SO SAY WE ALL (BSG/ME Weighted-Riot Quest)

[X] - "Evasive maneuvers, go into a controlled spin!"

Love the concept of this quest, BSG 03 is one of my favourite bits of sci fi medio out there. Never thought I'd see a BSG/ME XO but I'm 1000% down. Would have loved to have been Starbuck but Adama is a real one so it should still be a lot of fun.
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Adhoc vote count started by Thiccroy on Nov 25, 2023 at 1:05 PM, finished with 16 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] - "Apollo, this is Galactica-Actual, clear the perimeter and return home, we're firing into you!"
    [X] - "Initiate all firing solutions against central ship! And fire a nuke at it!"
    [X] - "Evasive maneuvers, go into a controlled spin!"
    [X] - "Begin jump to the Civilian Fleet!"
    [X] - "Apollo, this is Galactica-Actual, create an opening for two of my nukes to fire at the central ship."

Another turn that is going to be absolute chaos.

"Can the quest Rioters save the Galactica from certain doom? Find out in the next update of 'SO SAY WE ALL: A Battlestar Galactica Mass Effect Crossover Weighted-Riot Quest'!!!"

  • [X] - "Apollo, this is Galactica-Actual, clear the perimeter and return home, we're firing into you!" [3 points]
  • [X] - "Initiate all firing solutions against central ship! And fire a nuke at it!" [2 points]
  • [X] - "Evasive maneuvers, go into a controlled spin!" [2 points]
  • [X] - "Begin jump to the Civilian Fleet!" [ 2 points]

Henceforth, for maximum chaos, I will allow players to vote up to four times. HOWEVER! If you vote for two separate things, the points of those votes will be split in half (1/2), and if you vote for four different decisions, your efforts will be split into 1/4ths. So that the math is easier, voting for 3 things simply decreases the value by half, rather than 1/3ds.

"Report, Ensign."

Ten minutes earlier. Aboard the Turian Frigate Valiant Fist.
"Sensors just confirmed that we have primitive heat signatures on the long range," the young Turian spoke on the left hand side of the General, as Desolas sat in a central, upper chair in the CIC. "They seem to be... Around seventy two. Varying sizes. Varying heat sinks. Biggest one is almost the size of the Destiny Ascension in length."

"Hmmm. Pull it up. Have the other Commanders array in a pincer formation." Desolas brought a holographic, live video of the fleet through their long range cameras. Indeed, just as they appeared, the ships were coming into disarray. The largest ship in question was certainly brutish, reminding him of an ancient aquatic submarine, rather than a refined frigate of Space.

"Do try to get a hail on these primitives. Let us take this slowly. Most of these ships look to be civilian. Or maybe this is a colonial expedition." After a few minutes of waiting, the Ensign lifted his head up and nodded up to the General. "You are tuned in and open to speak, sir. It seems they picked us up."

"Civilized enough to understand citadel frequencies. Let us... Wait." He smirks, staring at the holographic wavelength of the frequency. After a pause, it did not move, at all. White noise static could be heard. Desolas gritted his teeth and then calmly curled his arms behind his back and spoke, whilst standing from his chair, loud enough for the voice receiver to transmit only his voice from the bridge.

"Unknown ships! This is the Turian Hegemony, serving the glorious Citadel Council and its united species of this fair and righteous Galaxy! We demand you slither away from Relay Designation 314 and surrender your fleet to our authority for immediate subjugation under Citadel law!"

Smirking, Desolas then waited, speaking low to the others under him. "They have frequencies, let us see if they have a translator."

He did not have to wait, however, as a voice came back. "Lypámai," an uncertain, greybacked voice said, clealry confused. "den katalavaíno. Ágnostos stólos, dilóste tin epicheírisí sas kai tous stóchous sas. Aftós eínai o dioikitís William Adama tou Stólou tou--..." Desolas growled, cutting him off.

"Cease your drivel! Is your species so primitive as to not understand me!? Unknown ships! This is the Turian Hegemony, serving the glorious Citadel Council and its united species of this fair and righteous Galaxy! We demand you slither away from Relay Designation 314 and surrender your fleet to our authority for immediate subjugation under Citadel law!" Desolas by now was roaring at the interface before him, with most officers around him ducking their heads under the onslaught of their General's words, the Marines between them shifting uncomfortably.

After a moment, the Ensign spoke up, cautiously, of course, as Desolas continued to berate the primitive race on the other line. "They, uh... Well, it seems like they sent a written example of their text. And a voice recording of what that thing said. Sir." He pulled up his omnitool, sending the informaiton to Desolas, who squinted at it, growling. "Have a VI shift through this and come up with a translator, dammit..."

