I wouldn't call the Enact to be all that better compared to a Leo (also, the Leo's reputation as fodder unit is somewhat overblown), and the Enact's speed doesn't really matter, since I doubt it can do anything to the Vajra and we need the mooks to stand around and block potential escape points, not give chase to the Vajra who took Ranka, so I really think we're better off with the Leos here.

I mean, of all the Mobile suit generics we have...I think the Leos currently populate the bottom of the list.

The Enact has the benefit of being an improvement from it's predecessors as well as being from a very high-speed line in general and being very high performance for a non-GN Drive suit.

The Leo, meanwhile, is the Wing equivalent of the GM. An all-purpose mobile suit that doesn't really excel anywhere, but is good enough to be effective at it's time.

Unfortunately, it seems like the Leos are quickly being left behind our other generics and they don't have anything unique about them that lets them keep up. The GM III outperforms it, the Enact outspeeds it, there's probably ten Gun-Rus for each Leo ever made...

...To be honest, I'm kinda surprised they haven't been replaced with the Serpent, yet. Those are a straight upgrade in every way, and I think they'd make a better frontal assault unit than the GM III. They're heavily armed and fairly tanky without sacrificing much, if ant, of the Leo's mobility.
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Gundam 00 trades heavily on national and political stereotypes, so I assume Enacts are relatively fast and high-spec and pieces of the engine fall out every six months or so (this is not a serious post).
Adhoc vote count started by theguynamedwafer on Nov 22, 2023 at 5:25 PM, finished with 21 posts and 10 votes.

Vote closed. Update to come later tonight. Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it!
Gundam 00 trades heavily on national and political stereotypes, so I assume Enacts are relatively fast and high-spec and pieces of the engine fall out every six months or so (this is not a serious post).
All three superpowers of 00 universe have the Zaku-esque mobile suit types with red monoeye respectively.

1. Flag - the Flying Fighter Zaku of the Union

2. Tieren - the Chonky Zaku of the Human Reform League

3. Enact - the Elite Flying Zaku of the AEU
Turn 14: Songstress Duet
Winning Vote:
[X] Uruz Squad
[X] Unicorn Gundam
[X] Leo x20

March UE 0084
Paris, France

Shery Nome watches as the Variable Fighters, Queadlunns, and Monster of Skull Squadron take off to combat the Vajra attacking Paris.

She sees Alto's VF-25 tear off in pursuit of the Vajra that snatched Ranka.

There must be something I can do...! Sheryl thinks to herself.

As if driven by instinct, Sheryl runs down toward the now abandoned stage, her earring flashing.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUlC9EYlKX0

At the sight of Sheryl singing, her manager, Grace O'Connor, gets an idea.

"Hurry up and start broadcasting!" Grace orders.

"What? But-" One technician objects.

"We have to let the people know that there's still hope in a situation like this!" Grace says.

"Hope...hope!" The technicians realize.

The sound and lighting technicians immediately get to work.

You are Alto Saotome, and you are furiously pursuing a Vajra that has kidnapped Ranka Lee, your...good friend.

A pair of Jegans on Base Jabbers move to cut it off, forcing the Vajra to turn toward the ground.

You draw a bead on the Vajra, only for it to dive down to street level, in between the buildings.

"Shit!" You curse.

You chase the Vajra through the streets of Paris, the Vajra firing at you when it realizes you're not giving up.

"Heads up, the Vajra are doing something to screw with gravity!" A Leo pilot alerts you.

You immediately swerve out of the way of a trio of cars that have suddenly started floating, and are forced into gerwalk mode to avoid slamming into a building. You curse as you see a different Vajra bearing down on you.

Alto vs Vajra
Alto attacks with gunpod.
Armor DC 12 = 8 Ability + 4 Armor
Roll 1d10 + 8 Ability + 2 (Obelisk)
Roll 5
5 + 8 + 2 = 15

Result: The Vajra is killed

You level your Valkryie's gunpod and fire a long burst at it on full auto, the Vajra exploding in midair.

More Vajra move in to stall you, but an oversized kukri suddenly embeds itself in the abdomen of one of them, and you turn to see a group of Arm Slaves charging at them. Uruz squad, was it?

