Eternal Glory: Creating a Fantasy Empire in 55 Votes

Imma do some research on the various mythologies and magic in the setting, I wanna write an omake about a Knowledge-Schmeckle's theory of this world's various mythos' all existing simultaneously, schrodinger's cat style
I'm a little attached to the Medusans as my pet species, so maybe later.
Oh right, you made them. Huh, why not vote for the Medusans directly then? Especially now that, well...
[X] Rainbow Coalition: Create an order of scribes trained in Desqti record-keeping methods, who will be tasked with traveling the lands of the Coalition to gather information which will be used to keep the triumvirs informed of important matters and advise them.
There are 2 conflicting votes for the RC.
[X] Oryertokhuud Ultugir: Create a postal system (aka Örtöö, *checkpoint*) consisting of a chain of manned relay stations (stocked with food and serving as a shelter for horses and riders) used by messengers on horseback to deliver messages quickly across the Empire, improving communications not only with civilians but also the military.
[X] Oryertokhuud Ultugir: The craftsmen of Oryekhu have developed a new recurved composite bow, one more capable than early self bows in terms of range and power. The armies of Oryekhu have eagerly begun to adopt this new weapon.
[X] Oryertokhuud Ultugir: Strengthen cavalry forces, with a focus on equipping vanguard forces with warhorses and training for highly mobile assault, while also building up a river-borne fleet capable of transporting troops and supplies along the Cahra and the Iril rivers.
[X] Oryertokhuud Ultugir: Strengthen cavalry forces, with a focus on equipping vanguard forces with warhorses and training for highly mobile assault, while also building up a river-borne fleet capable of transporting troops and supplies along the Cahra and the Iril rivers.
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[X] Oryertokhuud Ultugir: Negotiate and gain support in the Khuraldai to end the threat of the warmongering Blessed Dominion. When war preparations are ready invade with a surprise attack on Lida Aye by cavalry and riverboat, with further plans determined by the Goktan and their war council based on the present military situation.
It's kind of amusing how Blessed Dominon is accused of being warmongers when it seems that it's actually everyone else who wants to declare war on us. Can't really blame the wasps for being xenophobic, tbh.
[X] Oryertokhuud Ultugir: Negotiate and gain support in the Khuraldai to end the threat of the warmongering Blessed Dominion. When war preparations are ready invade with a surprise attack on Lida Aye by cavalry and riverboat, with further plans determined by the Goktan and their war council based on the present military situation.
Probably going to close the vote in the next few hours
[X] Confederacy of Wings and Claws: Some among the priesthood seek new ways to communicate with others over long distances through astral and spiritual dreams, though often unreliable and confusing, it shows some promise. There are darker uses found still for this art, to torment rivals and more…
Okay! Time's up
Scheduled vote count started by AKuz on Jul 23, 2023 at 9:30 AM, finished with 108 posts and 57 votes.

  • [X] Elemental Pact: The Pact City-States march/fly to war with the gravewyrms alongside mercenaries from the Haremate and Garsham. They make use of the striga and issash's proven anti-wyrm tactics along with their familiarity with the terrain. For logistical reasons the Pact implements a single system of weights and measures.
    [X] Confederacy of Wings and Claws: Seeking to secure the trade routes and border with the Kiarshan Empire, Iridescent Order is sent to subdue dark spirits and beasts while forming amiable pacts with the rest. Migration by many of the people soon follow, forming new settlements to take advantage of the fertile and bountiful eastern lands.
    [X] Wormen/Rtubasch: Segments forge great glass idols, chimeric representations of the stars, as mascot-totems. Filled with starlight magic, and the faith of the Worms, these effigies become animate, their personalities concordant with their corresponding celestial sphere. Occult patrons, their chief worshippers gain considerable supernatural power and religious authority.
    [X] Oryertokhuud Ultugir: Strengthen cavalry forces, with a focus on equipping vanguard forces with warhorses and training for highly mobile assault, while also building up a river-borne fleet capable of transporting troops and supplies along the Cahra and the Iril rivers.
    [X] Oryertokhuud Ultugir: Negotiate and gain support in the Khuraldai to end the threat of the warmongering Blessed Dominion. When war preparations are ready invade with a surprise attack on Lida Aye by cavalry and riverboat, with further plans determined by the Goktan and their war council based on the present military situation.
