SO SAY WE ALL (BSG/ME Weighted-Riot Quest)

SO SAY WE ALL (BSG/ME Weighted-Riot Quest)
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2045 Common Era. Promol Sector.

Battlestar Galactica, under command of Cmdr. William Adama makes a jump alongside the 12 Colonies of Kobol Civillian Fleet. 49'998 Souls aboard.
Lt. Gaeta has contact on Dradis. Col. Tigh orders identificaiton. Unknown signature- neither Colonial or Cylon.
RAPTOR scouts sent out. Pilot Lt. Sharon "Boomer" Valerii cannot identify structure, however specifies it is as 'big as three Battlestars lined up' and seemingly dormant.
Approaching closer with the Galactica, the dormant Space Station of unknown origin is decidedly a chance to find out more about Unknown Space. Cmdr. Adama, with the acquiescence of President Roslin, send out scientific teams accompanied by Marine squadrons onto the Station.

2657 Council Era. Relay 314 Sector.

General Desolas Arterius, commanding the 75th Turian Patrol Fleet, 5 Cruisers strong, approaches Relay 314.
Unknown signatures are captured by radiological sensors. The presence of nuclear weapons suggests Krogan fleet.
Mass of fleet then suggest Quarian nomads, however according to Headquarters surveillance of Quarian flotilla, it is impossible.
Chief Ensign notifies the Geneal that the Relay 314, before Dormant, is being slowly activated by unknown ships.
Desolas orders attack.


the Ever-Unhinged
It is the 2045th year after the Kobol Exodus and once more humanity is on the brink of extinction. Forced into a small civilian fleet protected by a lone, old Battlestar, named the Galactica, the last of the Twelve Colonies flee from the Cylon threat into uncharted space, insearch of Earth. What Commander Adama and President Roslin did not expect to find was something else entirely. In the Promol Sector, they find a massive, alien structure, neither Cylon, nor Human. Gaisu Baltar and other scientists are sent forth to tinker with it.
It is the 2657th year since the founding of the Council on the Citadel. Since then, it has gone through various wars, conflicts and tragedies. However, it is an unprecedented time of peace and the Turian Hierarchy continues its role as the defender of Galactic liberty and freedom. What they did not expect when approaching Relay 314 was a massive, unknown fleet, unpowered by Mass Effect drives, with a leading ship twice the size of their cruisers and armed to the teeth with nukes.

A "Weighted" Quest by THICCROY.


Players will, in this opening post, choose a chief POV character. Although this is the chief POV character, this does not mean that the game will only center on them. This game is multiple POV and is a semi-Riot quest, with weighted decisions. This means that the character you choose will have a greater effect on votes, in example, if a choice is voted upon that is in line with the chief POV character's ideals and plans for the future (in character reasonings), then it will have a greater chance of working than votes that go to choices that aid other characters or go against the chief POV character.

Results are also rolled for for their success, with the DC's (Dice Caps) known ahead of time. Rolls will be lower depending on the amount voted on a choice and will be higher if the voted-upon choice has less votes and is also against the reasonings or ideals of the chief POV character. This system will no doubt become more understandable as time goes on.


The game begins in the original Mass Effect's 2157 CE, when a Turain patrol fleet finds Humans tinkering with the dormant, off-limits Relay 314, unknowingly breaking the treaty of the Racchni Wars. Now, in place of those Humans, it is the descendants of Kobol- the last of the Twelve Colonies united under the protecting wing of the Battlestar Galactica. This Battlestar Galactica is of course from the 2003 re-imagining series, the, in my opinion, vastly superior series over the 1978 show. Character arcs are set directly after the Miniseries' second part, so just before what we would see in the first episode of the first season.

Just for an understanding- Humanity in this Mass Effect universe should be considered the same as in Battlestar Galactica, however the story of Kobol, Original-Earth and the Twelve Colonies progress and happen beyond unknown space, at least, unknown to the Council- everything past the dormant Relays. Earth, the REAL Earth, is still out there. Just not the same as we would see it in BSG Season 4's ending.

