[x] Engineering and Mecha as a small child, and that passion has stuck with her since. She tinkers and plays around with far too many sparky things for your liking. (Creates a Main Objective, Build Signal Booster) (Gives Engineering Proficiency (You get a + 5 on any rolls involving electrical or mechanical crafting or repairs. More likely to find mechanical scrap while scavenging) (Gives Toolkit, (Allows for Mechanical Crafting and Repairs at a Basic Level, also allows for combat at a very weak level thanks to all the sharp things it has in it.)).
..does having a fancy in fantasy novels/shows of old count to get a 'Magic Proficiency', to get her the spark to be able to wield psychic powers magic? :V And the dynamic goal of actually learning to harness/manipulate magic/mana/what have you for the first time that is barely there in this kind of world allowing for limited but useful 'spells' or what have you? :V

..no really, I just want to 'flip the table'. The first one is just making a familiar made out of light construct or something. The second is just learn a 'spell' or something similar to fend off stuff. Third one is just.. well, learning more I guess and to seek knowledge and turn it into something tangible? Or just 'healing' and 'creating' out of nothing I guess.

..or, you know, nevermind, maybe I shouldn't bother talking and see what others come up with..
..does having a fancy in fantasy novels/shows of old count to get a 'Magic Proficiency', to get her the spark to be able to wield psychic powers magic? :V And the dynamic goal of actually learning to harness/manipulate magic/mana/what have you for the first time that is barely there in this kind of world allowing for limited but useful 'spells' or what have you? :V

..no really, I just want to 'flip the table'. The first one is just making a familiar made out of light construct or something. The second is just learn a 'spell' or something similar to fend off stuff. Third one is just.. well, learning more I guess and to seek knowledge and turn it into something tangible? Or just 'healing' and 'creating' out of nothing I guess.

..or, you know, nevermind, maybe I shouldn't bother talking and see what others come up with..
Definitely works as a Something else option aye. Drop a vote, see what happens.
..does having a fancy in fantasy novels/shows of old count to get a 'Magic Proficiency', to get her the spark to be able to wield psychic powers magic? :V And the dynamic goal of actually learning to harness/manipulate magic/mana/what have you for the first time that is barely there in this kind of world allowing for limited but useful 'spells' or what have you? :V

..no really, I just want to 'flip the table'. The first one is just making a familiar made out of light construct or something. The second is just learn a 'spell' or something similar to fend off stuff. Third one is just.. well, learning more I guess and to seek knowledge and turn it into something tangible? Or just 'healing' and 'creating' out of nothing I guess.

..or, you know, nevermind, maybe I shouldn't bother talking and see what others come up with..
I would vote for this.
Kinda wanna try something new here.

[X] Programing and software as a small child. Years spend with electronics that could do better, phones riddled with updates making them worse, has given her a passion in understanding the tricks the corporation uses and how to..bypass them. An vital life skill, if one wants to have something to last more then a year. Not that you think any of this can even compare to the far more versatile enchantments which can be used on Anything! Your host will learn yet. (Main Objective:Jailbreak the Aux and get onto the emergency networks reserved for the rich. Gives basic programing Proficiency(+5 to all programing rolls), Gives small laptop, allows for hacking of electronic systems. Unlocks basic runic enchantment.

Does something like this work? The idea is essentially a path towards runic enchatments.
[x] Botany holo-slates as a small child, and that passion has stuck with her since. Most of the reagents she keeps with her aren't what you'd call stuff for plant growing, more like alchemy really, but it does help a few of them… (Creates a Main Objective, Successfully find and grow Red Leaf, and then distill it into a Health Tonic) (Gives Potion Proficiency (You get a +5 to all rolls involving Potion Crafting and Use, More likely to find Botany items while scavenging.) (Gives Basic Brewing kit, Allows for Basic Botany, also allows for basic potion brewing)
[x] Botany holo-slates as a small child, and that passion has stuck with her since. Most of the reagents she keeps with her aren't what you'd call stuff for plant growing, more like alchemy really, but it does help a few of them… (Creates a Main Objective, Successfully find and grow Red Leaf, and then distill it into a Health Tonic) (Gives Potion Proficiency (You get a +5 to all rolls involving Potion Crafting and Use, More likely to find Botany items while scavenging.) (Gives Basic Brewing kit, Allows for Basic Botany, also allows for basic potion brewing)
[X] Programing and software as a small child. Years spend with electronics that could do better, phones riddled with updates making them worse, has given her a passion in understanding the tricks the corporation uses and how to..bypass them. An vital life skill, if one wants to have something to last more then a year. Not that you think any of this can even compare to the far more versatile enchantments which can be used on Anything! Your host will learn yet. (Main Objective:Jailbreak the Aux and get onto the emergency networks reserved for the rich. Gives basic programing Proficiency(+5 to all programing rolls), Gives small laptop, allows for hacking of electronic systems. Unlocks basic runic enchantment.

