Lex Mechanica

The Warriors will join any government with the currently existing parties to support the advancement of the militaries interest

Problems would only arise if people would start trying to destroy the parliament or whatever but none of the current parties are a problem
Let me be the first to say that the Seekers are glad to support our great defenders, and will give better gear then anyone else, since we don't have issues with xenotech or innovation
The Steel Cult dislike of the Magi does not mean a total exemption for making political coalitions when the alternative is a Radical mandate. I intended it more as a bit of flavor, to spice things up with a bit of class based arguments

I'm talking about the exclusion of the Illuminated Mechanicus for coalition building, who are part of the orthodox caucus otherwise. I don't think the Iron Cult is what determines whether it works or not, because it can just be excluded and the humanists and/or Warriors could fill the coalition instead, the bigger problem is just that the orthodox mega coalition would have like 3/4 of all parties in it
I'm talking about the exclusion of the Illuminated Mechanicus for coalition building, who are part of the orthodox caucus otherwise. I don't think the Iron Cult is what determines whether it works or not, because it can just be excluded and the humanists and/or Warriors could fill the coalition instead, the bigger problem is just that the orthodox mega coalition would have like 3/4 of all parties in it
Yeah sure whatever, I leave coalition forming to the QM. Just wanted to make things more clear after I read what you wrote earlier
Let me be the first to say that the Seekers are glad to support our great defenders, and will give better gear then anyone else, since we don't have issues with xenotech or innovation

Thats very nice, but I do believe getting some material support in adressing threats against us would be quite superior. I am sure you will find better Tech and design your gear with it and if you just spend effort on ensuring it gets produced and equips our legion we would be very thankful.

Yeah sure whatever, I leave coalition forming to the QM. Just wanted to make things more clear after I read what you wrote earlier

Yeah, i am not saying that the Iron Cult is whats destroying the chances for a coalition(36% of parliament being isolated is the big problem behind that), but rather that they have additional compications not found with the other orthodox parties(and i dont think thats a bad thing)
Turn 2- year 728M41 Election results- A test of Mettle

(Sadly you are too poor to have a Onegar Dunecrawler)
Once again, the Forgeworld is thrust into war, not one of bolter shells and plasma blasts but of words and rhetoric. The Datasmiths, Hyper-rationalists, and Info-executors work tirelessly, tabulating different results, while party members form alliances and political blocs. One day after the election, following an almost unacceptable delay, the results of all the politicking allow the parties to form a government.

Sadly, no bloc could secure a political majority. However, the winning coalition came the closest, with the Seekers of the Omnissiah forming a faction alongside three other parties, achieving 48% of the popular vote, just shy of 50%.

Consequently, the previous Fabricator General, Gwahr van Sapax, vacated his post, paving the way for Magistrix Metallurgicus Luminar 0-XU to ascend to the highest rank in the forge.

Her first year in office was dedicated to leveraging newly acquired industries to construct housing for the Menials and other lower-tier workers of the forge. This initiative was highly appreciated by the workers, and construction commenced swiftly.

Vast Hab-blocks, made of manufactured Plasteel and Ferrocrete, rose rapidly, creating hundreds of kilometers of living space. While most accommodations were basic and simple, residents received electronic coupons to exchange for items like furniture in "waves," ensuring the forgeworld's manufacturing capabilities were not monopolized. Alongside housing, the Magistrix mandated the creation of several temples of the Omnissiah, focusing on educating the first batch of Sidonia-born members of the Adeptus Mechanicus. These tech-priests, while lacking the ancient secrets possessed by hundreds of forgeworlds' "original" settlers, were free from their biases and ideologies, forging a new "Sidonian" identity.

For now, most of these adepts fill the lower ranks of the forge, as the slow crawl of acquiring the knowledge necessary to join the more illustrious positions of the Priesthood is still beyond them... but one must start somewhere.

In her fourth year, with the bulk of infrastructure construction behind her, the Fabricator General focused on expanding the Magma sieves.
Consequently, forges throughout the Forgecity now find themselves abundant in less exotic materials. Some Magus Geologis speculate that delving deeper might yield heavier materials, but current infrastructure and technology limit such endeavors, as the ducts would need to be a mix of Ceramite and Adamantium to withstand the intense heat and pressure.

