- Location
- Fort Worth, TX
[X]CEO Build: The Economist
[X] - Operation: Look out (Budget 12)
[X] - Operation: Look out (Budget 12)
Time Block | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 | Floater Shift | Shift A | Shift A | Shift A | Shift A | Shift A | Floater Shift |
2 | Shift B | Shift B | Shift B | Shift B | Floater Shift | Floater Shift | Shift B |
3 | Shift C | Floater Shift | Floater Shift | Shift C | Shift C | Shift C | Shift C |
Off Duty | Shift A | Shift C | Shift C | Floater Shift | Shift B | Shift B | Shift A |
So I just realized something: I was assuming the other corps ran on a 2x12 shift setup aka two shifts of 12 hours but we are dealing with ww1 tech in many areas so they may still be doing a 1x12 shift.
I might have gotten bored and gone a little crazy in adding the time table and devloping the stew recipe while I waited for someone to post so i could avoid double posting.
[] Institute the Four Shift Labor System
The Four shift Labor System an alternate approach to labor management built around Scientific studies on Worker productivity and safety. Rather then the 2x12 Shift (two 12 hour shifts) Labor model favored by other companies the FSL System is built around Four shifts of 8 hours (4x8). Each work day is divided into three 8 hour blocks each worked by an assigned shift while the labor force is divided up into three primary shifts and a "Floater" shift that is 15 to 20% larger then a single Primary shift. This Floater shift will either replace a shift with a day off or use that shift's day off to run maintenance cycles on the factory's tools and equipment. To allow the Floater shift to match the 5 day workweek of the Primary shift will rotate 1/6 of their workforce through the second day off. Worker wages will be Adjusted to ensure the factory staff and miners will be able to make ends meet and have some money for spending/saving even with the reduced hours. Breaks/meals will be scheduled jointly by each location's Shift manager and workers/Union Reps
This system is intended for use by transportation, factory, service industry and Mine workers. Jobs dependent on daylight such as construction or open air farming will use their own system designed to have the similar benefits.
Time Block Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Floater Shift Shift A Shift A Shift A Shift A Shift A Floater Shift 2 Shift B Shift B Shift B Shift B Floater Shift Floater Shift Shift B 3 Shift C Floater Shift Floater Shift Shift C Shift C Shift C Shift C Off Duty Shift A Shift C Shift C Floater Shift Shift B Shift B Shift A
[] THI Food Security Program
The Taurus Heavy industries's Food Security Program is an effort to ensure THI territory's reliable access to necessary foodstuffs. Efforts will include converting tapped out mineshafts into mushroom farms, establishing food storage depots, expanding traditional farming efforts, subsidizing community roof top "Prosperity Gardens" and working with local religious institutions and schools to supply low cost or free meals of "Worker's Stew" to workers and school children on their lunch breaks.
Special Thanks for this next bit to Texas Chuckwagon Cuisine by Evan Moore and the Tasting History cookbook by Max Miller and Ann Volkwein. I used these books in combination with my experance of cooking large batch soups/stews to hash out this recipe.
Taurus Heavy industries Worker's Stew Recipe, 1 pot feeds 50 to 100+ workers/students
10 Pounds of a cheap cut of meat or spiced sausage depending on budget/availability
20 pounds of Potato
2 to 4 pounds of root vegetables or beans/lentels based on availability/season
1 celery bunch
4 large onions
2 to 4 pounds of assorted mushrooms
1 stick butter
6 cups of milk or cream (during the colder months)
Salt (amount is dependent on time of year and working conditions. batches made in the Summer time and/or for those working around high temperature equipment should have larger amounts of salt added)
variable amount of multi-grain flour
assorted spices aka what ever seasonings are within budget
- Peel then thinly Slice/chop the onions and saute in the pot with the butter until the meat is prepared or onions are well caramelized
- Meanwhile cut the meat into 1 inch cubes and/or do a half inch coin cut if using links of spiced sausage then brown some of meat if time permits. if ground meat is used skip to the browning.
- add meat and water to the pot with the onions until meat and onions are barely submerged then simmer until meat is sufficiently tender/done. This may require starting the stew when the shift begins depending on cut or meat used. You may need to add water as you go. Add beans/lentils at this stage if including them.
