interests of the military-industrial complex are still at odds, as can be seen with the Iron Cult wanting to throw the Skitarii to their deaths.

Policing is already too high, solving the problem of regular riots is done by solving the root causes, not sending in more tanks to crush them...
I'm sorry I dont understand. When did the Steel Party said it wants to throw skitarii to die uselessly? And again why shouldnt the Steel Cult expand in the military, there bound to be members not interested to join your party. Also, what kind of conflicting interest there are between the military and the Steel Party? We literallymake guns, armor and vehicles for them and have little interest in everything else except making fortifications.
There seem to be no current rioting for now here, and again like I wrote earlier policing its not done (at least in my idea) to kill mindlessly like you keep saying I want to do, but for security and criminal activity. Not to mention future Tyranid infestations and sabotaging.
There are probably food riots and gang wars going on right now in the Forgeworld and we dont even know it since they dont really matter.

There seem to be no current rioting for now here, and again like I wrote earlier policing its not done (at least in my idea) to kill mindlessly like you keep saying I want to do, but for security and criminal activity.

I really should stop engaging with you
I really should stop engaging with you
If you read everything in my conversation with


you can see the point she made were right and convinced me otherwise. And since you want to be annoying please fully reply to my questions instead of being a children who tries to put words in my mouth. Why shouldnt the Steel Cult expand in the military? What kind of conflicting interests there are between the military and the Steel Cult that would prevent an expansion? When did the Steel Cult said it wants to throw skitarii to die uselessly? Why do you keep insisting I want to send police-death squads to massacre random people when I repeat to you twice I dont?
If you want to be rude I can be rude too.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Magus Explorator on Jan 16, 2024 at 7:04 PM, finished with 174 posts and 39 votes.
  • 40