Another initiative of the current government was constructing several mobile Hab-blocks. Equipped with hover-tech, these blocks were deployed into the magma wastes to prospect new Forgecity sites and act as mobile harvesting units for rare surface ore. While most perform flawlessly, some report strange shapes in the magma and quakes around ore patches—a peculiar development indeed.

In her sixth year of governance, she commands the military forces of the forgeworld to secure the agri-domes built on the Verdant Moon.
Initially, military operations on Siaria proceeded smoothly, with bastions of military strength swiftly erected around the domes to defend the workers and servitors needed for food production.

However, when the Skitarii forces ventured into the forest, complications arose. Patrols began to disappear, and those who returned bore cuts and scrapes on their armor. Their reports confirmed the Magus Dominus's suspicions.

The enemy was identified as small, furry bipedal creatures, barely reaching a human's groin, armed with Stone Age tools and weapons. Despite their primitive armament, they proved to be masters of guerrilla
fighting, using traps and wildlife to overpower heavily armored Servitors.
For the Skitarii, such an enemy was more of an annoyance than a threat, as their augments and armor shielded them from the worst attacks. It was the enemy's "priest" class, however, that presented a significant challenge, using their dark magics to unleash warp lightning on patrolling Skitarii and "harvesting" the fallen for unspeakable rituals.

Although their psyker powers shielded them from most of our army's firepower, it was discovered that Radium weapons were highly effective. While the enemy could block the bullets, they could not shield themselves from the radiation emitted by the ammunition.
Despite these challenges, the military forces of the Adeptus Mechanicus fulfilled their duty. The beasts have been driven far from the agri-domes of the Priesthood of Mars... for now

The opposition among all this was hard at work.

The newest party, the Cogs of Justice made an appeal to all parties to start issuing legislation for the running of the Forgeworld, from legal documents to establishing policies to handle all manner of problems, from political and to managing the hordes of servitors.
they also proposed a single unified law to serve all members of the forge world, from the lowliest menial to the Fabricator general himself.

the Society of the Living Alloy found ample work these days, with the intervention upon the moon their work became very appreciated for the menials and the rare Skitarii that wished to retain a few biological features.

The faithful of the Omnissiah went into more of an academic bent, issuing logic challenges and spiritual reflections to the members of the Logi, a very much appreciated reprieve from their inane number-crunching work.

the Illuminated Mechanicus took the chance of "infiltrating" the news schools, with many of its members serving as teachers and philosophical guides to Adepts of the Machine god.

The Holy Machine faction held a conclave of the more military-minded magi, previewing various designs, designations, and patterns of weapons, many were proposed and after analyzing the reports coming out of the Forrest moon a great focus was made on analyzing the weapons that deal with radiation.
the winner of the conclave was presented to the pandora device, which was held in a makeshift (in mechanicus terms) temple, the device, however, responded, instead of giving a design or rejecting it merely beeped the following words: "psychic coefficient did not reach necessary numbers, awaiting instructions from the Akashic connection" in a monotone voice.
a monumental celebration was held, as it showed that the machine IS functioning.

the Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration offered their expertise in the expansion of the forge Noosphere, linking the various old and new areas into the warm embrace of Binaric chants.

The steel cult looked into expanding their connection with the menials, pushing their ideology into the various refineries and manufactories made to aid the expansion of the forgeworld, while they found success, the push of the government to give them new housing diminished a great success into a "normal" one.

Imminent issues:
shapes in the magma: some reports show that something is happening underground, which might be good to look into.

Skitarii triumphant: with the victories on the moon a lot of magi seem to think that investing in the military is important, mostly for the security of our green bounties on the moon.

