Hugh_Donnetono Presents: SV Mafia All-Stars (Or: A Crisis On Infinite Sus)

Yeah it's the same sorta problem as first day lynch either gain no info and let non-towns run rampant or near guaranteed kill a town for little info, a dammed if you don't dammed if you do situation.
I'm not convinced this is true, actually. I would argue that scum likely have a good deal more information than independent players or certainly members of the town; this is both due to their size- if they are a bigger team obviously this means that there are likely either fewer third parties with sizable groups or smaller third parties, their roles could very well give them a clue, and it's very possible the falvor does too. Third parties could also have additional information the town doesn't, but that's variable. I think that it's more likely to provide some evening out as long as nobody provides more dteail than absolutely necessary, but there is no real way of guaranteeing that, and I could definitely see some information coming from it, so since I haven't played the game in years I do want feedback before I push for it.

I'd be surprised if Town had more than 10 players.
I would say that "town minority" is inherently basard, which hugh said he tried to avoid. I think there's definitely at least 3 non-town alignments, and if there are others, they're probably smaller, but this is shaky speculation.
This sounds like an excuse to do various war crimes upon others for absolutely no reason. Therefore....

[X] Vote Comiturtle

Pick 4 scum and die quick so we can ignore the weirdly on point callouts


Anyway, so just some quick musings:
  • Doubting Multiple scum-teams
  • Doubting Cult [outside maybe limited cult 3rd party]
  • Likely an SK/Arso/Werewolf/Hellbeast role in the third party column
  • Doubting The Thing
  • At max one returning role from all of Hugh's past run games.
  • High potential for roles to have abilities that actually do nothing in game, unlikely that roles have no way to interact with the game.
  • Scum Team likely have a small set of unifed powers on top of whatever they already have, this mostly because of the following point.
  • Alignment in past game does not equate to alignment in this game, however roles are often balanced around the faction they were designed in, inherent power discrepancies between games can be leveraged with how alignments were given to roles.
  • Power-madness is likely.
  • Basically I expect the basic structure to be fairly reasonable, and its the ingredients that are weird.
(Sorry if that's toeing the line with regarding to 8, I thought "GM's assessment of the set-up as stated in the rules" woudl be fair game, but feel free to whack me if not)

You're probably fine, discussing how the game could be designed is fine, me writing a list of "These are probably Hugh's favorite roles from each game based off of what I know about them" and posting them anywhere other than in my role PM with them probably would be bad. (Do not do that)

Now to actually playing the game, not surprised by a bit of lethargy given exact day and time of year, but lets get some show on the road.

[X] Vote A Bunch of Atoms

I mean yeah, but there's more 3P's than I had thought there would be.
Do you believe that each color in third parties is indicating a separate member of that group?

I mean, between the cult, 3 or 4 serial killers, and questionable amount of factional roles (who probably aren't all on the same team), it's pretty close. I'd be surprised if Town had more than 10 players.
Do you have any particular reason to believe that a Cult would be in the game?
I have a gun and I will be using it on fucking god don't even try me.
Do you believe that each color in third parties is indicating a separate member of that group?
No. Some of them are colors of third parties in the game, but not all. While it is possible to be 12 3P's, it's not likely. Depending on whether the cult is also the Scum, I'd say 4-7 third parties are in the game.
Do you have any particular reason to believe that a Cult would be in the game?
Yes. Although it's less "believe" and more "know" that there is a cult.
Yes. Although it's less "believe" and more "know" that there is a cult.
Okay, scrapping my last idea. A cult makes it far less useful and we want cult to have as little information as possible Can you be any more specific on how you're so certain or if there is literally anything about them you feel comforatble telling us? Obviously I don't want you to say enough that you're roleclaiming, but we need to stomp cults out really fast so the more we know hte better.
I will believe basically anything at this point I'm basically at upick levels of balance doubting.
NGL I'm exhausted. Working on Black Friday sucks when the mall has no Internet for two-thirds of the day.
Okay, scrapping my last idea. A cult makes it far less useful and we want cult to have as little information as possible Can you be any more specific on how you're so certain or if there is literally anything about them you feel comforatble telling us? Obviously I don't want you to say enough that you're roleclaiming, but we need to stomp cults out really fast so the more we know hte better.
I think it should be fine to say that The Ultimate Class Rep is in the game. The rolecard from the previous game is as follows:

There are two kinds of Class Representatives in this world; those elected in popularity contests, and those who volunteer through peer pressure. You are the first kind. Everyone in your class loves you - you're charismatic, gorgeous, and impeccably dressed. No wonder you're so good at turning them into puppets. A killing game? Please. Everyone will fall under your command to live a peaceful school life - or be eliminated.

You are a member of the Student Council, and fill people with Despair. You win when only the Student Council remains. Please note that the Student Council, as a team, can only kill one person per Night phase.

Communication: You can communicate with other Student Council members here.
Night Kill: You may eliminate a single player each Night phase. Your kill flavor is [Rejected].
Faction Leader: You are the one in charge of the Student Council, and as such, the ultimate choice on what member kills who is up to you. To use this power, send a PM saying "Kill [Player] with [Member]". If you die before your teammates, this power will be transferred to one of them.
Sheer Doki Doki Attack: You know just the right words to sway someone to your side. They might not know how much they love you yet, but they will soon enough. Once per Night phase, assuming you do not kill someone, you may attempt to recruit a player to the Student Council. To use this power, send a PM saying "Recruit [Player]".
Meticulous: You are a very...careful person. As such, you are always sure not to leave anything incriminating around. Being investigated will not implicate you in anything.
I think it should be fine to say that The Ultimate Class Rep is in the game. The rolecard from the previous game is as follows:
I'll try to be careful to not say too much here, but...