An angel healing planned obsolescence is fun
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[X] Programing and software as a small child. Years spend with electronics that could do better, phones riddled with updates making them worse, has given her a passion in understanding the tricks the corporation uses and how to..bypass them. An vital life skill, if one wants to have something to last more then a year. Not that you think any of this can even compare to the far more versatile enchantments which can be used on Anything! Your host will learn yet. (Main Objective:Jailbreak the Aux and get onto the emergency networks reserved for the rich. Gives basic programing Proficiency(+5 to all programing rolls), Gives small laptop, allows for hacking of electronic systems. Unlocks basic runic enchantment.
Well, let us tally.

No guarentee this will be done tonight, but lets see if I can i drop tomorrows chapter a little early for you all~
Adhoc vote count started by Blanaa on Oct 8, 2023 at 3:49 AM, finished with 9 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Programing and software as a small child. Years spend with electronics that could do better, phones riddled with updates making them worse, has given her a passion in understanding the tricks the corporation uses and how to..bypass them. An vital life skill, if one wants to have something to last more then a year. Not that you think any of this can even compare to the far more versatile enchantments which can be used on Anything! Your host will learn yet. (Main Objective:Jailbreak the Aux and get onto the emergency networks reserved for the rich. Gives basic programing Proficiency(+5 to all programing rolls), Gives small laptop, allows for hacking of electronic systems. Unlocks basic runic enchantment.
    [x] Botany holo-slates as a small child, and that passion has stuck with her since. Most of the reagents she keeps with her aren't what you'd call stuff for plant growing, more like alchemy really, but it does help a few of them… (Creates a Main Objective, Successfully find and grow Red Leaf, and then distill it into a Health Tonic) (Gives Potion Proficiency (You get a +5 to all rolls involving Potion Crafting and Use, More likely to find Botany items while scavenging.) (Gives Basic Brewing kit, Allows for Basic Botany, also allows for basic potion brewing)
    [x] Engineering and Mecha as a small child, and that passion has stuck with her since. She tinkers and plays around with far too many sparky things for your liking. (Creates a Main Objective, Build Signal Booster) (Gives Engineering Proficiency (You get a + 5 on any rolls involving electrical or mechanical crafting or repairs. More likely to find mechanical scrap while scavenging) (Gives Toolkit, (Allows for Mechanical Crafting and Repairs at a Basic Level, also allows for combat at a very weak level thanks to all the sharp things it has in it.)).

The Core of One's Being

Chapter 5

Choice Made:

[X] Programing and software as a small child. Years spend with electronics that could do better, phones riddled with updates making them worse, has given her a passion in understanding the tricks the corporation uses and how to..bypass them. An vital life skill, if one wants to have something to last more then a year. Not that you think any of this can even compare to the far more versatile enchantments which can be used on Anything! Your host will learn yet. (Main Objective: Jailbreak the Aug and get onto the emergency networks reserved for the rich. Gives basic programing Proficiency(+5 to all programing rolls), Gives small laptop, allows for hacking of electronic systems. Unlocks basic runic enchantment.




  • Gained Main Objective (Safely hack the Aug and Use the Emergency Network to Send a distress signal) (Requires 5 Expertly Crafted Electronic Components, Requires a Metal Base, Requires Power)
  • Gained Sub Objective (Survive)
  • Gained Basic Programming Proficiency (+ 5 to all Programming and Hacking Rolls)
  • Gained Micro Computer (Allows hacking of Electronic Systems and Programming. Charge = 10/10) (Loses 1 Charge per use) (Requires electricity to charge)
  • Gained Basic Runic Enchantment (Allows you to carve Tier 1 Runes onto Equipment for effects.) (Known Runes: Tier 1 Force, Tier 1 Flame Tier 1 Projectile)

You sometimes… no, constantly, you constantly question the alignment of the one Humans call Murphy.

Why they call a metaphysical being that probably exists in some side dimension and pulls on strings something as mundane as Murphy, you have no clue.

But humans do as humans do.

Either way, you constantly question their alignment.

Because they dropped your host out of flying contraption.

They dropped them out with no way of flying, no way of landing and very much no way of surviving had you not been there.

They did so, and what might have been a lovely moment in your host's life. A moment when things were finally going… better for her.

And that would pain this 'Murphy' as a less than good being.

Some may call it a Chaotic Evil entity.

But then there's this…

You stare through your host's eyes as she fiddles with a small blue screen on her arm.

A collection of light forced into a hardened shape with the application of technology and magic. Tiny pixels of light flicker and fade, painting pictures in thin air as the 'hardlight', very inventive name Humans, truly, as the Hardlight Microcomputer opens up an Application.