"This is Uruz 7. We'll keep them from following you." A youthful voice says. At the same time, a red and white Arm Slave leaps up and fires an enormous gun at a Vajra. There's a flash of white as the round makes impact, and the Vajra explodes.

"Roger. Thanks!" You say as you take off again in pursuit of the Vajra carrying Ranka.

The Vajra, seeing that it's being pursued once more, dives in between the buildings again as a trio of VF-171s try to close in to grapple with it. You eagerly gun the thrusters in an attempt to catch up to it, only for it to suddenly pull up in a steep ascent. You almost don't notice the two Vajra that were waiting to ambush you, and only avoid their salvo of fire by shifting your VF-25 into gerwalk mode and taking cover behind a stack of shipping containers.

The incoming fire suddenly stops, and you look up to see a dissipating, multi-colored beam.

"This is the Gundam Unicorn, I'll provide cover for you!" A different youthful male voice says.

You turn to see a Gundam, its frame glowing green in certain parts, atop a Base Jabber, a trio of what look like shield funnels floating around it and firing beam gatlings at the surrounding Vajra while the Gundam itself fires what look to be massively powerful beam rounds from a rifle whenever the pilot sees an opening to do so.

"What are you doing? The Vajra is getting away!" The pilot of the Unicorn Gundam urges you.

"Thanks!" You say as you take off again.

As Sheryl's song nears its end, an enormous Fold signature is detected in the atmosphere above Paris, revealing itself to be a pair of Vajra ships.

At the same time, the trio of Destroids that had been providing covering fire for Sheryl are destroyed by the Vajra, and a salvo of bio-missiles descends toward the stage.

A burst of gunfire destroys the missiles before they can even get close, the shockwave causing Sheryl to stumble.

Sheryl glances up to see Ozma's VF-25 alongside a quartet of Leos and a trio of Jegans in a defensive formation around the stage.

"Sheryl, we'll protect you, so sing to your heart's content!" Ozma says.

"Okay, you don't have to tell me twice!" Sheryl says, taking up her microphone again.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZCepUgZ1es

You are Alto Saotome, and as you chase the Vajra holding Ranka through the skies above Paris, you realize it's heading for one of the ships that just arrived.

"Damn it, it's trying to escape!" You alert everyone else.

"Not on my watch!" Canaria yells.

You see Canaria's König Monster transform into bipedal mode atop a responding Clop-class cruiser's deck.

"HAAAAAAH!" Canaria yells as she fires a full salvo of reaction warheads from the Monster's cannons.

A few seconds later, the Vajra ship erupts in explosions and falls apart, the pieces burning up as they fall into Earth's atmosphere.

As the Vajra veers in a different direction, it fires a salvo of bio-missiles at you, followed by another.

What follows is several seconds of you outright abusing a Variable Fighter's ability to rapidly transition between fighter, gerwalk, and battroid modes, evading the missiles or shooting them down before they get too close to you.

After dealing with the missiles, you manage to get close to the Vajra after it seems to recoil in pain, the section containing Ranka glowing green.

"RANKA!" You yell as you get close enough for her to hear you through your VF-25's external speakers.

The Vajra doesn't take too kindly to you, and immediately grapples you with its numerous claws.

"Somebody help me, damn it!" You yell.

"You're moving around too much, I can't get a clear shot! I'm moving to a different position!" Michel says.

Despite the Vajra almost manhandling your Valkryie, you manage to bat away its claws long enough to draw your knife.

"Get down!" You warn Ranka. She ducks as you cut a gash in the body cavity containing her.

You toss away the knife and reach out with your Valkyrie's hand, only for the Vajra to grab it with its claws.

Unable to free your Valkryie's arm, you pull a lever in the cockpit, opening the canopy and unfurling your EX Gear.

You yell incoherently as you fly toward the gash you cut in the Vajra.

"Ranka, grab my hand!" You say after you get there.

"Alto-kun!" Ranka says.

As you help her out, the Vajra suddenly shifts, causing Ranka to fall.

"RANKA!" You yell as you take off after her.

The Vajra moves to stop you with its enormous claws, but a pair of sniper rounds to its face discourage it from that course of action.

"Michel? Uruz 6?" You wonder out loud.

"Go, Alto!" Michel yells.

"Get your girl back!" Uruz 6 urges you.