The General then paced about, watching the Unknown fleet as his own inched closer, glaring through the windows of the CIC at it. The Ensign spoke up. "Sir! Those... The sides of the Dreadnought just opened. Erm-- it seems like fighters are shuffling out."
"Tell our own to continue in their movement. Increase our speed slightly. Get closer to these uppity primitives... How is the VI coming along?"

"Around ninety percent ready. And-- Spirits...!" Desolas saw it. The Ensign didn't need to say anything.

Desolas froze, blinking. Before his eyes, literally every other ship esxcept the Dreadnought was gone. Blinking away in flashes of ionizing radiation. Everyone on the bridge seemed to see this, staring at their HUDs and up at the main HUD in disbelief.

Growling, Desolas turned to his Ensign. "Report!"
"Zero! I-- Zero, null radiation or power up from the Relay! I'm picking up ionized radiation from where the rest of the vessles were but I-- there's nothing, sir! They just disappeared!"
"Ho in the name of the Spirits do dozens of ships just -disappear-!? Full speed ahead! I want the translator now- not later! Send message! Primitive fleet! Power down! This is the Citadel Authority! And make it repeat until we get a Spirits-damned answer." Desolas angrily sat down in his command chair as he watched his fleet array and get faster whilst approaching the lone, final ship.

"Sir, the so-called 'Colonial' Dreadnought is warming up. It's not anything we've seen before. It's radiation. But not Mass Effect." As the Ensign spoke, the primitive voice returned. Automatically translated through to Desolas via the VI.
"Citadel Authority. You know we speak now. We no know no what you want. No shut down, you [UNKNOWN] attack. Speak why." Desolas grit his teeth and snarled.

"These primitives, seriously think...?"
"Holy spirits! We have nukes! Nukes, sir! Thermonuclear ICBMs, silos, tons of them! Two just warmed up!"
"Scattered array of fighters! Prepare for attack." The General roared out, whilst running up to the window to stare daggers at the lone Dreadnought they were approaching. "What is the primitive's name?"

"The translator says it calls itself Commander Adama."
Desolas marched back to his chair, closer to the communications HUD. He spoke, then, directly. "Commander Adama, I order you to stand down by the Authority of the Citadel. You are breaking our galactic laws."

"What law did break? What is Citadel Authority? Why go around my fleet?"
"Proud little fucking savage..." Desolas grunted out. He then turned to the Ensign. "Power main gun."

"Power. Main. Gun."
The Ensign and Desolas shared a look, before the Ensign nods. "Powering. Ready in ten seconds." Desolas turned back to the HUD, as the so-called Adama asked if he was still there. He then breathed in hard, and then spoke closely, almost intimately, into it.

"Desolas Arterius."
"I Commander William Adama. What is objective for fleet?"
"... Authority." He leaned back, turned to the Ensign, and spoke with finality. "Cut communications. Direct firing solution on Dreadnought. Fire when ready."
"Y-yes sir... Calculating. Done. Firing in three..."

Then, the blue streak of an unstoppable, kinetic shot of Mass Effect energies burst from the front of the Valiant Fist directly towards the enemy Dreadnought. Desolas smirked as its hull buckled under the effect and its fighters scattered. His own fighters began to fight theirs, though within a minute, Desolas' brow creased. "How are we...?"

"Two more fighters lost, sir! We're down twenty three!"
"From our maximum of one hundred and fifty!?" Desolas roared out in anger. "Power up the main gun again! Tell the other ships to open their broadsides in firing solutions on the fighters- we're going to force these primitives to stop with -force-!"
As Desolas waited with alarms ringing around him, he watched their fighters do battle, both through cameras on his own and through the ship's main HUD. The General grit his teeth together and growled, his mandibles chittering. "These maneuvers are beyond anything..." He muttered to himself before the Ensign spoke up.
"Main gun ready! But- Enemy Dreadnought is making--...!"

"Fire the gun, damn you! Fire! Make these primitives feel Turian might!" The ship rattled as the main gun fired again, but as the streak of blue and ionizing white slithered across the field, it crashed through the various fighter sin the middle of it- inadvertadly some of Desolas' own. Gritting his teeth in the uncomfortable silence of bated breaths, Desolas only now understood he should have listened to his Ensign. The Dreadnought, in finesse he had never seen before, literally spun and then dipped downwards in the shadow of the Milky Way's darkness, before pulling back up- as if crouching udner the attack, and letting the kinetic streak hit the Relay behind it. People across the bridge gasped as the Relay glowed and fritzed out, quite evidently hurt by the attack, but not completely.


