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Power Vial (Listed By rarity)

[] Orange – Materials
[] Blue – Knowledge
[] Green – Life
[] Red – Energy
[] Yellow – Esoterica
[] White – Meta-powers
[] Purple – Temporospatial
[] Brown – Systems
[] Black – Ṕ̴̖̦͓͈̗̓͐͗̅͌à̶̡̳͚̲͚̌̈́̂͊ŗ̷͌̐̑͒a̴̜̝͖͛̃̽̕d̵͉͖̀̂ọ̸̹̪̳͖͗x̴̨̫̜͔̋̕͘͝e̷͖̳͕͈͆͊ͅs̷̡̩̘͈̆̓̌̈̈̒

'It was January 10, 2016, when the world changed. A few random individuals received vials, were powers in a bottle, those individuals became the first superheroes. It Has Been eight years, and every month, on the tenth of each month, a random selection of individuals is chosen to become a new set of superhumans.
'Throughout the world, the 10th was a lucky day, a day of hope and glory, a path to strengthen your old path or create a new one. Unlike popular belief, many who received the vials, sought to keep their old life as much as possible. They might decide to quit their job, but with the I.S.U., or the International Superhuman Union, one of the earliest companies set up by a Blue. The Company's Statement? To help new superhumans with transitioning to their new life, as said superhumans. The head of said Company, Mr. Thompson, set up a sign-up service for any future superhuman. This service helped provide a stipend and other services to stabilize the lives of the new superhumans. It only took 3 months before the I.S.U. was in every city, and it was within 5 that anybody anywhere could access an I.S.U outpost.

Some never signed up, but with a public campaign led by the I.S.U., the world saw it as suspicious for a superhuman to not be signed up with the company, seen as villains. This caused an invisible pressure to make it so those who didn't were rare and few between.

While the I.S.U. was the most influential on the superhuman environment, advancements were made through the help of various other superhumans. While blues helped advance a myriad of tech sectors. A Brown alongside a Blue. They created an expansive VRMMO which anyone could be anything, explore fantasy and scientific realms alike. This VRMMO was called Beyond Reality Online, starting as a mere fantasy town, and as the player base grew, the game became the expansive game it now is.

A Red, had realized the potential of his energy, and helped sustain the energy sector for his country of France.

Yet, despite the glories, there were also troubles. North Korea had dominated South Korea and sought to take down the Western States. Ignored by those who had the power until it was too late. Argentina was completely irradiated, a Superpowered individual with a seemingly unstoppable power and yet the life inside that country had grown until it was a verdant forest unlike no other.

That said, Through the help of the I.S.U. Superheroes began to emerge, and Supervillains to combat them. Superheroes like Starlight, Saint, Joyride, Dr. Carbonic against The Entitled, Plague Doctor, Black General, and Knightmare, to name a few of the villainous and heroic men and women who helped shape the current era.

That was all larger picture stuff, however. Chicago had just gone under quarantine. Done by the villain known as The Quantum Scepter, a city trapped inside a dimensional bubble no way in or out. It was done when the most notable superhumans were away dealing with one of the most threatening supervillain groups of the age Knightmare's Knights.

Chicago still had its power running. Yet, the threat and the acclaimed new ruler Quantum Scepter caused chaos. Those who pledged allegiance were given the food and supplies needed to survive, and those who didn't left to survive on their own. Help from the outside was inevitable. However, who knows how long it would take for the city to get the help it needs.

PS: Yes, I'm aware of the fact you already know most of this. It's simply to help situate you. To help you understand the situation you now find yourself in.' The Note read, as I looked down on the vial below. It was surprising. I wasn't even aware how these vials were delivered. Yet, it seemed a city trapped inside a bubble didn't stop the delivery.

Here, I was eating a can of dog food, the only food I had found, inside my dingy apartment. Fido had died a couple of months ago, so it must have been at least that old. Then, I heard the knock on the door. Where I received a note, and a box. Sitting on my old wooden chair, I relaxed, wondering what would happen now that I had this boon few other in this city had...

The question became for me… What Should I do now?

[] Head to the police station
It was here where those who resisted Quantum Scepter still resided, I was sure no matter what my power was, I might be of some service here.

[] See my friends.
I should tell them, I didn't need to help anyone, all I had to do was get by until I was out of this mess.

