Lex Mechanica

[X] Plan: What to do during free time
-[X] Party Name: Humanist
-[X] Party Represents: Anyone who ideologically see even the lowest human as a man than a ressource.
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Anyone willing. No: anything that dehumanise.
-[X] 1: Need to build infrastructures for leisure activity, parcs, playing ground for children and/or adults.
-[X] 2: Build libraries
-[X] 3: Give a more aestheticly pleasant look to architecture and infrastructures from now on, we don't demolish what has already been built but now some variety and beauty in public non military or strategically important stuff. Like the street lamps are more nice to look at, each train station gets their own style(do we have public transport) basically less conformity for non military stuff.
-[X] 4: Start the planification of a space elevator, we can't even start to find where to build it, first we need to calculate the gravity of the planet, what materials would be optimal according to the gravity and environnement of the planet, probably more later.
-[X] 5: Start the development of a health care service
-[X] Outreach: Take some leisure too, who knows taking a walk in the parc, taking a hobby, would help inspiration, relax and reinforce relations between groups

Maybe calming the mind will help it even with more advanced techpriests?
Imagine the Inquisition or Mechanicus purging us for consorting with xenos who openly worship dark gods.

I mean we can first verify if they worship dark gods, even humans can be enemies, only being a xeno is not a crime, and I am a little worried that burning down the moon would be bad for futur development, like I'm more ok exterminating the notewoks than burning down all the forests.

Edit: I get there are situation where exterminatus is necessary but burning down a non chaos infected or tyrannid infected or by ork spores infected moon seems to be like cutting your nose to spite your face kind of situation. Destroy the planet when it is one not retrievable and it's just going to be used as ressources by enemies (chaos, orks, tyrannids).
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like I'm more ok exterminating the notewoks than burning down all the forests.

Unless Organicists make something out to wipe out teddy bears without destroying the enviroment don't count on forest staying intect.

Because I refuse to get stuck fighting guerilla war with native species who knows the terrain and can use it well.
Unless Organicists make something out to wipe out teddy bears without destroying the enviroment don't count on forest staying intect.

Because I refuse to get stuck fighting guerilla war with native species who knows the terrain and can use it well.
If we can get the Skitarii to the point of the guerilla war being reasonable fightable then its training!
Unless Organicists make something out to wipe out teddy bears without destroying the enviroment don't count on forest staying intect.

Because I refuse to get stuck fighting guerilla war with native species who knows the terrain and can use it well.

We don't need the whole planet right now anyway. We can just advance and change the terrain as we secure and make use of territory. This isn't Vietnam, we aren't trying to impose our choice of government on them, we just want to secure our installations.

You do realize we are part of the Imperium right?

The mechanicus is semi independent so we don't have to be as stringent as the mainline imperials. We're also pretty far away from settled and policed imperial space. We get to make our own rules to some degree as long as they don't blow back on them, in the same way rogue traders do, in practice.

Those specific xenos don't look very friendly though.
We don't need the whole planet right now anyway. We can just advance and change the terrain as we secure and make use of territory. This isn't Vietnam, we aren't trying to impose our choice of government on them, we just want to secure our installations.

The mechanicus is semi independent so we don't have to be as stringent as the mainline imperials. We're also pretty far away from settled and policed imperial space. We get to make our own rules to some degree as long as they don't blow back on them, in the same way rogue traders do, in practice.

Those specific xenos don't look very friendly though.
Well we did just fall out of the sky into their forest, so maybe we smashed something important to them by accident.

That being said, they need to stop 'harvesting' our dead. Im not sure how to achieve this without trying to open dialogue somehow.
That being said, they need to stop 'harvesting' our dead. Im not sure how to achieve this without trying to open dialogue somehow.
Have you ever considered murder?
The mechanicus is semi independent so we don't have to be as stringent as the mainline imperials. We're also pretty far away from settled and policed imperial space. We get to make our own rules to some degree as long as they don't blow back on them, in the same way rogue traders do, in practice.
We are not Rogue Traders though we don't have a warrant that says it is okay to consort with aliens, and eventually as our Forge World develops we will reconnect with the main Imperium. And I bet they won't be too happy with us making friends with dark gods worshipping aliens.
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You do realize we are part of the Imperium right?

That is very much up to debate. While the treaty of mars has been modified after the Horus Heresy, I am not aware of a definite confirmation that the Forge-Empire of Mars has been fully annexed in the process.

But whether the Mechanicus remains an extremly close ally or extremly autonomous part of the imperium, as an independent forgeworld with full authority over our system we have certainly complete freedom in how we want to approach the xenos inhabitants

There is the claim that the ewoks are chaos corrupted, but does anyone have any evidence for that?
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I'm securing them, by neutralizing native threat.

If your diplo party gets eaten can you share their last position? I'll arrange funeral pyre for them.
Well obviously I do not want to go wandering around their murder forest just hoping I trip over nice Ewoks when all we have encountered are the not nice ones. But we know literally nothing about them.

Also neutralizing them doesnt secure anything because, again, we know nothing about them. We could wind up making the problem even worse, for example we could be fighting with only one group of ewoks. There might be others, and they might be able to leverage greater force to bear if we start wiping them out indiscriminately.

Have you ever considered murder?

