THE INFINITE BROOD (Starcraft/Supreme Commander Crossover Quest!)

The Brood of Blades
Cerebrate Prime: Samantha Clarke
XP: 205/210
Strategic Genius: Once per structured encounter, Sam can create a piece of the environment that is in her favor as a sticky spark. Roll a d3 for its value.
Empathetic: upon meeting an NPC, learn their motivation!
Legendary Commander: Gain 4 Command sparks at the beginning of each mission/combat. Command sparks may be spent to give NPCs orders, which they may either obey or refuse to obey (doing nothing instead.) Command sparks may not be regained via skills or powers.
Hunted: Something wants her - but for what? +1 Danger to all scenes​
CLOSE COMBAT (2): Brawling, Edged Weapons
PERSONAL (2): Awareness, Resilience
SOCIAL (4): Charm, Empathy, Leadership, Taunt​
ACU Pilot (2): Nanofabrication [Mass], ObSat Operations [Range]
The Hilt (4): Biomorphic Spawning (People), Regeneration (Durability), Physical Perfection (Speed), Telepathic Dominion (Range)​

The Living Swarm
Vent: 4-0
Effect: Gain 1 Living Swarm spark, +1 per vent reduction.​
The Living Swarm: While this swarm exists, move in three dimensions and through anything smaller than a keyhole, reforming at will. You may expend these sparks to cause 3 Hit Sparks in a Area 2 radius.​
Area Upgrade: +1 to Area Characteristic​

Biomorphic Reinforcement
Vent: 4-0
Effect: Create 1 Biomorphic Reinforcement spark, +1 per vent reduction, which can be given out to anyone within Range 2, or to yourself
Biomorphic Reinforcement: +1 to Damage or Mass characteristic for the purpose of raw physical strength/feats.

Back to Back
Vent: 4-0
Effect: Choose 1 ally (+1 per vent reduction), within Range 1. Each can take one action using one of your skills, any of them that you wish. Once they have done so, you may make a free attack with your melee weapon, getting +1 to your skill per ally that acted.​

Vent: 4-0
Effect: Create a number of sparks equal to the enemy's difficulty, narratively based on turning their abilities against them. Works on enemies of Diff 2>, +2 per vent reduction.​

Just as Planned…
Vent: 6-0
Effect: Vent 6 heat and create 1 Planning Spark for her or an ally, +1 Spark per vent reduction.​
Planning: The person holding this Spark can expend this to get +1 to a skill check as a free action. Using this Stack counts as you are helping for the purpose of relationships.​

Zeratul's Psi-Blades
Adds: +0 (Edged Weapons) | Characteristics: Damage [Speed] (4)[1]​
Shadowstep (3): Can expend as a free action to move without crossing intervening space.
Guarded Space (3): Can expend to use Damage as a secondary characteristic for Durability, reducing incoming Damage characteristics.​

Victory Points: 5
TERRAN DOMINION [Background] (1)​
The men and material of the Dominion - limited, but they're mustering as we speak.
While you have access to several ACUs of every faction, they lack economic and technological support to be fully effective.
ZERG HIVE [Mastery] (1)​
The scant few Zerg you control that are free of Amon's influence. Mostly Zerglings.
AEON FLEET [Background] (1)​
While half a dozen CZARs seem impressive, they're not actually well made for ship to ship combat.
ALLIED COHESION [Motivation] (1)​
The alliance is fragile and weak.

Trade Sector-34-51 [Pirate Activity]
Pirates Raiding 6 (Supply Lines in Disarray 1)
COMMAND: Jim Raynor | ARMY: Raynor's Raiders
RESULTS: Pending

Braxis [Zerg Invasion]
Borealis Siege 6 (Zerg Rampage1)
COMMAND: General Samantha Clarke | ARMY: Brood Clarke
RESULTS: Pending

Typhan II [Active Xel'Naga ACU]
Typhan II Occupied 6 (Xel'Naga ACU Spotted 1)
COMMAND: Lt. Colonel Mathew Horner | ARMY: UEF Armored Command Unit
RESULTS: Pending

Deep Space Sector 981 [Hive Fleet Identified]
Zerg Hive Fleet Spotted 6 (Kerrigan? 1)
COMMAND: Citizen-Commander Dostya | ARMY: CN Armored Command Unit
RESULTS: Pending
ENEMY ASSETS (Currently Known)
ACTIVITY: Unknown | Threat Level: 6​
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An installation mission aboard a science vessel sounds like a prime opportunity for Sarah to volunteer to join her girlfriend on an infiltration mission and stay aboard the E1 and not go with the rest of refugees being deposited on Haven.
ACT ONE, MISSION FIVE: Media Squad (0.1)
You had to admit.

