The Pelta Galaxy: No SV, you're a whole ding-dang galaxy

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Trigger Warning: Expect the worst just incase
Together we'll influence events occurring among a couple alien civilizations in the Pelta Galaxy and hopefully a space war won't ensue...

You guys are gonna space war using the silliest aliens you can make aren't you, I do not have that much confidence in your desire and ability to make the universe a better place, but at least it'll be entertaining
Da Premise/Da Rules
The Pelta Galaxy is a region of the universe known for its varied lifeforms, wonders, and interconnected nature thanks to its proximity to the Homa-Sphere Anomaly
What is this anomaly? Well it is in fact a galaxy sized pan-dimensional hive constructed from large tears in space time, in which powerful beings called the Homa crawl and tear more holes in reality for fun, leaving paths in the 4th dimension
These Homa-Paths are used as shortcuts across the universe by many species, thus allowing easy interstellar travel, the Homa-Sphere's proximity was close enough for a couple of the little guys to make some paths but far away enough so that species don't get wiped out by passing Homa eating the structural integrity of the space around them

You'll control the residents of the Pelta-Galaxy together and hopefully things go well, hopefully

Da Rules

A turn of this quest is divided into 2 sections, Actions and Results, in game a turn occurs during a varying span of a couple earth days to a couple earth weeks
During the action section you just write down something you want to happen
During the results section I write... well, the results
Posting an action influences the Pelta Galaxy a little bit, such as making a organization or individual do something or having a geological or celestial event occur
These will most of the time require a roll of a 100 sided die or multiple rolled against each other to determine their success, with modifiers based on the circumstances, the higher the result the better for the action, if you vote for the same action as somebody they get a modifier bonus of 5 to their roll

If you make a faction and or individual or creature or environment do something it is very unlikely to approve of or capable of doing then that action will be diluted, maybe transferring the action to another individual or place, modifying it, vetoing will be saved for the REALLY bad stuff

Also no crossovers with past quests (LOOKING AT YOU RUSH)

First we'll set up celestial objects like planets, interesting sections of the Pelta-Galaxy's void, giant ark-ships, and space stations, alongside maybe what can be found there, then we'll create sapient species to populate the place, then factions

Some Final Notes
- No humans, you can be human-like but you can't have anything directly related to mankind, I just don't anyone to be human descendant or human made or related to mankind in any way, you can have coincidental similarities though
- Psychics are a thing in this universe, do with that what you will
- Homa-Paths are the main form of travel from one section of the universe to the other, be careful not to stay too long in them cause the 4th dimension is weird
- Let me post a quick informational
Pelta Galaxy Data
The Homa
- A species of space-time warping entities that carve holes in reality for fun
- Origins unknown, appearance unknown thanks to light distortions around them, intelligence varies from individual to individual
- Mainly like messing around and eating black holes
- Whole lotta nothing
- Except maybe some radiation
- Maybe some rocks too

4th Dimension
- Shortcut between sections of the universe carved by c
- Stuff gets trippy if you stay too long
Basic Minerals & Elements
- Rocks
- And chemicals
- And ores
- Basic resources like that
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Creation Phase: Celestial Locations
Just fill out this form to create planets, city sized spaceships, space stations and other stuff like that
Follow this plan format and remember that it's all subject to rewrite or veto
Voting for the same thing does nothing but waste your vote
You can ignore certain things like native lifeforms, resources, or history if the location is empty
If you wanna, discuss with other players and cooperate when writing the history of these places, maybe you can connect some of them, maybe an Ark-Ship one quester made terra-formed a planet that another quester made into the paradise world it is today but forgot about it

