Lex Mechanica

I dont think anyone has to justify voting for whatever. Just because a party is evil doesnt mean that they cant be interesting in the story.
[X] Plan: Standards Baby!
-[X] Party Name: Council Of Systemic And Sound Governance (COSASG)
-[X] Party Represents: Logis, Chaff
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Anyone willing. No: Extreme Radicals and Seekers of the Omnissiah.
-[X] 1: Institute a new Standard work shift system, four six hour shifts shall be instituted with each preceded and followed by time for shift changes and a short service for the workers, making for a total of seven hours spent at the workplace for six days a week. This will ensure maximum productivity for every workhour, Ave Omnissiah.
-[X] 2: Create a body, invested with the power to determine and prescribe better working safety regulations in order to maintain the health of the Workforce. An Experienced Workforce is a productive Workforce. Ave Omnissiah
-[X] 3: Start working on catalogs that will cover basic rituals all should know.
-[X] 4: Improve planetary infrastructure on Sidonia
-[X] 5: Increase Armaments production
-[X] Outreach: Do everything possible to prevent the Seekers of The Omnissiah from gaining dominance in education.

On the Party: They were originally just a small group of Logis studying the productivity of of manufactorum workers, however they made the shocking discovery that a content and healthy workforce can reach higher productivity than even the harshest exploitation. Thus galvanised they set to expanding and trying to put their new sacred knowledge into practice.

Heyho, first vote here.

Should any of the above goals be achieved the next steps would be the further expansion of education and "talent scouting", as well as the building of a temple for studying the Pandora artifact (and others we may find down the line).
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if the countdown gets too close for your taste, you are welcome to join the Illuminated Mechanicus party.
Your points 1-3 sound good and I'd be happy to include them as higher points in my plan, if you want.
To avoid Tally issues:
[X] Reaching towards the light of the Omnissiah
-[X] Party Name: Illuminated Mechanicus
-[X] Party Represents: Magi, Logi
-[X] Coalition:
--[X] Yes: Holy Machine Faction, United,Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration, Society of the Living Alloy,Humanists,Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus, Warriors of the Machine God, The Price Ascetic
--[X] No: Seekers of the Omnissiah
-[X] 1: Work on Sidonias Mechadendrites (space elevators)
-[X] 2: Build factories dedicated to equipment for our Omnissiah pleasing Skitarii
-[X] Outreach: Further infiltrate the schools, teach Sidonias new generation both the secrets of the Forgeworlds we left and to share their knowledge with other Mechanicus of Sidonia, sharing the gifts of the Omnissiah strengthens the Forgeworlds productivity. And a productive Forgeworld is practical praise to the Omnissiah!
[X] Plan: Standards Baby!
-[X] Party Name: Council Of Systemic And Sound Governance (COSASG)
-[X] Party Represents: Logis, Chaff
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Anyone willing. No: Extreme Radicals and Seekers of the Omnissiah.
-[X] 1: Institute a new Standard work shift system, four six hour shifts shall be instituted with each preceded and followed by time for shift changes and a short service for the workers, making for a total of seven hours spent at the workplace for six days a week. This will ensure maximum productivity for every workhour, Ave Omnissiah.
-[X] 2: Create a body, invested with the power to determine and prescribe better working safety regulations in order to maintain the health of the Workforce. An Experienced Workforce is a productive Workforce. Ave Omnissiah
-[X] 3: Start working on catalogs that will cover basic rituals all should know.
-[X] 4: Improve planetary infrastructure on Sidonia
-[X] 5: Increase Armaments production
-[X] Outreach: Do everything possible to prevent the Seekers of The Omnissiah from gaining dominance in education.

On the Party: They were originally just a small group of Logis studying the productivity of of manufactorum workers, however they made the shocking discovery that a content and healthy workforce can reach higher productivity than even the harshest exploitation. Thus galvanised they set to expanding and trying to put their new sacred knowledge into practice.

Heyho, first vote here.

Should any of the above goals be achieved the next steps would be the further expansion of education and "talent scouting", as well as the building of a temple for studying the Pandora artifact (and others we may find down the line).

Why the rabid anti seeker agenda. I'd throw you a vote otherwise because awareness of more efficient and healthier workforce organization sounds great.
Why the rabid anti seeker agenda. I'd throw you a vote otherwise because awareness of more efficient and healthier workforce organization sounds great.