The sight of the TDSV Galileo made you want to give these colonials some credit.

For one thing, it was huge - a sprawling steel sphere bracketed by dozens of engine pods, sensor antenna arrays, laboratory attachments and makeshift spacedocks for the smaller collection of ships that were serving as the Galileo's primary backup and support in this backwater solar system. The sheer fact that a collection of motley colonies that barely had access to nanofabrication technology and only the most paltry smattering of Adjutants for administrative tasks had still managed to mine, refine, smelt, cast and kick this entire mass into orbit was enough to draw an impressed whistle from your lips. But there was more to the bulky ship than its scale that impressed you: It was also the...attitude of it.

It was a ship without weapons of any kind, protected only by class two armor and no gravi-shields or energy barriers. It didn't even have a flight deck for tac-fighters or an air wing. All it had was the surrounding ships protecting it and the blithe hope that it could scoot away from any fight it found itself stumbling into. And all those places to put weapon mountings had been filled with sensors, scanners, survey gear. It was a ship that the UEF could have used to chart dozens of worlds in the time it had taken President Riley to chart five.

Of course, they'd all be lifeless anyway. Most of the galaxy wasn't as blessed as the Koprulu Sector.

"We are right in the sensor blindspot, sir," Matt said, turning from the tactical control console. "The quantum jump was completely on point. Our micro-probes are several scales smaller than the local tech allows for - they won't pick us up."

"Good," you said, rubbing your hand along your jaw. "Our plan is to infiltrate a platoon of mech marines aboard, take the command center, then broadcast the propaganda announcement. Tosh, your boys have the message ready?"

"Straight from Earth," he said, warmly. "The PolitBerau psycho-linguists, mm!" He kissed his fingers together. "They made a pretty speech for you. Even got your vocal inflections down. Better than real."

You scowled, slightly, not sure how you felt about having some engineered pap coming out of a simulated version of your own mouth. "I see," you said.

"Listen, it's better to get it right than to flub the line. You don't want to go down in history as the next Earnest Deiterling, yeah?"

You frowned even harder. "I think I can be trusted to not say 'oh god we're all going to fucking die' on a quantum uplink to three billion people before the Aeon attack wave comes in," you say, then turned to Matt. "Do we have any scans on their defenses?"

"There's a lot of marines in there, turrets on the exterior...that's interesting...I'm detecting a knot of bioforms here and-"

There came a sudden squeal of static that caused one of the tac-com officers to yank her headseat off and start swearing in Pashto. You turned your scowl on Dr. Hanson, but her fingers were too busy tapping away a console. Lt. Stukov, moving among the techs, started to growl out orders, but before anyone could get the squealing sound to shut off, it refined into a loud SEEEEEEEEEEEEE-hit!

Then the forward screen buzzed up showing the waveform wriggling of a voice com. "...hello? Is this on?" Tink tink tink. "Raynor, are you out there, buddy?"

You frowned, hard. "Lt. Stukov, can you explain why we appear to be detected?"

"The signal is coming from the science ship, but it's not...coming from the science ship. It's an interference pattern, being broadcast on their...their garbage scow interlocks..." Stukov said. "That's unusual."

"Someone is talking to us through a garbage scow?" You asked, flatly.

"It appears to be the case, General."

A second warbly line appeared, next to the first - and a deeper, bassier voice grumbled. "Stetmann, work quick. Even these Dominion assholes are going to notice when you start talking into a goddamn lighting fixture."

"Uh, right," the first voice said, sounding nervous. "Mr. Raynor, uh, the mission's kinda gone...a little...F U B E...A...R?"

"Fuba- oh, FUBAR," Dr. Hanson said. Then quietly. "That man must be a technical genius."