"Collateral damage is normal in war!"
"Sir, excuse me, but what war--...!?" The Ensign asked, standing up, before Desolas leaned down and took him by the crook of his navy shirt. "Power the gun again! And aim better next time!" He threw the boy back into his seat and marched up to the window, staring the Dreadnought down. Another petty officer spoke up from behind.

"We're getting an emergency message from the Guardian Envoy, they're--!"
"-- Lieutenant Carus' squadron is almost completely torn apart! They're asking for orders to re--!"
"-- Enemy fighters breaking off! Enemy fighters breaking off! I repeat--...!"
"--...nukes are powered and are--...!"

Then, Desolas heard what he wanted. It was as if the seas had parted for him. No more fighters between him and this primitive upstart. He heard his Ensign's words. "Main gun ready, but sir...!"

In anger, the Ensign pressed the button hard, and the ship rattled again. However, it did not rattle from the Mass effect beam that would be shot and would miss the Battlestar by a grazing touch, but by the two nukes hitting its underbelly, as the General had ignored every other single battle report from the other ships that were in an angle to see the incoming missiles shot from the Battlestar Galactica whilst they were in a spin- concealing their launch.

As the valiant Fist burned and was slowly abandoned, Turian fighters retreated to their ships, and just as the other Turian Frigates hoped to turn on the Galactica, William Adama growled out a quiet, yet commanding, "Jump.", and they were nowhere to be seen.

"First Contact Hour: +1"
Small break before continuing Episode 1, will have a new voting-based post up soon! Enjoy the Turian perspective!
I already expected that the fleet having the ability to jump freely was going to be a big deal, but I did not expect the Galactica to have manuverability on a level that they couldn't have possibly anticipated. That is likely to be critical going forward in future encounters.

Leaves me a little disappointed this ended with the Galactica jumping rather than providing an opportunity for Adama flex a little "Are you willing to talk now?" muscle.
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I already expected that the fleet having the ability to jump freely was going to be a big deal, but I did not expect the Galactica to have manuverability on a level that they couldn't have possibly anticipated. That is likely to be critical going forward in future encounters.

Leaves me a little disappointed this ended with the Galactica jumping rather than providing an opportunity for Adama flex a little "Are you willing to talk now?" muscle.

Adama would love to but sadly he has a species to protect.
I already expected that the fleet having the ability to jump freely was going to be a big deal, but I did not expect the Galactica to have manuverability on a level that they couldn't have possibly anticipated. That is likely to be critical going forward in future encounters.

Leaves me a little disappointed this ended with the Galactica jumping rather than providing an opportunity for Adama flex a little "Are you willing to talk now?" muscle.
I'm half the reason for the jump, because I didn't think the fight would go this well.
I had an idea that by the size disparity alone the Galactica could probably take this small Turian force fairly well, but I was hoping that Desolas wouldn't be such a petty bitch about shit.
I would put a lengthy post here to explain the way I voted these past couple of turns, but you know instead I will let Sun Tzu speak for me, I will highlight the relevant bit.

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."
To be honest while Battlestar is usually seen as a lower tech level verse. It really wasnt.
These were the people who actually created a full on robot army with a excellent logistical base, when it turned on them they fought for over a year at a severe disadvantage then built the first battlestars. Even the arcadia class was capable of wrecking cylon ships and the Jupter class(galactica) was designed to take on the original cylon baseships.

The most intresting thing about the show is Galactica herself. after nearly 40-50 years of service and surviving near armageddon twice, she was still in a class all of her own. Even the pegasus the newest and one of the most powerful battlestars suffered greater damage even when not engaging the cylons as often than galactica.
What makes it more impressive is in the final series they literally find out that she was basically being held together with duck tape and paper mache. Yet she consistantly survive being pummeled by dozens of basehips in every other episode. (granted she was a hero ship but still the punishment she took was impressive)

Even when she deadbutted the cylon colonie she functioned just aswell as usual, what finally did her in wasnt her capabilities or her failing state it was simply because they didnt have time to follow the standard and require procedure of retracking the flight pods. Even then with her back broken she was still able to move and fly under her own power and died in a viking funeral style.

Keep in mind the colonials are also seriously behind where they were before th first wear. When galactica was commisiond rapid multi jumps and close order attacks were a pretty valid and practiced tactic. It was only when most fot heir GPS systems and fatigue crept in they stopped using it.
Add in they fought a seriously power ai foe to a standstill and were starting to win toward they end of the first war, the Mass effect races have even been challenged like that, not even the geth really compare.

