The first rays of the morning sun shine through the cracked blinds of your Borneo-eiland apartment. The pterygium in your left eye makes it somewhat difficult for you to find the bedroom light, but after a few moments of scrounging around with your arm your abode lights up in an instant. It's a cramped, almost cluttered studio apartment, a place you took out of desperation after several weeks of searching in the summer. If you are to make waves in the scientific and cultural communities with your soon-to-be revolutionary developments, then it won't be much longer before you can move out of this dingy Eastern Docklands flat and into somewhere that you can actually feel comfortable living in.

Ah, yes. Today is the day you start jotting down concrete plans for a mutagenic inducement device, and after weighing your options over the course of the previous week you have determined that splicing the genetic code of various animals (specifically mammals - it would be too risky to go with anything more divergent) with those of human beings would be the best choice for your first field of research.

Of course, given the inherent danger of combining multiple species' often incompatible DNA, the safest route would be to heavily limit the amount of foreign genetic materiel introduced into any future test subject. According to your calculations, this should most likely result in the creation of mutants akin to "kemonomimi" most prevalent in Japanese and other East Asian animation - mental alterations will remain minimal, at least if you wish to remain somewhat safe in your experiments.

But now is not quite the time for looking back. Now is the time to look forward!

[] First Form:

-[] Feline

Why, of course! The classic anime archetype of the catgirl has remained prevalent throughout much of western and Japanese culture, and it would only be natural for the primary purpose of your first mutagenic form to be to bring said archetype to life. You can only imagine the waves made throughout the globe's cultural consciousness upon your unveiling of the world's first real life catgirl. But it might also be... hmm, perhaps a bit bland?

-[] Canine

The domestic dog is man's best friend, as they often say, and starting your grand project with a canine mutant would only be poetic in the long story of man's relationship with nature. Given the traditional association between dogs, wolves and strength, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to assume that the quickest and safest path to unlocking superhuman physiques in mutants would be through injecting canine DNA. Safest, however, does not always mean safe.

-[] Vulpine

They may have the fluffiest tails, but could they also have the most psychic potential? Yes, a colleague of yours from Edinburgh with a similar level of derangement and unethicality has brought to your attention the slight possibility of psionic abilities being a real thing, albeit quite latent in even the most exceptional of humans. Even for you it might be a bit of a stretch, but you have theorized that it might be possible to bring out this psionic potential via mutagenic vectors. The patterns associated with vulpine mutagens appear to be the most conductive towards heightening psychic auras, but be warned: this kind of research brings about more danger than even the usual potential for nightmare creatures.

- - -

The final form is only the first part in determining the specifics of a mutagenic process. The method, or substance, by which the mutant is created is just as important. Over the course of the past two weeks, you have narrowed down the long and often nonsensical list of potential mutagenic vectors into three general categories for you to use in your research. Given the immense lack of funding and adequate equipment it would be best for you to focus on just one for now, though depending on your initial degree of success it won't be long before you can begin to diversify.

[] Transformation Substance:

-[] Liquid

This should be the cheapest option of the three, though not my very much. Heavily diluting base mutagenic matter with water would be the safest option (relatively speaking), but anything short of total immersion in the resulting solution wouldn't yield any significant results. Of course, the base mutagenic content of the goo itself could be lessened in order to create a ingestible or injectable liquid, but at the cost of heightened potential for side effects and the lengthening of the duration of the transformation itself.

-[] Ray

Ah yes, the classic giant ray. Things like these have appeared so often in science fiction, but even by the far-off year of 2022 no one has yet to construct a device similar to such things depicted in comic books and movies. You will be the first to do such an impossible task, although according to your calculations it would be a bit too large to fit in your apartment and be operated by a crew of three or four.

-[] Gas

While gaseous vectors are the easiest to transmit to entire crowds at once, they are also by far the most unstable when it comes to maintaining the phenotypical structure of those affected by the mutagen. At best, you might get an uncanny valley horror straight out of that Cats movie everyone hates. At worst? Well, let's just say that if the mutant even manages to survive, they'll be rendered an asymmetrical freak of nature with more vestigial organs than they can count on any of their eighteen and a half fingers.