You pinched the bridge of your nose. "Hypothesis?"

"Another rebel group got here first, snuck in- Raynor?" Matt jerked his head around. "Mr. Raynor, he means James Ranyor."

"The dead man?" Tosh asked.

"He's back and running the exact damn mission we're doing," you said, scowling fiercely. "Except he seems to have f...can we signal back without alerting the Galileo that we're here?"

"Yes, General," Lt. Stukov said.

You picked up the com. "Unidentified contact, this is General Samantha Clark, United Earth Federation Expeditionary Force. Identify yourself immediately, and explain what you are doing on the TDSV Galileo."

"Hah! Told you it'd work, Swann, I-"

"Stetmann, did you hear what she said?" The second voice, Swann presumably, grumbled. "Earth! There ain't no such thing as an Earth."

"ACtually, historical records make it extremely clear that-"

"Shut up, both of you. Explain, now," you said, your mounting irritation growing even higher and even hotter.

"R-Right! Um, Egon Stetmann, technical specialist. Raynor's Raiders. We're here to, uh, do a little mission. Simple sneak in in disguises, with the Hyperion off the bow in a sneaky place to provide, um, overwatch. But we kinda got caught. Then when we called for Raynor, uh..."

"He didn't show," Swann said. "Probably crawled into a damn bottle again." He sighed, his voice sad. "Oh hell, Jimmy, what have you done now..."

Your palm rubbed against your face, slowly.

Matt frowned, intently. "These people seem like they could use a better ops officer," he said, adjusting the collar of his uniform.

"I'll lend you to them at the soonest opportunity," you said, then shook your head. "No. This is going to take longer than expected." You made a face. "Go to the quantum launch. Take the civilians to Haven."

"But, General-" Matt started.

"I can handle Joe Aeon and Cybran Lunk by myself," you said, nodding. "Get the kids and old men out of here."

Matt came to attention. "Sir," he said. "Godspeed. And the comics, it was always Joe that got them out of the trouble. Lunk just hit people."

You snorted, then turned back to the screen. Your arms crossed over your chest. "Send every technical spec you've got on hand to me as quick as you can. And for Christ's sake, try and keep the com from being noticed."

"Got it!" Stetmann said. Pause. "...what's a Christ?"

The forward operations center for direct command of the boarding party was not exactly where civilians should be. But Sarah had a way of charming her way past anyone, even soldiers that should know better. She peered down at the map, and as you turned to face her, she grinned. "You could boil an egg with that face," she said, playfully.

You chuckled, despite yourself. "You do know that the quantum launch and one of our ACUs are going to be taking you to Haven, right?"

Sarah clicked her tongue. "I thiiiink...nah," she said. "Besides." She jerked her chin down at the map. "Before parents, uh, they used to work on one of those. The Amerigo." She looked a bit haunted, her legs kicking as she popped herself up onto the side of the planning console. "I could be helpful."

You sighed, then brushed your hand along her cheek.

It wasn't exactly a dangerous mission - all your mech marines would be commanded from here...

God, were you really thinking that?

What do?

[ ] Fine. Kerrigan can help. (Gain access to the Beet Red relationship effect - negate any hit sparks from a single source by Kerrigan providing timely assistance.) Adds +4 Colonial Girlfriend sticky sparks.
[ ] No, she's...she'll be distracting. (No effect)

Oh, also...
[ ] Infiltrate at the docks (social encounter, lots of enemies if it goes hot)
[ ] Infiltrate at the garbage entry (tech encounter, small number of enemies, lots of hazards)
[ ] Infiltrate at the prison level (immediately goes hot, medium enemies - closest to Stetmann and Swann)
You sighed, then brushed your hand along her cheek.

It wasn't exactly a dangerous mission - all your mech marines would be commanded from here...