Orbital lift: While our forgecity is taking shape the big problem of a lack of a convenient way to reach orbit is still on most people's lips, however, they can't really decide on how to solve the problem, some say of orbital elevators, other bi increasing our fleet of cargo landers and even other to invest into giant blimps to carry cargo.
Turn 2 Stats and Legislation

Turn 2 Stats and Legislation​

Forgeworld of Sidonia
Forge world Title: none
Forgeworld prestige: none

Current Fabricator General: Magistrix Metallurgicus Luminar 0-XU (Magi)
Legislative Coalition: Seekers of the Omnissiah (36%) +
Warriors of the Machine God (3%) +
Humanists (6%) + Luminen of the
Forsaken Calculus (3%) = 48%

Party Head of Government: Seekers of the Omnissiah
Mechanicus Parliament proportions:
society of the living alloy:9%
Cogs of Justice 13%
Holy machine faction: 6%
seeker of the omnissiah: 36%
Sect of the holy lightning inspiration: 6%
Illuminated mechanicus: 6%
Humanists: 6%
Luminen of the forsaken Calculus:3%
Faithfull of the Omnissiah:9%
the Steel cult: 3%
Warriors of the Machine god: 3%

Food: interstellar imports (medium), corpse starch (very low), in-system food production (medium)
Raw materials: extra system rare metal importation (Medium), Mining(Medium)

Imperial opinion of the forge: none
Mechanicus opinion of the forge: none

Army type: skitarii legions (no specialized equipment), no special forces
Army quantity: very low
Army quality: very low
Navy type: none
Navy Quantity: none
Navy quality: none

Forgeworld stability: Medium
Tech level: low imperium
Manufacturing Factor: 1
Special projects: none
Servitors: Servitude Imperpituis
Screw this, we'll burning the moon to the bedrock.

[X] Plan: Space Vietnam
-[X] Party Name: Cogs of Justice
-[X] Party Represents: All (No one is above or below the Law.)
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Anyone willing. No: Extreme Radicals and Seekers of the Omnissiah.
-[X] 1: Remove the forest in range of 50km from our buildings on Sidonia.
-[X] 2: Establish basic fortifications around our settlements
-[X] 3: Build Heavy Weapons factory.
-[X] 4: Construct Promethium refinery.
-[X] 5: Construct military aerial vehicle factory.
-[X] Outreach: Call for Conference with all other political parties to establish system through which laws can be changed and removed only if majority of the parties agree to do it.

If needed to be I'll drop enough Promethium to burn this moon twice over.

Trees can't speak Ewok if there are no trees!

Edit: fixed point 3
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Orbital lift: While our forgecity is taking shape the big problem of a lack of a convenient way to reach orbit is still on most people's lips, however, they can't really decide on how to solve the problem, some say of orbital elevators, other bi increasing our fleet of cargo landers and even other to invest into giant blimps to carry cargo.
A Mechadendrite for Sidonia!

[X] Reaching towards the light of the Omnissiah
-[X] Party Name: Illuminated Mechanicus
-[X] Party Represents: Magi, Logi
-[X] Coalition:
--[X] Yes: Holy Machine Faction, United,Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration, Society of the Living Alloy,Humanists,Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus, Warriors of the Machine God, The Price Ascetic
--[X] No: Seekers of the Omnissiah
-[X] 1: Work on Sidonias Mechadendrites (space elevators)
-[X] 2: Build factories dedicated to equipment for our Omnissiah pleasing Skitarii
-[X] Outreach: Further infiltrate the schools, teach Sidonias new generation both the secrets of the Forgeworlds we left and to share their knowledge with other Mechanicus of Sidonia, sharing the gifts of the Omnissiah strengthens the Forgeworlds productivity. And a productive Forgeworld is practical praise to the Omnissiah!
The Warriors of the Machine-Gods have been proven right once again...

Who knows what would have happened if the foul Xenos had been allowed to plot against our forges unopposed?