We are not Rogue Traders though we don't have a warrant that says it is okay to consort with aliens, and eventually as our Forge World develops we will reconnect with the main Imperium. And I bet they won't be too happy with us making friends with dark gods worshipping aliens.
Yes, briefly, and then I discarded it for it was a silly thought.
You do realize we are part of the Imperium right?

I mean there has been use of xenos auxiliaries and protectorat. I'm not saying bé friendly with every guy we met, I propose even a distrust until verify policy.

Edit: Heck some even have raised a point I didn't think. How we verify if we didn't got unlucky and met the only chaos tribe. There's more than we want of chaos affiliated humans we can educate why chaos bad to aliens too.
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Look we dont need to be their best friend, but they arent an existential threat to us right now and we can afford to at least try to be... if not friendly then perhaps apathetic to them.
There is the claim that the ewoks are chaos corrupted, but does anyone have any evidence for that?
They are literally performing dark rituals with our corpses that doesn't fill me with much hope for their spiritual well being.

Even the Imperium itself has Xenos Protectorates
That was during the Great Crusade and the Imperium has gotten a lot more hostile since then. But regardless those xenos were harmless which the Ewoks are not.

Also funny that your example is a species that was literally harvested to extinction by the Imperium.
That is very much up to debate.
No it's not we are an Adepta organization like the Admin and Ministorium. Albiet one with a high degree of independence, and besides it's not like the Mechanicus is any friendlier with xenos then the Imperium it is a dog eat dog galaxy after all.
We are not Rogue Traders though we don't have a warrant that says it is okay to consort with aliens, and eventually as our Forge World develops we will reconnect with the main Imperium. And I bet they won't be too happy with us making friends with dark gods worshipping aliens.

We are better than Rogue Traders. We are technically an allied power rather than a part of the imperial hierarchy, dating back to the treaties between Mars and the emperor.

Now, if we're getting disciplined by the conservatives on Mars, that would be a problem.

But honestly the imperium is a doomed project, the only question is how long it takes for it to die. It's only going to go downhill from there. Any reconnection is going to be on our terms as its resources are focused on staving off mounting threats everywhere rather than charting new paths to outlying colonies.

No it's not we are an Adepta organization like the Admin and Ministorium. Albiet one with a high degree of independence, and besides it's not like the Mechanicus is any friendlier with xenos then the Imperium it is a dog eat dog galaxy after all.

This is straight up wrong? We existed before the imperium and we're working alongside it due to treaties made with the emperor, which is completely different from branches of government he or his successors created of whole cloth.

If anything we're the senior institution :V
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There is the claim that the ewoks are chaos corrupted, but does anyone have any evidence for that?
Only inferece from this part:
The enemy was identified as small, furry bipedal creatures, barely reaching a human's groin, armed with Stone Age tools and weapons. Despite their primitive armament, they proved to be masters of guerrilla
fighting, using traps and wildlife to overpower heavily armored Servitors.
For the Skitarii, such an enemy was more of an annoyance than a threat, as their augments and armor shielded them from the worst attacks. It was the enemy's "priest" class, however, that presented a significant challenge, using their dark magics to unleash warp lightning on patrolling Skitarii and "harvesting" the fallen for unspeakable rituals.

Although their psyker powers shielded them from most of our army's firepower, it was discovered that Radium weapons were highly effective. While the enemy could block the bullets, they could not shield themselves from the radiation emitted by the ammunition.
Despite these challenges, the military forces of the Adeptus Mechanicus fulfilled their duty. The beasts have been driven far from the agri-domes of the Priesthood of Mars... for now
[X] Plan: Blood, Bullets and Bland nutri-paste
-[X] Party Name: Cognicent Clockworks
-[X] Party Represents: Engiseer and Logi
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Anyone that helps keep the Forge running / No: Anyone that hyper focuses in a single aspect
-[X] 1: Create deep mining facilities to extract rare materials
-[X] 2: Organice the construction of the orbital elevator
-[X] 3: Organize better suply lines around the forge-world
-[X] 4: Start working on catalogs that will cover basic rituals all should know.
-[X] 5: Reinforce the Noosphere against attacks
-[X] Outreach: Construct Mag-Lev train lines around the city in order to move its inhabitants more efficiently and bring it closer to the Omnissiah
-[X] Ideology: Just as everyone has its place in the Omnissiahs plans, everyone has their job to do, and its our job to make sure the great machine called existence runs like the blessed machine it is.
They are literally performing dark rituals with our corpses that doesn't fill me with much hope for their spiritual well being.

We have no idea what they are really doing, for all we know they could be doing ritual burials for their enemies or whatever. But doing rituals with corpses is certainly not something only for chaos, the Imperium does it more than them after all.

Also funny that your example is a species that was literally harvested to extinction by the Imperium

The Imperium is a bad ally, but the fact that they are an ally shows that Xenos Protectorates are possible.

No it's not we are an Adepta organization like the Admin and Ministorium. Albiet one with a high degree of independence, and besides it's not like the Mechanicus is any friendlier with xenos then the Imperium it is a dog eat dog galaxy after all.

The Mechanicus is a separate organisation that is allied with the Imperium, we are one of the heads of the Aquila with the other head being the Imperium.

We are the Mechanicus, we decide how friendly or hostile to Xenos we are. I think you underestimate just how powerful even a small foreworld like us is, we are de facto our own vassal nation

Anyone that hyper focuses in a single aspect

What do you mean with this?
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