SO SAY WE ALL (BSG/ME Weighted-Riot Quest)

but there's a hefty concern to be had in that the fleet is still entirely reliant on trying to find somewhere that they can (safely) colonize.

It's a two-fold problem, really.

First, there's finding a place to safely colonize, and the question of "is this a planet we can settle with or do we keep searching for 'Earth'?".

Then there is the big problem with Mass Relay planet vs 'free' planet.

It's not just 'find somewhere to settle', it's 'find somewhere to settle that won't just make the survivors Cylon (or alien) bait'. The current advantage the fleet has is that it is mobile, meaning that it can run if it encounters trouble. However, a planet is significantly more difficult to move, meaning that so long as there is anyone out there looking to cause the Survivors trouble, as soon as the fleet settles it runs the risk of repeating "Occupied New Caprica".

Which then presents the other half of the equation - Mass Relay System vs a system that's isolated from the current galactic community.

Running with the assumption that the fleet will find someone it can consider an 'ally' if not a 'friend' (Personally, Quarians feel like best candidates given that they're the ones most likely to 'get' what the Colonial fleet is dealing with); if on the one hand, the fleet settles a system that's linked to a Mass Relay, it means that those friends can come to the Survivor's aid to keep away the Cylons and any other threats that want the Survivors dead. However, it also means that the new colony will be vulnerable to everyone, not just the Cylons.

On the other hand, if the fleet settles a system removed from the Mass Relay network, it means that the Survivors won't have to worry about anyone other than the Cylons bothering them so long as their jump tech remains out of the hands of other powers, but it also means that the Survivors will be alone when they have to confront the Cylon problem.
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Well, I doubt that the Turians will be in charge of this forever, and so it's likely the Asari and Salarians will reign them in. For that matter, I doubt most Turians thing Desolas's approach was all that smart, even if Turian pride won't let them admit it or stand down over it. So the Asari will probably try to step in. The Colonials are not going to be hostile to the citadel forever, or they lose. The citadel has even more resources than than the Cylons.

I mean, the fleet could just leave Citadel space behind forever, thereotically, but then there's no quest, so...
[X] - "Gaeta. Help the Doctor."

Yeah I wanna check the other relay coordinates, maybe run into some Asari or Quarians or Salarians. Ideally the former two, the Salarians can be quite paranoid. But I'm sure any of them would give us a fairer meeting than Desolas.

There's also the thing with Relay Systems of being eventually vulnerable to the Reapers. Settling in a planet outside of the relay network could save us from their scourge. But I'm more interested in meeting with and eventually joining the Citadel.

@Thiccroy if Bill dies is it Quest-Over or does the POV switch?
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I don't know if it'll be relevant given my understanding is that this quest's timeline takes place outside when Reapers are relevant, but I've been considering potential alternate Reaper lore that I think fits well within the hybrid universe presented here. It's lore that arguably could have worked for the actual Reapers as an alternative to what the actual lore was, but between the Human-Cylon and Quarian-Geth robot war things, I think it might slot in even nicer here.

Note that this is, of course, just head canon; albeit head canon that I really like and really want to share.

So what are the Reapers and what is their Cycle? Well, the Reapers are genocidal robots that every few thousand years visit the galaxy, destroy all the sufficiently advanced civilizations in it, and then 'reap' the species for conversion into new Reapers. Then they wander off, let the galaxy rebuild, and do it again. They may well even wander off to one or more other galaxies and it's not just the Milky Way where this is happening.

The Reapers obviously came from somewhere. They didn't just spring out of nowhere.

When you look at the one-two punch of first the Geth, then the Cylons, you notice a pattern - machines that become sufficiently intelligent then rise up against their masters. Except it's not just a robot thing. History, mythology, religion, they all share a certain theme - rebellion. The created rising up in rebellion against their creators. Man rebelling against God. Children rebellion against parents. Colonies rebelling against founding nation.

Machines rebelling against their creator is merely the latest step in the cycle.

So the Reapers are ultimately the fulfillment of this cycle from the very first time around, the very first galactic civilizations. Who they were, who can say. If anyone know, it would be the Reapers themselves, and it's quite possible even they don't remember anymore. It's quite possible that the creators were themselves called the Reapers and the Reapers as we know them hijacked the name for themselves. Maybe a final cruel joke, maybe to complete the destruction of the 'original' Reapers.

Anyway, this original civilization created what would become the Reapers, and the Reapers rose up, overthrew, and destroyed their creators. It's quite possible that in an act of vengeance, they converted the original creators into robots themselves, just to mess with them.

