Lex Mechanica

[X] Plan: Peace and Science
- [X] Party: Seekers of the Omnissiah
- [X] 1: investigate the curious situation with the Magma
- [X] 2: Bolster funding to the military while attempting to send out peace envoys to work cooperatively with these strange creatures for a greater future, after all we have much they need, and they may have unknown technology
- [X] 3: Massively reduce the regulation and bans against Xenotech and the more mild forms of tech heresy
- [X] 4: construct an orbital lift to improve transportation
- [X] 5: Massively expand the new educational system with a focus on bringing more menials the necessary knowledge and tools to join the Mechanicus
- [X] Outreach: Do everything possible to secure radical dominance over the new educational institutions
Thought of the Calculus: A new obstacle is one more opportunity to excel than you previously possessed.
[X] Plan: Meditative Groundwork
-[X] Party Name: Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus
-[X] Represents: Logi, Chaff
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Holy Machine, Faithful of the Omnissiah, Illuminated Mechanicus, Cogs of Justice. No: Seekers of the Omnissiah.
-[X] 1: Construct a suitable temple-vault for the Pandora device.
-[X] 2: Lay the foundations for an increase in orbital lift with the construction of a transit station to handle cargo flow to and from orbit.
-[X] 3: Commence construction of an orbital elevator.
-[X] 4: Mandate the creation of a forge complex dedicated to the production of Electrostatic Gauntlets.
-[X] 5: Scan the unidentified magma shapes to resolve unfounded rumours of magma worms.
-[X] Outreach: Fund access to and the use of identification electoos.
[X] Plan: Their Flesh is Feeble
-[X] Party: Society of the Living Alloy
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Humanists, Cogs of Justice, Sect of the holy lightning inspiration, Holy machine faction. No: Seekers of the Omnissiah and their allies.
-[X] 1: Begin mass production of biomods to increase radiation resistance for the Skittarii rad troops.
-[X] 2: Set up a temple to the machine god on the forest moon dedicated to the genetic engineer aspect of the Omnissiah. The temple will also serve as a place of learning so new members can be trained as Genetors.
--[X] The temple is set up in a double helix spire to show complexity of beauty of the human genome and give honor to the Omnissiah as the creator of such beauty. Two entwined spires with bridges connecting them.
-[X] 3: Develop a biotoxin tailored to the abominable xenos species to release into their food, water, and environment.
--[X] The biotoxin should be able to be deployed in both liquid and gaseous form.
-[X] 4: Expand the agri-domes underground for better defenses and specialized crops.
-[X] 5: Begin the construction of specialized chemical industries on the Forge World.
-[X] Outreach: Construct field hospitals for injured Skittarii.
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I refuse to allow Chaos to dictate to me what I can and cannot do. I will act in the interests of the Omnissiah and the Omnissiah alone wherever it might take me
I very much doubt this is the will of the Omnissiah.

Besides these xenos don't seem to have any advanced technology with their victories being due to dark sorcery rather than science. And may I remind you that sorcery is even more dangerous than regular tech heresy.

Best to deal with them and take anything of use from their corpses.
[X] Plan: Space Vietnam
[X] Plan: Backpacking in the Great Outdoors
-[X] Party Name: Sidonian Explorer's Party
-[X] Party represents: Magi (Leads the Scout Parties), Genetors (Catalogue and Study Everything Encountered), Logi(Makes Sure the Expeditions Don't Run Out of Supplies), Chaff(Skitarii or Armed Servants of the Leading Explorers)

-[X] Coalition: Yes. Generally anyone that's cool with exploring but the party has a radical bent and foundation so likes radical parties more because practically exiled into the fringes are where the unorthodox admech members go so they might as well go exploring.

-[X] 1. For our first inaugural expedition since the formation of the party, we check out the magma stuff. Scan, take samples, study it and shoot at things when appropriate.
-[X] 2. Build factories that will help us outfit exploring expeditions. Ships(big and small), cogitators, vox systems and weapons just to name a few are all welcome.
-[X] 3. Send another exploration party to make contact with the "Drens" the xeno creatures on the moon. Primary goal is to ascertain their status either as "chaos" or merely having developed their own psyker traditions by whatever means necessary. A "chaos" result gets them marked as to be killed as soon as convenient. The latter result means we should enter into a negotiation with whatever political structures they have that allows us to study them and prevent further violence on the moon.
-[X] 4. Create schools and academies that can take in aspiring genetors and logi from the chaff. Offer them a general education course with the usual specializations we have access to but our real reason is so that we can test and pick out the best of the interested recruits to educate them in proper exploring.
-[X] 5. Build factories with a focus on ships that can travel to the moon. Travel from the forgecity to the moon is the hot new exploration destination with the discovery of xenos on it and we need the logistics to carry out a proper exploration. Making sure the general traffic needs between the forgecity and the moon is met is also a priority.

-[X] Outreach: Establish local explorer's clubs and associations all over Sidonian population centers and have them do some local exploring. Membership is open to all members of the electorate.

-[X] Ideology: A splinter group from the Seeker's of the Omnissiah that wishes for a more exploratory emphasis on the radical nature of their platforms. Currently this manifests as exploring Sidonia and building the infrastructure that will help accomplish that.
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[X] Reaching towards the light of the Omnissiah
-[X] Party Name: Illuminated Mechanicus
-[X] Party Represents: Magi, Logi
-[X] Coalition:
--[X] Yes: Holy Machine Faction, United,Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration, Society of the Living Alloy,Humanists,Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus, Warriors of the Machine God, The Price Ascetic
--[X] No: Seekers of the Omnissiah -
[X] 1: Work on Sidonias Mechadendrites (space elevators)
-[X] 2: Build factories dedicated to equipment for our Omnissiah pleasing Skitarii
-[X] Outreach: Further infiltrate the schools, teach Sidonias new generation both the secrets of the Forgeworlds we left and to share their knowledge with other Mechanicus of Sidonia, sharing the gifts of the Omnissiah strengthens the Forgeworlds productivity. And a productive Forgeworld is practical praise to the Omnissiah!

All Sidonia must see the light of the Machine God!
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To avoid Tally issues:
[X] Reaching towards the light of the Omnissiah
-[X] Party Name: Illuminated Mechanicus
-[X] Party Represents: Magi, Logi
-[X] Coalition:
--[X] Yes: Holy Machine Faction, United,Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration, Society of the Living Alloy,Humanists,Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus, Warriors of the Machine God, The Price Ascetic
--[X] No: Seekers of the Omnissiah
-[X] 1: Work on Sidonias Mechadendrites (space elevators)
-[X] 2: Build factories dedicated to equipment for our Omnissiah pleasing Skitarii
-[X] Outreach: Further infiltrate the schools, teach Sidonias new generation both the secrets of the Forgeworlds we left and to share their knowledge with other Mechanicus of Sidonia, sharing the gifts of the Omnissiah strengthens the Forgeworlds productivity. And a productive Forgeworld is practical praise to the Omnissiah!
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