Any price doesn't mean just money. We could ask for the secret of the next step of cultivation?
Good Idea, let's charge him like 50% increase in our wholesale costs for the clay and ask for some assistance with our cultivation.
Any price doesn't mean just money. We could ask for the secret of the next step of cultivation?
I fear cultivation secrets are more expensive than the clay we have.Good Idea, let's charge him like 50% increase in our wholesale costs for the clay and ask for some assistance with our cultivation.
I fear cultivation secrets are more expensive than the clay we have.
This is one of the coolest ways ive seen magic described. WowThe thrall bows and leaves the room as Jarl Erikaer watches with clear interest. You kneel and scrawl your desires on the floor, air, and spirits as a ward of privacy falls around you. Spells upon spells slip through your soul as you wield your will like a blade and cleave a space of absolute secrecy from the cloth of reality.
My only other thought is some sort of assistance against Drysalt or during the Vestfold arc, but not sure what.
Yeah part of my thinking too. Still he's a heck of a hammer if we could find the right nail.I think that's inevitable now. Drysalt and Dorri are in bed together and Dorri is his enemy. We don't need to bribe him to fight people who are already his enemies due to allying with his other foes.
Charge him normal silver costs and ask for info, I say. We're already going to make bank on it, right?
Don't we want to tell him that we also learnt that Dorri was behind our father's assassination, and by extension is culpable in the raid on the Hading?
It's less directly relevant to him, but still important context.
That being said, I think this is a good time to get a hint as to the Blood Cultivation. That seems less sensitive than direct Odr Cultivation information, but it's still valuable to us, especially if we can get him to hint to us how to do it properly
I think I just had a REVELATION as to what the third tentpole of Saga Expansion is, but I'll wait until I get some confirmation before I announce it to the thread.
"I'll let you live, but this secret stays here with me." His hand presses against Lidrun's face as he pulls the stolen words from her soul. White, silky strands of wispy energy trails from his fingers as Lidrun's convulsions fall flat as her breathing evens out. With a flexing of the hand, he crushes the secret between his fingers
You'll have to be more specific than thatalong with whatever cultivation advice he thinks is fair to balance out the rest of any debt.
Lidrun had a bunch of twists going that allowed her to, essentially, 'peak in on' your Eyetalking. Corpsemaker, of course, knew all about her presence—for she was in his hall—and was going to do that to her regardless of what you gave to him as information, simply as a matter of principle.So, @Imperial Fister , which of our precautions made it impossible for Lidrun to Skald Sneak her way into the conversation without getting caught? Or was this more "Corpsemaker was so thrilled about the outcome that he did us a solid and ensured information security?"
We could ask for the next step of Saga Establishment.
Even if Alectai is right, details and confirmation are valuable.
I feel like I've gotten a good enough idea on Saga Expansion after my recent REVELATION that we can probably tug at the remaining threads, but this is something that we only think we know how to do--and remember, it'd be better to find the Odr Cultivation version of it if we can--it'd save us considerable research time and danger if we can get some advice on the topic.
He chuckles as he snatches up a cup from the table and replaces the empty canteen with it, "You did better than most, to your credit. Certainly better than that Lidrun of the Red Scarf." He nods over your shoulder and, as you follow his gaze, you find yourself staring into the yellow eyes of a convulsing Lidrun as she writhes on the floor.