- While the meat is simmering dice or quarter the potatoes, rough or finely chop the root vegetables, celery and mushrooms. Add to pot along with salt and spices 30 to 60 minutes before meat is done. If during the colder months add milk/cream at this time. You may need to add addtional hot water
- Slowly add flour to thicken a tea spoon at time. the goal is to turn the broth into a hearty gravy
- add further salt if needed and serve along with a 4 ounce loaf/roll of multi-grain bread or potato bread
Looks like, we get someone good at preparing an army, but not very notable otherwise, or we go for the gamble on an untested, but possibly absolutely brilliant general. But while Letin seems better overall based on known factors, battle capability is completely up in the air. However, Malty may have unexpected deficiencies, which won't be known unless chosen.Malty: A woman simply named Malty, a woman with no noble lineage whatsoever, not even having a last name let alone a middle one. This didn't stop her from becoming a respected squad leader in the army, one that would eventually become a drill sergeant focused on keeping whole units cohesive.
I'm hoping that her experience in making the units of an army(100-200 soldiers) become professional and adaptable soldiers, will translate over to effectively leading an army. Training +++, Strategy +?, leadership ++?. Unknown downsides(? Means it could be + or -)
Letin Smith: A soldier from one of the famous smithing families in Tine, one of the few that can educate their kids about things besides smithing. Letin Smith has the problem of having no actual combat experience, yet was such an overachiever that he was put in to become a lieutenant colonel, in charge of a 1000 strong brigade.
He has shown such brilliance in training and in leadership scenarios that they saw fit to bend the rules a bit to get him in charge of a brigade. The biggest issue is that he has literally no actual combat experience which could bite us in the ass. Strategy +++???, leadership +++??, and battle command ????. Downsides are no actual combat experience. Any other downsides are unknown.
I'm leaning to taking the budget hit and using a full action on the food security program. Maybe amend it to invest in the farming towns as well.In fact, we've already written a solution to the food problem.
We create protected underground farms by throwing as much power as possible and keeping a low profile. In general, we solve our own problems.
What about our first army, then everything is simple. We can't move them anywhere because we have no one but them, so they will stay in the city in any case.
[X] Plan: Strengthening borders and solving food problems.
Who do you choose to leader your armed forces?:
-[X]Letin Smith
--[X]Hire Malty to train your forces?(Costs 2 budget, optional)
What do you call the first army?(Names can also be won through experience in combat.):
-[X] First National Army - Guards.
What do you do to solve the food problem?:
-[X] THI Food Security Program
Ah yes, that's why I saved that reserved post! I'll do that in a bit, I'll probably give the towns surrounding us a different info post, with the main one being our army, corporation, advantages, etc.I would also like you to add a list of characters and our corporation. Without it, it's hard to keep track of what's going on here.
You can try! Might want to make an argument for that write in if you go for that.
May I ask, what product do you wish to gift them? Guns, ammo, steel plating, clothing, farming equipment, etc. because if you give me free reign, I will attempt to screw you… joking but I will not pick the best option, that's for sure.[X] Plan: Making friends for fun and peace
Who do you choose to leader your armed forces?:
-[X]Letin Smith
--[X]Hire Malty to train your forces?(Costs 2 budget, optional)
What do you call the first army?(Names can also be won through experience in combat.):
-[X] First National Army - Guards.
What do you do to solve the food problem?:
-[X] Trade the product of our significant industry to all the cities around us using our mass production to undercut domestic prices. Use the money gained to buy food from the cities.
steel plating, clothing, farming equipment, domestic stuff. Unless we have enough weapons production for both our army and export.May I ask, what product do you wish to gift them? Guns, ammo, steel plating, clothing, farming equipment, etc. because if you give me free reign, I will attempt to screw you… joking but I will not pick the best option, that's for sure.
Age unknown.The CEO:
Malachai Taurus
Age unknown
Appearance: https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.RSENS2N5f63kDL53tPFJmQDYEg?pid=ImgDet&rs=1
Big picture: Public relations gain +5 to all rolls, reasoning with others has a lower Dc, when negotiating the Dc is reduced based upon how much discussion is made and how thought out the argument is.
Corporation bonuses/Malus:
Military actions gain +20 when it comes to training or raising an army
If I may, his age is unknown, because you guys haven't decided that yet. I was leaving it up for y'all.Age unknown.
You would at least age at your discretion to enter or just add more posts to disclose our hero (and also added an image to the spoiler and add a picture of the disclosed). He doesn't seem to have any effect on his corporation. How did he become the head and who was he before? Perhaps we should disclose this point and give some advantages with disadvantages, preferably so that we can balance the advantages with disadvantages. That is 1 free advantage and for each subsequent advantage 1 disadvantage.
Advantages and disadvantages could be taken from the same CK3 or come up with your own. No need to make faceless characters. This loses the depth of the quest.