The game will be structured like Episodes, into Seasons, with players choosing various plot-points that might happen or character decisions that will decide them, and then I go on to write what happens going off from your votes and how successful they are. The FIRST VOTE of this Original Post will NOT be following Riot-quest format, as such, the majority vote on which is the Chief POV character wins.


Commander (C.O.) of the Battlestar Galactica

One of the most, and now possibly the only, capable commanding officers in the Colonial Fleet, Adama is an experienced Viper pilot and an even more experienced commander. His past as a hero and his calm demeanor has made him an icon for many up and coming leaders in the Colonial Fleet long before the Fall, and now he is the glue that keeps the Galactica's crew afloat and not drowning in their hopeless situation.

Tasked with commanding the military arm of what is left of Kobol's children, Adama has, for now, agreed to tell the people the lies of an Earth, waiting for them out there, in turn for Laura Roslin, the President, keeping it a secret. He is a staunch supporter of hers, though that may come to be tested down the line.

President of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol

Neither elected, nor seemingly ready for the job, Laura Roslin has risen to heights unimagined for a schoolteacher. Once the Secretary of Education for President Adar's cabinet, chance and fate alone decided for her to be the next in line of succession after the Fall. Now tasked to command the Colonial Fleet, she msut come to grips with rising political tensions amongst her own people, and play the game of power.

Pragmatic to a fault, unlike her idealistic, militant counterpart, Laura is willing to do anything to protect her people, even if it means going against sound military strategy. However, she is unwilling to give up her power just yet, feeling that the disparate Colonial fleet is not ready to choose a new leader.

Chief Cylon Specialist aboard the Battlestar Galatcica

The only thing that Gaius Baltar has not faked is his extreme intellect. Saved on a burning Caprica by chance and lottery, Gaius Baltar proved his use to commander Adama as a man who knew how to properly scout out and spot a Cylon infiltrator- a new type of model that masks itself as a Human. Of course, none of anything he thought up was true- helped by nigh-on prophetic visions from a Model Six in his head.

Gaius is a genius, that is undisputable, but as he himself said, he is on nobody's side. That which is suitable for him and his own survival is the path he will take, even if it risks him killing people. Well, sometimes. he still has moral standing and grief, considering he caused the Apocalypse.

Colonel (X.O.) of the Battlestar Galactica

Recruited by Adama to be his second-in-command and right-hand man wherever he went in the fleet, Saul Tigh is the most loyal man to the Old Man that you can find in the Colonial Fleet. With a past of drinking and irresponsibility, Saul Tigh has a bad reputation about him, however he has proven that he can act in tough situations before, without the oversight of his friend.

Saul will oftentimes choose what is best for Bill, however, behind his back or without his knowing or incapability to comment or stop him, Saul will oftentimes resort to brutal decisions, steely pragmatism and might-makes-right actions.

Captain (CAG) of the Battlestar Galactica

Before the Fall, Captain Lee Adama was a man spiteful of his father's influence. Having seen his brother Zak die due to pencil-pushing from his father's side and negligent love from his best friend Kara's side, Lee has recently become a staunch ally of the President, despite being under the direct command of Commander Adama. Wishing to rise above his father but also be loved and love him, Lee is a complicated young man.

As the CAG, he must corral his pilots, take care of their needs and follow the commands of his superior officers. However, his idealistic side often outshines his realistically thinking mind, forcing him to think quickly and ask questions later on questions of morality and the greater good, or at least what he sees as a greater good.

Lieutenant aboard the Battlestar Galactica
Derived as lazy, irresponsible and foolhardy, Kara Thrace is undeniably the greatest flying ace in years, and the best pilot in the fleet. As such, her skills are greatly wanted aboard her Viper under the command of the Galactica. Holding mixed feelings for her long time friend Lee and having a hatred for Saul Tigh, her true guiding light is her Commander, Adama.

As a guntoting, cowboy-ish, cigar-smoking delinquent, Kara will oftentimes prefer extremely brash or disrespectful choices, as well as maneuvers during her combat flights. She will oftentimes insult first and then think to actually reply cordially later (and then think after that).