    [X] Plan: Peace and Science
    - [X] Party: Seekers of the Omnissiah
    - [X] 1: investigate the curious situation with the Magma
    - [X] 2: Bolster funding to the military while attempting to send out peace envoys to work cooperatively with these strange creatures for a greater future, after all we have much they need, and they may have unknown technology
    - [X] 3: Massively reduce the regulation and bans against Xenotech and the more mild forms of tech heresy
    - [X] 4: construct an orbital lift to improve transportation
    - [X] 5: Massively expand the new educational system with a focus on bringing more menials the necessary knowledge and tools to join the Mechanicus
    - [X] Outreach: Do everything possible to secure radical dominance over the new educational institutions
    [X] Plan: Space Vietnam
    -[X] Party Name: Cogs of Justice
    -[X] Party Represents: All (No one is above or below the Law.)
    -[X] Coalition: Yes: Anyone willing. No: Extreme Radicals and Seekers of the Omnissiah.
    -[X] 1: Remove the forest in range of 50km from our buildings on Sidonia.
    -[X] 2: Establish basic fortifications around our settlements
    -[X] 3: Build Heavy Weapons factory.
    -[X] 4: Construct Promethium refinery.
    -[X] 5: Construct military aerial vehicle factory.
    -[X] Outreach: Call for Conference with all other political parties to establish system through which laws can be changed and removed only if majority of the parties agree to do it.
    [X] Plan: Total Mobilization
    -[X] Party Name: The Steel Cult
    -[X] Party Represents: The Logi, The Artisans, The Chaff
    -[X] Coalition: Yes: Illuminated Mechanicus, Cogs of Justice, Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration, Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus.
    -[X] 1: Construct a great manufactorum complex to kickstart war equipment production, emphasize the defensive capabilities of such buildings. Focus on quick mass production of conventional weapons and armor first such as las weaponry and flame weapons, while creating specialized assembly lines for more complex and slower to produce equipment second.
    -[X] 2: Fortify existing facilities, mining and refining plants, hab-blocks and agri-domes. Do this by constructing fortifications and increasing security forces. Expecially on agri-domes and where those shapes in the magma were seen.
    -[X] 3: Expand processing plants and refineries for raw material.
    -[X] 4: Construct several promethium refinery plants.
    -[X] 5: Plan the construction of the first Sidonian Plasma Reactor
    -[X] Outreach: Propagate the news of the xeno threat among the workers and increase productivity by encouraging workers to make greater sacrifices. Those factories, fortifications, mines and refineries must be constructed as soon as possible. Find examples among workers and use propaganda to inspire others, while of course most of them also encouraged to join the Steel Union organization.
    [X] Reaching towards the light of the Omnissiah
    [X] Plan: Meditative Groundwork
    -[X] Party Name: Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus
    -[X] Represents: Logi, Chaff
    -[X] Coalition: Yes: Holy Machine, Faithful of the Omnissiah, Illuminated Mechanicus, Cogs of Justice. No: Seekers of the Omnissiah.
    -[X] 1: Construct a suitable temple-vault for the Pandora device.
    -[X] 2: Lay the foundations for an increase in orbital lift with the construction of a transit station to handle cargo flow to and from orbit.
    -[X] 3: Commence construction of an orbital elevator.
    -[X] 4: Mandate the creation of a forge complex dedicated to the production of Electrostatic Gauntlets.
    -[X] 5: Scan the unidentified magma shapes to resolve unfounded rumours of magma worms.
    -[X] Outreach: Fund access to and the use of identification electoos.
    [X] Plan: Their Flesh is Feeble
    -[X] Party: Society of the Living Alloy
    -[X] Coalition: Yes: Humanists, Cogs of Justice, Sect of the holy lightning inspiration, Holy machine faction. No: Seekers of the Omnissiah and their allies.
    -[X] 1: Begin mass production of biomods to increase radiation resistance for the Skittarii rad troops.
    -[X] 2: Set up a temple to the machine god on the forest moon dedicated to the genetic engineer aspect of the Omnissiah. The temple will also serve as a place of learning so new members can be trained as Genetors.
    --[X] The temple is set up in a double helix spire to show complexity of beauty of the human genome and give honor to the Omnissiah as the creator of such beauty. Two entwined spires with bridges connecting them.
    -[X] 3: Develop a biotoxin tailored to the abominable xenos species to release into their food, water, and environment.
    --[X] The biotoxin should be able to be deployed in both liquid and gaseous form.
    -[X] 4: Expand the agri-domes underground for better defenses and specialized crops.
    -[X] 5: Begin the construction of specialized chemical industries on the Forge World.
    -[X] Outreach: Construct field hospitals for injured Skittarii.
    [X] Plan: All Skitarii Party
    [X] Plan: Backpacking in the Great Outdoors
    -[X] Party Name: Sidonian Explorer's Party
    -[X] Party represents: Magi (Leads the Scout Parties), Genetors (Catalogue and Study Everything Encountered), Logi(Makes Sure the Expeditions Don't Run Out of Supplies), Chaff(Skitarii or Armed Servants of the Leading Explorers)
    -[X] Coalition: Yes. Generally anyone that's cool with exploring but the party has a radical bent and foundation so likes radical parties more because practically exiled into the fringes are where the unorthodox admech members go so they might as well go exploring.
    -[X] 1. For our first inaugural expedition since the formation of the party, we check out the magma stuff. Scan, take samples, study it and shoot at things when appropriate.
    -[X] 2. Build factories that will help us outfit exploring expeditions. Ships(big and small), cogitators, vox systems and weapons just to name a few are all welcome.
    -[X] 3. Send another exploration party to make contact with the "Drens" the xeno creatures on the moon. Primary goal is to ascertain their status either as "chaos" or merely having developed their own psyker traditions by whatever means necessary. A "chaos" result gets them marked as to be killed as soon as convenient. The latter result means we should enter into a negotiation with whatever political structures they have that allows us to study them and prevent further violence on the moon.