[] Join Quantum Scepter inside the Mayor's Mansion.
With a power, I could always join the villains, they had the most resources, and at least until the whole mess was over, if I helped, I'd live in a practical life of luxury…

A/N: Feel free to ask any question you wish.. Please vote by plan.
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It says the vials are listed by rarity, is that from top to bottom or bottom to top? Normally I would think the top one to be the rarest but whatever paradox is doing makes me think its the rarest.
It says the vials are listed by rarity, is that from top to bottom or bottom to top? Normally I would think the top one to be the rarest but whatever paradox is doing makes me think its the rarest.
The most common vial a cape has is Orange. Black's are incredibly rare, barely a rumor except for the Notable exception of Black General.
Damn, picking only a category for powers without knowing any specifics is hard.

Do we have to get a picture btw?
Damn, picking only a category for powers without knowing any specifics is hard.

Do we have to get a picture btw?
You can ask for examples of powers for a category if you wish.

That said, I'm using the picture, the name, and the category to come up with the power. Your gearing it for yourself, and I'm using what's laid down to make what they'll have.

Edit: but description works fine if you wish appearance wise.
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You can ask for examples of powers for a category if you wish.

That said, I'm using the picture, the name, and the category to come up with the power. Your gearing it for yourself, and I'm using what's laid down to make what they'll have.

Edit: but description works fine if you wish appearance wise.

What would be example powers for Knowledge, Life, Esoterica and Systems?

Is the name option the hero name or the actual name?
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What would be example powers for Knowledge, Life, Esoterica and Systems?
Knowledge is all about well... knowledge

Mr. Thompson has something along the lines of Business Acumen, which allowed himself to set up and expand a business to great lengths. He isn't stronger, or faster, he's not even smarter anywhere else he's just really good at running the I.S.U., it's why it expanded so quickly.

So a topic of knowledge like Mr. Thompson to incredible levels is appropriate. They Could make you a famous Inventor like the man who helped set up The VRMMO, as he specialized in a relevant field for it.

So a skill to the Supreme. Or, it can give you more knowledge.

X-Ray Vision, Precognition, Prescience, and anything else that relates to knowledge. If it's about acquiring it or possessing it, a Blue cape could be based on it.

Life, can be anything about life. You could shift into a dragonfly, command Humans in a myriad of ways, or Alter biology make Monstrous Creatures, and deadly plagues.

Systems, are think of it in gamer terms, that's probably the most appropriate. They're more narrow than an individual system in a litrpg however.

The Entitled gains titles, which give him powers, these titles are given to him when he is referred to as something, or he does an act enough times. He killed enough people so he gained the title Serial Killer, Murderer, and the like which enhanced him into becoming even better at killing others.

A Hypothetical Arrow system could be imbueing Arrows with objects and making those Arrows stronger, with some risk attached like a chance of a noncohesive arrow becoming a junk arrow.

Someone else could gain access to a world and the more people that share and enjoy that world the more they can expand Said world.

Yet another could gain a class, and so long as they continue acting within the class' provided role they could become stronger in it.

Another could gain a dungeon core, and make a dungeon empowered by those that visited it.

Esoterica is everything that doesn't belong anywhere else. It's too broad to say more. In a way this makes Esoterica more... conceptual.

But, a man who had powers over telephones doesn't fit anywhere else. So he travels over telephone lines manipulates telephones, calls pizza to be delivered to where he is.

Another could be emulating Sherlock Holmes, gaining the powers of the great detective, yet weak to the same things.

Another could be truly immortal, nothing could kill them.

Edit: Actual Name. You don't know your power, so making your cape name would be nonsensical rn.
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I see. Since the descriptor cape was used to refer to a superhero can i assume knowledge is similar to a thinker ability? and meta-powers is trump?
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I see. Since the descriptor cape was used to refer to a superhero can i assume knowledge is similar to a thinker ability? and meta-powers is trump?
Yep, that would be correct, blue would be a tinker/thinker power.

In particular. Meta-powers effect other powers, not themselves. Dauntless if he existed would be a red, yellow, or a brown.
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[x] Plan Weird One Out
-[x] Gender: Female
-[x] Appearance: A rather young woman on the smaller side of average in trems of height, with shoulder length, dark brown hair, sad grey eyes and freckles. Likes wearing coats and scarfs.
-[x] Kestrel Keyworth
-[x] Yellow – Esoterica
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Adhoc vote count started by goable on Jan 12, 2024 at 10:45 PM, finished with 15 posts and 3 votes.