Because they play far too carelessly, im sorry but i don't trust the party whose founder is on record here saying theyd take tech inspiration from deamons.
Im also a bit unsure what else id do?
I also disagree with their education stance, imo they are many people that could meet the current criteria but are never found and die as menials and finding them is a better solution than lowering standards.

And thanks @Toboe ill check back tomorrow but i might take you up on that.
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[X] Plan: Space Vietnam
-[X] Party Name: Cogs of Justice
-[X] Party Represents: All (No one is above or below the Law.)
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Anyone willing. No: Extreme Radicals and Seekers of the Omnissiah.
-[X] 1: Remove the forest in range of 50km from our buildings on Sidonia.
-[X] 2: Establish basic fortifications around our settlements
-[X] 3: Build Heavy Weapons factory.
-[X] 4: Construct Promethium refinery.
-[X] 5: Construct military aerial vehicle factory.
-[X] Outreach: Call for Conference with all other political parties to establish system through which laws can be changed and removed only if majority of the parties agree to do it.
Since morals are bad and wrong and don't belong in warhammer universe, I suggest we immeditely capture as many ewoks as possible, horribly torture them, strap their still bleeding bodies to machine cops, then send said machine cops to sacrifice our whole menial population to chaos gods for power. Which I'm sure all rational people without morals will see as the best course of action.
Why the rabid anti seeker agenda. I'd throw you a vote otherwise because awareness of more efficient and healthier workforce organization sounds great.
Maybe because the Seekers don't feel like an actual Radical Admech Faction? They are very much Hereteks that don't even fit into the Setting, considering as far as one can read so far, the QM is playing this 40k Quest straight (which is a pleasent surprise).

Like I get it, 40k=Fascist, one knows the arguments for that on this site. But it is kinda leeching the fun away of playing as Admech for probably not only me, but many others considering the "No: Seekers" most have, when the biggest & most-voted faction cares for nothing of that and tries to tear it all down, holds the setting itself in contempt and goes "in universe propaganda" when the Lore fundamentally does not align with them (and I truly do get & understand the "why" on hating the Lore/40k). Doesn't make the push for diplomacy & berating others for trying to purge the chaos-worshipping not-evoks that are already fighting us or trying to create a "Non-Imperial island" inside a Imperial Triplex Sector with Mars & the Inquisition knowing we're here less annoying, epecially as this seems so far, as said earlier, 40k played straight, not a parody or fannon version.

I will say there is a chance the QM might actually favour your view of it (clarification of the QM would be appreciated here), and I just imagined it being played straight.
(clarification of the QM would be appreciated here)
I am allowing all views, however all actions have consequences, get too radical and you get a mini schism of mars happening on the forge between the factions (+possible imperial intervention) you guys are riding the too small+ being composed by the "leftovers" of several forges, but the people that came from mars or Metallica aren't very radical for example

this is literally something that is not in the update...

"in universe propaganda" when the Lore fundamentally does not align with them

just fyi i like 40k and part of that is that a lot is in universe propagenda

indeed, imo the anti-seeker faction is the one that is usually the ones who do not understand the lore, see for example not understanding just how feudal the imperium is. the version where the inquisition suddenly comes in and purges a forgeworld is the fanon version
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The update implies it quite clearly though and the picture only underscores it.

not really? That description would fit literally any pskyers, remember that we are the admech and our reports are tainted by that.

And the picture is literally an ewok guerilla. no chaos stuff?

One of the fundamental parts of 40k is that the imperium is its own worst enemy, creating hostile forces in the process of being hard men making hard decisions. Immedeatly trying to genocide that newly discovered Xenos is not a rationally useful course of action, its something that hurts the imperium, but it is so disfuncitonal that it cannot do anything else
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Maybe because the Seekers don't feel like an actual Radical Admech Faction? They are very much Hereteks that don't even fit into the Setting, considering as far as one can read so far, the QM is playing this 40k Quest straight (which is a pleasent surprise).