    -[X] 4. Create schools and academies that can take in aspiring genetors and logi from the chaff. Offer them a general education course with the usual specializations we have access to but our real reason is so that we can test and pick out the best of the interested recruits to educate them in proper exploring.
    -[X] 5. Build factories with a focus on ships that can travel to the moon. Travel from the forgecity to the moon is the hot new exploration destination with the discovery of xenos on it and we need the logistics to carry out a proper exploration. Making sure the general traffic needs between the forgecity and the moon is met is also a priority.
    -[X] Outreach: Establish local explorer's clubs and associations all over Sidonian population centers and have them do some local exploring. Membership is open to all members of the electorate.
    -[X] Ideology: A splinter group from the Seeker's of the Omnissiah that wishes for a more exploratory emphasis on the radical nature of their platforms. Currently this manifests as exploring Sidonia and building the infrastructure that will help accomplish that.
    [X] Reaching towards the light of the Omnissiah
    -[X] Party Name: Illuminated Mechanicus
    -[X] Party Represents: Magi, Logi
    -[X] Coalition:
    --[X] Yes: Holy Machine Faction, United,Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration, Society of the Living Alloy,Humanists,Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus, Warriors of the Machine God, The Price Ascetic
    --[X] No: Seekers of the Omnissiah -
    [X] 1: Work on Sidonias Mechadendrites (space elevators)
    -[X] 2: Build factories dedicated to equipment for our Omnissiah pleasing Skitarii
    -[X] Outreach: Further infiltrate the schools, teach Sidonias new generation both the secrets of the Forgeworlds we left and to share their knowledge with other Mechanicus of Sidonia, sharing the gifts of the Omnissiah strengthens the Forgeworlds productivity. And a productive Forgeworld is practical praise to the Omnissiah!
    [X] Reaching towards the light of the Omnissiah
    -[X] Party Name: Illuminated Mechanicus
    -[X] Party Represents: Magi, Logi
    -[X] Coalition:
    --[X] Yes: Holy Machine Faction, United,Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration, Society of the Living Alloy,Humanists,Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus, Warriors of the Machine God, The Price Ascetic
    --[X] No: Seekers of the Omnissiah -
    -[X] 1: Work on Sidonias Mechadendrites (space elevators)
    -[X] 2: Build factories dedicated to equipment for our Omnissiah pleasing Skitarii
    -[X] Outreach: Further infiltrate the schools, teach Sidonias new generation both the secrets of the Forgeworlds we left and to share their knowledge with other Mechanicus of Sidonia, sharing the gifts of the Omnissiah strengthens the Forgeworlds productivity. And a productive Forgeworld is practical praise to the Omnissiah!
    [X] Plan: What to do during free time
    -[X] Party Name: Humanist
    -[X] Party Represents: Anyone who ideologically see even the lowest human as a man than a ressource.
    -[X] Coalition: Yes: Anyone willing. No: anything that dehumanise.
    -[X] 1: Need to build infrastructures for leisure activity, parcs, playing ground for children and/or adults.
    -[X] 2: Build libraries
    -[X] 3: Give a more aestheticly pleasant look to architecture and infrastructures from now on, we don't demolish what has already been built but now some variety and beauty in public non military or strategically important stuff. Like the street lamps are more nice to look at, each train station gets their own style(do we have public transport) basically less conformity for non military stuff.
    -[X] 4: Start the planification of a space elevator, we can't even start to find where to build it, first we need to calculate the gravity of the planet, what materials would be optimal according to the gravity and environnement of the planet, probably more later.
    -[X] 5: Start the development of a health care service
    -[X] Outreach: Take some leisure too, who knows taking a walk in the parc, taking a hobby, would help inspiration, relax and reinforce relations between groups
    [X] Plan: Blood, Bullets and Bland nutri-paste
    -[X] Party Name: Cognicent Clockworks
    -[X] Party Represents: Engiseer and Logi
    -[X] Coalition: Yes: Anyone that helps keep the Forge running / No: Anyone that hyper focuses in a single aspect
    -[X] 1: Create deep mining facilities to extract rare materials
    -[X] 2: Organice the construction of the orbital elevator
    -[X] 3: Organize better suply lines around the forge-world
    -[X] 4: Start working on catalogs that will cover basic rituals all should know.
    -[X] 5: Reinforce the Noosphere against attacks
    -[X] Outreach: Construct Mag-Lev train lines around the city in order to move its inhabitants more efficiently and bring it closer to the Omnissiah
    -[X] Ideology: Just as everyone has its place in the Omnissiahs plans, everyone has their job to do, and its our job to make sure the great machine called existence runs like the blessed machine it is.
    [X] Plan: Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration
    [X] Plan: Standards Baby!
    -[X] Party Name: Council Of Systemic And Sound Governance (COSASG)
    -[X] Party Represents: Logis, Chaff
    -[X] Coalition: Yes: Anyone willing. No: Extreme Radicals and Seekers of the Omnissiah.
    -[X] 1: Institute a new Standard work shift system, four six hour shifts shall be instituted with each preceded and followed by time for shift changes and a short service for the workers, making for a total of seven hours spent at the workplace for six days a week. This will ensure maximum productivity for every workhour, Ave Omnissiah.
    -[X] 2: Create a body, invested with the power to determine and prescribe better working safety regulations in order to maintain the health of the Workforce. An Experienced Workforce is a productive Workforce. Ave Omnissiah
    -[X] 3: Start working on catalogs that will cover basic rituals all should know.
    -[X] 4: Improve planetary infrastructure on Sidonia
    -[X] 5: Increase Armaments production
    -[X] Outreach: Do everything possible to prevent the Seekers of The Omnissiah from gaining dominance in education.
I am sure there will be no negative consequences for interacting with these chaos worshipping xenos what so ever. /s

Luckily it seems the anti-radical block still prevents them from gaining a complete majority in the senate.

Also props to Magus for making this feel like an actual political simulator.