The world was weird to say the least. Magic, monsters, and surprisingly good engineering existed for the longest time, perhaps since the dawn of mankind. Magic was the dominant force of the world for a very long time, with the monsters being a close second.
Magic users need little to no introduction, they are your classic fireballs, ice spears, barriers of mana, with a few unique ones that come along every now and again. There were councils of magicians, druids, and a few other circles of smaller note. Were. There were little of any of that anymore, all the remains with any major following are the magi-techs.
Magi-techs are the fusion of magic and technology, using the long underdog that was engineering, making it into giant magic powered machines. These machines, known as mecha, could do what magicians did and more, allowing the average person to use them to fight.
This truly led to the downfall of the magic society's that made up the planet, there were still some nations that had the great magicians of old, although almost no druids existed in modern society now. These magicians could control mecha with more advantages than a normal person could, so they still had their uses.
Something happened over the last 50 years, 50 years since the world advanced to mecha, leaving the magic society's behind creating a new order that would come into place. Corporations. Over the last 50 years corporations have become the dominant force, surpassing all but the most powerful of nations.
This has led to corporations acting as nations, which as nations do, grind against each other creating great tension. This is dangerous for everyone but perhaps the CEO's of said corporations, who had the potential to control the world.
Luckily for you, your the CEO of a corporation yourself!
What's your corporations name?:
[]Write in?
As you are in the industry, you specialize or excel in something! What is it that you specialize/excel in?
Choose 1-2 specializations(Choosing 2 will give less of a bonus, but gives a smaller bonus to both choices.):
[]Security forces: Surprisingly you specialize in creating security for your factories, to the point they might as well be a small army. Both your factory workers and security forces are thankful for spending the time and effort to keep them safe(And effective).
[]Industrial mecha: Military grade mecha are out of reach for just about every corporation, something that the last nations made sure of. That doesn't stop industry grade mecha from existing, these mecha are durable and most likely with some modifications can become an ace in the hole on the battlefield.
[]Ballistic weapons: Yes it is true that all magical runes do not exist in the corporations hands, but 100s of years dedicated to surpassing magic via guns and other weapons, cannot be forgotten. Most guns are still worse than plain magic, however we have made sure that they will get the job done.
[]Explosives: We work with mining company's, supplying them with explosives needed for the job. In turn it won't be too difficult to make some combat available explosives for battle.
[]Engineering: We specialize in building things, anything. While mecha is a hard thing to make, we are sure that we could make military grade mecha, given the time of course.
[]Mass production: Making so much of something so quickly and efficiently that you kicked out the competition. While what you make might not be too special, there is way more of them than any of your competitors.
Now we have the situation at hand, we have managed to buyout a city, we control the industry. The people, while not loving us, have pretty much accepted it with little problems. We are on ice, but it's not thin.
What city did you takeover?:
[]The mining city "Tine": A city with a large population, most of which work in the mining industry. Since we are not too overbearing and actually pay them decently, they are entirely willing to join any defense force we make. Factory workers are in no short supply here, what is in short supply is food, we have enough and a steady supply sure. If we go to war or any nearby suppliers get taken over, we will have hunger problems. Population +++, morale ++, and metal resources ++.Food xx, sophisticated workers(Researchers, metal workers, etc)xx.
[]The farm estates "Wheaten": A city named after one of the many crops it harvests. It has a decent population with most working on farms, the local militia, or the only research group that is dedicated to designing new tools or even weapons. Food is no problem here, people are happy if a little wary, there is a decent defense force here, and there are researchers here already. Population +x, morale +, defense forces ++, and sophisticated workers +++. Metal resources xx, Industry xx.
[]The city of rivers "Aquadio": A city literally pronounced 'Water God' should tell you enough about the peoples respect for the rivers that surround them. They are a mixed bag of both race and industry. They have plenty of metal working factories, however they are designed for building ships, they also have a decent navy for protecting their waterways. Population +, food +, industry +++, trade +, navy ++. Morale xx, defense force xx, and most locals are extremely wary of you, getting the populace to not strike out at bad working conditions will be impossible. Every 2 turns depending on working conditions, a work strike may breakout.
[]Write in?(Subject to veto, make it fair. Everything should have a strength and a weakness.) Use plans!
To answer some questions I think will come up: Yes, there will be war. Perhaps there will be war 100% of the time, who knows. Mecha are powered by magic but use weapons that are not magical in nature. Guns, grenades, rockets, etc, will be the mecha's main weapons. This could change however. How will designing mecha work? It will not be too in-depth, I will give you a list of what your researchers want to make, you give them a budget, and there might be some write ins. How will battles work? You will be in the pov of your general and will give a strategy at the start and possibly midway through the battle. Then I will roll the battle. Monsters exist, you might encounter them, whether randomly or being used by an enemy.
The CEO:
Malachai Taurus
Age unknown
Bonus/Malus: Big picture: Public relations gain +5 to all rolls, reasoning with others has a lower Dc, when negotiating the Dc is reduced based upon how much discussion is made and how thought out the argument is.
Corporation bonuses/Malus: Security forces specialty: Military actions gain +20 when it comes to training or raising an army. Mass production focus: Industry actions involving low cost items, products, vehicles, weapons, etc. around the range of costing 2 budget, will reduce the cost by 1 and massively increase the amount of items, products, vehicles, weapons, etc. produced.
First Tine Guards: 500 soldiers total. Experience: 45. Equipment: Rifles(Standard), uniform(Standard), and machine guns(Advanced).
Various security forces(Factory): 550 security forces across all factories. Experience: 30. Equipment: Rifles and batons(Standard), security uniform(Standard). Note: Not capable of fast mobilization and has -20 to all military rolls that are not dealing with the civilian populace. They do gain a +20 bonus to dealing with civilians.
