Lex Mechanica

You do know what played straight means right?
Because you either don't or you're not arguing in good faith.
Played straight:
"to do something seriously, without making jokes or demanding too much attention"

"writing, music, art, speech, etc. that intentionally copies the style of someone famous or copies a particular situation, making the features or qualities of the originalmore noticeable in a way that is humorous"

Both from the Cambridge Dictionary
And 40k done seriously is a satire that parodies established genre concepts and real world politics, as it was made to do in the first place
The 40k setting has long since moved away from its parody origins and tends to take itself a lot more seriously these days at least in my opinion. So simply saying that everything that you don't like is just propaganda is a bad faith argument.
No, its just taking it seriously, it is specified because its originally a parody. Its not that complicated.
Taking it seriously it is a parody, for it not to be you would have to completely change the setting

Also I dislike the idea that my party is nonsense fake mechanicus that no one would do. I put in two very simple ideas, heretek and cares about the people. Every vote I've had in the plans has followed one or both of those principles
Taking it seriously it is a parody, for it not to be you would have to completely change the setting

Also I dislike the idea that my party is nonsense fake mechanicus that no one would do. I put in two very simple ideas, heretek and cares about the people. Every vote I've had in the plans has followed one or both of those principles
But it is nonsense for the ADMech quest we are having here. Your party is at best just an heretek subversive cult (not already destroyed for some reason, with the way the brazenly act) trying to corrupt the forgeworld, not a political party. And since the quest isnt "Heretek quest" its just out of place, working against the expectations of what members of the mechanicus would actually try to do. Honestly your whole faction sounds more like a threat the QM would make us fight.
If for example we were in a actual Heretek Forgeworld quest I would be equally pissed if a party would keep pushing to start praising the Emperor/Machine God or do other extremely uncharacteristic stuff for no real reason while self sabotaging the whole spirit of things. Now, I really dont want to be rude so I apologize in advance and I promise I will stop ranting after this. The QM is in charge, he decides how things work and the quest is just starting but well its like we are playing two completely different quests with completely different ideas, goals and expectations. And for now the clash in the worst way possible.
You do know what played straight means right?
Because you either don't or you're not arguing in good faith.
Played straight:
"to do something seriously, without making jokes or demanding too much attention"

"writing, music, art, speech, etc. that intentionally copies the style of someone famous or copies a particular situation, making the features or qualities of the originalmore noticeable in a way that is humorous"

Both from the Cambridge Dictionary

Can you no immediately jump to accusations. I obviously meant played straight as in the original vision as opposed to a reinterpretation of the setting. 40k doesn't need to be an AU to be satirical.

Once again, no, you just take it seriously, its not hard.

This is just not what 40k is. 40k has always been grimderp where the main faction is a self sabotaging rotting corpse regardless of the threats the universe does or doesn't present.
I obviously meant played straight as in the original vision as opposed to a reinterpretation of the setting. 40k doesn't need to be an AU to be satirical.
And you are ignoring that the setting has changed since 1st edition and takes itself more seriously now and is more fleshed out.
regardless of the threats the universe does or doesn't present.
The threats are very much real and things like Orks, Chaos, and Tyranids aren't overblown propaganda along with all sorts of minor threats to humanity that pop up.
And you are ignoring that the setting has changed since 1st edition and takes itself more seriously now and is more fleshed out.

Some parts of it do, and it's definitely no longer the over the top satire of thatcher's Britain. But the imperium is still a self defeating rotting corpse of an empire, even if novels and lore are kinder to some individual protagonists within it.

The threats are very much real and things like Orks, Chaos, and Tyranids aren't overblown propaganda along with all sorts of minor threats to humanity that pop up.

The threats are real, that isn't the point. The imperial self destructive reaction to them is rarely rooted in their realness, when it doesn't outright suppress knowledge needed to act on them. Not every human rebel is chaos action. Not every mutant is a genestealer offspring. Not every alien is an ork. But to imperial policy they may as well be, and the imperium will burn itself on that altar.

We can do better, as a living polity capable of self reflection rather than as an imperial cargo cult.
Warhammer 40K is a grimdark setting.
Before talking about morality and how to apply it (and removing taboos on scientific research), we should first heavily strengthen ourselves. because in our current state we have the same power as an amoeba compared to anyone.
Not every human rebel is chaos action. Not every mutant is a genestealer offspring. Not every alien is an ork. But to imperial policy they may as well be, and the imperium will burn itself on that altar.
The realness of those threats is the reason why the Imperium has a one size fits all approach to most threats. Becuase if they take something lightly and they are wrong then they have lost that planet/system/sector and that is billions to trillions of lives lost or worse. So kinda hard to play nice in such conditions.

