SO SAY WE ALL (BSG/ME Weighted-Riot Quest)

[X] - "Dualla, confirm if they are friendly or Cylon." (+ In-Character)

It seems like they haven't gone through 33 so I figure he might have some hope that they might be friendly.
Adhoc vote count started by Thiccroy on Nov 11, 2023 at 1:31 PM, finished with 11 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] - "D., recall Baltar and his men. Saul, scramble QRF."
    [X] - "Lieutenant Gaeta, what is their current speed and bearing?" (+ In-Character)
    [X] - "Dualla, confirm if they are friendly or Cylon." (+ In-Character)
    [X] - "Call Actions Stations, Condition One throughout the fleet. Alert Viper teams to form a defensive perimeter and tell the Fleet to prepare to jump." ( ++ In-Character )
    [X] - "Try to hail them, D."

Vote results
A deeper explanation of the Weighted-Riot System for SO SAY WE ALL:
So, as you saw above, the votes stipulated that 5 choices have been voted on. In a usual Riot quest, all would go through. However, this is a weighted quest, as such, there is a certain mark that a choice will be able to go through. This is in two ways.

The first, the THRESHOLD Mark is based around a point system that determines which action goes through over a certain Threshold. This choice's threshold was 2 points. The point system is as follows. Actions that are neither IN or OUT of character have 1 point. Actions that are in Character are 1 point, and this increases by the amount of +'s they have. I.e., if the choice has a + In-Character, that is 1 point, but if it is ++, then it is 2 points. A regular In-character choice has a +0.5 to the modifier. If an action was OUT of character, it is 0.75 point, however, if it has a - to it, then the value goes up by 0.25 for each minus, a much lower modifier than an in-character choice.

Doing the math, for each choice voted upon, these values are multiplied by the amount of times it has been voted on. I.e., if an in-character choice is voted upon 2 times, then that is 1 point, if it had a +, then that is 2 points.

The second method is the DICE CAP method, which will be touched on at a later date.

Going back around, the three choices that have gone through this post's threshold (2 points) were:
  • [X] - "Lieutenant Gaeta, what is their current speed and bearing?" (+ In-Character) [2 points]
  • [X] - "Dualla, confirm if they are friendly or Cylon." (+ In-Character) [2 points]
  • [X] - "Call Actions Stations, Condition One throughout the fleet. Alert Viper teams to form a defensive perimeter and tell the Fleet to prepare to jump." ( ++ In-Character ) [4 points]

PS: As an understanding going forward, character decisions and the writing of the updates will not reflect a choice-by-choice retelling of what your votes have resulted in. The choices above, for example, as you'll see below, will be mixed into each other for a smoother storyline and dialogue between characters.

Bill grit his teeth together, clenching his fingers around the rim of the command table. He looked down at Saul, who awaited patiently with a suckered lip and stiff back.
"Action Stations. Set condition one throughout the fleet." Saul nodded and turned to the comms, before Bill turned sideways toward Gaeta's nest. As he did, red lights blared and Saul's voice echoed throughout the ship, announcing Condition One.
"Lieutenant Gaeta, what are their bearings?"
"Hold on, sir, having some problems with frequency. Very... Very weird jamming going on. Either from the station or the Unknowns. Will get back to you as soon as I can." The Commander grunted in acknowledgment, but decided to give him a stick for it. "You have thirty seconds. Dualla."
"Sir?" The Sagittarian girl perked up, sitting upright in her seat.
"I want you to run a scan of the Unknown and -completely- confirm if they are friendly or not." At that moment, as Dualla nodded and went to work on her mainframe, Saul came back. "Fleet's preparing their FTL, but they've got no coordinates. What about the scientists on the station, sir?"
William grit his teeth, grinding them together with a deep sigh. "I loathe to leave just yet, Colonel. Especially Doctor Baltar, if he's shaping up to be our only Cylon expert. How are those readings, Lieutenant Gaeta?" William turned again, slowly pulling out his glasses and walking over to the young officer's nest. The man clicked and tapped at his screen and keyboard, groaning.
"It's hard, sir. Either they're going fast or slow. The computer's fritzing out about their actual bearing. Wait- alright. Errr- here, main ship in their formation, they're baring at around 22 per five seconds. That will bring them in our line of fire within..." He clicked and tapped at the keyboard, before pressing ENTER. A line of code appeared, which Gaeta quickly read through. "Within three minutes."
William marched away, looking to the Colonel, back to the command table. Just as he was about to speak, Dualla perked up. "I got something sir! I... I think."
"You think, Petty Officer?" Saul growled out, furrowing his white eyebrows. William calmly rose a palm whilst the girl grew paler by the second. But not from Saul. From the mainframe she had her eyes glued onto.
"What is it, Dualla?" The Commander calmly asked, not needing to raise his voice above the blaring sirens throughout the ship.
"The scans err-... I don't know, sir. I compared them to the readings of the station- they're the same."
"Frakking aliens?" Saul asks, his face now wide agape in surprise. William looks back up to the Dradis, peering between the five dotted formation slowly moving toward the fleet's position.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. What are their sizes, Lieutenant Gatea?" William asked, still staring at the red dots. He could hear Gaeta type something whilst Saul picked up a ringing radio-comm. "Around less than half of Galactica, sir. All of them. Hold-- shit!"
William saw it, too. New signatures. Smaller in scale, also Unknown, but dozens of them- from each ship. "Sir, I think those are fighters!"
"Vipers ready and hot, sir. So is the QRF for Baltar." Saul added the last part quietly, putting a palm to the mouthpiece of the radio-comm and staring William down. Just as the Commander was about to speak, Dualla butted in again, gasping. "Sir! They're-- I think they're trying to hail us! It's garbled, they're using a weird frequency but I think I can catch them!"
William peered down at his own radio-comm. Then back up to the Dradis.