[] Name Of Celestial Location
- [] Location Characteristics: Gas Giant & Moons/Verdant Paradise/Malfunctioning Ark-Ship/Other
- [] Sub-Locations (You can make up to 4 if you want): City On A Moon/Strange Natural Landmark/World's Creepiest GIant Engine-Room/Other
- [] Native Lifeforms (You can make up to 4 if you want): Moon Tree That Psychically Soothes You/Literally A Ball Of Teeth/Malfunctioning Repair Droids/Other
- [] Native Resources (You can make up to 4 if you want): Moon Rocks With No Kinetic Energy/Stones That Glow Near Life/Mysterious Liquid Energy Leaking From Pipes/Other
- [] Location History
- [] Any Other Notes You May Have
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[X] Name Of Celestial Location: Winds of fortune
- [X] Location Characteristics: Malfunctioning Ark-Ship
- [X] Sub-Locations: Overgrown Hydroponics Bay, Psychic Server Room, Zero G factory.
- [X] Native Lifeforms: Spirits (Psychic AIs), Kanary (Avian descended race), Mining Drones (Semi functional asteroid miners), Demons (Maddened Psychic AIs).
- [X] Native Resources: Mysterious Liquid Energy Leaking From Pipes, Psychically Active metals/weapons.
- [X] Location History: Colony ship that experienced an event that greatly expanded Psychic potential. The AI's did not handle it well.
- [X] Kanary are around tribal socially
I like the sound of that
I can already imagine the Kanarys, weak bones but the grip of their talons is strong enough to help climb around the ship, fluffier warmer feathers to help counteract the cold steel comprising most of the vessel and if there is zero gravity all over the ship it helps soften the impact if they fly off and hit something, herbivorous, or maybe omnivorous with leanings towards plant based nutrition thanks to generations of feeding off the hydroponics bay
[X] Rock
- [X] Location Characteristics: Outwardly a barren rock orbiting a gas giant but internally there is a thriving biosphere.
- [X] Sub-Locations: Ever Expanding Tunnels, Abandoned Artistically Carved Cities, The Under Sea, The Geothermal Forge
- [X] Native Lifeforms: Giant Burrowing Silk Worms, Psychic Golems, Squat Pale Skinned Proto-sapients, Dark Ones (A mysterious blood drinking humanoid species)
- [X] Native Resources: Psychically Charged Gems, Mysterious Glowing Mushrooms, Rare Metals, Ancient Tech
- [X] Location History: A world that once belonged to a race of artisans that fell to ruin after an unknown event, perhaps they dug too deep or reached too high no one knows. The descendants of this race still wander the endless caverns and tunnels of the world in feral tribes of barely intelligent beasts.
- [X] The Dark Ones have formed the very basics of a proto-aristocratic society.
Dark Ones (A mysterious blood drinking humanoid species)
Thin, grey skinned, quite quick and sneaky to be so mysterious, they have large ear-nose like skin flaps extending from the tip of where a human nose should be to the tip of their fluffy ears, these ears can sense sound with great accuracy and sniff out any traces of iron-rich liquids in the air
Proboscis like tongue that when inserted into a victim's body branches out underneath their skin, resembling a red tangled worm-like tree canopy, it of course sucks blood from that body
[X] Name Of Celestial Location: The Wildlands.
- [X] Location Characteristics: planet covered mostly in vast untamed wilderness.
- [X] Sub-Locations: Humid Jungle, Warm Grasslands, Crystal Clear Lakes, Strange Black Monoliths.
- [X] Native Lifeforms: Leouga (Lion like race with a Centaur like body plan), Hook Beak (Carnivorous flightless bird), Zebrasaurs (Herbivorous lizards with a equine like body plan), Rock Horns (Rhino like creatures covered in rock like plates)
- [X] Native Resources: Stones That Glows In The Dark, Berries That Lessens Pain, Clean Water, Iron Ores That Absorbs Kinetic Energy.
- [X] Location History: planet seeded with life by a ancient alien race as a experiment and then left to evolve and adapt on its own.
- [X] Any Other Notes: The Leouga is currently in the early stages of developing a hunter-gatherer society.