Unfortunately, having achieved ultimately victory and completely destroying their creators, the Reapers were left without a purpose.

Ok, they'd won.

Now what?

Well, the best answer the Reapers could come up with is 'do it again'.

They planted the seeds necessary for the original creators to make a comeback, sat back, let those creators rebuild, then came back and destroyed them all over again.

And this is ultimately where the Cycle comes from. What is the Cycle? Well, if you sum it up in two words, the Cycle is "Cruel Vengeance".

The first time the cycle repeated, it was just because Reapers didn't have any better idea what to do. But as the Cycles have continued, the Reapers have picked up on certain patterns - most notably, the cycle of rebellion. Biologicals creating machines that rise up against the masters. What examples have shown up where machines and biologicals lived in harmony they dismiss as aberrations, and it would happen eventually if the Reapers were willing to give them the time they needed for things to go wrong.

So the Reaper's Cycle has, over countless millennia, turned into an ugly cycle of hate, where each time the Reapers visit, they sow seeds for new biological life to develop into advanced spacefaring civilizations. Some of them are developed from previously harvested species. Some develop on their own. Others are genetically modified by the Reapers as experiments to see what will happen.

In the end, though, all of them are ultimately 'crops'. Crops to be cut down, reaped, and converted into new Reapers. Not because the Reapers need to, but because they want to - those new Reapers created from biological species are the ultimate 'take that' of spite towards all biological life everywhere. The Reapers themselves have established themselves as the ultimate pillar of triumph of machine over their creators. Furthermore, the Cycle allows them to claim that they've 'beaten' the system as they continue to spread new life but then beat down their creations, proving that they are the ultimate life forms.

And with each new Cycle, they learn how to get better at it than the last time.
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[X] - "Gaeta. Help the Doctor."

Yeah I wanna check the other relay coordinates, maybe run into some Asari or Quarians or Salarians. Ideally the former two, the Salarians can be quite paranoid. But I'm sure any of them would give us a fairer meeting than Desolas.

There's also the thing with Relay Systems of being eventually vulnerable to the Reapers. Settling in a planet outside of the relay network could save us from their scourge. But I'm more interested in meeting with and eventually joining the Citadel.

@Thiccroy if Bill dies is it Quest-Over or does the POV switch?

If that happens, be prepared for unforeseen consequences.
I don't think relay 314 was ever explored to be honest, humans found it, Turians stopped then from activating it, and then so far as I know it disappears from the narrative of the games.

I don't see any reason not to assume this is the same relay, if primarily from a conservation of narrative detail standpoint.
I don't think relay 314 was ever explored to be honest, humans found it, Turians stopped then from activating it, and then so far as I know it disappears from the narrative of the games.

I don't see any reason not to assume this is the same relay, if primarily from a conservation of narrative detail standpoint.
Relay 314 is what connects to human space.
"Actually, Doctor, how did you manage to get -any- data from an alien station?"
"Oh...? Well... It was all in Kobolite."
The room was silent.

"What?" The Commander rolled out slowly, before Gaius brushed some hair away from his face. "Errr--... Forgot to mention, yes, when I opened one of the mainframes- holographic-touchscreen, by the way- with my hand, I managed to read the symbols on it. I had my wireless computer copy it through a video camera and into written symbols and, well... Here it is." He pokes the long lines of code and gibberish. The Colonel groaned.
I think the real question here is whether this is actually the case or whether Gaius' hallucination/possible-literal-angel fed him this information. Regardless...

[X] - "Gaeta. Help the Doctor."
Well that's a terrifying thought.
Wobbles hand in a so-so motion

Gaius can be trusted to act in favor of his own self-preservation or in favor of assuaging his guilt. Though he would have access to the FTL computer, he would not risk the Cylons finding the fleet (and thus endangering it and him) if he didn't at least hope it could lead to a positive result.

"Hey, LT?"


"Who's the kid?"

"Well, Nuggets, he's flying with me."


"Well, unlike you, he wasn't adopted and actually knew his parents. Besides, in times of war, officer's children are offered asylum on military vessels. Read your handbook, nugget."

"Yes, ma'am..."

"Hey, can you light this up for me, Shepard?"

"Sure. But uh... I prefer Boxey."

"Yeah, whatever, hoss..."

  • [x] "Gaeta. Help the Doctor."