THRESHOLD: 2 points.
  • [ ] - "I want Vipers out there, now." ( + In-Character )
  • [ ] - "Accept the hail, put them through the speakers."
  • [ ] - "Order the Fleet to immediately jump to Beta coordinates, Lieutenant Gaeta. On the double." ( + In-Character )
  • [ ] - "Power up munitions and cannons. I want at least one nuke silo ready." ( In-Character )
  • [ ] - "Colonel, send out the QRF. Get the Doctor off that Station- now."
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Corrected the rules a bit more, apologies. Hope the system is understandable. Might change down the line.

Also, deadline for votes is the 13th of November, 6:30 GMT.
[X] - "Accept the hail, put them through the speakers."

Not in character, but not out of character, and this is the best choice so 🤞
[X] - "Accept the hail, put them through the speakers."

Not in character, but not out of character, and this is the best choice so 🤞

I'm not an expert on the series, by any means, but I did watch most of it; It's my understanding that aliens were explicitly never a part of the '03 series leaving just Humans and Cylons so there's not much canon precedent either way for how to react to the appearance of an actual third party.
I'm not an expert on the series, by any means, but I did watch most of it; It's my understanding that aliens were explicitly never a part of the '03 series leaving just Humans and Cylons so there's not much canon precedent either way for how to react to the appearance of an actual third party.
That's not relevant? The *point* was that the choice wasn't tagged with in or out of character the way other options were.
[X] - "Accept the hail, put them through the speakers."

i wonder if there is another threshold that is reached if like 90% of voters agree to vote on one thing
[X] - "Accept the hail, put them through the speakers."

let us talk them to death! Or to friendship, either works.
Adhoc vote count started by Thiccroy on Nov 13, 2023 at 5:20 PM, finished with 12 posts and 10 votes.

Vote results.

  • [X] - "Accept the hail, put them through the speakers." (Won out by 8 points, crossing the Threshold through popular demand)​

Commander Adama took off his glasses. The Colonel arched an eyebrow as the alarms blared around them, and Adama stared blankly at the Dradis mainframe. After a long, pregnant silence, he peered back down to Saul, who stood straighter at the gaze of his friend.

"Alright. Have Apollo prep the Vipers for immediate assault, but hold them, for now." Slowly, William peered over to Dualla, nodding at the woman who now had beads of sweat running down her forehead, glistening against the computer light. "Patch them through." "Yes, sir." She quickly said, almost choking on her own words as she shakily typed the correct algorithm to connect the frequencies of the Galactica and the Unknowns together.

As Adama rose the radio-comm receiver, he stared back at Saul, who had just relayed orders to Lee through another receiver. Adama slowly put the mouthpiece near his lips and waited. There was static coming from the speakers- background white noise. For a moment, no one breathed, letting the muffled alarm blare around them. Before...

"Krrrukhh rakku marr rakkj jakk rrrruuu ni rakk brarnnvvrrruk."

William blinked, and Saul's brows furrowed, mouth coming agape. What they had just heard sounded like an ungodly abomination between a bird's trill, clicking sounds, hard rolling r's and literal spitting. William tensed his jaw, before the same phrase repeated, though even through the difference between their species (as far as Bill understood at this point) he could hear that the second time had a bit more force. So far, it sounded like a demand.

"I'm sorry," Adama said awkwardly, almost a bit too slowly, as if talking to a child. "I don't understand. Unknown fleet, state your business and your goals. This is Commander William Adama of the Fleet of the--..." William continued, picking up pace as he spoke, before he was stopped from the other side, the same trilling and sloshing sound of what he could only imagine were xenomorphic mandibles. Or something. Saul mumbled to himself something along the lines of 'Gods, they sound more evil than the Godsdamned Cylons'.

William sighed. "D."

"Yes, sir?" She asked, apprehensively, whilst the voice continued to speak through the speakers. "Try morse code. Or... Something. Send them a message in written Kobolite." She quickly typed away at her mainframe, before Lieutenant Gaeta respectfully inserted himself.

"Unknown Fleet fighter squadrons approaching fleet fast. Scattered formation, trying to surround us from our entire starboard side, sir." He explained, making William look back up to the Dradis. The voice came again, this time more assertive. The Colonel grumbled louder this time. "This is a waste of time. They don't understand us, we don't understand them."

"You want the first contact of Humanity with an entirely different species to end with- what...?" William asked, furrowing his brows at the Colonel, who rolled his shoulders and his eyes at the same time. "I don't know, sir, what I'd suggest is use this chance to get the Doc out of that station, set up some coordinates for the fleet, a perimeter with the Vipers- anything, a safety net! We're sitting ducks out here." William hummed at that. He wasn't wrong. Poking his chin with the comm-device, he listened to the voice of the alien creature...

Threshold: 1.50 Points
  • [ ] - Continue communications with the aliens.​
  • [ ] - Send Lee out to create an equal perimeter line of Vipers against the Unknown fighters. ( + In-Character )​
  • [ ] - Get Doctor Baltar out of the Station.​
  • [ ] - Tell the Civilian Fleet to jump. ( + In-Character )​
  • [ ] - Power up cannons and that nuke. Show them we mean business- they can't come closer. ( In-Character )​
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ooof. This is a tough one. With anyone - even other Turians - but the numbskull who was canonically in command in this case, I'd say something like a show of force would be enough to make them hold back a little, to allow negotiations and translation a chance to happen.

But with this guy...

On the other hand, there's not a lot of margin for error.

[X] - Tell the Civilian Fleet to jump. ( + In-Character )

Let's get the civilians out of the way first.