As Michel and Uruz 6 continue to pelt the Vajra with sniper rounds, you rapidly descend toward Ranka, match velocities with her, then catch her in your arms.

"Ranka, are you ok?" You ask in relief.


Whatever Ranka had to say is suddenly cut off as a stray piece of shrapnel collides with your EX Gear's jetpack, causing it to fail. You rapidly turn toward your VF-25, which the Vajra had dropped after Michel and Uruz 6 shot it, and gesture at it.

Your VF-25 transforms back into fighter mode and jets toward the two of you, matching velocities as it gets close. You gingerly deposit Ranka in the back seat before getting back in the pilot's seat.

"Okay!" You yell as you close the cockpit and level out, transforming into gerwalk mode on the waters of the river Seine.

A Vajra fires down at you, and you respond by firing a salvo of missiles at it. As the Vajra explodes, you get back to the stadium where Ranka and Sheryl were performing, and touch down next to the stage.

"Sheryl." You say as you open your Valkryie's cockpit.

"Alto, Ranka-chan!" Sheryls says in relief. She runs up and hugs Ranka as she gets out of your Valkryie and back onto the stage. "Ready to do this, Ranka-chan?"

"Yes!" Ranka says.

Ranka takes up her microphone and sings along with Sheryl. You, the Unicorn Gundam, Uruz Squad, the rest of Skull Squadron sans Canaria and Michel, and some Leos and Jegans provide cover for Sheryl and Ranka.

As the Vajra begin to peter out, you look up and see the Quarter charge at the remaining Vajra ship before shifting into Attack Mode, leveling its Quantum Refraction Cannon at it and firing. The ship contorts and twists, glowing with heat before it explodes, taking most of the remaining Vajra with it.

"Hell of a fireworks display to end the show, isn't it?" You quip as you turn toward Sheryl and Ranka.

"Get down here, you dummy." Sheryl says.

You oblige, getting out of your Valkyrie. Sheryl and Ranka run up and hug you.

EFF Airbase, the Phillipines

Professor Go and the Voltes team wait in the lobby of the base's hospital. A few minutes later, an exhausted looking surgeon still wearing his scrubs comes out.

"How is General Dange?" Professor Go asks.

The surgeon takes off his mask and shakes his head.

"Even with what we know about Boazanian biology, we couldn't save him. His wounds were too severe to treat in time. Frankly, I'm surprised he lasted through the trip here." He says.

Professor Go sighs.

"Unfortunate. General Dange was a good friend of mine. He will be sorely missed." Professor Go turns toward the Voltes team. "There is something I must tell you all. In private."

The Voltes team give each other confused looks before following Professor Go to a conference room.

The Voltes team have found out that Professor Kentaro Go is, in fact, Prince La Gohl of Boazania, in exile. Thus, Kenichi, Daijirou, and Hiyoshi are half-Boazanian. This also makes Prince Heinel their half-brother, something that he is not aware of, but that Professor Go says he can prove if given the opportunity.

What is to do be done with this information?

[ ] Conceal
-Keep this secret close to their chest for now-who knows how the wider EFF would react.

[ ] Full disclosure
-Announce this fact to the Solar Vanguard. If Zero being exiled Britannian royalty didn't shake the allegiance with the Black Knights, surely this shouldn't cause too many major issues?

[ ] Confide-Treize
-Tell Treize in full confidence, and let him decide how to break it to, if not the wider EFF, the rest of the Solar Vanguard.

A/N: A little reference to one of the Frontier movies. Wasn't sure if I wanted to make this multi-part, but decided that given the scope of an end of turn event I have planned, I should probably avoid turn bloat as much as possible. Also, screw Harmony Gold, because all the good Obelisk and Lion videos I remember from high school (especially the ones from The False Songstress) are no longer on Youtube. Please vote, discuss, and critique!
[X] Confide-Treize

Yeah Treize is probably the best person on how to break the news.

While I wouldn't worry about the Solar Vanguard in general, there could be some of the still aloof allies using this information to either damage our reputation or go directly for the Voltes team.

Like SELEE would surely use this in their favor if they can spin it the right way, especially since the last angel is coming soon and I don't doubt they will want us out of the picture for that scenario to play their way, since that one angel is a key piece to the instrumentality project.
[X] Confide-Treize

I wanna go full, but Trieze has a way with words that would make people happily clap at the foreign half-royalty of our enemies in our midst.

