[X] [Jumper] "Well, that seems a little extreme."
Coolheaded procs here! Maybe. And Joker has been doing good so far. Team's a team, we should stick to it together rather than having a sudden shift of policies. And Josh's [GRAY] action is more seen aggressively even if random anyway versus Jumper's [GRAY] action to help evade for another. The latter of which is hard to proc when we want Jumper to Double Evade during incoming attacks/Sensor Contacts. @_@;
[X] [Morze] "What? That's crazy. We barely made it against the Neos' Venus fleet, and that's because of a sabotaged superweapon."
As one of the individuals in that particular fight, things could have gone wrongly if the Grav Shield went for the Endeavor during that one, almost defining, turn where it either went to the stack of ExoJocks or went to the Endeavor. If the sabotage didn't come in time, it'll be hard to ward off the remaining Sensor Contacts coming in...
At least that's how Morze sees it. And really, the Neos no longer using said Grav Shields due to -one- instance of sabotage? Those rumors lurking about are suspicious.
..is the one leading the current ExoFleet still that one person who took over the knocked one person who should be leading QM? At least if I recall correctly before I go to sleep? @_@..?
..oddly enough, I wonder how things will go if we do end up going to the Earth for the next Mission..
[X] [Joker] "I dunno, Corporal. They don't pay me to make that kind of decision. Hell, right now they're not paying me at all."
It really is just above his paygrade, And I don't think he'd be raring to go for it since every time we've fought the neos, we've lost or almost lost somone. So I could see him being interested in making sure that we're prepared.
Lieutenant Tom "Joker" Ward
ExoCruiser Endeavor
Endeavor Briefing Room 2
"I dunno, Corporal." you begin, smirking. "They don't pay me to make that kind of decision. Hell, right now they're not paying me at all."
Josh nods and chuckles. "Understood, boss. I'll follow your lead. Truth be told, given the backlog of refits and upgrades we still have to work on, I have a hard time believing... "
"To all hands. The Captain of the ExoCruiser Endeavor has been relieved of command. All personnel remain where you are and stand by for futher orders." the announcement chirps over ship-wide comms, interrupting your continuing discussion of the merits and drawbacks of attempting another attack on Earth. "Do not interfere with the ongoing security sweep." the broadcast is interrupted by an electrical screeching sound and then cuts out.
"Uh... I guess that's the change of command." you state. "Did you know about this?" you ask Josh point blank, looking at him.
"Not about the timing, or what the hell they're talking about with a security sweep." Josh answers, shrugging and spreading his arms. "Should we go see where the rest of the squad is?" he asks. "I hope they're not doing anything stupid."
You frown. "Me too - boarding actions aren't exactly our specialty; E-Frames are."
You sigh - you were looking forward to hitting the sack. Instead, you can hear shouting and blasters going off in both of the hallways outside. Several scenarios play out in your mind:
Pick one option. [] [Joker and Josh] Head to the port-side brig.
-Now seems like a great time to get Numitor out; Neos are pretty substantive in close quarters - although he'll be of marginal benefit without a blaster. It's also, in both your opinions, less likely to be secured. [] [Joker and Josh] Head to the starboard armory.
-It might be secured, or you might be able to get something a little better than your little sidearm blasters. Fifty/fifty odds. [] [Joker and Josh] Make a break for Hangar B
-That's where your E-Frames are, not only are they a massive force multiplier, but you'll be able to access fleetwide comms. Of course, if you were securing a ship, the smaller E-frames can fit in most hallways, and thus the hangars would be the first place to get locked down. [] [Joker and Josh] Follow orders and remain where you are - you're not getting involved in this.
ExoTrooper Emily "Em" O'Dwyer
Endeavor Medical Bay
"Well, that seems a little extreme." Jumper tells you with a raised eyebrow, his arms crossed as he stops for a second.
"If it comes down to it, though, I wouldn't want to have to fight one of the squad." you reply, backpedaling.