    [X] Althesilaverar: A lot of Althedar start working for the Corvus, as mercenaries, defending against the Blessed Dominion invasion. A large number of them also try to destroy the Swarm's nascent navy, "as mercenaries".
    [X] Despotate Sunsetir: Start secret preparations for war. Buy metals, horses and magic items in small batches. Start forming a reserve army in a remote corner of the country. This soldiers live and train in a camouflaged gated community separate from the country. The Pontifex and the Priests develop subversive strategies using magic.
    [X] Geodae: The Geodae's wings are vast, they can cover distances faster than any caravan, and League activities to the south had opened up a need to send messages. The idea of a Geodae-run postal service began to form and soon enough most families support its creation.
    [X] Dahóyánígíí: Convince the rest of the Coalition to form a pan-Coalition order of scholars and magic-users, which will pool together the knowledge and expertise of the various members and protectorates to jointly develop new magic and technology to benefit all.
    [X] The Kind Folk: Experiment with spatial-warping to make pastry delivery easier, of their Helper-Schmeckles, Balias Vandersnoot, the Schmeckle with the largest pair of glasses in town, and winner of the bookworm catching contest the librarians practice in the grand library, is the one in charge of this project
    [X] Asterikos: Implementing widespread animal domestication(Cats for eating pests like mice, cows for their multitude of animal products, and Ox for being a draft animal).
    [X] Dinok Spaan Republic: The D.S.R begin to create more cities with the help and permission of spirits. These cities are connected by leylines, resulting in surplus geomantic energy being distributed across the Web. This results in improvements everywhere and also allows the inklings of geomantic rituals.
    [X] Lou'sat League: Spurred on by contact with the foreign idea, a number of Elders knowledgeable of the "Great Spirits" venerated across the entire Lou'sat League have begun sharing sharing knowledge and coordinating between poleis, forming a proto-centralized priest class. At their head is Laal'shak'oou, who spent the equinox within Helk Lalo'sag.
    [X] Skygarden Flight: Trade with Neighbors sees better Magic and Tools be adopted by the Hippogriffs. To further support trade Skystar founds two settlements on the rivers near the Nyorra (Hex 252) and Dwarren (Hex 276) named Stormcloud and Thunderclap respectively. Nyorran mages and magic tutors more common in Skygarden working alongside Arbiters
    [X] Mammuts: Favorable weather leads to a large population boom of mammuts and as a result many moving into the interior toward the northeast in order to find less crowded land
    [X] The actions of the Scorched Sun Cult cause unprecedented moral offense. Collectively declaring them to possess Bad Vibes, hundreds of Lamia warbands and even entire tribes relocate north to subdue the northern territories, the Calamity Lindwyrms, and their Ehkis minions, resulting in the species' single largest migration to date.
    [X] The first Blue Sibling to see one of those barbaric Honko masterfully ride the sands among one of their giant near-siblings cannot believe their senses. Rtubasch adore the strange and some of the tribes form a genuine friendship with whatever bands reach their sands.
    [X] Gravewyrms: In response to outsider aggression, the 'gravewyrms' begin to reluctantly form covens in order to further their knowledge of necromantic arts and to share the burden of horde control. Select covens begin experimenting with new forms of necrotic constructs; stitching together useless forms to build a greater whole.
    [X] Ynnari: Reseachs ways to kill calamity wyrms, weapons, weaknesses, tactics and ways to raise more tranquility wyrms, how is the question to answer, to not just reduce the numbers of evil wyrms but raise the numbers of non violent ones and make peaceful relations with them.
    [X] Drake's Coalition: Though the population boom continues, the Elders change it's focus. Now the steady, reliable, productive and strong families are influenced to settle the western borders whilst the rest lay claim to the unknown east. For stability is desired along the borders. And perhaps trade as well?
    [X]Qtivsmdes: As a result of influx of a llsoftw of new useful information, both northern and southern Desqti start to increase their record keeping capacity, placing such facilities under care of Lrtqti due to them being located in the most secure places of a settlement already.