Through some miracle, some meddling of fate or something Murphy is probably cackling at, this piece of technology survived your… less then gentle landing.

And did so unharmed.

The brace on your host's arm holds it steady as she taps away on it.

Lines of light flickering at the precise speed needed to form human words.

Those words become sentences, those sentences become paragraphs, and your host spends some of her day working on a 'program'.

The fact she can't just look at a 'computer' and tell it what to do is stupid.

She's your host, she's the one with true potential! You mean, Look! Look at how she chucks that rock out the building!

That is potential right there!

… Okay. So maybe you're a little bored.

You didn't know you could get bored, but apparently you can.

Though, maybe that's because your host is kind of out of the worst of it now.

She's not bleeding. She's not falling. She has food and water. And she has shelter.

So she could technically make a living out here if she needed to.

Well, you'd rather she not, and your hosts muttering in her sleep says she herself would rather get out of here sooner rather than later.

You agree that you miss the taste of waffle cones and synthetic icecream as well…

Even if you only had it through her. And the taste probably wasn't even a tenth of what she got to enjoy.

But sweetness is king!

Your host mutters technical phrases you don't understand, but you get the gist of what she's planning.

Using scavenged parts to escape this place does sound like a wonderful idea.

If you can avoid the black things.

And who knows whatever else is inside these many large buildings.

You can protect from a lot. But you'd rather not use your hosts' relatively minimal magical reserves for that.

You specialized into offense after all! Not defense!

Defense is for the weak! Just snipe the bastard from a mile away with a pinpoint beam of light if you're so afraid you need heavy armor to fight them!

Well either way, your host makes a small mental list of what she'll need.

It starts off small. But rapidly grows as the many subcomponents to make the end device come up one by one.

You can probably find most of those around this place, but again. Danger awaits around every corner.

You try and push that concept onto your host… but the raw hope she exudes rips the thought of caution from her head in a way that would have you sigh and shake your head if you had lungs or a head.

You're maybe more a concept or something, you haven't really had time to ponder your own self really.

The many threads of consciousness bundle into one as your host slowly steps out of the door, she scans the surroundings, eyes settling on one the of the smaller buildings before starting to slowly make her way towards it.
You can't read human language… and you're coming to realize that it might not be very helpful for your host if that continues.

Sadly, you don't really have much opportunity to learn that, or well… maybe you will.

You squint your non-existent eyes as your host passes next to a sign, but the squiggles mean absolutely nothing to you. There's no pattern or sequence that you can really make out on them.

Hmm… Maybe there's more to it…

But your host doesn't stop long enough for you to start deciphering it in any way.

She takes a glance at the signage, and then at the very broken looking store before trying the door.

The metal chunk that might have once been a door barely moves, its hinges rusted shut from who knows how many years of disuse.

But she perseveres.

Her shoulder crashes into it.



And on the third rather painful looking thump, the door crashes open.

Your host stumbles when the resistance suddenly vanishes, taking a few steps inwards and barely managing to avoid the door as it rebounds off the wall and slams closed again.

Well. In good news, she's inside.

In less good news, you don't know if that door's opening again.

But sure your host has pla-

"Crap… It's fine, Luria might have to find a different way out though. But Luria can do it."

.. You're doomed.

Oh god, you're so doomed.

Your host is going to die like some third rate character in one of those Anime things isn't she?!


You shove the thread of consciousness that seems to always be dreading failure to back once again.

You have faith.

And if faith fails you. Copious amounts of light magic applied to everything around you is always the answer.

Worst case, you drain your host's magic supply and knock them out for a day… or a week…

Actually, you don't know how long that would knock her out…

Caution definitely is the best answer, yes.

Your host looks around, her gold eyes glowing in the darkness as you boost the light her eyes can take in with a slight application of magic.

It's not true Night Vision, but she'll at least be able to make out far more in the very dark interior of the building she's entered.

You stare in horror at what you see.

The foul stench that enters your nose.

This… This is…

"Yes! Exactly what Luria was looking for! These Circuits will come in handy!"

It's Technology!?

The foul stench of oils and plastics. Of unnatural mechanisms and things that should not be made surround your host.

You tolerate the Aug in your host's head because you have to.

You tolerate all the normal technology around your host because there are traces of magic in all of that.

But this… this blasphemy against magic is horrid.

She picks up what might have been a green board once. Clicking her tongue in a rather cute way as she pouts while looking at it.

Then she throws it away and moves onto the next.

Shelves full of horrible technology fill the back where your host entered, there's what looks like a glass counter near the center of the room, full of more expensive and better preserved looking stuff, and further in the room, you spot what looks like an entrance into another room.

Your host is currently scavenging around for stuff she can use, but from the sounds she's making, you don't think much of the stuff in here can be used.