  • [x] plan crawkid
    -[x] Gender: Male
    -[x] Appearance:,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg (credit: heres a link to a poster for sale) Redirect Notice
    -[x] Orlando Woodman
    -[x] Brown – Systems
    [x] Plan Weird One Out
    -[x] Gender: Female
    -[x] Appearance: A rather young woman on the smaller side of average in trems of height, with shoulder length, dark brown hair, sad grey eyes and freckles. Likes wearing coats and scarfs.
    -[x] Kestrel Keyworth
    -[x] Yellow – Esoterica
    [X] Wise wolf of Yoitsu
    -[X] Female
    -[X] Apearance gif
    -[X] Horo
    -[x] Brown – Systems

Vote Closed, three way tie! No victor, requires further information for a victor to be decided... Thus more information will be provided.

In a world of grays, a circle of 9 witnessed that a glitch had occurred. They were supposed to only send one vial to a specific individual below. They instead had sent three down to the city.

Buff was pleased as he had won the negotiations as far as he was concerned. He had successfully implanted two agents in the city. Gold had similarly gained an agent. Gold was incredibly unpredictable. Buff estimated her to be one of the strongest among them, and yet she was also the least predictable.

He looked over to Blue, and _̶̰̙̳̞̹͛̔̋͋̊̎̈́͆̚̕̕͠_̵̡̪͍͖̭̀̾̋̀̄̀̿̚͠_̴̛̛̟̤̓̃͐̐̂̆͝, they would be the ones to know why the issue occurred in the first place. Despite his victory, he should have known two agents had been of what happened.

Blue spoke. "I believe a glitch occurred; the city doesn't seem as stable as initially expected. Rebecca, _̶̰̙̳̞̹͛̔̋͋̊̎̈́͆̚̕̕͠_̵̡̪͍͖̭̀̾̋̀̄̀̿̚͠_̴̛̛̟̤̓̃͐̐̂̆͝ care to explain?"

Rebecca was annoyed as she spoke. "You know our powers, can glitch whenever _̶̰̙̳̞̹͛̔̋͋̊̎̈́͆̚̕̕͠_̵̡̪͍͖̭̀̾̋̀̄̀̿̚͠_̴̛̛̟̤̓̃͐̐̂̆͝ is involved, his abilities are all about breaking our own rules. I thought we were supposed to have all Blacks out of the city before the experiment started?

