All Level, No Experience (Worm/Pathfinder Amnesia Quest)

Anyway, we now have enough money to make a Ring of Three Wishes, I suppose?

Do we have any defense against people just ...stealing things from us, esp through relevant Powers?
Anyway, we now have enough money to make a Ring of Three Wishes, I suppose?
We need ~6mil. Tbh we could probably just buy diamond for Wishes instead, I wanted to make Ring because I expected it to be much cheaper due to our abilities.

Although, now that I think about it

[X] Something Else?
-[X] Use your abilities to setup livable underground base in the mountains surrounding the city, then cover it with Dimensional Anchor

Lets make our base. With Move Earth, Fabricate and TT we can make decent base for us and our future minions, then secure it with Dimensional Lock, Guards and Wards etc.
We have 100 mil now, although using it ALL before investment might not be a good idea.
Investing into ourselves is probably one of the better ways we can spend money. We could also use it to craft Clockwork Excavators(although we would probably prefer doing that on some empty plane and not on Earth Bet) and have them harvest gems. Besides, we can just clear some of the quarantine zones for cash and so on.

In any case, we should probably make a list of things we want. A wish for a Clone, a wish to scribe Form of a Dragon III or Maze or Create Demiplane, some Contingencies(i.e. teleport away on mind control) etc.

OR - we could buy stuff we'd need to create a permanent two way connection between, say, BB and London. Slowly work towards turning BB into global teleportation hub as we begin ruling the place.
Buying diamond directly is a good way to get choked if we don't do it right, though? (If we can bulk buy it'd be worth, maybe?)
We can just use Dragon or Numberman for that. Delegate.
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By the by, maybe we should mention to dragon about Jack's weird Thinker / Madter power? Maybe it would help with the guilt she felt at missing them.
Actually, learning Demiplane is pretty powerful since we have Mythic Dimensional Lock. We can just cover entire plane with Dimensional Lock, so we are the only person that can enter or exist the plane. This would make it infinitely safer, as basically the only way to deal with it is to somehow destroy the plane from the outside or have an attack that can attack through dimensions, neither of which are an easy task. As both spells have duration of 35 days on our level, we can just recast them every now and then. We would need to construct focus for Create Demiplane and cast time of four hours is a bit cringe, but the level of safety is quite something.
Actually, learning Demiplane is pretty powerful since we have Mythic Dimensional Lock. We can just cover entire plane with Dimensional Lock, so we are the only person that can enter or exist the plane. This would make it infinitely safer, as basically the only way to deal with it is to somehow destroy the plane from the outside or have an attack that can attack through dimensions, neither of which are an easy task. As both spells have duration of 35 days on our level, we can just recast them every now and then. We would need to construct focus for Create Demiplane and cast time of four hours is a bit cringe, but the level of safety is quite something.

Would that be safe to cast considering all the dimensional shennanigans shards use? It also sounds like something Scion would notice...
There are already a couple of pocket dimensions around Worm i.e. Toybox stuff, and they seem to work just fine.

I meant the planet wide Dimensional lock, not demiplane.

How does Dimensional Lock even work against Parahumans? They do have a tiny dimensional opening on their brains after all... Dont think it counts as traveling but maybe we should experiment with it first?

Place a small zone with Dimensional Lock and see how it affects Parahumans and maybe tinker tech aswell.

And again, this feels like something scion would definitly notice and its probably not wise to aggro the final boss before we are ready.
I meant the planet wide Dimensional lock, not demiplane.

How does Dimensional Lock even work against Parahumans? They do have a tiny dimensional opening on their brains after all... Dont think it counts as traveling but maybe we should experiment with it first?

Place a small zone with Dimensional Lock and see how it affects Parahumans and maybe tinker tech aswell.

And again, this feels like something scion would definitly notice and its probably not wise to aggro the final boss before we are ready.
Plane wide, not planet wide. :V
Dimensional Lock has radius of only 20 feat. Enough to cover smaller demiplane and secure somewhat of a base, but certainly nothing major.
Dimensional Lock specifically only works on extradimensional movement, not on attacks or senses, so I would expect majority of powers to function properly.
Plane wide, not planet wide. :V
Dimensional Lock has radius of only 20 feat. Enough to cover smaller demiplane and secure somewhat of a base, but certainly nothing major.
Dimensional Lock specifically only works on extradimensional movement, not on attacks or senses, so I would expect majority of powers to function properly.

Ah gotcha, read planet wide so my mistake lol.

I guess whatever a shard does to keep its connection to the host doesnt really count as movement... I think.