Maybe she can make some scrap from it though?

Maybe you can suggest a… plan for her day? She'll probably spend most of it scavenging for now, but she's smart enough to build stuff on her own. That glowy micro computer thing has to have some designs or something, she's spent far too long fiddling with it to be healthy after all…

(Planned vote)

(5 Action's remaining)
(Actions can be repeated)

And now we get to the daily plan~ This'll kind of be how most days pass here.
You have five actions that you can do, before a day passes.
Right now, you don't have much in terms of craftable stuff. Material or otherwise. So It might be good to stock up for now.

Current location: Outskirts

[x] Go deeper into your surroundings (Advances location to Fringes) (Better Chance for Electronic Components (+ 10)) (Worse Chances for Metal Scrap (- 10)) (Higher Threat Level (+ 10)) (-1 Action))

[x] Pull back from your surrounding (Unavailable)

[x] Scavenge The Building ( 100% Chance for Basic Electronic Scrap (5 Remaining) (1d5 Gained)) ( 50% Chance for Basic Metal Scrap (8 Remaining) (1d5 Gained)) ( 5% Chance for Something RARE)) (-1 Action)

[x] Scavenge another building/location (Pick One)

[]The Tall one nearby (20 Scrap of various types Remain, Requires Investigation) ( 1 Action to Move and Attempt Scavenging, 20% Chance to find something x1d6 for now)

[]The Large one a few streets away (50 Scrap of various types Remain, Requires Investigation) (1 Action to Move and Attempt Scavenging, 60% Chance to find something x 1d10 for now) (10% Chance of Combat))

[] The random stores nearby (10 Scrap of Various Types remain, Requires Investigation) (1 Action to Move and Attempt Scavenging, 80% Chance to find Something x 1d4))

[]The Junkyard (Infinite Basic Metal Scrap) (Gain 1d3 per action))
[x] Make something? (Unavailable)

[]Basic Forge (Requires 10 Basic Metal Scrap) (Allows you to convert Basic Metal Scrap into usable items and Good Metal Scrap)​

[]Basic Electronics Bench (Requires 1 Good Metal Scrap and 5 Basic Electronic Components) (Allows you to convert Electronic Scrap into usable items and Good Electronic Components)

[x] Look for Food (2 Days of Food remain)

[] Scavenge around for it (60% Chance of finding 2 days worth of food, 70% Chance of Finding 1 days worth of food)
[]Hunt for it (Unavailable, Do not have a Weapon)
[x] Look for Water (2 Days of Water Remain out of 2 Days Total Storable)

[] Take it from the Lake (Gain 1 Days worth of Water as you do not have a container to purify and store more)
[]It is not raining and you do not have a collector

Trying out a format thats hopefully a little different then AMA's

I'd say chapters here will maybe be shorter then that stories but we shall see.

We've hit 2k words for this chapter afterall so to be seen~

This'll be the loop for now, and if we manage to make it out of here, the format may change once more.

We shall see~

Either way, hope you enjoy. If you got questions, feel free to ask~
Our first priority, is probaly to establish a basic forge. Currently, we're lacking both a weapon, and we'll need to spend 1 action a day to keep up on water supply unless we make a container. Espesically, since the better electronics/loot is probaly deeper in the fringes.

Also just got two days of food left. Since there isn't a container limit on that, we should do that as well, so we don't run the risk of failling it tommorow, and finding ourself suddenly on one day's emergency food stock. Which can end up quite dire.

So, my plan. Doing the scavenge building, since it's highest guaranteed we have at the moment. Due to it being less then, 5/8 scrap, not doubling down in case we happen to high roll. Random stores is followed up, because it's got an 80% chance to find scrap, unlike tall one with only a 20%, even if it's lower rewards. Large one has a chance of combat, and i don't wanna go there before we get a weapon.

The double junkyard is probaly the weirdest here, but i think it's best for opening, since it allows us to get a guaranteed metal scrap, which we need for the forge. All the other ones, have scrap of various type, so we might end up being "unlucky", and get electronic scrap or something else (assuming we actually even get scrap). Which is good on it's own, but without getting a forge up, other scrap won't do us that much good. Double junkyard, gives a decent chance of enough scrap. One could, potentially swap out the random stores for a third one, if one's feeling like you absolutly need 10 scrap for next turn, since there is still some random chance left here.

The food as last action, is mostly to make sure we actually have more then 1 days food for next turn, because in case we fail next turn's food gathering, that means we can risk running out, and that will become quite dicey. If it does work out this turn, means we have safety and can be a bit freerer with actions for next turn. We're gonna lose out on 1 out of 2 water supply for this turn, but the forge should hopefully allows us to get better water container, and since there isn't a chance to fail water gathering, i feel this is a safe bet.