_̶̰̙̳̞̹͛̔̋͋̊̎̈́͆̚̕̕͠_̵̡̪͍͖̭̀̾̋̀̄̀̿̚͠_̴̛̛̟̤̓̃͐̐̂̆͝ spoke "Ỉ̶͎̿̌̽̆̈́̌͒̈́͘͝ ̴̡͍͍̼̱̯̻̫̤͖̪͈̙́̈́̅͠ḩ̷̬͓͔͇̥̈́̇̅̍̉͒̆̇̍̂͒̃̓̈́͠ạ̷̬̀̀̊̀͌̾v̴̢̰̞̹̞̩̳̻̟͑̈́͋͒̈̿͋̇͌̎̚͝͝ȩ̴̹̦̱̟̟̤̠̖̀̅̋͑̌̒̈̋͋́̅͘͜ ̵͔̑̃̎̋̈́̓̐̄̄̀̽͘̚͠b̶̛̝͉̠̐̾͐̏̏͌̽̈͊͝r̶̛̭͔̟͔̞̞̪̟̬͈͎̼͕̘̋͒o̶̻̬̩̺̟̮͊̓͂u̶̡͎̗̟̺̪̬̲̓́̈́̀͘g̷̨͍̱̖̙̱̰͓̩̤͗͒ͅh̸̡̨̨̩̘̝̹̝͓̝̩̤͓̃͋̍̋̒́̈́͒̚͝ţ̷̣̥̱̱̺̱͇̫͚͚̬̗̈͑̈́̾̑̚ͅ ̷̛͖͙̗͚̯̟̳̫̖͙̠̍̏͋́a̵̭̭̥̭̾͑͌̈́̊̀̐̈̓̓̉͝n̷̡̨̖̰̝͇̑ ̸̢̛̫̠͓̐̏͊̏̀͊͘ã̸̧̧̦̤̘̙͎͉̹̘͍͓̍͘͜g̸̨̼̯͔̥̜̪̜̜̾͆̊͋͠ę̷̛͍̘̣̯̗̝̠͙̙̩̫͚̈́̎́̈́͗͂̿̈͒̕̚ń̴͔͊̅̈́̒̑t̷̯͔͖̭͚̳͚͔͑̇̀̉̓̊̕ ̸̨̼̱͎̰͑͝ō̴͖̳̑͌̄͂f̵̘̗̜̀͊̐̔̆́͂̅̈́͘͠ ̶͔̩͔͔̗̘̳͈̼͍̅̓͆̌̑͗͐̃̕m̸̢̨̲̺̦̘̣͋̔̂̑́͑̈̚͝͝y̷̢̢͔̗̋͌̌́̈́̇̄̂̆͂͑͜ ̶͕̱͇̗͋̉̀͐̓̾ǫ̴̨̰̲͎͖̩͕̪̜̤͚̞͌̈́́ͅw̶̯̖͚̖̙̹̠͉͛̑̐n̸̛̩̲̖͕̻̙̣̩͔͕͙͆̇̊͑̊͛̄̃̓͗̄̐͠,̷̹͇̺̪͋͑̅̑̀̈́́̅̃̿̾̕ ̶̡̖̪̩̝́̂̔́̔̈́̃̔͘̚͠t̶̮̺̞̀͆̈́͑́͝ő̶̡̥̫͉̳͍̼͇̄͜ ̶̫̮̙̼̜̭͙͕̭͕͉̑͌̐̍̂̓͋̑͘͝͝a̵̳͍̥̝̺̖̺͌͑ͅd̶͔̗̙̰̳̙̟̺̖̞͚̠̗̒͐ͅͅd̵̛̠͉͖̦͈̞̩͖͉͙̫́͐̍̑͂̌̚͠ ̵̡̡̡̙̲̩̼͙̜̹̣͖͉͎͒͝ͅạ̵̩̼̩͛̎̎͑͆̇̅ ̸̛̛̳̍̆̀̚c̸̡̜̮̤̱̥̝̮̱̲̈̋͜h̷͍̞̺̑̈́̈́̄̓a̴̡͙͖̘̯̩̣̯̎̎̒̕ͅͅͅņ̵̨̩̤̪̳̤͕͙͈̦̐͂͌̒̐c̴̨͔̥̭̫͎̘̈́̇̍̂́͑͝ͅͅḙ̸͉͍̣̭̞̤̅͛̓̀̄͒́̀͛͋͘ͅ ̵̣̲̗̭̓͂̎̈́͝f̵͙̩̱͓̘͚̲̼̖̪̽̈͌͘͝͝ǒ̴͙̼̹̬̪r̷͖͓͗̎͘ ̴̢̣̱̫͖͇̻̙̭̬̤̬̲͕̜͐͐̓̍̇̓̚t̵̘̫̦͒̆̊͗̋̔͌̌͘͜h̶͈̫̏̎̿̐̿͌̿͂͂̔͘e̶̦̠̤̻͚̾̽ ̷͍͉̙͍̰̫̃̓͝c̷̨̬̖̰͔̘̘͎͉̲͇̖̭̑̍͐̑į̴̢̛͕̼͎̱̝͚̜͓̪̝͓̪̈t̷̥̜̄̀̃̈͌̽̓͆̉i̸̡̗̝̺̣̖̮̤͈̾͌z̴̜͚͕̹̜̞͈̭̰̭̠̥̩̦͍̿̊͘ȩ̷̝̖̱̣̙̀̑̕n̸̢̩̞̣̳͓͇̼̭͉̙̰̠͚̒̃́̍̈́ͅs̴̨̛̛̮̀̌́́͗̈́̾̈́̃͆͘͝͝ ̷̢̛͍͙̩͗̑̀̎͆͐͋̎̑̐̔̍͘͠ȍ̸̭̫̥͙̟̖̣̖͙̣̠̍̈́̊͑̋̈̏̀̕̕̚͠͝ͅͅf̵̨̨͔̞̟̱̫͚̉̂̓̇͋̑̌͜͝ ̸̫̥̺͖̼͎̗̳̰̦̩͉̤͊͗̿͜ͅț̶̲͔̯̦͇͈̪̻̖̏̂͝͝ͅḣ̸̙̮̗̥̲͖͚͎̟̥͖͌̄̈́́͆̋̓͋̃̑̃͐̑̚ę̵͈̜̳͈̓̍̑͛̀̾ͅ ̴̻͎͚͈̠̉̒̃̓̌͊̈̏̕c̸̡̢̜̱̜̳̝̠̟͉̏̔͑͜͜i̸̡̬̱̬̱̞͖̥͈̰̣͍̱̎͌͜t̵̼̙̥̝̰̟͐̉̌͊y̶̟̥̌̋̎̈́̐͛̊́̕͠,̸͖̣͎̫͍͉̩̭̑̿̅ͅ ̵̜̮͈͖͔̾̎̋̍̍͌̆̊̀͛́́̓͘ṫ̶̢̬̯͖̣͇͚̙̮̰̇̑̀̋ͅȍ̸̡̨͉͔̥̼͔̝̠̗̺̠̽ͅ ̷̺̍̍̐̿͛̇̉͌̆̕͘͠ẽ̸̛̛̯͊̎͗̋̉̍̄̕͠s̸̖̪͓̹̲̖͕̝̓́̊̐̉́̉͐̋͌͜c̴̛̱͎̜̪̼̹̒͌̓̀́̇̕̚͜ả̷̧̳͓͓̮͍͉̦̭̖̲̭͂̀p̵̤͊͗͐̽̾̀̊̆̓͗͒̀̈́̊̐e̷̜̟͝͝͝ ̵̬̮͛̄̂̔͆̇̐̚͝ţ̴̻͍̥̠̙̞̙̯̝̘̂̇̿̈̈́̀h̵̡̨͚͕̲̪̳͕͍͆̉̄͑̎͐͑̊̈́͜ḙ̵͉̄̔̒̓̿͂͐̇͆̾́́͒ ̷̰̤͖͕͚͖́̒̅̆̊͛e̴̙̰̫̮͔̠̠̬͇̞̫̺̾ͅẍ̷̡̳͖́̀̊̒̀͑͑p̴̛̦̙̞̳̀̎̏̉̃̃̉̌e̷̞̰͈̤̳͚̣̻̦̦̩̦͠c̶̹͈̜̼͚͖̖̾͆͘͜t̶̺͓̝̞͕̮̫̗͇̜̉̈́́̅͋̓͐̂̀́̈́͊ę̷̤͎̝̣̣̰͂͑̽̅͊͛̽̃͆̇̀̕d̵̨̧̢̢̛̜͇̤̝͈̻̭̖̭͈̎̀̉̄͊̈͋͑̚͜ ̷̛̛̜̗̪̹̯̥̺̳͕̽͂̊͂̄̔̎͆̒̊͠ç̴̘͓͙̮̣͐̈̈́͋̇̍̓̂͝͝ͅo̷̢̧̫̤͖̳͔̩̽͋ͅņ̴̢̨͈̞̫͙̓́͘š̸̩̻͈̈́̿̈́ȩ̴̛͚̜̟͊͒͒̅́̅̅q̴̛̳̥̩͍̝̹̤̖͓̏̿̊͆̿̋̇̒͜ų̵͈̹̝͚̘́̆̌̿̄͒́̽͐͘̚͜ȇ̵̡̦̟͖̐̽̒͋̄̔̅̈́̈́̇͘͝ň̴̡̟̰̝̲̹͚̮̔̓̋̃͛̾͜ͅc̶̛̟̭̬̩̗͔̰̯̙̘̄͑̅͋̆̉͜͜ḗ̴̢͙̮͚̤͙̫̒͌̔̽̈́̈́̊͒̄s̷͚͌̂̎̒̈́̓͛̏͋̚͠ ̸̢̨̛̳̪͙̣̗̰͉̟̫͙̙̦̈́̿̀́̈̈́̃̃̀̒͘̚͝ȏ̷̧̘̺̜̬̟̩͇̮͕̬̑͌̈́̎̋̂̊́̽͋͛̂͂͜͝f̵̟̠̜̺͈̠͚͚̳͛̒̋̾͐̈͂́̾̓͑̌͋͘͘ͅ ̷̧̬̤̦̝̰̱͚̳͖͑̀͠t̸̹͔͓̙̜͈̘̯̪̘̏̈́̌̅̇̐̿͋͒̍̂͋͌͑̚h̸̡͉̣̮̹̺̲̫̯̄̉͊̚̚ͅḭ̸̧̛̛͉͙̞̍̊̑͑̌̈́s̴̡̳͔͓̻͇̤̲͚̩̼͚̺̐̉̓̂̔͝ ̴̧̛͕̝̺̪̜̃̉͐͐̋̍̈̏̈́̃͋͝͝͝ͅẹ̵̛͔̼͍̍́̈́̀͒̎̄̀̈̈̀͒n̸̛͇͉͉̙̲̤̣̦͕̖̩̣̊̊̈́̓͋̕͝ͅḋ̷̮͓̭̯͓̘̖̳͈͎̩̥̌̐̓é̸̬̙̯̩̭̓̎͐͊͐̈́́̄̾̃̏͗͛͠å̵̯̭̻̜̗̣͈̾̀͐͗͑̑͋̔̆̕͠͝v̷̧̛̻̜̪̖̬̠̱͛͛̿̂̄̂̄͜ơ̶͎͐̈́̈͂͛̕̚͜ͅr̴̛̼͐͂̆̔̂͌̉͘.̵̛͙͇̭͓̳͕̤̐͛̐̓̀̓́̈́͊͝͝ ̵̧̱̳͕̼̗̥̭͙͙͂̓̑̐͋̓̏́̋̊́̕̚͠"