Besides the Imperium isn't needlessly cruel when it can help it. There is an entire review process for Inquisitors who declare Exterminatus to make sure it was the right call, and the Raven Guard 6th company specifically goes out and deposes corrupt tyrants chaos or not just to name a few.
The realness of those threats is the reason why the Imperium has a one size fits all approach to most threats. Becuase if they take something lightly and they are wrong then they have lost that planet/system/sector and that is billions to trillions of lives lost or worse. So kinda hard to play nice in such conditions.

Besides the Imperium isn't needlessly cruel when it can help it. There is an entire review process for Inquisitors who declare Exterminatus to make sure it was the right call, and the Raven Guard 6th company specifically goes out and deposes corrupt tyrants chaos or not just to name a few.

No this is just imperial apologia. The imperium has one size fit all answers because it's a fascist cargo cult worshipping a corpse. It has purged the ability to think and adapt from its own systems a long time ago. This is explicitly textual. Even the newer material that tones down the over the top satire and makes imperial protagonists more sympathetic doesn't sugarcoat its dysfunctional nature. There are good individuals stuck in that system, and even small pieces of it that works and keep struggling against the death spiral but the overall machinery is rotten to the core and it's all downhill from there. This is in fact the fundamental concept of 40k.
Hey, I know the topic is interesting, but seems that you all are getting a bit heated.

Nothing wrong with a disagreement, it seems that both sides can't be convince the other of their points of views, but remember that this is a game with the goal of having fun.
No this is just imperial apologia. The imperium has one size fit all answers because it's a fascist cargo cult worshipping a corpse. It has purged the ability to think and adapt from its own systems a long time ago. This is explicitly textual. Even the newer material that tones down the over the top satire and makes imperial protagonists more sympathetic doesn't sugarcoat its dysfunctional nature. There are good individuals stuck in that system, and even small pieces of it that works and keep struggling against the death spiral but the overall machinery is rotten to the core and it's all downhill from there. This is in fact the fundamental concept of 40k.
Yeah it's cool
[X] Plan: Peace and Science
- [X] Party: Seekers of the Omnissiah
- [X] 1: investigate the curious situation with the Magma
- [X] 2: Bolster funding to the military while attempting to send out peace envoys to work cooperatively with these strange creatures for a greater future, after all we have much they need, and they may have unknown technology
- [X] 3: Massively reduce the regulation and bans against Xenotech and the more mild forms of tech heresy
- [X] 4: construct an orbital lift to improve transportation
- [X] 5: Massively expand the new educational system with a focus on bringing more menials the necessary knowledge and tools to join the Mechanicus
- [X] Outreach: Do everything possible to secure radical dominance over the new educational institutions
[X] Plan: Peace and Science
- [X] Party: Seekers of the Omnissiah
- [X] 1: investigate the curious situation with the Magma
- [X] 2: Bolster funding to the military while attempting to send out peace envoys to work cooperatively with these strange creatures for a greater future, after all we have much they need, and they may have unknown technology
- [X] 3: Massively reduce the regulation and bans against Xenotech and the more mild forms of tech heresy
- [X] 4: construct an orbital lift to improve transportation
- [X] 5: Massively expand the new educational system with a focus on bringing more menials the necessary knowledge and tools to join the Mechanicus
- [X] Outreach: Do everything possible to secure radical dominance over the new educational institutions
[X] Plan: Peace and Science

I'm a bit worried about what this plan will do if the native species turns out to be actively unfriendly or worshipping chaos, but I'll just assume that in that case, that's what the bolstered military is for.
[X] Plan: Peace and Science
- [X] Party: Seekers of the Omnissiah
- [X] 1: investigate the curious situation with the Magma
- [X] 2: Bolster funding to the military while attempting to send out peace envoys to work cooperatively with these strange creatures for a greater future, after all we have much they need, and they may have unknown technology
- [X] 3: Massively reduce the regulation and bans against Xenotech and the more mild forms of tech heresy
- [X] 4: construct an orbital lift to improve transportation
- [X] 5: Massively expand the new educational system with a focus on bringing more menials the necessary knowledge and tools to join the Mechanicus
- [X] Outreach: Do everything possible to secure radical dominance over the new educational institutions