Though, a question. The Scavage action, notes "1 action to move and attempt scavenging". I'm presuming this is 1 action overall, and not 1 action to move and 1 action to scavage, since it doesn't say "2 action to move-"? Might make this plan invalidated, if i'm reading that wrong.

Forge should hopefully also allows to start tinkering with magic.

[X] Plan Gathering scrap for Forge!
-[X] Scavenge The Building ( 100% Chance for Basic Electronic Scrap (5 Remaining) (1d5 Gained)) ( 50% Chance for Basic Metal Scrap (8 Remaining) (1d5 Gained)) ( 5% Chance for Something RARE)) (-1 Action)
-[X] The random stores nearby (10 Scrap of Various Types remain, Requires Investigation) (1 Action to Move and Attempt Scavenging, 80% Chance to find Something x 1d4))
-[X]The Junkyard (Infinite Basic Metal Scrap) (Gain 1d3 per action))
-[X]The Junkyard (Infinite Basic Metal Scrap) (Gain 1d3 per action))

-[X] Scavenge around for it (60% Chance of finding 2 days worth of food, 70% Chance of Finding 1 days worth of food)
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I'm sold

[X] Plan Gathering scrap for Forge!
Our first priority, is probaly to establish a basic forge. Currently, we're lacking both a weapon, and we'll need to spend 1 action a day to keep up on water supply unless we make a container. Espesically, since the better electronics/loot is probaly deeper in the fringes.

Also just got two days of food left. Since there isn't a container limit on that, we should do that as well, so we don't run the risk of failling it tommorow, and finding ourself suddenly on one day's emergency food stock. Which can end up quite dire.

So, my plan. Doing the scavenge building, since it's highest guaranteed we have at the moment. Due to it being less then, 5/8 scrap, not doubling down in case we happen to high roll. Random stores is followed up, because it's got an 80% chance to find scrap, unlike tall one with only a 20%, even if it's lower rewards. Large one has a chance of combat, and i don't wanna go there before we get a weapon.

The double junkyard is probaly the weirdest here, but i think it's best for opening, since it allows us to get a guaranteed metal scrap, which we need for the forge. All the other ones, have scrap of various type, so we might end up being "unlucky", and get electronic scrap or something else (assuming we actually even get scrap). Which is good on it's own, but without getting a forge up, other scrap won't do us that much good. Double junkyard, gives a decent chance of enough scrap. One could, potentially swap out the random stores for a third one, if one's feeling like you absolutly need 10 scrap for next turn, since there is still some random chance left here.

The food as last action, is mostly to make sure we actually have more then 1 days food for next turn, because in case we fail next turn's food gathering, that means we can risk running out, and that will become quite dicey. If it does work out this turn, means we have safety and can be a bit freerer with actions for next turn. We're gonna lose out on 1 out of 2 water supply for this turn, but the forge should hopefully allows us to get better water container, and since there isn't a chance to fail water gathering, i feel this is a safe bet.

Though, a question. The Scavage action, notes "1 action to move and attempt scavenging". I'm presuming this is 1 action overall, and not 1 action to move and 1 action to scavage, since it doesn't say "2 action to move-"? Might make this plan invalidated, if i'm reading that wrong.

Forge should hopefully also allows to start tinkering with magic.

[X] Plan Gathering scrap for Forge!
-[X] Scavenge The Building ( 100% Chance for Basic Electronic Scrap (5 Remaining) (1d5 Gained)) ( 50% Chance for Basic Metal Scrap (8 Remaining) (1d5 Gained)) ( 5% Chance for Something RARE)) (-1 Action)
-[X] The random stores nearby (10 Scrap of Various Types remain, Requires Investigation) (1 Action to Move and Attempt Scavenging, 80% Chance to find Something x 1d4))
-[X]The Junkyard (Infinite Basic Metal Scrap) (Gain 1d3 per action))
-[X]The Junkyard (Infinite Basic Metal Scrap) (Gain 1d3 per action))

-[X] Scavenge around for it (60% Chance of finding 2 days worth of food, 70% Chance of Finding 1 days worth of food)
1 Action overall is correct. I'll specify if its separate actions don't worry lol~ Not that mean~
Welp, in the case I do this chapter tonight. Lets tally and see.

Adhoc vote count started by Blanaa on Oct 15, 2023 at 2:17 AM, finished with 4 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Plan Gathering scrap for Forge!
    -[X] Scavenge The Building ( 100% Chance for Basic Electronic Scrap (5 Remaining) (1d5 Gained)) ( 50% Chance for Basic Metal Scrap (8 Remaining) (1d5 Gained)) ( 5% Chance for Something RARE)) (-1 Action)
    -[X] The random stores nearby (10 Scrap of Various Types remain, Requires Investigation) (1 Action to Move and Attempt Scavenging, 80% Chance to find Something x 1d4))
    -[X]The Junkyard (Infinite Basic Metal Scrap) (Gain 1d3 per action))
    -[X] Scavenge around for it (60% Chance of finding 2 days worth of food, 70% Chance of Finding 1 days worth of food)

Well some interesting rolls.