Do not trust former role alignments. Do not trust former role powers to have passed through to this game true. I believe you when you say that role exists, but without further evidence I am not sold the culting ability exists in this game, or would work, or would work as a culting ability.
I'll try to be careful to not say too much here, but...

Do not trust former role alignments. Do not trust former role powers to have passed through to this game true. I believe you when you say that role exists, but without further evidence I am not sold the culting ability exists in this game, or would work, or would work as a culting ability.
Makes sense, we have no idea if Hugh & Co. have messed around with the details of prior roles. They may have removed or added abilities to old roles. Scum roles may be town sided, or town roles may be scum sided...
I'll try to be careful to not say too much here, but...

Do not trust former role alignments. Do not trust former role powers to have passed through to this game true. I believe you when you say that role exists, but without further evidence I am not sold the culting ability exists in this game, or would work, or would work as a culting ability.
Makes sense, we have no idea if Hugh & Co. have messed around with the details of prior roles. They may have removed or added abilities to old roles. Scum roles may be town sided, or town roles may be scum sided...
Well the game warning says roles generally at most have minor changes. I'd rather assume the ability works, than to get blindsided by it later in the game, y'know?
That said, we are almost certainly looking at a minimum of 3 non-town alignments due to the way Hidden Power was talked about.
Okay, I was going to ask what Bunch was on about but it seems to have resolved into a softclaim of role info, but I'm still not clear what this was referring to. Elaborate?
Way I see it? Pick one.
Either Roles are exactly as remembered, only clarified in weird edge cases OR,
They're edited to fit each other and thus looking at the past is a guessing game for if it's actually useful for knowing what the rules are, making past experience worse then useless.
Okay, I was going to ask what Bunch was on about but it seems to have resolved into a softclaim of role info, but I'm still not clear what this was referring to. Elaborate?
Hidden power is a color separate from Mafia, was partially replying to the "12 third parties" theory. Also the Mafia's having to seek it out and claim it, meaning the role's either a non-mason mafia, or not actually aligned with them. Meanwhile I doubt there's no third party, but I also doubt we're at 0 thirds beyond it, so therefore 3 non-town alignments minimum.
Way I see it? Pick one.
Either Roles are exactly as remembered, only clarified in weird edge cases OR,
They're edited to fit each other and thus looking at the past is a guessing game for if it's actually useful for knowing what the rules are, making past experience worse then useless.
[X] Vote Zaealix

TBQH I suspect it was an honest mistake, so take this as more of a warning shot, but: bad post. This very much reads as baiting people to hint which side of that scale they're personally on, when it's entirely possible this game's roles span the entire spectrum.
Hidden power is a color separate from Mafia, was partially replying to the "12 third parties" theory. Also the Mafia's having to seek it out and claim it, meaning the role's either a non-mason mafia, or not actually aligned with them. Meanwhile I doubt there's no third party, but I also doubt we're at 0 thirds beyond it, so therefore 3 non-town alignments minimum.
Oh, so you're assuming the Hidden Power is a role/faction? Gotcha.
When it's being dropped with a color while the GM is busy dropping alignment colors, I have to presume it's an alignment. I'd almost assume a president, but that's really bad game design.
If it is an alignment it would almost certainly have to be explicitly town or scum sided to such a degree it might as well be town if town sided, and scum-without-a-chat if scum sided. Scum sided doesn't make sense as it would be far too easy for them to attract scum attention and end the game in a day, so it would basically have to be town sided.
I have no standards as to what the game would
be like.

Seeing what abilities I have, I am willing to believe in the existence of anything.
TBQH I suspect it was an honest mistake, so take this as more of a warning shot, but: bad post. This very much reads as baiting people to hint which side of that scale they're personally on, when it's entirely possible this game's roles span the entire spectrum.
I'm not convinced but woudl be interested in joining to start an early wagon, but as far as I recall Zealix tended to respond to pressure pretty badly regardless of alignment so I'm not sure it'll be particularly fruitful. Keeping an eye on this for sure though.

@Legend of Ruina- I see that after the claim you're still voting Atoms, which I don't think given the softclaim will be too useful. Is there something here or is it more a thing of just nott knowing anywhere to move the vote atm?
@Legend of Ruina- I see that after the claim you're still voting Atoms, which I don't think given the softclaim will be too useful. Is there something here or is it more a thing of just nott knowing anywhere to move the vote atm?
I legitimately have no idea how to respond to an assertion that I'm sticking with a vote on someone I've never voted for, when my only vote thus far was fully labeled as a meme?
I'm not convinced but woudl be interested in joining to start an early wagon, but as far as I recall Zealix tended to respond to pressure pretty badly regardless of alignment so I'm not sure it'll be particularly fruitful. Keeping an eye on this for sure though.

@Legend of Ruina- I see that after the claim you're still voting Atoms, which I don't think given the softclaim will be too useful. Is there something here or is it more a thing of just nott knowing anywhere to move the vote atm?
Do you mean to ask @ComiTurtle?