Chakra Adhesion Penetration Stopper

The proposed seal is chakra adhesion (CA) activated, a nearby pulse of CA activates the seal, which then absorbs/blocks/deflects the CA pulse, and then deactivates permanently.

The intention behind the propose seal is that stacking RB and CAPS ABABAB.... would provide repeatable uses of RBs, as each CAPS protects the seals under it from being activated, and then deactivates permanently and opens up the next RB to use.
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Chakra Adhesion Absorber Seal

Is CA activated, CA activates the seal, which blocks the chakra pulse, and then deactivates permanently.

Intention is that stacking RB and CAAS ABABAB would provide repeatable uses of RBs, as each CAAS protects the seals under it, then deactivates permanently and opens up the next RB to use.
Well-written, sir. Thank you.

Name ideas that uphold the Backronym tradition:

Chakra Adhesion Resistance/Diffusion Seal: CARDS
Because we're stacking them like cards in a deck.​
Chakra Adhesion Penetration Stopper: CAPS
Because they cap off a seal-pile.​
New poll for the thread, please react
I have a mild preference for going for ABs first. The main threat in my model isn't anything like combat-level-appropriate encounters, but "suddenly an essie out of nowhere!", be the essie Hidan, a Dragon, a Summon Boss, or a particularly ridiculous chakra beast. We're likely not within the strike range of these entities at all — we can't reliably dodge (and so survive) the first attack, and we can't land a solid hit. Getting within the essie strike range should, I think, be our main priority. It would greatly broaden the range of options available to us when an essie shows up out of nowhere, such that a clever plan on our part may even kill one instead of just being a suicide (@Twinnstars' strategy against Hidan comes to mind).

In comparison, level-appropriate encounters are... eh. We mostly have control over when they happen, and we'd usually have allies who are solid in combat against those, so Hazou could just aim to quickly disengage on the first turn and then his allies cover him.

But, of course, repeat use is still useful as you've outlined, and I don't strongly object to your sequence. Just have a mild preference for increasing the raw magnitude of the bonus first.
Assuming everything goes as planned, and no emergency crops up: this is what I think we should do for the upcoming chapter

[x] Action Plan: Supporting Students and Impressing Sannin
Words: <300

  • Harumitsu
    • Internally:
      • His Cold Seal sounds interesting, we have ideas for it.
      • We could just make one, ourselves, but this presents an opportunity to give Harumitsu a wider foundation of seals that can be safely researched.
        • Graduated or not, he's our student (and a good kid, besides). We want to do right by him.
    • Trade offer:
      • Give: Seals/notes for... Conclave seals, and the Daybright Instructional Chain
      • Receive: Seals/notes for... Harumitsu's Cold Seal
    • Hang out, talk shop, answer any Sealing-theory questions Harumitsu may have.
    • Remind him that we're always willing to help him research a project if he wants/needs help.
      • It's no trouble, we promise.
      • This goes beyond politics and feuds. We won't use this against your clan.
      • We want you to be safe. you're a promising sealmaster, a good person, and we want you to live a long, successful life.
  • Noburi
    • The Hospital's slowed down... would you be willing to take time off to read the medical notes?
    • Ask Noburi...
      • If experimenting on chakra beasts be a useful gateway into opening a human Tenketsu?
        • If so, post requisite missions and begin research.
      • To test if sealing an object sterilizes it (spirits are questionably alive)
      • Whether Arachnid Silk bandages would be an improvement for the hospital?
        • If so, donate a lot. We have ES50 and can afford to take a temporary hit on Arachnid Silk Trade.
  • Offscreen
    • Mari:
      • Find out Sasha's Element and desired specialization.
    • Sealing
      • Protocol: Hazou-pilot's best judgement
      • Shadow Clone: Minato Seal 8
      • Prime: Rocket Boots
      • Non-SSA SC researches Earth Pillar Seal

My reasons are thus:
  • That Cold Seal can be built into a wide variety of seals, EM Nuke being but one of the possible end-results
  • Harumitsu is still a pretty new sealmaster, and is thus vulnerable. We should provide him with some cantrip-esque seals so that he can build out a broad foundation, allowing him to leverage veterancy for a wide variety of projects.
  • We remind Harumistu that we care for him, that politics don't come into play here, and that we're willing to help him out if he ever wants/needs it
  • Noburi takes a break to work on Orochimaru's Lootboxes, meaning that he gets that much closer to impressing Tsunade.
  • Clears some of our Uplift backlog while helping to recoup some of our lost reputation
  • I really, really want to learn more about Sasha, and we can kick the request off to Mari, who can then kick it to Haru (if she needs to)
  • Work on clearing away some of our miles-long Sealing Backlog