God, were you really thinking that?
gay thoughts Sammie >:3 zxcmnzxc

[X] Fine. Kerrigan can help. (Gain access to the Beet Red relationship effect - negate any hit sparks from a single source by Kerrigan providing timely assistance.) Adds +4 Colonial Girlfriend sticky sparks.

this is my default- I just wanna see things go wacky* XD
*unless it's something that'll definitely go bad-weird if she's there

[ ] Infiltrate at the docks (social encounter, lots of enemies if it goes hot)
[ ] Infiltrate at the garbage entry (tech encounter, small number of enemies, lots of hazards)
What's the "social" vs "tech" encounter mean? is it "what you need to solve the problem"?
Double-check, it's Terran opponents right?
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[X] Fine. Kerrigan can help. (Gain access to the Beet Red relationship effect - negate any hit sparks from a single source by Kerrigan providing timely assistance.) Adds +4 Colonial Girlfriend sticky sparks.

[X] Infiltrate at the garbage entry (tech encounter, small number of enemies, lots of hazards)
[X] Fine. Kerrigan can help. (Gain access to the Beet Red relationship effect - negate any hit sparks from a single source by Kerrigan providing timely assistance.) Adds +4 Colonial Girlfriend sticky sparks.
[X] Infiltrate at the prison level (immediately goes hot, medium enemies - closest to Stetmann and Swann)

Sammy, raging lesbian of a UEF general, Sarah their girlfriend (who's totally not ex-ghost, queen of blades Kerrigan), and a whole bunch of mech marines disgused as terran marines dock into a communications station.....

Oh this going to be wonderful
Mad cackling
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Social would mean you have your mechs in disguise - its easy enough to make them look like power armor (since they're about the same size.)
Wait- the mech-Marines or other things?

ah well-
A raging lesbian of a UEF general, an ex-ghost, queen of blades, girlfriend of said UEF general, and a whole bunch of mech marines dock into a communications station.....

Oh this going to be wonderful
Mad cackling

[X] Fine. Kerrigan can help. (Gain access to the Beet Red relationship effect - negate any hit sparks from a single source by Kerrigan providing timely assistance.) Adds +4 Colonial Girlfriend sticky sparks.

[X] Infiltrate at the prison level (immediately goes hot, medium enemies - closest to Stetmann and Swann)

explodey time
Yeah, it's Terran.

Social would mean you have your mechs in disguise - its easy enough to make them look like power armor (since they're about the same size.)

Trying to pass off mech marines as dudes in power armor sounds hilarious.

[X] Fine. Kerrigan can help. (Gain access to the Beet Red relationship effect - negate any hit sparks from a single source by Kerrigan providing timely assistance.) Adds +4 Colonial Girlfriend sticky sparks.
[X] Infiltrate at the docks (social encounter, lots of enemies if it goes hot)

By the way @DragonCobolt, since Clarke ordered the evacuation of all the refugees off the E1 what does this mean for the Confederate scientists, Duran, the troops that came with both, and teeny Beaumont?
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Trying to pass off mech marines as dudes in power armor sounds hilarious.
how tall are they??? zxcmczmx
So- just change up the externals, add the cold-fusion turbine things- those always looked funsies in the cinematics lmao,
What if-
you make their arms Megaman arms?
Like the megabuster things where the hands slip inside for the busters- not like it can't just be slipped/dropped off or reclaimed and used like prosthetics while they hold onto a gauss rifle?
I feel tempted to vote just to see it mnzcx

I like how I've actually kept Starcraft 2 "scale accurate" (battlecruisers are huge and stuff), but shrank all the Supreme Commander stuff down a *lot*
wait how tall are the rest of things? Weren't ACUs still 40m tall? Or did I mix that up here?

Where's Bea?*
I forgot about where they are zxcmn
*I'm sorry I'm just- immediately attached cuz it's a kid zcxmn
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[X] Fine. Kerrigan can help. (Gain access to the Beet Red relationship effect - negate any hit sparks from a single source by Kerrigan providing timely assistance.) Adds +4 Colonial Girlfriend sticky sparks.

[X] Infiltrate at the prison level (immediately goes hot, medium enemies - closest to Stetmann and Swann)
[X] Fine. Kerrigan can help. (Gain access to the Beet Red relationship effect - negate any hit sparks from a single source by Kerrigan providing timely assistance.) Adds +4 Colonial Girlfriend sticky sparks.
[X] Infiltrate at the docks (social encounter, lots of enemies if it goes hot)
Yeah- fuck it, why not, change vote
[X] Fine. Kerrigan can help. (Gain access to the Beet Red relationship effect - negate any hit sparks from a single source by Kerrigan providing timely assistance.) Adds +4 Colonial Girlfriend sticky sparks.
[X] Infiltrate at the docks (social encounter, lots of enemies if it goes hot)

Also there's a small chance that Kerrigan starts giving things away a bit somehow- that and I feel it'd be funny if they have to fake something personally to get in lmao
[X] Fine. Kerrigan can help. (Gain access to the Beet Red relationship effect - negate any hit sparks from a single source by Kerrigan providing timely assistance.) Adds +4 Colonial Girlfriend sticky sparks.