- - -

In fiction, there are often MacGyver-esque super scientists who can scrounge up wonderous devices with little more than a ramshackle garage and an enormous pile of scrap metal. Unfortunately, this is the real world, and such an impossible kind of genius is, well, impossible. No, if you are to invent mutagenic induction devices, then you must find people willing to give you support in the form of currency and credit. It's times like these when you wish that the guilder was still in circulation...

[] Funding Source:

-[] Venture Capitalists

Some say that the Netherlands was the birthplace of capitalism. At the very least, it was where the modern concept of futures trading began, and where the first joint-stock corporation got its start in the form of the Dutch East India Company. It would only be natural for a visionary like you to get funding in the form of investors seeking a profit, and if things turn out to plan then both you and they will be reaping many times over what you've sown.

-[] Crowdfunding

They say the common man is more easily duped into giving support for causes of dubious morality, and if there's one thing you know from watching shoddy English-language videos about Kickstarter scams on YouTube, then it's that this adage is as true as the Earth is round. It might be a more financially sound decision for you to take advantage of both crowdfunding and venture capitalists at the same time, but given your already enormous workload it might be a bit easier to just stick with just one. Maybe.

-[] Government Grant

By far the most lucrative option (as well as the least likely to succeed), you could petition the Dutch government for a research grant. Given your poor academic track record, however, this might be far easier said than done, and even if they do give you something to work with it will most likely have numerous caveats tacked on dictating what you can and cannot do during any of your experiments. Oh, it would pain you so much, but if you want to get on the nation's good side like you want to so desperately, then this would be the best course of action for you to take.

- - -

Before you begin composing emails to be sent towards your chosen source of funding, you take one last look at a peculiar picture sitting on your desk. It's a quaint family portrait, depicting a mother and a father standing proudly, shoulder-to-shoulder above their glum only child. You haven't seen them in years, but chances are if they knew what you were doing here they wouldn't want anything to do with you. The name they gave you is still hand-written in the corner of the portrait:

[] Name (Write-in)

Your attachment towards your current name is similar to your attachment towards your human form - that is to say, you wouldn't mind at all if it went away. Turning your attention away from the photo, you begin the first steps towards your future magnum opus in earnest.

- - -

Hopefully I didn't leave anything out. I'm still somewhat surprised that I was able to fulfill my promise from yesterday, and it's one of my greatest hopes for this trend to continue. I also wanted to put in a degree of realism into this quest, so if you're put off by the fact that a lot of time and effort will be needed to be put into in-universe projects then I won't blame you.
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[x] First Form:
-[x] Canine

[x] Transformation Substance:
-[x] Liquid

[x] Funding Source:
-[x] Government Grant

[x] Name Tzeentch
Which substance would be the one with the greatest potential?

Although, a ray isn't exactly a substance, maybe Transformative Medium would be more accurate?
[X] First Form:
-[X] Vulpine

[X] Transformation Substance:
-[X] Ray

[X] Funding Source:
-[X] Crowdfunding

[X] Name Bruno Fitz
Are we allowed to make our own last name for the write in for the name.

Also I just want to say think about the potential of psychic foxes along with very fluffy tails and psychics are cool too just imagine a fox person who can set things on fire with their mind.
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[x] First Form:
-[x] Canine

[x] Transformation Substance:
-[x] Liquid

[X] Funding Source:
-[X] Crowdfunding
[x] First Form:
-[x] Canine

I'm indifferent on the other options as long as we arent dumb enough to pick Gas. Gas is only viable when it's time to twist the entire species to our nefarious ends.