I am willing to postpone the Harumitsu deal, though, in favor of waiting until Vel's update cycle, if anyone has anything more immediately pressing that they'd rather do?
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I have a mild preference for going for ABs first. The main threat in my model isn't anything like combat-level-appropriate encounters, but "suddenly an essie out of nowhere!", be the essie Hidan, a Dragon, a Summon Boss, or a particularly ridiculous chakra beast. We're likely not within the strike range of these entities at all — we can't reliably dodge (and so survive) the first attack, and we can't land a solid hit. Getting within the essie strike range should, I think, be our main priority. It would greatly broaden the range of options available to us when an essie shows up out of nowhere, such that a clever plan on our part may even kill one instead of just being a suicide (@Twinnstars' strategy against Hidan comes to mind).

In comparison, level-appropriate encounters are... eh. We mostly have control over when they happen, and we'd usually have allies who are solid in combat against those, so Hazou could just aim to quickly disengage on the first turn and then his allies cover him
I don't think I agree with you about level-appropriate things not being a huge threat. I think that is the main reason why we disagree about this. Hazou almost died in the Neck fight and he almost died in the Hynea fight. Combat in that case was not exactly predictable, in the Hyena case, he was just sort of sent off on the mission with little time to prepare. Ninja life is just like that sometimes. We cannot reliably predict when combat strikes.

Both times he had a team he was fighting beside. But the reason he almost died was losing multiple rolls by smallish margins, burning FP and losing Armor, reuses would help more in that case than a bigger bonus. Unless you imagine he can jump to something like 2.5x AB, which I consider incredibly unlikely. Realistically the best he can do is 2x. And 1.5 is more likely IMO.

Against essie threats we have an amazing escape jutsu - HLaM. Our priority is to boost that first roll as much as possible and then use it. Even if we take a Severe, as long as we can break LoS and Reverse Summon, we're safe. Even just breaking LoS would allow us to escape on skywalkers.

The rolls are such that Hazou can survive a ~90 vs (43 Tai+8 RB+5 Boost +6 Macerator + 10 invokex2) = 72 diff 18 implies 6 shifts + Weapon Rating damage. Assume Weapon:4 for the worstime so 10 shifts which is a Severe + Moderate and a full stress track. (Someone check my math/mechanics I did it purely from memory)

for magnitude can't we just stack rocket boots on top of each other?
Doesn't work like that? I assume we'd have heard about it if it did.

@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped Can we stack RBs on top of each other to increase the bonus? Single pulse of CA should activate all the seals on each foot.
I predict the answer is something like"the bottomost seal will destroy the ones above it before they contribute meaningful thrust".
If that happens how about stacking them side by side instead? Although we will want stronger feet protection.
and we could wear oversized surface area shoes to fit more seals side by side (although that would hamper mobility in everyday life)
from the rules
"The shape and size of the cone is set at seal creation time. The point of the cone is at the center of the seal and the height of the cone (i.e. the range of the blast) is normal to the surface of the seal. The base of the cone may be either a circle or an ellipse."
So it seems we can stack them on top of each other as long as they don't enter the cone of explosion of each other? If we make the cone of explosion very narrow and lay them staggered out like how you hold a hand of playing cards, making sure the centers are not on top of each other, that seems like it would work.
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Discord et al said:
The physical burnout rules say that a sealmaster can take physical Consequences in exchange for a bonus to the roll and the maluses for the Consequences don't apply until after the roll. Can we have a Shadow Clone use the burnout rules to accelerate our research?
No. Shadow Clones can't take physical Consequences without popping. Even though the maluses don't apply until after the roll, the Consequences still go into effect before, which would pop the clone.