The ship-wide announcement and comms screeching catches both you and Jumper off-guard, and the two of you look at each other for a few seconds. You're not sure he believes what you just said. To be honest, you're not sure you believe it either. But, it looks like what you said was going to happen is happening. You can clearly hear the sound of a single blaster shot go off on the bridge (even though it's across the access hallway), and find yourself hoping it's set for low power. You weren't lying about not wanting to fight your own squad members at least; but you do want to prevent them from doing anything stupid - and that's going to start with Jumper.
Pick One: [] [Em] "We should just stay here."
- "Whatever is going on with that security sweep, we're more likely to get shot by trigger-happy JumpTroopers if we're running around the hallways." [] [Em] "Look, I think this is happening whether we agree with it or not."
- "Let's help get it settled faster and with less shooting. Where's the rest of the squad?"
Pick One: [] [Jumper] Trust Em; stand down or join her despite your misgivings
[] [Jumper] She's full of crap; knock her out (or try to) and find your nearest squad member.
-[] You saw Josh and Joker stayed behind in Briefing Room B
-[] Clown and Greenhorn were in Quarters B playing ExoChess
-[] Write-in
ExoTrooper David "Greenhorn" Kane
Easy Squad Rec Room
Crew Quarters B
Clown shrugs. "Just some scuttlebutt I overheard. Sounds like a suicide run to me."
You nod, picking up the piece you were going to move and waving it around. "Yeah, I don't think we're ready, not really."
The ship-wide announcement tells you that somebody else thinks the fleet is ready. For what, you're not sure.
"Should we, uh... go find the Lieutenant?" you ask.
Clown thinks about it. "Or check on our E-Frames."
Pick One: [] [Clown and Greenhorn] Attempt to find Joker.
-Maybe he's in the nearby briefing room or the observation lounge? [] [Clown and Greenhorn] Check the hangar.
-Someone there might know what's going on. [] [Clown and Greenhorn] Follow orders and remain in place.
-You've got an ExoChess game to finish anyway. [] [Clown and Greenhorn] Write-in
ExoTrooper Oliwia "Morze" Dabrowska
Endeavor Hangar Bay B
"The intel projections I've seen look pretty good." Plague Doc tells you, "but we'll need some command structure adjustments."
"What? That's crazy." you answer, shaking your head. "We barely made it against the Neos' Venus fleet, and that's because of a sabotaged superweapon."
"I thought that might be your answer." Plague Doc says impassively, his hand going to his side as you rub the back of your head and stare at him. "Unfortunately, a leadership change is coming whether you would like it or not."
You look around the hangar bay, trying to see if there's anyone else around. Both the squad's techs are off-duty; you just felt you needed to clear that one wing pylon that kept failing diagnostics. With the hangar bay quiet, you try to think where your sidearm is - thankfully it's at your side.
"Uh uh." Plague Doc says, noting your instinctual hand movement. "Hands up. Turn around and place your hands on the ExoFighter."
"What are you doing?" you ask, puzzled, as you slowly lift your hands up to begin to comply.
"Choosing the winning side based on the information I have." Plague Doc responds.
You scrunch up your face in confusion as you begin to turn around. "What winning side? Aren't we going to get annihilated if we try to attack Earth now, GRAF shield or not? What kind of a win is that exactly?"
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Plague Doc still hasn't drawn his hand blaster. You probably can't get the drop on him and you doubt you could beat him up, but you're pretty nimble - maybe you can try to jump into the ExoFighter's cockpit, it is open after all. Slam the "emergency close" button, jack in - hand blasters take a while to penetrate E-Frame-grade armor, even cockpit material, and uh... hover around the hangar? It'll be pretty rough trying to get out of the hangar without the doors being open, but maybe you could leverage the fact that your ExoFighter has an E-Frame-grade blaster to get Plague Doc, or at least someone else who's got access to the hangar door controls, to see reason. Whatever "reason" means in this situation anyway.