[X] Infiltrate at the prison level (immediately goes hot, medium enemies - closest to Stetmann and Swann)
[X] Fine. Kerrigan can help. (Gain access to the Beet Red relationship effect - negate any hit sparks from a single source by Kerrigan providing timely assistance.) Adds +4 Colonial Girlfriend sticky sparks.
[X] Infiltrate at the docks (social encounter, lots of enemies if it goes hot)
[X] Fine. Kerrigan can help. (Gain access to the Beet Red relationship effect - negate any hit sparks from a single source by Kerrigan providing timely assistance.) Adds +4 Colonial Girlfriend sticky sparks.
[X] Infiltrate at the docks (social encounter, lots of enemies if it goes hot)

Cb, out of curiosity, is getting infested a bad end or is there a possibility we conquer the galaxy with our lesbian Zerg gf and our infested ACU?
[X] Infiltrate at the docks (social encounter, lots of enemies if it goes hot)

We don't know yet what Kerrigan does when she controls the zerg. Maybe she's a positive influence :D
[X] Fine. Kerrigan can help. (Gain access to the Beet Red relationship effect - negate any hit sparks from a single source by Kerrigan providing timely assistance.) Adds +4 Colonial Girlfriend sticky sparks.
[X] Infiltrate at the docks (social encounter, lots of enemies if it goes hot)

nothing can go wrong with this plan
[X] Infiltrate at the docks (social encounter, lots of enemies if it goes hot)

We don't know yet what Kerrigan does when she controls the zerg. Maybe she's a positive influence :D

Speaking of positive influence, I think keeping Sarah alongside Clarke and in a situation where she has to keep pretending to be human could be beneficial for her in the long run.

Often times the stories that explore the character of the Queen of Blades prior to Heart of the Swarm like to bring up the idea of a smidge of humanity remaining within her. Ultimately those stories have Kerrigan ignore her resurfacing humanity and have her instead further embrace her new identity as mistress of the zerg.

Aboard the E1 however, Kerrigan's not able to do that. In fact the part of herself that she has to suppress is her Queen of Blades persona and the human side is the one that she has to indulge in and further cultivate. Sarah Kerrigan refugee and smitten girlfriend is not the calculating, cold-blooded, queen bitch of the universe and the longer that that is the version of herself that Sarah opts to embody and present, the less dominant the Queen of Blades could become.

Now, I'm not so foolish as to place my hopes in the redemptive power of love alone. I imagine a whirlwind romance and time away from her day job will provide the opportunity and justification for Sarah to rekindle her humanity, but I doubt that will be sufficient to defeat the mental conditioning that came with her becoming infested.

Sarah will probably still have to get blasted by a Xel'naga artifact before it can be said that she is in full control of her faculties again, but I am willing to bet it will help.
[X] Fine. Kerrigan can help. (Gain access to the Beet Red relationship effect - negate any hit sparks from a single source by Kerrigan providing timely assistance.) Adds +4 Colonial Girlfriend sticky sparks.
[X] Infiltrate at the docks (social encounter, lots of enemies if it goes hot)
[X] Fine. Kerrigan can help. (Gain access to the Beet Red relationship effect - negate any hit sparks from a single source by Kerrigan providing timely assistance.) Adds +4 Colonial Girlfriend sticky sparks.
[X] Infiltrate at the docks (social encounter, lots of enemies if it goes hot)

We're good at social, better than tech or personal combat.
And having a possessive, super-powered girlfriend along (who totally never-ever had anything with Jim Raynor) can only be a good thing.
Honestly, it's a pity that the difference in technology here has been sacrificed to game logic. It would be interesting to see how both sides of the crossover adapt.