Is this valid.
Also, by the way, the celestial locations you guys are making will be most of the options for the homeworlds of your space faring species if this keeps up, so if you want your guys to be born exclusively on moons and ark-ships then be my guests
[X] Name Of Celestial Location: Zans-Ackin Asteroid Field
- [X] Location Characteristics: A system comprised entirely of asteroids and dwarf planets orbiting a single star.
- [X] Sub-Locations (You can make up to 4 if you want): Giant Bacterial mats, the Goiba Tribes, the Petrified Forest, the Screaming Stones
- [X] Native Lifeforms (You can make up to 4 if you want): the Goiba (descendants of damaged Von Neuman probes who achieved sapience), Fimer (feral descendants of the same probes), colonial bacterial mats (large enough to cover entire asteroids)
- [X] Native Resources (You can make up to 4 if you want): metallic ores, combustible bacterial slime, fossilized lifeforms, psionically imprinted rocks
- [X] Location History: Analysis of the system shows that the likely cause of the asteroid field was the collision of whatever planets orbited the star previously. The only remains of the previous inhabitants being a fossilized continent called the Petrified Forest that miraculously survived the cataclysm.
- [X] The current inhabitants are the Goiba, a mechanical species who evolved from Von Neuman probes ages ago. The Goiba live in tribes lead by mechanic-shamans, who preach about their origins as relics of the gods. Occasionally they are attacked by the Fimer, the non-sapient remnants of the original probes and their descendants who have identified (somewhat correctly) the Goiba as malfunctioning probes whose resources must be repurposed for the 'mission'. Whatever cataclysm originally destroyed the system resulted in the creation of psychic imprints tied to the stones of the original planet. Psychically sensitive individuals near these stones experience intense fear, hopelessness, and the sensation of stone crawling up their form.

EDIT: I changed the society to fit with the QM's requests. The interesting part about the Goiba is that they are very technically a space faring civilization in the sense that they can survive in vacuum. They don't have any real means of propulsion though, other than jumping off a rock and hoping for the best.
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I probably should've stated at the beginning that the native lifeforms should've all been animals or plants or at most tribal
Cause you guys are really jumping the gun on making sapient species, I've already stated that that the next creation phase would be the space faring races
[X] Name Of Celestial Location: Library
- [X] Location Characteristics: A mysterious space station orbiting a rouge planet.
- [X] Sub-Locations:
-- [X] Circulation: Crowded with all manner of printer and replicator, where Library's Facsimiles are made.
-- [X] Archives: Far beneath the surface of the planet, hidden and unknown to all outsiders is the true Library. The original of every single object within Library's collection is stored and preserved here, teleported down on acquisition and cloned up to form facsimiles.
- [X] Native Lifeforms: Librarians, Facsimiles of the living creatures stored in Archives, they have no unifying characteristics.
- [X] Native Resources:
-- [X] Facsimiles: Faithful reproductions of objects stored in Archives, they would be nigh indistinguishable from the originals were it not for them being a psychic blank slate.
- [X] Location History: As far as can be dug up from Archives, the planet and satellite have been drifting through empty space for the entirety of their existence, gradually deteriorating until arriving at the Pelta Galaxy.
- [X] Any Other Notes You May Have: While the dwarf planet's cooling core provided a modicum of energy sufficient to keep bare essentials running, energy and resources must be imported to maintain full operation. The catalog used to search everything stored in Archives is all but unusable, with most entries just being an identification number.

My ideas went a bit out of control trying to flesh out details. In summery, it's an ancient artifact filled with ancient artifacts and mysterious/unsettling library in one. I initially had it fully fleshed out, but pared it back into just a description of the location.
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I have an idea. If it is not overstepping, why not set up a vote to see what kind of planets are available? For instance, a list of possible planet-types followed by features then locations and species to generate player voted 'NPC' worlds. It could save the QM from having to do everything and offers more player interaction.

This is, of course, merely a suggestion. I have no power to control this quest. Please contact our benevolent Darf for actual quest mechanics and otherwise ignore all imposters.
Voting is open