Pick One: [] [Morze] Try for the ExoFighter cockpit.
[] [Morze] Stay cool, maybe someone else will walk in on this awkward situation?
Pick One: [] [Plague Doc] Set your blaster to stun and zap her, you've got other things to do
[] [Plague Doc] See if you can resolve this without blasting her, blasters are pretty loud
Oof, I had a feeling that the morze and plague doc thing was gonna happen.
But hmm, I kinda want to get numitor cause he did roll the highest and this seems like a good chance to get him friendly with the squad. But I'm not sure if I should move since a lot of options seem to have finding joker, so it would make it easier to regroup if I stay here.
I'm not sure on the armory, cause on one hand getting a better gun would be helpful, but it's definitely one of the places that gets secured fast.
I'd say the hangar really depends on how the morze v plague thing goes, cause if morze gets in the exoframe it will be a much safer spot to regroup.
@NickAragua which exoframe are small enough to walk through the halls?
Getting Numitor is probably okay... the problem is we have no clue what'll happen in the event that the new leadership are adamant on going to Earth and does not like Neos in particular (watched enough space anime to know such issues popping up). If they don't, that means the individuals who will go rescue Numitor might end up behind bars unless they flee to safety somehow (where though?). Though I'm not sure if that's okay either to the alternate choice of going to Earth and retaking it (somehow).
Parts of our group might end up splintering/separating depending on the outcome on the next update depending on the current votes on this one. I'm not even sure what emboldens the ones who took over the Endeavor in the event that they want to go after Earth. Being in orbit in Io and all, I'm also worried that the ExoFleet splinter will fight one another so it becomes a question of what do the whole squad do and that's rather an awkward thing to happen just after we fought off the Neos. Numitor's probably having a laugh right now assuming the wide comms also reached the Brig. At least, OOC-wise anyway. IC-wise, as Ian, I'd stick and trust with Em for now and see how it goes. Only issue though with that if Em decides to go 'help', whatever that entails, and leaving the current spot as they are would mean they're probably not safe from the incoming sweep. Not sure on the JumpTroop roll though... it's on the lower half of a six-sided die.
..I'm curious if such events were inevitable and I'm curious what's Able Squadron is doing right now.
Getting Numitor is probably okay... the problem is we have no clue what'll happen in the event that the new leadership are adamant on going to Earth and does not like Neos in particular (watched enough space anime to know such issues popping up). If they don't, that means the individuals who will go rescue Numitor might end up behind bars unless they flee to safety somehow (where though?). Though I'm not sure if that's okay either to the alternate choice of going to Earth and retaking it (somehow).
It's partially because of that, that I want to get to numitor, cause he seems to be a decent guy so far, but depending on how this goes he'll end up in a bad way if the higher ups are like that and he's still in jail y'know
I think the best outcome for the group would probably be morze getting to the exoframe so they can bunker down in there and create a safe regroup spot. maybe morze can talk some sense into him or knock them out.
So in the hopes of getting a good regroup, I'd say no blaster maybe?
I'd say the worst part about this situation is that plague is our comms guy so it that would've been very helpful to have him on our side since he's with the exosuits and has access to the fleet wide comms joker mentioned
..right, I was already sleepy (along with other IRL stuff that's affect my commitment to certain stuff in the website... OTL), but with how that happened... and without acting OOCly too much...
[] [Morze] Try for the ExoFighter cockpit.
[] [Morze] Stay cool, maybe someone else will walk in on this awkward situation?
It could go either way, I might decide a coin flip. Reason being I don't know much about Morze barring what I've read so far. Mostly weighted to choose to staying cool however (will edit the first post up above once I wake up) so no worries. Just a bit worried due to Plague Doc (of SV, not ICly) somewhat not expecting Plague Doc (of IC) to do that due to not expecting that to happen. At this rate, ICly, it should be fine either way but not sure on what Plague Doc will choose but I suggest he does what he wants to do without feeling pressured or burdened or something. o.o/