    [X]Mammut: Commanding A sheer weight of musclepower unmatched on the land, and access to vast forests and gryphon hides, The Two-Based Trunk's gargantuan ships deliver mammoths to cut icebergs into boats, and sail them north to cool mammoths as they expand ranges northwards.
    [X] The Solar League: With the expansions to the Solar League's territories, several Tor-Tua communities across the Talon river work towards increasing crop yields and understanding how the flow of the river effects their farming efforts. There is also a smaller effort in learning to make defense's with earth.
    [X] Myreshi Haremate: Myreshi Huntresses begin pushing en masse into the interior of the Eastern Peninsula, chasing plentiful game. While other peoples are present, their disorganization makes their presence an incentive for expansion rather than a deterrent. Settlements follow in the Huntress's wake, causing the region being dubbed exactly that: Huntresses' Wake.
    [X] Prosperity League: The oligarchs focus on extending their trade networks farther afield and establishing firm frequent contact with as many polities as they can for the purposes of trade and new markets to buy and sell wares of all sorts, with new embazaars being established where possible through profitable deals.
    [X] Godswound League: The League starts paying merchants to fill their holds with preserved foods and sail for the Corvus bands, where they shall ostensibly sell said goods to all willing to buy. The vast majority of these merchants coincidently make landfall within a short distance of the largest Althedar mercenary bands.
    [X] Firefossonas: More Covenant exiles move into the area, including a sect of dissatisfied druids hoping for freer practice of their art. They plan to build a large town and infrastructure on the mountain- and hill-sides around the falls, if the Honko will allow it.
    [X] Osnaramar Federation: Demons rising now of all times is a sign of the faceless scheming with Ehran. Narhue Priests and their local congregations' capable muster on Eltamar and march against evil's might. The peak priest and the new priests plot and prepare blessings to spill blood like the old and terrible Hue.
    [X] Wormen: On the edge of the expansion, several Segments form a new goal: To find the end of the desert. After months of travel they reach their destination. The Godswound Sea. Filled with pride they settle there, at a rivers mouth, founding the city of Rojepa Ta, Roads End. (Hex-132)
    [X]Band of Bands: strengthen diplomatic ties with neighbors via generous gifts. accept protectorate status from the Gispwudwada, as recieving protection in exchange for regular large gifts seems like the best deal ever to the Band of Bands.
    [X] Great Egg Council: The Szirik are empowered to ensure that peaceful relations be kept between the Vranik and their new found neighbors especially now that the Council is increasingly aware of them. The promotion of trade and the settlement of Vranik among those foreigners amenable to such immigration are made priorities.
    [X]Lou'Set League Chirek: Seeking to take part in the trade boom, Chirek households flock to the coast. Many find opportunity as fishers, settling outside cities and surrounding their homesteads with talismans of driftwood and fishbone to draw more prey to them.
    [X] Rainbow Coalition (Miskane'wil): The Grand Council commissions a new system where magically talented 'second sons' are sworn directly to the council, tasked with harnessing/researching the powers of storm and wind, collaborating and collating research at a yearly grand conclave. Otherwise tasked with travelling, inducting and educating volunteers from willing clans into the commission.
    [X] Harmonyans' Self-Defense Commission: Develop Next Generation of Battle Dress that weighted the speed. ensure each Harmonyan has its own battle dress. Continue the fortifying effort. Start the research about the concept of mobile-levitating settlement. Learn about ongoing war and Task small elite groups to and only scout the battlefield. Support Allies' endeavors.
    [X] Elemental Pact: The Pact City-States march/fly to war with the gravewyrms alongside mercenaries from the Haremate and Garsham. They make use of the striga and issash's proven anti-wyrm tactics along with their familiarity with the terrain. Aestuarium engineers develop Striga-manned Issash-mounted scorpions.
    [X] Water Clan: Hearing of the"embazarres" of the Coalition and the merchants being negatively impacted by them, Matriarchs and allied Honko begin sponsoring dissatisfied and displaced traders by offering protection, safe ports, and unique goods. A network of spies, smugglers, and partisans begins to form in most coastal settlements.
    [X] Rivnya Confurderation (Mewgi): The new era of scholarship starts well: Good-faith collaboration with non-Mewgi magic users (other species included), (usually) not-completely-offtask 'inventive reinterpretations' of cross-disciplinary, and not totally forgetting about that 'useful new ritual super-spell' objective. Many possibilities are theorized upon, most testably a substitution of sorts involving Arisian magnetosense...