Found Scrap metal at Building 1
Didn't find anything Rare this time.
Found 3 Basic Electronic Scrap
Found 3 Basic Metal Scrap

Random Stores:
Found 3 Basic metal Scrap there as well.

And then 2 At the junkyard

And then a crit on food searching, so I'll add half of 3 rounded up to 2 for 5 days worth of food being found.

Good job indeeed~
Blanaa threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Basic metal Scrap Chance B1 Total: 89
89 89
Blanaa threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Something Rare Total: 28
28 28
Blanaa threw 1 5-faced dice. Reason: Basic Electronic Scrap B1 Total: 3
3 3
Blanaa threw 1 5-faced dice. Reason: Basic Metal Scrap B1 Total: 3
3 3
Blanaa threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Random Stores Total: 37
37 37
Blanaa threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Amount Total: 3
3 3
Blanaa threw 2 3-faced dice. Reason: Junkyard Scrap Total: 5
2 2 3 3
Blanaa threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Food Total: 96
96 96
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Hm allright, interesting.

The food is extremly nice, means we don't need to worry about that for a bit.

In terms of loot we got, 8 metal scrap and 3 electronics.

Which is 2 away from the 10 which was the stretch goal. Speaking of though, i assigned 2 actions to the junkyard for this reason, and you only rolled 1 junkyard roll, shouldn't there be one more?

Means we would have about 2/3 of chance, of hitting forge stretch goal. Still missable, but if that happens it happens.

Overall, pretty good turn! We didn't hit the high end on some rolls, but every roll was average/slightly high and with the food crit I'd say it was a postive turn.
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Ch 6: SCAV

The Core of One's Being

Chapter 6

Choice Made:

[X] Plan Gathering scrap for Forge!
-[X] Scavenge The Building ( 100% Chance for Basic Electronic Scrap (5 Remaining) (1d5 Gained)) ( 50% Chance for Basic Metal Scrap (8 Remaining) (1d5 Gained)) ( 5% Chance for Something RARE)) (-1 Action)
-[X] The random stores nearby (10 Scrap of Various Types remain, Requires Investigation) (1 Action to Move and Attempt Scavenging, 80% Chance to find Something x 1d4))
-[X]The Junkyard (Infinite Basic Metal Scrap) (Gain 1d3 per action))
-[X] Scavenge around for it (60% Chance of finding 2 days worth of food, 70% Chance of Finding 1 days worth of food)


Building 1:
Building 1 Metal Chance = 89 = Success
Building 1 Something Rare = 28 = Failure
Building 1 Basic Electronic Scrap = 3
Building 1 Basic Metal Scrap = 3

Random Stores:
Find something Chance = 37 = Success
Amount = 3

Junkyard Scrap = 2, 3

Food = 96 = Critical


  • Gained 11 Basic Metal Scrap
  • Gained 3 Basic Electronic Scrap
  • Gained 5 Days worth of Food
  • Consumed 1 Day worth of Food. ( 6 Days of Food Remain)
  • Consumed 1 Day worth of Water (1 Day of Water Remain)

[x]Scavenge the Building

The reek of technology is overpowering.

A scent of corroded metal and what might be water damage from who knows how long this place has been abandoned.

It's not a particularly appealing place, but your host continues to rummage around in search of bits and pieces.

She pulls green slabs of plastic apart, pulls black things off the green thing.

She pulls large screens of stuff off the floor, ripping into the internals with a rather scary proficiency, bolts come flying, screws come off, layers of plastics sandwiched together come apart, and before you know it, the two of you, for you count as one, have had to take a few trips back to your home of sorts to drop items off.

Your host eyes the glass shelf things in front of the counter. The reinforced surface might be covered in dust and grime, but your host seems sure that whatever's inside is probably of good quality.

You very much ward away her thoughts of smashing it with her hands.

Human flesh isn't that strong. And while her bones may break it, you would rather she not cause bodily harm to herself in order to get through the glass.

Next time, perhaps she can use something else to break it, but the plan you've suggested to her for the day helps to shift her focus back to scavenging for more things.

The darkness in this building is rather heavy, but the little bit of light you've pushed for your host to see lets her get a look at more of the building's layout.

And with that, she starts slowly taking metal pieces from the place.

You have no idea why she's doing that, though perhaps whatever that thing on her microcomputer is what she's working towards.

Either way, you end up with a reasonably sized cache of metal and electronic pieces back at the base by the end of this little foray. A good start to your day you think.