That was a neat sequence, and Kurz really proved his position today, huh?

Unicorn wasn't quite as impactful as expected, but I don't think Dancouga would have done better.

...Did the Leos do much? Would selecting the others have changed anything?
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I mean, the Leos did, in fact, contribute to the defense of Sheryl Nome. That's a thing that happened.

If you'd picked something else, there would have a mention of the Vajra's adaptability over time to things that keep killing them, but since Leos use a variety of weapon types (ballistic, explosive, beam, but no railguns) it didn't really come up.
Whoops, I got distracted and missed the update.

Side note: fuck mission 50 of SRW V.


[X] Confide-Treize
I mean, of all the Mobile suit generics we have...I think the Leos currently populate the bottom of the list.

The Enact has the benefit of being an improvement from it's predecessors as well as being from a very high-speed line in general and being very high performance for a non-GN Drive suit.

The Leo, meanwhile, is the Wing equivalent of the GM. An all-purpose mobile suit that doesn't really excel anywhere, but is good enough to be effective at it's time.

Unfortunately, it seems like the Leos are quickly being left behind our other generics and they don't have anything unique about them that lets them keep up. The GM III outperforms it, the Enact outspeeds it, there's probably ten Gun-Rus for each Leo ever made...

...To be honest, I'm kinda surprised they haven't been replaced with the Serpent, yet. Those are a straight upgrade in every way, and I think they'd make a better frontal assault unit than the GM III. They're heavily armed and fairly tanky without sacrificing much, if ant, of the Leo's mobility.

The Enact is probably faster as it is a transformable suit based of the Flag but when it comes to durability and firepower the Leo would out match it as the Leo use Wing's beam weapon equipment and bazookas. The Leo is a solid multipurpose Mobilesuit which should have more Armor for example then the lightly built Enact and have more mass to lose versus the spindly transformable suit. The thing the Flag and the Enact have over other flight capable Mobilesuits is being cheap as I don't see them matching a for example Taurus in combat power.
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I mean, the Leos did, in fact, contribute to the defense of Sheryl Nome. That's a thing that happened.

If you'd picked something else, there would have a mention of the Vajra's adaptability over time to things that keep killing them, but since Leos use a variety of weapon types (ballistic, explosive, beam, but no railguns) it didn't really come up.
Yeah, I'll go back to this and admit that Leos do have that as an advantage. They're a lot more modular than GMs or Enacts, at least out of the box, since the others focus on beam and ballistic weaponry respectively. Leos have a quadrillion stock loadout variants because in their original universe they were the primary weapon of war for like 15 years with little innovation and a lot of iteration, and presumably in this universe OZ just likes having a highly versatile base frame.
I suspect Leos will truly start being replaced once we get access to Striker Pack manufacturing so that we can equip the GAT-01A1 Dagger and GAT-02L2 Dagger units we have with them (and, later on, do the same with Windams once we get them), since they will be more versatile than the Leos and most likely have better specs than them as well.

Leaving current matters aside... I don't think Giganos has any particular reasons to be interested in the Moon enough to fight with Jeeg's enemies (then again, I'm shaky when it comes to Dragonar's plot, so this speculation could very well be wrong), so the interest for the Moon has to come from the A-LAWS (and, by extension, Ribbons). It's possible that there's an A-LAWS hideout somewhere on the Moon.

EDIT: Ignore the strike-through-ed part. QM clarified that Giganos is based on the Moon, hence the reason why they are fighting the Jeeg villains.
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Yeah, I'll go back to this and admit that Leos do have that as an advantage. They're a lot more modular than GMs or Enacts, at least out of the box, since the others focus on beam and ballistic weaponry respectively. Leos have a quadrillion stock loadout variants because in their original universe they were the primary weapon of war for like 15 years with little innovation and a lot of iteration, and presumably in this universe OZ just likes having a highly versatile base frame.

I would point out that the GM line has had access to and used ballistic weapons for it's entire existence with the rocket launchers still being the heavy weapon most commonly used even after beam rifles became common and the GM III's thing was the multiple missile launchers it could equip. Still I agree with what you have to say about the Leo usage.
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