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Bill narrowed his eyes past his oculars. he glasses, despite helping him, were beginning to, at least mentally, hinder him in what he was seeing. With a deep sigh, he further pulled his glasses off, curling them inward and rubbing his blue eyes tensely, before looking up toward Lieutenant Gaeta.
"Help me make sense of this..."
"Well, that would be quite easy--" the skittish voice of Doctor Baltar came forth from the voice-comm, before Gaeta swiftly cut him off, standing on the other side of the command table. "The structure is even older than... Than anything we have or have had seen or felt in our recorded history. For instance Doctor Baltar had me take a sample from Elosha's scroll, which is an original manuscript from the original tribes, and this thing, whatever this is, sir- well, it's older than anything based around Kobol."
"Is it alien? Cylon?" Saula sked from the side, an even more confused look gracing his rough exterior, before Baltar scoffed, quite audibly. "What part of 'older than Kobol' do you not understand, Colonel? This isn't Cylonite. But alien? Well, that would be very, well, quite something, shall we say."
"I want concrete answers, Doctor," William gruffed out, glaring down at the voice-comm module before him. "And I want them within five hours, tops. Then we're pulling you out of there." Before Gaius could answer, Bill swiftly picked up the radio and settled it back into its nest, letting it automatically switch itself away from the call. D, succinctly, commented from the side. "Call ended, Commander."
"Patch me in to Colonial One."
"Patching you in, sir." As D worked, Bill nodded to Saul. "Get Gaeta to watch the Dradis for any Cylon readings and organize a QRF for the Doctor and his men. Just in case this station of ours decides to gobble them up." Saul quickly saluted and walked off alongside Gaeta. The old man then pulled the radio to his ear and waited for the click.
"Yes, Commander?" The voice of Laura Roslin came from the other side.
"Hello, Madam President. Doctor Baltar reports that the station is indeed alien. Older than Kobol, if his theory stands." There was silence on the other end, before he could hear the nervous clicking of a pen. Laura's tense voice whispered back.
"This is big, Commander."
"I know. But I can't really tell the Civillian Fleet to point their noses a hundred and eighty degrees away and not look out the windows, can I? It's obviously nothing like what we've seen before." William said, peering down at a few pictures taken by scouting missions manned by Raptors. It was big. The biggest thing he's ever seen in open space.
"You're right. Word gets out that we've found a random, floating alien space station, then I don't know what'll happen. We're less than a month past the red line and into dark space and this is what we find..." Laura sighed heavily, and William furrowed his brows at that, rolling his shoulders. "Maybe it's a key to Earth, Madam President?"
A humorous chuckle met his hypothesis. "If only it was. The sacred scrolls would probably talk about something like this. Besides, I don't think..."
William's head snapped back up, peering up toward Gaeta's perch and then up to the Dradis computer mainframe above William himself. A red, glowing light marked as 'UNKNOWN' could be seen far, far from the Fleet. "I'll need to call you back." Bill quickly said, putting the radio phone down. Saul was already on it, marching up beside Gaeta.
"Sit-rep, son, what do you see?" the Colonel demanded, peering over the young Lieutenant's shoulder, who worked with buttons and sensors as other crewmen scrambled about.
"Unknown signatures just appeared! Direction- 6718! Range, 755.2 and with a Distance of 671! Way out of firing range... Wait- no! Two more contacts! Five, five total contacts!"
"Do we call Action Stations?" The Colonel asked, turning about to walk to the command table. Bill narrowed his eyes...

[ ] - "Dualla, confirm if they are friendly or Cylon." (+ In-Character)
[ ] - "Lieutenant Gaeta, what is their current speed and bearing?" (+ In-Character)
[ ] - "D., recall Baltar and his men. Saul, scramble QRF."
[ ] - "Call Actions Stations, Condition One throughout the fleet. Alert Viper teams to form a defensive perimeter and tell the Fleet to prepare to jump." ( ++ In-Character )
[ ] - "Try to hail them, D."
[ ] - Do nothing. ( - Out-Of-Character )
[X] - "Call Actions Stations, Condition One throughout the fleet. Alert Viper teams to form a defensive perimeter and tell the Fleet to prepare to jump." ( ++ In-Character )
[X] - "Lieutenant Gaeta, what is their current speed and bearing?" (+ In-Character)