[x] Scavenge another building/location
The random stores nearby

The surroundings prove to be rather fruitful you find. Mainly around your little home base.

Your host goes out searching for more resources, and as you are tied to her, so do you.

The area nearby is littered with small stores, buildings upon buildings of mostly automated locations to purchase goods.

Well… you say littered, but most of the places appear to have been picked clean or destroyed by years of neglect.

The ones that have something of value though, are rather full of that value.

You've most found scrap metal to use. Any food that was available for requisition having expired and rotten away, and no water seems nearby, but the stores you do search give you a good quantity of metal to go and take.

Mostly small bits and pieces, your host calls them knick knacks.

That has no meaning to you, but your host seems to enjoy collecting all the pieces of scrap you can find either way.

You spend a few minutes investigating what you can salvage before you do, and you certainly do find a good set of items that probably be of some use at the very least you think.


You're just an all powerful magic core that could probably do all this if you had more magic, what do you know?

[x] The Junkyard And Scavenging for Food

Humans are strange.

You've come to realize this conundrum when your host starts on the way towards the place she rather gracefully landed in.

Why she would want to return there, you don't really understand…

But to the drab place she goes.

On the way, you happen upon a few stores you hadn't searched, and while you were planning on searching for food supplies in some way, you find a very large quantity of long life stuff.

Metal Cylinders that humans call 'cans'.

Why they call them 'cans' instead of something meaningful? You don't know.

But hey, you find a wonderful amount of food that can be consumed when needed.

There's even a can opener! How thoughtful.

Your host face twists a little when she sees the sustenance. Quietly complaining that she hates the taste of this stuff, but hoping that it'll maybe taste better after aging a little.

She checks the numbers on the bottom of the can, and notes that while close to expiry, the food should still be good to eat.

That's a bonus!

As is the metal stuff you find at the junkyard. It's a bit of a trek to and back, but your host manages to collect all the things she could carry before the sun starts to fade and darkness engulfs the city.

The night is dark and cool.

Not cold. But cool… a bit of a chill maybe.

You don't actually know, you can't feel it.

But the mana in the air shifts, the normal abundance of fire based mana diffusing as it's replaced by ice based mana instead.

Your host shivers a little, but shifts closer to the fire so that the heat from it can warm her up as she downs one of your freshly scavenged cans.

And while that happens, you work on planning out yet another day of stuff to accomplish.

Today was incredibly successful after all.

But you don't tempt Murphy by thinking what's on your mind. You need to survive first, then you can tempt and curse them as much as you want.

(Planned vote)

(5 Action's remaining)
(Actions can be repeated)

Current location: Outskirts

[x] Go deeper into your surroundings (Advances location to Fringes) (Better Chance for Electronic Components (+ 10)) (Worse Chances for Metal Scrap (- 10)) (Higher Threat Level (+ 10)) (-1 Action))

[x] Pull back from your surrounding (Unavailable)

[x] Scavenge a building/location (Pick One)

[] Scavenge The Main Building ( 100% Chance for Basic Electronic Scrap (2 Remaining) (1d2 Gained)) ( 50% Chance for Basic Metal Scrap (5 Remaining) (1d5 Gained)) ( 5% Chance for Something RARE)) (-1 Action)

[]The Tall one nearby (20 Scrap of various types Remain, Requires Investigation) ( 1 Action to Move and Attempt Scavenging, 20% Chance to find something x1d6 for now)

[]The Large one a few streets away (50 Scrap of various types Remain, Requires Investigation) (1 Action to Move and Attempt Scavenging, 60% Chance to find something x 1d10 for now) (10% Chance of Combat))

[] The random stores nearby (5 Basic metal Scrap Remains 2 Basic Electronic Scrap remains) ( 80% Chance to Find Basic Metal Scrap x 1d5, 80% Chance to Find Basic Electric Scrap x 1d2))

[]The Junkyard (Infinite Basic Metal Scrap) (Gain 1d3 per action))

[x] Make something?

(Basic Metal Scrap: 11)
(Basic Electronic Scrap: 3

[]Basic Forge (Requires 10 Basic Metal Scrap) (Allows you to convert Basic Metal Scrap into usable items and Good Metal Scrap)

[]Basic Electronics Bench (Requires 1 Good Metal Scrap and 5 Basic Electronic Components) (Allows you to convert Electronic Scrap into usable items and Good Electronic Components)

[x] Look for Food (5 Days of Food remain)

[] Scavenge around for it (60% Chance of finding 2 days worth of food, 70% Chance of Finding 1 days worth of food)

[]Hunt for it (Unavailable, Do not have a Weapon)

[x] Look for Water (1 Days of Water Remain out of 2 Days Total Storable)

[] Take it from the Lake (Gain 1 Days worth of Water as you do not have a container to purify and store more)

[]It is not raining and you do not have a collector

A simple day to get us situated.