Also the colonials aint likely to be as pandy assed like the alliance is, they will like embodie the saying of "F around and find out." They will have no hesitation of using everything they have to smack you in the nuts and then headbutt you for good measure, then disappear for abit before doing it again.
Yes, but Mass Effect weapons are moving insanely fast, which means they have a lot of impact power, and they have Mass Effect shielding.

And in the case of the fleet, the Colonials are easily outnumbered. They can't win this by fighting
On the other hand, there's also the Cylons that are going to be the real galactic headache for the immediate future once they cross paths with the larger galactic community.
Even worse their human like appearance will cause massive headaches for us when the Citadel races don't have a good way of distinguishing between us.

"So," Kara smirked, sitting in the pilot-quarters whilst music played, leaning over to let Lee pour some whiskey in for her. "You're still the CAG and I'm still the best shot in the fleet..." She chortled, as Lee shook his head back at her. "... Hell, I even think I'm the biggest alien killer so far."

"We don't even know if those were drones or actual pilots in them, Buck." Apollo replied, begrudgingly taking another sip of the whiskey he had. Sighing against the hot taste of it in the back of his throat. "Besides, I'd rather you not openly divulge Op-Sec whilst getting some serious liquor in yourself."

"Aye, aye, Cap'n." She snorted again, before chugging her entire glass again. She whooped, before sighing. "But, man... Twelve kills. Twelve -aliens-, Lee. What the fuck is going on?"

Lee peered at her and then away at the others playing cards, gambling, laughing, drinking- relaxing. He couldn't feel the same as they did. The feelings in the pit of his stomach couldn't be drowned by whiskey. Kara's own brows furrowed as she seemed to think on her own words amidst his silent treatment, before Lee pulled her out of it.

"We don't need to think about it for now," he explained, shaking his head. "What we need to think about is how we beat them -better- the next time they come."

"You think we have another circus chasing us, then?" She asked, peering between his eyes worriedly.

He sighs. "Yeah. Yeah, I think I do. And whatever happens- we'll give them the same treatment as the Cylons. Whether they have six eyes, four arms, are shaped like cockroaches or bark like dogs... Shit..." He chuckled, shaking his head, before Kara snorted back at him.


"You know, it reminds of an -ancient- show. A classic. Dad used to show it to me, said his grandpa showed it to him. Some kind of... Pre-Union show about humans traveling the stars and meeting aliens."

"Yeah? What about it?"

"... I think a few of us wouldn't mind meeting some very beautiful human-looking blue or green colored women." He smirked, as she stared at him dumbfounded, before, with her confusion over not having the context of his terrible joke combined with her tipsiness, she laughed like a donkey.

"So it's confirmed?" Laura asked as she stared up at Bill, who paced before her. At the table were the President, the Commander, the Colonel, the President's aide-de-camp, Billy, Petty Officer Dualla, Lieutenant Gaeta and Doctor Baltar. "Real alien life forms?" She asked, her voice a bit shaky as she shifted through the pictures taken by both Galactica's cameras and Apollo's during the dogfights.

"Yes." Was all the Commander said, sighing, crossing his arms over his chest and staring up at one of the dim, yellow lights of the bunker-like cabin. Baltar shakily put a picture away and lit a cigarette after trying four times to flick his lighter to life. Dragging slowly, the Doctor exhaled just as slowly, muttering something. William peered over to him, but chose to ignore him. After all, a scientist would be having a much bigger mental breakdown than him. Or, rather, an actual breakdown.
To Bill, oddly enough, it felt like another tuesday. He doesn't know what to think of that.

"... This is groundbreaking. Extraordinary. Terrifying. Bloody terrifying." Baltar spoke just loud enough for all of them to hear. Laura resigned with a sigh, taking off her glasses.
"I agree with the good doctor. This is... One, our civilization is almost wiped out. Second, our fleet is incessantly tailed by the Cylons- actually, hold that thought." She breathed in after massaging the bridge of her nose and breathing in the ventilated air.
"Any sign of them?"

Bill turned to Gaeta, who quickly spoke up. "No, ma'am, not so far. It seems we've both lost the Alien fleet and the Cylon fleet."
"These Aliens... What did they call themselves?"

"The Citadel Authority, ma'am." William replied this time, curling his palms behind his back. "They seem to represent some kind of authoritarian regime hell bent on making unknown fleets surrender and power down."

"Makes you think what kind of experience they've had with other species... Oh, my God, other -species-. Plural. God." Baltar pulled his palms through his air and curled them into fists, groaning. The man was clearly in need of some shut eye. Ever since escaping that giant station, he seems to have deeper, darker circles under his eyes.
"... And the communications with them? What happened there?"