    [X] Deep Queendom: Driven by trade, the Dwarren experience a population boom. Old and new Clans expand outwards, seeking out plentiful ore veins and caves to claim as Clan Halls. A new city is founded next to a lightless underground sea; Deep Sea. The inhabitants craft simple boats, and catch strange blind fish.
    [X] Lindwyrm: Wyrms coexisting peacefully with other Sophants create new magic, Blood Bonding. By being willingly and intentionally fed Drake's blood, increasing their physical and magical potency, and take on Draconic aspects. Becoming Dragonkin, bonding all together as though they were a Clan.The Wyrm in highly regarded within it.
    [X] Blessed Dominion: A Final push at the Corvus Front, made by the most experienced general of this war, whilst Dominions fleet blocks the coastline, dismissing any interlopers and merchants as Wasps continue to send levies to all fronts. Peace talks commence with Osnaramar, both sides wanting war to end.
    [X] The Hive: multiple swiftly growing outposts are set up in the jungles to the north-east; drones enter and lumber leaves. Almost countless Trees/longs larger than any that the Hive had seen before are transported down the river by an ever growing fleet of barges, perfect for building even larger ships.
    [X] Rottesland: Starting in Tile 346 the Rotteskin begin the process of future proofing further food security for the nation as a whole by clearcutting oceanic forests and using the lumber to construct settlements dedicated to cereal growth and turning the steppe belt into animal pasture fed in part by the cereals.
    [X] Northern March Province: Learn from Schmeckles about life generation and work with them to create non-sentient blobs for reproducing more wasps and non-sentient meat golems controlled by programmable runes. Strengthen navy and prepare Lida Aye to withstand siege. Arm soldier wasps and Lidalle with madness poison arrows against enemies.
    [X] Rainbow Coalition: Open diplomatic relations with the Medusans, try to convince them to join the Rainbow Coalition to protect them from Honko raiders. Maintain friendly relations with all non-Honko neighbors by acting as a neutral trading stop, middleman, mercenary employer and potential conflict mediator.
    [X] Kiarshan Empire - Horrible "diplomatic" incident happens, and Empress in her rage declares war on Oryertokhuud Ultugir. Queen of Queens rallies all petty Queens to raise their forces against these barbarians, led by militarily talented second daughter of the Kiarshan Empress herself.
    [X] Rivnya Confurderation: Influential statescats promulgate written legal doctrines based on Sipurrt's Code of Hammeowrabi, seeking to establish common laws governing major interactions between households, codifying punishments for major crimes (typically still exile to varying degrees), and formalizing arbitration between entities like Sipurrt, the rivnya clan-alliances, and the Mewgi.
    [X] Rainbow Coalition: Create an order of scribes trained in Desqti record-keeping methods, who will be tasked with traveling the lands of the Coalition to gather information which will be used to keep the triumvirs informed of important matters and advise them.
    [X] Oryertokhuud Ultugir: Create a postal system (aka Örtöö, *checkpoint*) consisting of a chain of manned relay stations (stocked with food and serving as a shelter for horses and riders) used by messengers on horseback to deliver messages quickly across the Empire, improving communications not only with civilians but also the military.
    [X] Oryertokhuud Ultugir: The craftsmen of Oryekhu have developed a new recurved composite bow, one more capable than early self bows in terms of range and power. The armies of Oryekhu have eagerly begun to adopt this new weapon.
    [X] Confederacy of Wings and Claws: Some among the priesthood seek new ways to communicate with others over long distances through astral and spiritual dreams, though often unreliable and confusing, it shows some promise. There are darker uses found still for this art, to torment rivals and more…
Can I please get someone to roll a d100? (For Global Events)
@AKuz, is it alright if I change votes? Found out that the Dominion doesn't want anymore war against the Tycerians and is seeking peace terms.
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@AKuz, is it alright if I change votes? Found out that the Dominion doesn't want anymore war against the Tycerians and is seeking peace terms.

votes are locked in at time of me calling the vote

I copy votes over into my working document immediately afterwards, so even if you changed your vote, the old version is the one that exists for me.