But I desire wolf girls. I would prefer sneks, but if I have to pick a mammal, its wolves.
[X] First Form:
-[X] Vulpine

[X] Transformation Substance:
-[X] Liquid

[X] Funding Source:
-[X] Crowdfunding

Had me at floofy tails. And maybe with Liquid we could make some kinda living transformative slime... for no particular reason...
This should be the cheapest option of the three, though not my very much.
Yet somehow, it would be the cheapest to create.
Looks like both Liquid and Ray are the cheapest options at the same time.

[X] First Form:
-[X] Feline
[X] Transformation Substance:
-[X] Liquid
[X] Funding Source:
-[X] Crowdfunding

1. I'm legally obligated to vote for neko, even if it's too far behind the other votes at present.
2. Since it looks like we have to walk before we can run, I think we should start with Liquid. It's a "safe" starting point to develop more powerful and exciting g methods from, and we want our first attempts to be as successful as possible.
Which substance would be the one with the greatest potential?

Although, a ray isn't exactly a substance, maybe Transformative Medium would be more accurate?

That's for you to find out. For the last question, I prefer the word vector because 1) it's used in real life disease research, and 2) he's a great villain.

Are we allowed to make our own last name for the write in for the name.

Yeah, go ahead. It's not like I had one in mind.

Looks like both Liquid and Ray are the cheapest options at the same time.

There we go. I knew I did something like this. It's been fixed.
[X] Name Deo Disnu
Deo (Godlike) Disnu(One who has a desire to change the world) also has the same naming convention as Peter Parker, Reed Richard's that comics sometimes goes with. Also yes, it is a jojos reference.
[X] First Form:
-[X] Canine

Because it works, because if we're doing mad science we should do it right and make sure the monster won't eat us at the first opportunity, and because it's established enough to be recognizable and not established enough to be cliche.

[X] Transformation Substance:
-[X] Liquid

While in my heart of hearts gas-based Science! is notoriously underutilized, it wouldn't fit our route - for one, it just doesn't gel, for another, horrendous instability would work if we were aiming for straight-up abominations, not vaugely-people. It's also much more practical for transportation and preparation. Really, it's only negative is how everyone goes for it.

[X] Funding Source:
-[X] Crowdfunding

Because this is where brilliant, but stupid (or stupid, but brilliant) ideas prosper. With our style, I'm relatively certain we won't lack for demand for our products.

[X] Name Hendrik van der Hahn

In memoriam of that English guy that invented first human transformation serum and the boy scout that built nuclear reactor in his backyard, transcribed into mostly legit Dutch. And what self-respecting mad scientist would refuse an opportunity to flaunt a complex, posh-sounding name? It even has alliteration!
[X] Name Deo Disnu
Deo (Godlike) Disnu(One who has a desire to change the world) also has the same naming convention as Peter Parker, Reed Richard's that comics sometimes goes with. Also yes, it is a jojos reference.
Hey, by default, the vote tally only counts the votes in your most recent post that has votes in it. So by separating your votes between two posts, the tally will only count you as voting for this name, and not any of your other votes earlier. You should edit the vote out of this post and into your previous post, or vice versa.
[X] First Form:
-[X] Vulpine

[X] Transformation Substance:
-[X] Liquid

[X] Funding Source:
-[X] Crowdfunding
[X] First Form:
-[X] Feline
Catgirl. That is all.
[X] Transformation Substance:
-[X] Ray
It's a laser beam, so clearly it is inherently the superior option over everything ever.
[X] Funding Source:
-[X] Crowdfunding
The Internet would fund a Catgirlification Laser in a heart beat.
[x] First Form:
-[x] Canine

[x] Transformation Substance:
-[x] Liquid

[X] Funding Source:
-[X] Crowdfunding

[x] Name:
-[X] Leonardo Paracelsus
[x] First Form:
-[x] Canine

[x] Transformation Substance:
-[x] Liquid

[X] Funding Source:
-[X] Crowdfunding

[x] Name:
-[X] Leonardo Paracelsus
[X] First Form:
-[X] Vulpine

[X] Transformation Substance:
-[X] Ray

[X] Funding Source:
-[X] Crowdfunding

[X] Name Bruno Fitz