"Possible mistranslation, ma'am. Or, worse." Dualla spoke up, and with the President's quirked eyebrow, stammered out her continuation, peering slightly at Billy. William noticed the boy's comforting gaze, before she continued her short report. "It seems after I sent my package to them they seemed to be able to decipher our language faster, able to translate it back and forth. At a staggering level. It would take years just to translate what the Commander said. But maybe it was faulty."

"Or they're warlords. Authority. That stands only for one thing." The Colonel growled out, making William nod. "I am inclined to agree. It seems this Citadel is a military dictatorship hellbent on not wanting other species to touch their stations. Even if they are abandoned and floating in unmarked space."

"Unmarked for us. And derelict for us..." Baltar muttered out. Everyone turned to him. Straightening up, his eyes widened, before he stammered out again, peering to the left periodically between sentences. "Well... You see- the station, my readings on it, or the best I could do, is suggestively ancient. More ancient in carbon dioxide readings than, let's say- the moment when the star that Caprica orbits around became an actual star that created a ring around itself where Caprica could in fact be settled in to be a habitable planet." He explained, peering between them with his wild, beady eyes.

"In layman's terms, we are possibly dealing with a civilization that has progressed over millions of years longer than ours, or even Kobol's, and is quite possibly secretive about keeping their technological secrets in tact. Because, well, there was... another reading I found within the Station." Baltar pulled out a sheet of paper, making some lean in on it, except William and the Colonel. His numbers made no frakking sense anyway.
"This algorithm here... It's the same kind of algorithm that is used to calculate coordinates. I have not decyphered it yet-" The President rose up a hand.
"Actually, Doctor, how did you manage to get -any- data from an alien station?"
"Oh...? Well... It was all in Kobolite."
The room was silent.

"What?" The Commander rolled out slowly, before Gaius brushed some hair away from his face. "Errr--... Forgot to mention, yes, when I opened one of the mainframes- holographic-touchscreen, by the way- with my hand, I managed to read the symbols on it. I had my wireless computer copy it through a video camera and into written symbols and, well... Here it is." He pokes the long lines of code and gibberish. The Colonel groaned.

"And what the frakk does it even say?"
"... Well, it's coordinates. Several. Six, I believe. It will take time to decipher."
"How much time?" The President asked.
"With Lieutenant Gaeta's help? Two, three hours? Without, maybe six. Felix is quite good." Gaius smiled up at the Lieutenant, who looked away a bit shyly. William hummed out, putting a hand to his chin as he crossed his arms over his chest again.
"And... it would take me full access to your FTL computer."
"We need it to make our jumps." William said, frowning.
"Yes... That is the problem. I need the jumps to stop in that timeframe."

"That risks us for a Cylon attack. or worse- the aliens."
"Actually, sir..." Dualla spoke up, pulling out a folder and laying it down. "You all went into some other topics but I wanted to bring this up. I talked to the Nav-officer and the Heat-Sink radar specialists about some readings I got from their ships. Sure, they look nothing like ours, but compare them to... This- any chassis within the fleet and their heat signatures." She pokes various pictures- comparisons of the Galactica and Civilian fleet vessels alongside "x-ray" silhouettes of the Alien ships.

Bill glares down at it.
"... They're blue."
"It's a different kind of FTL. And if that Station has coordinates- and they didn't wnat us to touch it..."
"We were poking around, what... Some kind of FTL station? You mean we can jump wherever we want, but they can't?" The Colonel asked, blinking up at Dualla. She only nods. The President and the Commander share a long look...

THRESHOLD: None. Majority vote rule applies.
  • [ ] - "Gaeta. Help the Doctor."​
  • [ ] - "Doctor, you have the FTL at your disposal, I still need the Lieutenant."​
  • [ ] - "I refuse. We're not stopping the fleet just to chase a few wild coordinates."​
  • [ ] - Let the President decide.​
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Deadline on 30th of November, 6:30 GMT!

You guys can also freely discuss even during voting times. I love you all talking about this, keeps me going :D
Arcturus system or shanxi system

[X] - "Doctor, you have the FTL at your disposal, I still need the Lieutenant."
[X] - "Gaeta. Help the Doctor."

The fleet can move freely, which is a huge benefit, but there's a hefty concern to be had in that the fleet is still entirely reliant on trying to find somewhere that they can (safely) colonize. The Relay giving a bunch of coordinates might just point us towards other places that the Citadel Authority has locked down, at which point we'd be waltzing into a trap.

Might be worth pursuing an option to just take some time and chart out our current stellar coordinates. Maybe try to find some spots in deep space that we can hop to in case things get a little too froggy for our liking at the new destination?