Rebecca spoke up once more. "You should have warned us first…"

Blue "There you have it, a single agent of _̶̰̙̳̞̹͛̔̋͋̊̎̈́͆̚̕̕͠_̵̡̪͍͖̭̀̾̋̀̄̀̿̚͠_̴̛̛̟̤̓̃͐̐̂̆͝ is in the city, this causes us to bring up our next point. Who should we focus our attention on? We'll only be able to focus on one, and we'll have to hope the others don't mess things up for the primary agent. "

Thus, they looked and debated which one to focus on. In the end, it ended up being about the powers they possessed. Each strong in their own right, but one must be chosen for the plan to happen in the way they wished.

[] Bow Hero
-Brown Vial
-Each Territory has a unique bow which can be wielded.
-Each Bow must be strengthened and empowered separately.
-Other Effects?

[] Chic in a Cage
-Yellow Vial
-They can inform about danger in the city, which she may be interested in.
-If let out of the cage, allows for greater effects, strangely this cage is unusually sturdy, and is unlikely to be revealed in these effects any time soon.
-Other effects?

[] Race System
-Brown Vial
-Can Acquire Different Forms, which shifts her into different fantasy races.
-Each Form has its own health pool and die individually.
-Other Effects?

Edit: vote will close in 36 hours.
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oh, well with this information...i think ill lean this way
[x] Race System
-Brown Vial
-Can Acquire Different Forms, which shifts her into different fantasy races.
-Each Form has its own health pool and die individually.
-Other Effects?
Well, you say more information would be provided but honestly this just brings up more questions.

P.S. I totally forgot that there was a vote to determine where we go afterwards, whoops.
Well, you say more information would be provided but honestly this just brings up more questions.

P.S. I totally forgot that there was a vote to determine where we go afterwards, whoops.
Yeah, it probably does. I didn't want to lay out the particulars of each down to their last detail, but instead give what you'd know about the powers immediately.

In a way each one of them is the strongest of the three in their own way. I'm not even talking about them excelling in different areas.

Chic has incredibly potent effects, but a negative power interaction is blocking those powers. It's also the one that has the easiest time of bursting the bubble. Easiest one to wipe out most of humanity too come to think of it...

The Bow system makes you incredibly powerful if you choose to bunker and focus on one area at a time.

Race system, makes you nigh immortal, but is probably the weakest outside of sheer versatility. However it is a system so growth can be expected, though its not going to be in stronger races at least In comparison to the others I can already tell you that. No eldritch God race here. You might get a ghost, a werewolf, an Elf, or the like though.
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Forgot to do this, opened voting.

Since that's not good enough for a post. I'll explain something.
Now, I'll tell you straight I know what I can and can't tell you. Because as the name implies, the goal of this quest is for there to be hidden things, inside the quest itself, hidden routes and paths, hidden aspects that must be uncovered by the players themselves. I'm effectively using this to try to train a certain part of my writing abilities. Since they aren't where I want them at, I'm supposing some things I think are obvious aren't going to be noticed, and some things I think are subtle are going to be obvious. As such I encourage discussion.
Voting is open