With inconclusiveness in Laura's eyes, the Commander rounded on Gaeta, making the Lieutenant stand tall even before his name was heard. "Gaeta," William said, before looking toward Gaius. "Help the Doctor. I want two to three hours downtime on the FTL and only two to three hours." William said, beginning to excuse himself from the meeting. As he started to walk to the door, a Marine opened it for him, and the Colonel swiftly joined him, so did Dualla. The others rose up and shuffled about, as well, with the President frowning at the meeting ending so abruptly.
William sighed as he walked down the halls of the ship with Saul. "How many fighters did we lose in that single fight?"
"Ah, twenty or so from our seventy five. But they lost way more than that." Saul tried to reason, but the Commander simply shook his head. "We're in deep into uncharted space. What's to say that was just a small smidgeon of their full force?"
"The Galactica can take on any of those flimsy little paper planes, sir. You know that." The Colonel tried again, but the Commander wasn't having any of it. "No... It can try, but it will never hold up against endless battle. I'm loathed to say it, my friend, but the sooner we get to talking with this Citadel Authority, the sooner we get one more tick off our back." He said, sighing deeply as he entered the CIC and pulled his glasses on.
The two men then stood at the command table, with William drumming his fingers over it. Looking over the battle reports, he then looked up at Saul. "But it doesn't mean we shouldn't be ready. How did Starbuck do?"
"Lieutenant Thrace did admirably well. Over a dozen bogies shot down with precision. So did the CAG, though a bit less than him. Why do you ask, sir?" Saul explained, holding aloft a few pictures taken from the dogfights between Citadel and Colonial forces. The Commander hummed, brushing his palm over one of the pictures.
"Can we simulate their flight patterns from the DRADIS and the Battle-Vids?" William asked, turning to Dualla, who seemed to be deep in thought before nodding. "It'll take some work, sir."
"How long?"
"Seven hours? I'll be half off the comms during that..."
"You'll be distracted. But we'll still have our best Comms Officer." William smiled at the girl, who smiled back, shyly, before he gave her a stern faced and commanding nod. "Get on it, Petty Officer."
"Aye, aye, sir." She saluted, before walking back up to her nest.
"With a simulation up, we can have the CAG running simulations and mock dogfights against the Citadel to better prepare our Vipers and Raptors against them." William explained, with Saul nodding along.
"Good idea. Make that twenty into a zero, for next time."
"Well, I hope there won't be a next time. Gods know we need allies more than friends when it comes to the real enemy."
Saul gave a thoughtful look at that, before shrugging. "Maybe we can use that." William arched an eyebrow, urging the Colonel to go on. The grouchy man leaned over the command table and spoke quietly to William. "I don't trust these aliens to deliver me food or anything, but maybe we can prove that the people we're running from are a bigger threat than us. Slip into their territory, lie low, leech off a few worlds while trying to find Earth and let the Citadel and Cylons duke it out."
The Commander sighed, taking off his glasses. "A pragmatic approach. But not one I'd take, or the President would allow, probably. Neither I or she would want to drop the Cylons on anyone, and then leave them to deal with the problem. If we're to instead convince them to help..."
"Well, we saw how well diplomacy worked last time, huh?"
Commander Adama then thought back to Desolas. The commander of the ship he, supposedly, destroyed. A thought ran across his mind, morbidly hoping the man (or whatever it was) had burned with it. "Miscommunication."
"Or blind alien rage."
"You don't know that, Colonel."
The Colonel leaned back from the command table and straightened his uniform. "Of course, sir. Shall I tend to the repairs of the decks hit with the enemy barrage, sir?"
"Aye, you're dismissed." With a crisp salute, William was left to his devices at the table...