The burnout rules have never been used in the 5+ years since we moved to the Fated to Die system. There's no point in cluttering up the rules with something that is never used as intended and serves only to create opportunities for confusion and/or exploits. As such, we're deleting the burnout rules.
Ino and the sale of Hazō's personal Goo Bomb seals

Put on "Goketsu Clan Head" Hat.
The Yamanaka Clan Head wants a commission that eats into our best sealmaster's valuable time. Luckily, it's prosocial in intent, and our clans are allied. Allowances can be made where they might not otherwise be.
Trade in (and assume) good faith.
Initial Proposal (sanity checked by Mari)
Opsec Precautions:
The Yamanaka Clan promises not to sell them, reverse engineer them, etc.
Supply is for genin-use only
Each genin gets three seals, resupplied upon returning from missions
(be willing to negotiate up to an in-character reasonable amount, given Hazō's time constraints)
One Year Duration, revisiting the trade deal afterwards.
Goketsu Hazō will work to provide a backstock within the Goketsu Clan so that, should he be unavailable to resupply a Yamanaka genin, they're not inconvenienced.
We don't really need cash, so... what're the Yamanaka Clan offering?
Let Hazō-pilot and Ino take it from there.
As this negotiation is not particularly adversarial, nor does it have any meaningful stakes for the players, we're not going to write it on-screen. Additionally, the negotiation plan doesn't actually specify what Hazō is asking for, which is the single most important thing we would need to know. So, we're going to call for a vote to determine the narratively-relevant part of the negotiation. Please vote in a plan with the [Yamanaka] tag.

On Hazō's side, he needs to determine how many days-worths of Goo Bombs per month he wants to offer. He can make offers in discrete units of days, where each "day" is either a day of Kagome's time or a day of Hazō's time (either Prime's or 9 clone-hours). Here are some options:

Offer: 1 day-worth of Goo Bombs.
Offer: Up to 3 days-worth of Goo Bombs. Less is fine, not more.
Offer: 1 day of Kagome Goo Bombs, 1 day of Hazō's.

On Ino's side, you need to determine the kinds of things you want from her. Cash is the obvious choice. Mari notes that the Yamanaka have plenty of social specs, and could act as ground-level agents in a campaign to help rehabilitate Gōketsu's reputation. You could request special services that would be particularly useful to Gōketsu. Finally, there are some normal ways for clans to interact. Here are some options:

Request: Cash (excuse for ES50 income).
Request: Yamanaka will help quell rumors about Hazō's Jashinism.
Request: Ino comes with Hazō on a Scroll Hunt + forfeits her claim on anything found.
Request: Yamanaka preferentially hire Gōketsu ninja on missions.
Request: Nothing, just do it as a favor.

You can have multiple "Request" lines – if there's multiple, make sure the list is prioritized, as Hazō will prefer getting the things higher up in the list.

Here are two examples:
[][Yamanaka] Don't Charge for Life-Saving Seals

Offer: 1 day-worth of Goo Bombs (no more, Hazō's time is limited).
Request: Nothing, just do it as a favor.

[][Yamanaka] Standard Negotiations

Offer: Up to 3 days-worth of Goo Bombs. Less is fine, not more.
Request: Cash.
Request: Preferential mission-hiring.

Hazō will consult with his advisors, conduct the negotiation in a sane way, and arrange some reasonable trade for you.
[X][Yamanaka] Summoning Scrolls
Offer: Up to 3 days-worth of Goo Bombs. Less is fine, not more.
Request: Ino comes with Hazō on Scroll Hunt(s) for a number of days equal to cumulative scribe time + Forefits her claim to the Scroll(s)
Additionally, the negotiation plan doesn't actually specify what Hazō is asking for, which is the single most important thing we would need to know.
The actual winning plan DID specify what Hazou is asking for though?
Payment options

Her help in future Scroll hunts, with the caveat Goketsu retains ownership of the Scroll
Help keeping Hazou's time free for Dragonwar research
Whatever Mari thinks would be most beneficial to her personally
Do the Yamanaka have any proposed offerings for what they could give us (aside from cash)? They'd have a better sense of what they're capable of providing and would set the tone for what, exactly, is on the table for a large supply of very powerful seals. Are there some techniques or lore they'd be willing to share?
[X][Yamanaka] Mutual Respect

Offer: Up to 3 days-worth of Goo Bombs. Less is fine, not more.

