Blind Luck
Season of Rushing Waters
Bushes, you soon discover, make startlingly good, if somewhat prickly, cover. Though by the time you and Gorok had made your selves comfortable Cob had gone to ground like a ghost and Mina is headed for the dwelling place. Her form ripples as if the gentle wind made colors flow and she was... not much different. Still in rugged leathers, though of another sort of make, the grey of her eyes changed to brown that to you looks just as alien as her normal seeming must to these Burnlanders, and the proportions of her face shifted. Why, you wonder for a moment, and then recall that you might be followed.
Cob Stealth: 1d20+23 = 41 (Success... all the Success)
One knock, two, then the door is opened by a man who brings meaning to new-learned phrases, sun-beaten and weather-worn. In truth he must have been beaten by more material things in his vanished youth at least, that or he had fallen down a twenty foot slope and taken every rock with his face on the way down.
What passes between Mina and the old man you do not know, for the tongue of these lands is yet as the chirping of winged things in your ear, though you start when he brandishes some small silver thing and presses it against her forehead. Cob does more than start as a stone comes flying out of the bushes not six feet to Mina's left and almost hits him in the hand. At least he's aiming for the hand.
Cob Will Save: 1d20+3 = 6 (Failure)
Cob Touch attack to 'Disarm' 1d20+7 = 12 (Failure)
As the old man fumbles and drops the coin, a coin Mina hastens to pick it up saying... something before whispering back to Cob in his own tongue: "Stop that! He was just spook-checking me!" Goblin being a tongue not overly concerned with the details, this could mean anything from 'ghostly possession' to shape-changing to a wizard's glamor.
The coin does not work against at least one of those things. It is hard to tell with just the view from the treeline, but you imagine Mina is trying to excuse the 'stray stone', but the old man is having none of it. He yells back to someone inside the farmhouse and a pair of dark haired boys 'round Knife Gifting age come out to look armed with sticks sporting odd bits of metal at the end, obviously not balanced to be weapons, but brandished like they must imagine weapons are.
Mina Bluff: 1d20+1 = 9 (Failure)
Fortunately for you and for them, trying to spot a sly sneak of a color changing goblin by what light of moon and star is beyond them and all beating the bushes managed to do is to scare off some of the long-ears, rabbits you remind yourself, as much for something to occupy your mind than because you care about the particulars of Burnlands rodents.
Cob Stealth: 1d20+23 = 41 (Still... success)
Farmer Boy Perception: 1d20+5+5 (Familiarity) +3 (???) = 33; 19
Once it is clear that whatever it had been that had cast the stone was nowhere in sight, nor was it going to cast another, the pair start peppering Mina with questions which she thankfully seems comfortable in answering. The four of them talk quite a while there in the threshold and you get the sense that the old man is just glad for the company and his younger kin are just happy for the novelty, though the atmosphere changes again when Mina takes out ten heavy gold coins to pay for... something. It is all you can do to hold yourself back from reading their minds for
Mina Bluff: 1d20+1 = 16 (Success)
Akorian Sense Motive: 1d20+9 = 27 (Success)
The old man ducks into the house for a few minutes, then the mystery is resolved when he comes back with a map, old and stained tis true, but those are marks of good service as far as you are concerned. Mina too seems happy with her prize, quickly retreating into the shadows, Pepper soon at her heels.
Lost 10 Gold -> Current Funds: 980 gp, 7 sp, 15 cp
Gained Map
As you get up to follow you notice the old man make a warding gesture in her direction, his face suddenly sour, but you are much too interested in what she found to care. It takes Mina much of the rest of the night to explain what she had found to the rest of you and tell the truth you are not sure if even now you entirely believe the notion of warbands so large that a whole town's worth of people could me made up just of those retried from it. The most important part of all this is that she had found out where a temple fit to drop off Click is, the local temple of Iomedae in town but she seems
Location Discovered: Outskirts of Longacre, Archduchy of the Heartlands Cheliax
Mina Gains 50 XP
It does not take much prodding to discover why the old man had used a silver coin to try and break fiendish glamors, something about 'trouble' they have been having hereabouts since the month of Calistril. Little good had the old superstition done him, but the priest at the temple might have some actual magic to break illusions with.
What do you do?
[] Deliver the baby openly, the temple is meant to take in foundlings. You are sure you will get past the gate somehow
[] You are sure Mina's glamor will hold long enough to hand it over
[] Have Cob sneak the baby in (-5 Stealth from baby/-10 if it starts to fuss)
[] Write in
OOC: You guys are lucky for Cob's stealth. If those farm boys had found him and hit him he would have defended himself to the full extent of his abilities. And they... well lets just say they did not have a lot of HP.