Like I get it, 40k=Fascist, one knows the arguments for that on this site. But it is kinda leeching the fun away of playing as Admech for probably not only me, but many others considering the "No: Seekers" most have, when the biggest & most-voted faction cares for nothing of that and tries to tear it all down, holds the setting itself in contempt and goes "in universe propaganda" when the Lore fundamentally does not align with them (and I truly do get & understand the "why" on hating the Lore/40k). Doesn't make the push for diplomacy & berating others for trying to purge the chaos-worshipping not-evoks that are already fighting us or trying to create a "Non-Imperial island" inside a Imperial Triplex Sector with Mars & the Inquisition knowing we're here less annoying, epecially as this seems so far, as said earlier, 40k played straight, not a parody or fannon version.

I will say there is a chance the QM might actually favour your view of it (clarification of the QM would be appreciated here), and I just imagined it being played straight.
This is what I meant before, thank you for wording it better than me
Maybe because the Seekers don't feel like an actual Radical Admech Faction? They are very much Hereteks that don't even fit into the Setting, considering as far as one can read so far, the QM is playing this 40k Quest straight (which is a pleasent surprise).

Like I get it, 40k=Fascist, one knows the arguments for that on this site. But it is kinda leeching the fun away of playing as Admech for probably not only me, but many others considering the "No: Seekers" most have, when the biggest & most-voted faction cares for nothing of that and tries to tear it all down, holds the setting itself in contempt and goes "in universe propaganda" when the Lore fundamentally does not align with them (and I truly do get & understand the "why" on hating the Lore/40k). Doesn't make the push for diplomacy & berating others for trying to purge the chaos-worshipping not-evoks that are already fighting us or trying to create a "Non-Imperial island" inside a Imperial Triplex Sector with Mars & the Inquisition knowing we're here less annoying, epecially as this seems so far, as said earlier, 40k played straight, not a parody or fannon version.

I will say there is a chance the QM might actually favour your view of it (clarification of the QM would be appreciated here), and I just imagined it being played straight.

40k played straight is in itself a parody. If you drop that, you're the one doing setting revisionism. The imperium's comical evil is not necessary hard decisions by hard men, it's the very seed of why it's constantly losing. The whole quest's premise is a return to pre imperial roots for the admech anyway, with the restoration of internal democracy, so it can't escape being more hopeful than the imperial grimderp orthodoxy.

The seekers are in the quest now, refusing to consider their merits in character won't make the quest better, it will make it worse, by making all fights about players rather than their factions.
And the picture is literally an ewok guerilla. no chaos stuff?
Are we seeing the same picture? Like, it is presented very intimidatingly, with the Ewok having Blood on the Spear, its Hand and around its Mouth looking with soulless eyes towards the viewer, implying the viewer is "next". There is ofc no straight-up chaos depicted in it as its another IP but the vibe/atmosphere is chaos-adjacent.
Are we seeing the same picture? Like, it is presented very intimidatingly, with the Ewok having Blood on the Spear, its Hand and around its Mouth looking with soulless eyes towards the viewer, implying the viewer is "next". There is ofc no straight-up chaos depicted in it as its another IP but the vibe/atmosphere is chaos-adjacent.

It's an enemy guerilla? Of course it's intimidating, that's it's job! But it looks less chaosy than half of the imperium's roster with their skulls.

If anything that looks intimidating is chaos then there is nothing not chaos in 40k.

That's one of the parts of 40k, everyone looks like they are part of a villainous faction elsewhere, except the Ewoks arent even bad in their original version!

That artwork would fit just as well as a galactic empire pov where the Ewoks are the good guys fighting against their version of chaos
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40k played straight is in itself a parody. If you drop that, you're the one doing setting revisionism.
You do know what played straight means right?
Because you either don't or you're not arguing in good faith.
Played straight:
"to do something seriously, without making jokes or demanding too much attention"

"writing, music, art, speech, etc. that intentionally copies the style of someone famous or copies a particular situation, making the features or qualities of the originalmore noticeable in a way that is humorous"

Both from the Cambridge Dictionary
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I am allowing all views, however all actions have consequences, get too radical and you get a mini schism of mars happening on the forge between the factions (+possible imperial intervention) you guys are riding the too small+ being composed by the "leftovers" of several forges, but the people that came from mars or Metallica aren't very radical for example
When we reach that point what happens? Does the quest end? Or do we have a civil war were some parties get wiped out and the remaining few keep going?