Went pretty well I'd say, almost enough to get yourself a forge. And a got a bunch of food.

Wonderful indeed~

Waters running a bit low, but that can be fixed I'm sure.

Hopefully we can see how the next day fares indeeed~

Hope you're all enjoying, I know this is a slower start then AMA was, but this story is definitely meant to be a slower grind that then, so hopefully thats alright~

But aye, Have fun all, lets see where the next day takes us.

Edit: Updated with the 2nd Junkyard Roll.
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Hm allright, interesting.

The food is extremly nice, means we don't need to worry about that for a bit.

In terms of loot we got, 8 metal scrap and 3 electronics.

Which is 2 away from the 10 which was the stretch goal. Speaking of though, i assigned 2 actions to the junkyard for this reason, and you only rolled 1 junkyard roll, shouldn't there be one more?

Means we would have about 2/3 of chance, of hitting forge stretch goal. Still missable, but if that happens it happens.

Overall, pretty good turn! We didn't hit the high end on some rolls, but every roll was average/slightly high and with the food crit I'd say it was a postive turn.
Hmm... Really? The plan didn't say that, but eh, lemme add another roll. Easy enough to append it.
Hmm... Really? The plan didn't say that, but eh, lemme add another roll. Easy enough to append it.

We got 5 actions, which i spendt like this. It seems like the tally gathered up both junkyard actions into 1. So when you tallied, it only showed one at junkyard. Probably because it was the same action, If i had to guess. Assuming i didn't mess something else up, when making the plan.

1-scavenge building.
2- Random stores.
3. Junkyard.
4. Junkyard
5. Food gathering.
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We got 5 actions, which i spendt like this. It seems like the tally gathered up both junkyard actions into 1. Probably because it was the same action, If i had to guess. Assuming i didn't mess something else up, when making the plan.

1-scavenge building.
2- Random stores.
3. Junkyard.
4. Junkyard
5. Food gathering.
Maybe do a x 2 when you suggest the plan then. Interesting to see tho
Allrighty. So, the food situation is solved for at least 3 more turns, before we need to start worrying more about that. We did get enough scrap for the forge, which means we can build it this turn, which was the main goal of last plan. We still need to gather metal scrap in order to actually craft items and the good metal scrap for the eletronics bench, but it means we didn't need to wait till next turn for it.

So main goals is, Water, metal scrap and then electronics.

[X] Plan Materials for the forge.
-[X] Scavenge The Main Building ( 100% Chance for Basic Electronic Scrap (2 Remaining) (1d2 Gained)) ( 50% Chance for Basic Metal Scrap (5 Remaining) (1d5 Gained)) ( 5% Chance for Something RARE)) (-1 Action)
-[X] The random stores nearby (5 Basic metal Scrap Remains 2 Basic Electronic Scrap remains) ( 80% Chance to Find Basic Metal Scrap x 1d5, 80% Chance to Find Basic Electric Scrap x 1d2))
-[X]Basic Forge (Requires 10 Basic Metal Scrap) (Allows you to convert Basic Metal Scrap into usable items and Good Metal Scrap)
-[X]The Junkyard (Infinite Basic Metal Scrap) (Gain 1d3 per action))
-[X] Take it from the Lake (Gain 1 Days worth of Water as you do not have a container to purify and store more)

So, overall. The main building isn't as great to scavenge this time, but i'm willing to take a 50% chance, given we're also getting electronic scrap and maybe something rarer if we're lucky. Random store is more or less same luck, not gurantied like junkyard, but it's high enough and a side chance of electric that i think it's worth it.

The basic forge is more or less self-explanitory. Useable items, and the thing we need to start making good metal scrap. We don't know exactly how much we need though, so might change further plans depending on prices, but we gotta make it for that.

Junkyard is 100% chance metal scrap, means that even if we're super unlucky we will at the very least get something.

Water is kinda needed, and i'm not willing to go into having 0 reserves left, in case random events interupting our turns is a thing. I'd have liked to wait untill the forge was complete, in case something like a basic water purifier is something we can build. We don't know if we can build that though, so we might need to double up to fill our water reservoir next turn if it doesn't exist.

You could alternatively, swap out water for more junkyard, if you really want the metal scrap, but i'm unsure if that's something i think is a super great idea.

We, the gracious all powerfull light element that we are, also noted that the rare thing in the main building was locked behind glass. Being able to make something like a "metal force pipe", at the forge could potentially turn it from 5% chance into something like 50-80% for rare, but that's more guesswork on my behalf. If that's the case though, there's also a possibility with waiting to scavenging the main building untill we got that, so we have a higher chance for the rare as well. Personally, i think getting the metal scrap now is better though.
[X] Plan Materials for the forge.