Well maybe movement of data but I think that may be streching it.
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[X] Look into buying a large plot of land, warehouse o large building appropriate to renovate into your new base.
-[X] Find out how to buy property on a nearby mountain and focus your search on that.
-[X] If you find an appropriate location begin the process of buying it.
-[X] While looking, do some research (important locations, known capes, recent news) in preparation for taking out the ABB.

btw, is it me, or is the voting time increasing with each update?
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It would be better if we build our base in the mountains. If it is attacked the city won't be endangered, higher elevation helps against Leviathan and Behemoth, city villains will find it harder to annoy us and between us and Spice transporting stuff wouldn't be an issue.
It would be better if we build our base in the mountains. If it is attacked the city won't be endangered, higher elevation helps against Leviathan and Behemoth, city villains will find it harder to annoy us and between us and Spice transporting stuff wouldn't be an issue.
ok, want me to add that to the vote? I just want us to start looking for a location and handling that, no idea how buying property on a mountain works though.
ok, want me to add that to the vote? I just want us to start looking for a location and handling that, no idea how buying property on a mountain works though.
I would imagine random parts of a mountain are property of some level of government, so we could ask them.
Given that our overall plan is to rule entire bay though, we might just skip legalize.
I would imagine random parts of a mountain are property of some level of government, so we could ask them.
Given that our overall plan is to rule entire bay though, we might just skip legalize.
I added the mountain part, we should not jump straight to conquering the city. Doing that would immediately put us at odds with the whole of the PRT, Protectorate, Guild, and USA government, and has a non-zero chance of straining our relationship with Dragon. the world is racing along straight into societal collapse anyway and we'll have a chance to go full warlord later. For now, we're better off with a veneer of legality and respect for the government while we do whatever we want in private.
[X] Something Else?
-[X] Use your abilities to setup livable underground base in the mountains surrounding the city, then cover it with Dimensional Anchor

Maybe we can do the ritual inside once we have Demiplane up too?
[X] Look into buying a large plot of land, warehouse o large building appropriate to renovate into your new base.
-[X] Find out how to buy property on a nearby mountain and focus your search on that.
-[X] If you find an appropriate location begin the process of buying it.
-[X] While looking, do some research (important locations, known capes, recent news) in preparation for taking out the ABB.
[X] Look into buying a large plot of land, warehouse o large building appropriate to renovate into your new base.
-[X] Find out how to buy property on a nearby mountain and focus your search on that.
-[X] If you find an appropriate location begin the process of buying it.
-[X] While looking, do some research (important locations, known capes, recent news) in preparation for taking out the ABB.
The entire Lung thing is pretty hilarious if you think about it. We get left alone for a moment, we immediately go do something wild....

.. I mean, Armsmaster would have no need to patrol if we just removed all the bad guys, surely? :V

Besides, we can also always go and work on increasing Soldier's int, since this is apparently a thing we can just do.
The entire Lung thing is pretty hilarious if you think about it. We get left alone for a moment, we immediately go do something wild....
Pretty much for you lot. I mean, in terms of pure timeframe, it has yet to be one month. You haven't even yet hit where Worm actually begins, and you've already thoroughly upended what could've been of Canon, given the whole timeframe of things.

.. I mean, Armsmaster would have no need to patrol if we just removed all the bad guys, surely? :V
I think, that it is technically within your means at this moment, that if you played some of your cards, and went full balls-to-wall, hard in the paint on this, then it might legitimately be possible for you to remove at least the leadership if not most all the parahumans of the major gangs and Coil before the first patrol starts.

The idea of y'all just casually yoinking nearly all the parahuman crime in Brockton fuckin' Bay in a matter of hours is cataclysmically funny to me.

Besides, we can also always go and work on increasing Soldier's int, since this is apparently a thing we can just do.
Yep, both Ultimate Magic and Constructs Handbook have sections on Construct Modifications. The Ult Magic section states that the mods can only be done on inactive or nonfunctioning constructs, but it says nothing about them having not been built already. As such, I'm interpreting that as meaning that simply ordering the construct in question into inactivity for a time works fine. It should doubly work for clockworks and steam powered constructs, since those already have the Winding/Steam Engine trait meaning they can become active once their time runs out- either from being unwound or spamming their steam attacks at nothing then waiting a day, even if they couldn't just be ordered inactive briefly.

So, yeah, it's entirely possible, funny enough.
[X] Look into buying a large plot of land, warehouse o large building appropriate to renovate into your new base.
-[X] Find out how to buy property on a nearby mountain and focus your search on that.
-[X] If you find an appropriate location begin the process of buying it.
-[X] While looking, do some research (important locations, known capes, recent news) in preparation for taking out the ABB.
I'm down for making a base. Gotta start on that conquest after all.

But it seems like long term the plan is to figure out who'd make good Xiomorn converts and recruit them for the eventual war against fate in Glolarion. Id say Dragon definitely, maybe Armsy depending on how well the two of them vibe on tech bros (yeah tech crafting is slower, but I suspect going down tech instead of just magic might help for that eventual war against other mythic magic people), and anyone with thinker powers better than the typical PF divination. Obligatory this might mean recruiting the shard directly, so might wanna meta or plan (MC has an inkling) into shard research

Right now I'd say Tattletale and Dinah fall there. PF info spells are divination--which is functionally yes or no or null, dinahs ability to get statically probability is better imo, legend lore--see its weakness regarding Slaughterhouse Nine, and various flavors of "see this place (clairvoyance, arcane eye, anything for the scry part of scry and die). The last one doesn't seem to really have a thinker equivalent, but the two imo are complimentary instead of competitors. Like being able to see elesewhere without having to be there is great, but I'd say pairing it with the number crunching/analysis shards seems esepcially promising.