Keep in mind that there is still half an hour or mortarium
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The 1-5 orders are your priority, so remember to put the stuff you really want on the top
(Ie on coalitions I pick the firsts of everyone in the orders (unless there's a party that got a lot of votes, if that happens I also pick some of their 2s and 3rds etc )
[X] Plan: Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration
-[X] Party Name: Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration
-[X] Party Represents: Chaff and Logi
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Illuminated Mechanicus, Society of the Living Alloy, Holy Machine Faction, Cogs of Justice
-[X] No: Seekers of the Omnissiah
-[X] 1: Start working on catalogs that will cover basic rituals all should know.
-[X] 2: Build a full Shrine/Research temple for the Holy Pandora machine so we can worship and study this Holy Machine.
-[X] 3: Establish basic fortifications around our settlements
-[X] 4: Remove the forest in range of 50km from our buildings on Sidonia.
-[X] 5: Pursue the creation of mobile habs to support expansion beyond the first forgecity
-[X] Outreach: Call for Conference with all other political parties to establish system through which laws can be changed and removed only if majority of the parties agree to do it.
-[X] Ideology: Humanity has lost much, we must show what they have lost. The connection to the Motive Force must be restored.
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[X] Plan: Expandl
-[X] Party Name: Holy Machine Faction
-[X] Coalition: Name: Glory of the Omnissiah Goals: Build up our Forge world to create wonders
--[X] Invited to Join:Illuminated Mechanicus, Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration, Society of the Living Alloy, Cogs of Justice
--[X] Not: Seekers of the Omnissiah
-[X] 1: Order work on an upgrade to magma sieves, if we can dig deeper, hopefully we can start extracting more rare minerals and reducing imports.
-[X] 2: Expand agri-complexes on the moon. With the Xenos pushed back, it is time we expanded our food production so as to remove corpse starch entirely and save the bodies for servitors.
-[X] 3: Begin construction of a Military equipment factory, focus on Radium weapons usable by Skiitari or Servitors(Heavy weapons). New weapons will be sent with Skiitari legions to be tested against enemies on the forest moon. This weapon complex will be guards by some Skiitari and be part of the planned Hive.
-[X] 4: Start construction on a void shuttle/orbital worker factorum. There is a wealth of resources above our heads, we need to reach it.
-[X] 5: Build a full Shrine/Research temple for the Holy Pandora machine so we can worship and study this Holy Machine.
-[X] Outreach: the first forum to design a new weapon was a great success. The Holy Machine faction wishes to build on this by gathering Magos from as many different forge worlds as possible and comparing what common knowledge we might all have. Each forge-world should have their own minor tricks or traditions that might not have spread. Many of which should be common enough not to be covered in oaths of secrecy. Let us improve the efficiency of our worship of the Omnissiah
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[X] Plan: All Skitarii Party
-[X] Party Name: Warriors of the Machine God
-[X] Party represents: Chaff (Skitarii), martial priests of all stripes (Auxilia Myrmidon, Electro-Priests, etc.)
-[X] Coalition: Yes, whatever advances the cause of a strenghtened military and a representation of the interests of the military
-[X] 1. Begin creation of paths to allow exceptional members of the Skitarii to join the ranks of the Tech-Priests and recieve further blessings of the omnissiah to fight his enemies, laying the foundation for an expansion of the Battle Congregations
-[X] 2. Investigate the strange Shapes in the Magma and adress any threats, whether Xenos or enviromental
-[X] 3. Create Skitarii Manofactorums, where Menials are tested and the greatest of them allowed the honour of being admitted into the Skitarii Legions. We must ensure the foundations of our warriors are immaculate before they are improved by the holy machines.
-[X] 4. Create and expand military-industrial manufactorums, ensuring our Skitarii are always equipped to the best
-[X] 5. Begin construction of shrines of battle, where fallen warriors are honored and living weapons prepare to do their duties for the Omnissiah (Xenos Skull pillars optional depending on local conditions)

-[X] Outreach: Hold celebrations of the brave Skitarii securing our forges on the moon and ensure all know that they were the ones fighting for Sidonia

-[X] Ideology: Representing many of the Skitarii and military minded Tech-Priests, the Warriors of the Machine God desire to strenghten Sidonias Legions and using them to the Forge-Worlds advantage. Many a favour can be gained by deploying these great Legions to our allies in the Imperium and the Warriors are determined to ensure these favours they are fighting for end up benefitting them too. In the pursuit of these goals they are generally uncaring about the philosophical divides of the Selanian parliament, letting themselves get courted by any side to best achieve their goals, with experienced Masters of War calculating the exact gains made by moving on the political stage just like they would when fighting their enemies. They view the Steel Cult as ideologes who care more about their squabbles with the Radicals than truly doing their best to advance the cause of the military. Additionally they are not interested in supplying imperial troops over mechanicus ones - the Skitarii are superior to the Imperial Guard after all

@Magus Explorator will the skitarii continue to defend our outposts on the moon without anyone dedicating an action to it?
Screw this, we'll burning the moon to the bedrock.

