SO SAY WE ALL (BSG/ME Weighted-Riot Quest)


  • [X] - Tell the Civilian Fleet to jump. ( + In-Character ) [10 points]​
  • [X] - Get Doctor Baltar out of the Station. [2 points]​
  • [X] - Send Lee out to create an equal perimeter line of Vipers against the Unknown fighters. ( + In-Character ) [4 points]

William quickly swiveled around to Lieutenant Gaeta. "Set fleet coordinates designation Beta One. Send out a message that if we do not appear at the jump coordinates within 5 hours, then continue on without us." Gaeta shakily nodded, relaying the message through written words. As he did, William turned back to Saul, who stood upright once more, ever present to action. And so Bill would give it to him.

"Have Lee take all available squadrons out to create a perimeter around Galactica. Shadow the Unknowns." Saul nods, picking up a radio-comm receiver and relaying the message. William then picked up a few pencils, a ruler, and started drawing. Peering between the Dots on the Dradis, he drew a long line between himself and the Unknown Fleet. "They're obviously arrayed to takes on from the front and the flanks. Bull style." He grumbled out quietly, scoffing. "This isn't their first rodeo." William added at the end.

"Lee's out on his way now." Saul explained, putting the receiver down. William could hear Gaeta mark the jump in sequence, and with it, the disappearance of the friendly signatures around Galactica. Just then, William's lips pursed. "Get the QRF Raptor to finally get the Doctor and his team off that Station, Colonel." "Right away." The man grumbled, sending a quick voice message through the comms while William watched the Unknown fleet.

Then, he noticed it. Furrowing his brows, the Commander peered up to one of the speakers- it was quiet. The quiet had settled in when the Civilian Fleet jumped. William turned about toward Dualla. "Petty Officer, did the hail get severed?"
"No, sir, it's... Just quiet right now." She explained, tensing her own brows at her mainframe, clicking a bunch of keys on her keyboard and humming. "No, sir, confirmed. It's quiet. They're still on the line."

"Good. We don't need an unnecessary battle." William then picked up the phone again and spoke. "This is Commander William Adama of the United Colonial Fleet. State your business and furthermore relation to our fleet or we will be forced to fire upon you." He then put the phone down, glaring up at the Dradis. As he did, the silence was filled in by the CAG.

"Alright, all Viper Squadron leaders, we're launching in twenty. Sound off your squadrons and report back to me." His call was hailed by various rogers, copies and wilcos. Soon, various new blips appeared on the map funneling out of the Battlestar, as they arrayed themselves against the opposite fighters. As they did this, this got a reaction. The Unknown fleet fanned out. William's jawline tensed. "They're riding hard." He roughed out, and Gaeta only confirmed it.

"Lead ship just sped up, sir! Firing range in one minute!"
"Those fighters are coming hot and ready. Are those...?" Saul trailed off, cocking his head, before William finished for him. "Wedge formations. A frontal assault."

Finally, through the comms, something came out.

"Colonial fleet. Power down. Citadel Authority." The words came out slow, methodical. Robotic. Like... "A translator?" Saul asked quietly, but William concentrated on the words used. Gritting his teeth, he peered up and down the deck, as they repeated.

Threshold: 1.5 points
  • [ ] - "Power all munitions, I want two nuke silos ready pronto." ( ++ In-Character )
  • [ ] - "Apollo, this is Galactica Actual- weapons free."
  • [ ] - Try to talk it out with the 'Citadel Authority'. ( Out-Of-Character )
  • [ ] - "Power the FTL. We're getting out of here." ( + In-Character )
  • [ ] - "Drop the hail, Dualla."
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[X] - Try to talk it out with the 'Citadel Authority'. ( Out-Of-Character )
[X] - Try to talk it out with the 'Citadel Authority'. ( Out-Of-Character )

We really shouldn't be fighting, so... let's try to roll a hard six.
If someone could please clarify for me - since I can't remember what can and can't jump on its own - what is currently at risk of being lost if the ship jumps? Will the ships that are out there be able to follow if they get an opening or will anything out there genuinely be lost for good?
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[X] - "Power the FTL. We're getting out of here." ( + In-Character )

If someone could please clarify for me - since I can't remember what can and can't jump on its own - what is currently at risk of being lost if the ship jumps? Will the ships that are out there be able to follow if they get an opening or will anything out there genuinely be lost for good?

Raptors, which are small vessels used for recon, and personnel transport, have their own FTL and can jump independently.
Vipers, which are our fighters, will need to be recalled and dock with the Galactica as they do not have FTL.
Gaius Balter has an ego large enough to mount and power an FTL drive, but will have to rely on a Raptor instead.
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[X] - Try to talk it out with the 'Citadel Authority'. ( Out-Of-Character )

A humanity with a better military could go decently against the Turians but better not to fight in the first place.
Hey @Thiccroy are we allowed to vote for more than one option or one option only?

Because the result I want is literally anything but 'power to weapons'

Not because I don't think we can win the fight, but because fighting at all will be a stupid and costly mistake.
[X] - "Power the FTL. We're getting out of here." ( + In-Character )

We should be able to engage in conversation with them later, I'd rather not be put at their mercy if we can avoid it, I'd rather talk to them as a equal party, rather than a party that surrendered to them.

Plus there's no guarantee that we can successfully talk it out here, and it could end badly.
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We should be able to engage in conversation with them later, I'd rather not be put at their mercy if we can avoid it, I'd rather talk to them as a equal party, rather than a party that surrendered to them.

Plus there's no guarantee that we can successfully talk it out here, and it could end badly.

Personally, I'm hoping for discard-and-draw by ditching this conversation for a conversation with someone not looking to pick a fight.

Maybe the fleet can run into the Quarians and bond over the whole 'yeah, we invented robots that tried to kill us, too' thing.