Request: Yamanaka mental defense training for Hazō personally (stunts? techniques? Not a resolve tutor)
Request: The Yamanaka empower Mari to better defend Gōketsu. Intel, jutsu, stunts, the form doesn't matter.
Request: Yamanaka assistance with Gōketsu led scroll hunts during the duration of the trade, Yamanaka relinquishes all rights to the scrolls.
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Assuming everything goes as planned, and no emergency crops up: this is what I think we should do for the upcoming chapter

My reasons are thus:
  • That Cold Seal can be built into a wide variety of seals, EM Nuke being but one of the possible end-results
  • Harumitsu is still a pretty new sealmaster, and is thus vulnerable. We should provide him with some cantrip-esque seals so that he can build out a broad foundation, allowing him to leverage veterancy for a wide variety of projects.
  • We remind Harumistu that we care for him, that politics don't come into play here, and that we're willing to help him out if he ever wants/needs it
  • Noburi takes a break to work on Orochimaru's Lootboxes, meaning that he gets that much closer to impressing Tsunade.
  • Clears some of our Uplift backlog while helping to recoup some of our lost reputation
  • I really, really want to learn more about Sasha, and we can kick the request off to Mari, who can then kick it to Haru (if she needs to)
  • Work on clearing away some of our miles-long Sealing Backlog

I am willing to postpone the Harumitsu deal, though, in favor of waiting until Vel's update cycle, if anyone has anything more immediately pressing that they'd rather do?
This appears to be a list of low-stakes offscreenable conversations that don't advance our main plots. These might make good side-notes to different action plan, but not a plan in themselves.

[X][Yamanaka] Summoning Scrolls
Offer: Up to 3 days-worth of Goo Bombs. Less is fine, not more.
Request: Ino comes with Hazō on Scroll Hunt(s) for a number of days equal to cumulative scribe time + Forefits her claim to the Scroll(s)
3 days just isn't enough time for a scroll hunt. I'd like to vote for this, but all our scroll locations are at least a week's run from leaf.
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3 days just isn't enough time for a scroll hunt. I'd like to vote for this, but all our scroll locations are at least a week's run from leaf.
The "3 days" part is "Hazou makes goo bombs for 3 days straight" if I'm parsing correctly. It represents a certain amount of goo bombs, however many he could make in 3 days. Though he may actually make them over a week and not spend all day on it.
The "3 days" part is "Hazou makes goo bombs for 3 days straight" if I'm parsing correctly. It represents a certain amount of goo bombs, however many he could make in 3 days. Though he may actually make them over a week and not spend all day on it.
Request: Ino comes with Hazō on Scroll Hunt(s) for a number of days equal to cumulative scribe time + Forefits her claim to the Scroll(s)
Unless I'm misreading, this trades 3 days of sealing for 3 days of scroll-hunt.

3 days is not enough for a scroll hunt.
I'm not sure that this would do much more than provide Hazou with a narrative trainer to train up Resolve?
A stunt that days "Gain one fleeting free fate point for mental defense rerolls per scene", or a centering technique that gives a flat +5 to resolve rolls, or a method to gird the mind against external entities (would be insanely good for Hazō in general. Would be funny if it turned the quest off). Essentially any utility clan secrets relating to mental defense that Ino feels safe releasing to just Hazō.

Stunts that let us leverage our resolve somehow would be the goldmine, but I would be entirely unsurprised if that was the core of Yamanaka techniques, and thus completely off the table
This is a list of low-stakes offscreenable conversations
Sure, chop them up and tack them on to a higher-stakes conversation. Still, if we want to do something, then we need to do it. Let's have one big action plan where we clear these things off the board, rather than chopping it up into an entire month's worth of updates IRL.

And sure, low-stakes, but then again: I'm lowkey burned out on the narrative level from the [everything]. I want a few IRL weeks of low-stakes updates. I want fluff and wholesome and sweet moments.

Upside, I suppose: planmakers know what will likely earn my vote.
A stunt that days "Gain one fleeting free fate point for mental defense rerolls per scene", or a centering technique that gives a flat +5 to resolve rolls, or a method to gird the mind against external entities (would be insanely good for Hazō in general. Would be funny if it turned the quest off). Essentially any utility clan secrets relating to mental defense that Ino feels safe releasing to just Hazō.

Stunts that let us leverage our resolve somehow would be the goldmine, but I would be entirely unsurprised if that was the core of Yamanaka techniques, and thus completely off the table
Oh, that makes way more sense. You... may want to link to this post in the Yamanaka Trade Plan, then? Because I didn't pick this up from how it was phrased