[X] Plan: Space Vietnam
-[X] Party Name: Cogs of Justice
-[X] Party Represents: All (No one is above or below the Law.)
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Anyone willing. No: Extreme Radicals and Seekers of the Omnissiah.
-[X] 1: Remove the forest in range of 50km from our buildings on Sidonia.
-[X] 2: Establish basic fortifications around our settlements
-[X] 3: Build Heavy Weapons factory.
-[X] 4: Construct Promethium refinery.
-[X] 5: Construct military aerial vehicle factory.
-[X] Outreach: Call for Conference with all other political parties to establish system through which laws can be changed and removed only if majority of the parties agree to do it.

If needed to be I'll drop enough Promethium to burn this moon twice over.

Trees can't speak Ewok if there are no trees!

Edit: fixed point 3

A Mechadendrite for Sidonia!

[X] Reaching towards the light of the Omnissiah
-[X] Party Name: Illuminated Mechanicus
-[X] Party Represents: Magi, Logi
-[X] Coalition:
--[X] Yes: Holy Machine Faction, United,Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration, Society of the Living Alloy,Humanists,Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus, Warriors of the Machine God, The Price Ascetic
--[X] No: Seekers of the Omnissiah
-[X] 1: Work on Sidonias Mechadendrites (space elevators)
-[X] 2: Build factories dedicated to equipment for our Omnissiah pleasing Skitarii
-[X] Outreach: Further infiltrate the schools, teach Sidonias new generation both the secrets of the Forgeworlds we left and to share their knowledge with other Mechanicus of Sidonia, sharing the gifts of the Omnissiah strengthens the Forgeworlds productivity. And a productive Forgeworld is practical praise to the Omnissiah!

[X] Plan: Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration
-[X] Party Name: Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration
-[X] Party Represents: Chaff and Logi
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Illuminated Mechanicus, Society of the Living Alloy, Holy Machine Faction, Cogs of Justice
-[X] No: Seekers of the Omnissiah
-[X] 1: Start working on catalogs that will cover basic rituals all should know.
-[X] 2: Build a full Shrine/Research temple for the Holy Pandora machine so we can worship and study this Holy Machine.
-[X] 3: Establish basic fortifications around our settlements
-[X] 4: Remove the forest in range of 50km from our buildings on Sidonia.
-[X] 5: Pursue the creation of mobile habs to support expansion beyond the first forgecity
-[X] Outreach: Call for Conference with all other political parties to establish system through which laws can be changed and removed only if majority of the parties agree to do it.
-[X] Ideology: Humanity has lost much, we must show what they have lost. The connection to the Motive Force must be restored.

[X] Plan: Expand our Production and Homes
-[X] Party Name: Holy Machine Faction
-[X] Coalition: Name: Glory of the Omnissiah Goals: Build up our Forge world to create wonders
--[X] Invited to Join:Illuminated Mechanicus, Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration, Society of the Living Alloy, Cogs of Justice
--[X] Not: Seekers of the Omnissiah
-[X] 1: Order work on an upgrade to magma sieves, if we can dig deeper, hopefully we can start extracting more rare minerals and reducing imports.
-[X] 2: Expand agri-complexes on the moon. With the Xenos pushed back, it is time we expanded our food production so as to remove corpse starch entirely and save the bodies for servitors.
-[X] 3: Begin construction of a Military equipment factory, focus on Radium weapons usable by Skiitari or Servitors(Heavy weapons). New weapons will be sent with Skiitari legions to be tested against enemies on the forest moon. This weapon complex will be guards by some Skiitari and be part of the planned Hive.
-[X] 4: Start construction on a void shuttle/orbital worker factorum. There is a wealth of resources above our heads, we need to reach it.
-[X] 5: Build a full Shrine/Research temple for the Holy Pandora machine so we can worship and study this Holy Machine.
-[X] Outreach: the first forum to design a new weapon was a great success. The Holy Machine faction wishes to build on this by gathering Magos from as many different forge worlds as possible and comparing what common knowledge we might all have. Each forge-world should have their own minor tricks or traditions that might not have spread. Many of which should be common enough not to be covered in oaths of secrecy. Let us improve the efficiency of our worship of the Omnissiah
[X] Plan: All Skitarii Party
-[X] Party Name: Warriors of the Machine God
-[X] Party represents: Chaff (Skitarii), martial priests of all stripes (Auxilia Myrmidon, Electro-Priests, etc.)
-[X] Coalition: Yes, whatever advances the cause of a strenghtened military and a representation of the interests of the military
-[X] 1. Begin creation of paths to allow exceptional members of the Skitarii to join the ranks of the Tech-Priests and recieve further blessings of the omnissiah to fight his enemies, laying the foundation for an expansion of the Battle Congregations
-[X] 2. Investigate the strange Shapes in the Magma and adress any threats, whether Xenos or enviromental
-[X] 3. Create Skitarii Manofactorums, where Menials are tested and the greatest of them allowed the honour of being admitted into the Skitarii Legions. We must ensure the foundations of our warriors are immaculate before they are improved by the holy machines.
-[X] 4. Create and expand military-industrial manufactorums, ensuring our Skitarii are always equipped to the best
-[X] 5. Begin construction of shrines of battle, where fallen warriors are honored and living weapons prepare to do their duties for the Omnissiah (Xenos Skull pillars optional depending on local conditions)