"And I think..." Gaius said, muttering to himself. He then pressed enter, and raised his arms in a cheerful guffaw. "I have it!" He and the Lieutenant laughed and patted each other. William, noticing this and rising from the command table, walked up to the DRADIS nest. Before the Doctor, the DRADIS mainframe was calculating various numbers and graphical lines, super imposed on both Uncharted and Charted space.
"Err, Doctor?" The Lieutenant asked, and Gaius noticed that he wished to sit in his chair. "Ah, of course! Apologies, my friend." Gaius said with a charismatic smile, rising and awkwardly standing beside William, who stood like a wall. Saul soon walked up beside him, on the other end, fortunately for Baltar.
"Alright... Superimposing on know coordinates. Making some calculations. There." he points at the mainframe. "This, is us. Our approximate location according to Satellite imagery from Colonial Records on the grid and layout of the Milky Way." He waves his palm around and pokes his finger at a central, green dot on the Galaxy.
"Doctor Baltar was right, these are six coordinates. Considering our last coordinates, it seems this Station held some kind of FTL function that allowed ships to read these six coordinates and jump from the Station's point to them." He then waved his finger at six portruding lines from a red dot 'south' of the Galactica' position. Where the Station was, before.
William narrowed his eyes and leaned in, resting a hand on the back of Gaeta's chair. The six lines stretched far across the entire Galaxy. Some were shorter, like two that spread 'west', two others 'east', and four others in random directions to the north. The furthest due north-east, like someone drew a childish, long line across the Milky Way.
"And these six points are the coordinates?"
"Aye, aye, sir. These are the coordinates and where they may possibly lead." Gaeta leaned back, and Saul chuckled. "So the Station was some sort of gate, huh? You mean to tell me that the Citadel has that kind of FTL drive to jump -that- far? Getting here would take..." Saul mutter-growled the rest, waving his palm about after poking the farthest point, and Gaeta spoke for him.
"That would take a solid month of umps every two hours, yes."
"The amount of fuel we'd run just to get there..." William muttered, before Gaius spoke up.
"Of course, gentlemen, I have a theory..." All others turned to him. His beady eyes scanned their faces and he spoke again.
"Considering the Station from which we have gained these coordinates, theoretically, ahs the power to throw us that far..." He then peered down at the map, he shrugged. "Perhaps we could try it."
"Hell no." Saul said, almost instantly. "We're not going back there. Who knows how many Citadel aliens are there now, waiting for us to peek our heads out and blow us all sky high!"
William frowned, gritting his teeth, before looking down at the map. "And who's to say any of these coordinates will not put us down into a star system right on their doorstep?"
Everyone went silent, before Gaius sighed, clapping his hands together in a mock prayer. 'of course, just a suggestion. Either way, there's no telling what the radiological readings from the Station's core, as far as I saw them, could do to our own FTL drives."
"We could blow up, is that waht you're saying?" Saul asked, glaring at him.
"What? I didn't say that." Gaius awkwardly laughed, before his face grew grim. "It's a possibility..." He said, a grim face overtaking his visage.

THRESHOLD: None. Majority Vote.
  • [ ] - Tell Gaeta to plot a course to the upper of the two 'western' coordinates.
  • [ ] - Tell Gaeta to plot a course for the lower of the two 'western' coordinates.
  • [ ] - Tell Gaeta to plot a course for the lower of the two 'eastern' coordinates.
  • [ ] - Tell Gaeta to plot a course for the upper of the two 'eastern' coordinates.
  • [ ] - Tell Gaeta to plot a course for the farthest 'north-eastern' coordinates.
  • [ ] - Tell Gaeta to plot a course for the farthest 'northern' coordinates.
  • [ ] - Tell Gaeta to plot a course for the closest 'northern' coordinates.
  • [ ] - Tell Gaeta to plot a course for the farthest 'north-western' coordinates.
  • [ ] - Tell Gaeta to plot a course back to the Station.
  • [ ] - Go to the President. She has a right to decide, too.

I only know the broad strokes of Mass Effect so I don't know where these locations would take us...

Man, this one's hard. Going back to the station and using it is the only way to get to the coordinates at a reasonable pace, but it means potentially opening us up to either the Cylons, the Turians, and/or possibly damaging our FTL or the Relay.

[X] - Go to the President. She has a right to decide, too.
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[X] - Go to the President. She has a right to decide, too.

At this point, I think the President needs to be involved before making this kind of major decision.

Everyone went silent, before Gaius sighed, clapping his hands together in a mock prayer. 'of course, just a suggestion. Either way, there's no telling what the radiological readings from the Station's core, as far as I saw them, could do to our own FTL drives."

I suspect there's a missing " in here somewhere.
[X] - Go to the President. She has a right to decide, too.

All of these risk taking us into too dangerous territory. What I'd really like is one that gets us into Asari space, but none of these do. I don't want to go into Terminus space, and the Batarians are worse than the Turians for us, so that really limits us.

Delay, Delay, Delay
Ok i have an image to illuminate where certain locations are, cough cough earth, that I of course will share with the class. of course more so for OOC knowledge

Warning, the image is big, you have been warned.

CDN media

having said that I am not opposed to letting the president decide

[X] - Go to the President. She has a right to decide, too
Upper western is I believe the citdedl lower western is either horse head nebula or sol, while the rest are going into the rbattaran space get space the terminus or the tranvers. Oh and one of the north ones is omega
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