Ino and the sale of Hazō's personal Goo Bomb seals
Put on "Goketsu Clan Head" Hat.
The Yamanaka Clan Head wants a commission that eats into our best sealmaster's valuable time. Luckily, it's prosocial in intent, and our clans are allied. Allowances can be made where they might not otherwise be.
Trade in (and assume) good faith.
Initial Proposal (sanity checked by Mari)
Opsec Precautions:
The Yamanaka Clan promises not to sell them, reverse engineer them, etc.
Supply is for genin-use only
Each genin gets three seals, resupplied upon returning from missions
(be willing to negotiate up to an in-character reasonable amount, given Hazō's time constraints)
One Year Duration, revisiting the trade deal afterwards.
Goketsu Hazō will work to provide a backstock within the Goketsu Clan so that, should he be unavailable to resupply a Yamanaka genin, they're not inconvenienced.
We don't really need cash, so... what're the Yamanaka Clan offering?
Let Hazō-pilot and Ino take it from there.
As this negotiation is not particularly adversarial, nor does it have any meaningful stakes for the players, we're not going to write it on-screen. Additionally, the negotiation plan doesn't actually specify what Hazō is asking for, which is the single most important thing we would need to know. So, we're going to call for a vote to determine the narratively-relevant part of the negotiation. Please vote in a plan with the [Yamanaka] tag.
On Hazō's side, he needs to determine how many days-worths of Goo Bombs per month he wants to offer. He can make offers in discrete units of days, where each "day" is either a day of Kagome's time or a day of Hazō's time (either Prime's or 9 clone-hours). Here are some options:
Offer: 1 day-worth of Goo Bombs.
Offer: Up to 3 days-worth of Goo Bombs. Less is fine, not more.
Offer: 1 day of Kagome Goo Bombs, 1 day of Hazō's.
On Ino's side, you need to determine the kinds of things you want from her. Cash is the obvious choice. Mari notes that the Yamanaka have plenty of social specs, and could act as ground-level agents in a campaign to help rehabilitate Gōketsu's reputation. You could request special services that would be particularly useful to Gōketsu. Finally, there are some normal ways for clans to interact. Here are some options:
Request: Cash (excuse for ES50 income).
Request: Yamanaka will help quell rumors about Hazō's Jashinism.
Request: Ino comes with Hazō on a Scroll Hunt + forfeits her claim on anything found.
Request: Yamanaka preferentially hire Gōketsu ninja on missions.
Request: Nothing, just do it as a favor.
You can have multiple "Request" lines – if there's multiple, make sure the list is prioritized, as Hazō will prefer getting the things higher up in the list.
Here are two examples:
[][Yamanaka] Don't Charge for Life-Saving Seals
Offer: 1 day-worth of Goo Bombs (no more, Hazō's time is limited).
Request: Nothing, just do it as a favor.
[][Yamanaka] Standard Negotiations
Offer: Up to 3 days-worth of Goo Bombs. Less is fine, not more.
Request: Cash.
Request: Preferential mission-hiring.
Hazō will consult with his advisors, conduct the negotiation in a sane way, and arrange some reasonable trade for you.