-[X] Outreach: Hold celebrations of the brave Skitarii securing our forges on the moon and ensure all know that they were the ones fighting for Sidonia

-[X] Ideology: Representing many of the Skitarii and military minded Tech-Priests, the Warriors of the Machine God desire to strenghten Sidonias Legions and using them to the Forge-Worlds advantage. Many a favour can be gained by deploying these great Legions to our allies in the Imperium and the Warriors are determined to ensure these favours they are fighting for end up benefitting them too. In the pursuit of these goals they are generally uncaring about the philosophical divides of the Selanian parliament, letting themselves get courted by any side to best achieve their goals, with experienced Masters of War calculating the exact gains made by moving on the political stage just like they would when fighting their enemies. They view the Steel Cult as ideologes who care more about their squabbles with the Radicals than truly doing their best to advance the cause of the military. Additionally they are not interested in supplying imperial troops over mechanicus ones - the Skitarii are superior to the Imperial Guard after all

@Magus Explorator will the skitarii continue to defend our outposts on the moon without anyone dedicating an action to it?

yall there a banner at the bottomon of the page the voot not open yet
Chaos Ewoks lmao

Would anyone be open to attempting diplomacy? Understandable if not just want to check

I think now is a good time to move our theological reforms up in priority, as much of the immediate issues are dealt with
I do not necessarily think that it is wise to extend our Legions outwards when they are still quite small.

While we are defending our biodromes the enemy has few options of assailing us but with the low quality and numbers of the Skitarii a great offensive would be quite risky.

Are they actually chaos? Though I don't think the admech would care either way but there's a good chance they are just normal psykers
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[X] Plan: Total Mobilization
-[X] Party Name: The Steel Cult
-[X] Party Represents: The Logi, The Artisans, The Chaff
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Illuminated Mechanicus, Cogs of Justice, Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration, Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus.
No: Seekers of the Omnissiah. No extreme Radicals, general dislike of Magi.
-[X] 1: Construct a great manufactorum complex to kickstart war equipment production, emphasize the defensive capabilities of such buildings. Focus on quick mass production of conventional weapons and armor first such as las weaponry and flame weapons, while creating specialized assembly lines for more complex and slower to produce equipment second.
-[X] 2: Fortify existing facilities, mining and refining plants, hab-blocks and agri-domes. Do this by constructing fortifications and increasing security forces. Expecially on agri-domes and where those shapes in the magma were seen.
-[X] 3: Expand processing plants and refineries for raw material.
-[X] 4: Construct several promethium refinery plants.
-[X] 5: Plan the construction of the first Sidonian Plasma Reactor
-[X] Outreach: Propagate the news of the xeno threat among the workers and increase productivity by encouraging workers to make greater sacrifices. Those factories, fortifications, mines and refineries must be constructed as soon as possible. Find examples among workers and use propaganda to inspire others, while of course most of them also encouraged to join the Steel Union organization.

Extremely dangerous threats are already showing themselves. It is now time to start producing weapons and equipment to equip our soon to be ever growing forces and be ready to exterminate our enemies. These xeno cannot be left roaming around our home, with their psykers always ready to bring ruin to us and by easily transforming in Chaos puppets.
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