[]Engineering: We specialize in building things, anything. While mecha is a hard thing to make, we are sure that we could make military grade mecha, given the time of course.
[]Security forces: Surprisingly you specialize in creating security for your factories, to the point they might as well be a small army. Both your factory workers and security forces are thankful for spending the time and effort to keep them safe(And effective).
[]The mining city "Tine": A city with a large population, most of which work in the mining industry. Since we are not too overbearing and actually pay them decently, they are entirely willing to join any defense force we make. Factory workers are in no short supply here, what is in short supply is food, we have enough and a steady supply sure. If we go to war or any nearby suppliers get taken over, we will have hunger problems. Population +++, morale ++, and metal resources ++.Food xx, sophisticated workers(Researchers, metal workers, etc)xx.
The mining city combined with Engineering will allow us to quickly get ahead of the competition in terms of what we build. While we could grab industry mechs and rush to military-grade, engineering gives us a wider range of potential products. We'll also have a good population to start with as well as metals for our engineering projects and weaponry.
Security forces will both ensure we can keep our miners safe, and act as a good initial army to begin our quest for WORLD DOMINATION.
[X] Neptune Industries
-[X]Engineering: We specialize in building things, anything. While mecha is a hard thing to make, we are sure that we could make military grade mecha, given the time of course. -[X]Mass production: Making so much of something so quickly and efficiently that you kicked out the competition. While what you make might not be too special, there is way more of them than any of your competitors.
-[X]The city of rivers "Aquadio": A city literally pronounced 'Water God' should tell you enough about the peoples respect for the rivers that surround them. They are a mixed bag of both race and industry. They have plenty of metal working factories, however they are designed for building ships, they also have a decent navy for protecting their waterways. Population +, food +, industry +++, trade +, navy ++. Morale xx, defense force xx, and most locals are extremely wary of you, getting the populace to not strike out at bad working conditions will be impossible. Every 2 turns depending on working conditions, a work strike may breakout.
I'm not good with name so any suggestions is welcome
[X]Taurus Heavy Industries
-[X]Security forces: Surprisingly you specialize in creating security for your factories, to the point they might as well be a small army. Both your factory workers and security forces are thankful for spending the time and effort to keep them safe(And effective).
-[X]Mass production: Making so much of something so quickly and efficiently that you kicked out the competition. While what you make might not be too special, there is way more of them than any of your competitors.
-[X]The mining city "Tine": A city with a large population, most of which work in the mining industry. Since we are not too overbearing and actually pay them decently, they are entirely willing to join any defense force we make. Factory workers are in no short supply here, what is in short supply is food, we have enough and a steady supply sure. If we go to war or any nearby suppliers get taken over, we will have hunger problems. Population +++, morale ++, and metal resources ++. Food xx, sophisticated workers(Researchers, metal workers, etc)xx.
I'm going for this one because I want to stick to a simpler approch for our mechs at frist. Also combining good troops with good logistics.
For THI's frist mech I'm imagining what im calling the Minatour: Tracked locomotion rather then legs for improved stability, traction, and ground pressure combined with an arm mounted autocannon and off hand sheild. The cockpit would be in the torso while the head is a double barreled autoloader gun mortar capable of firing support munitions.
It's no Gundam but as a work horse mech it should do great and be easily upgraded.
Edit: also the Tracked leg approch is the closest we have to a proven mech desgi RL. See Eagle Prime and Iron Glory.
[X] Neptune Industries
-[X]Engineering: We specialize in building things, anything. While mecha is a hard thing to make, we are sure that we could make military grade mecha, given the time of course. -[X]Mass production: Making so much of something so quickly and efficiently that you kicked out the competition. While what you make might not be too special, there is way more of them than any of your competitors.
-[X]The city of rivers "Aquadio": A city literally pronounced 'Water God' should tell you enough about the peoples respect for the rivers that surround them. They are a mixed bag of both race and industry. They have plenty of metal working factories, however they are designed for building ships, they also have a decent navy for protecting their waterways.
[X]Taurus Heavy Industries
-[X]Security forces: Surprisingly you specialize in creating security for your factories, to the point they might as well be a small army. Both your factory workers and security forces are thankful for spending the time and effort to keep them safe(And effective). -[X]Mass production: Making so much of something so quickly and efficiently that you kicked out the competition. While what you make might not be too special, there is way more of them than any of your competitors.
-[X]The mining city "Tine": A city with a large population, most of which work in the mining industry. Since we are not too overbearing and actually pay them decently, they are entirely willing to join any defense force we make. Factory workers are in no short supply here, what is in short supply is food, we have enough and a steady supply sure. If we go to war or any nearby suppliers get taken over, we will have hunger problems. Population +++, morale ++, and metal resources ++. Food xx, sophisticated workers(Researchers, metal workers, etc)xx.
You can make omakes, I'll try to think of rewards for them.
As for your generic wizard girls? You can make Wizards, later on if you encounter a small council you could probably get one.
As for making your own? Not until you encounter that council. Wizard spells aren't really available to the public. Granted anyone with magical power will improve the mecha they are in.
The "Beatle" mech isn't particularly advanced but is terrifyingly effective at what it does. From the outside it has four large legs around a central oval, with a large gun mounted onto that oval. It notably has two pilots; the purpose for that will be explained later.
It is designed for use in the mountains which leads it to have surprisingly good climbing ability while still maintaining extreme stability when firing. It also comes equipped with an array of scouting drones which assist in locating firing positions, managing the drones requires too much attention for a single pilot forcing the additional of another.
Its main weapon is a mix between a normal projectile weapon and a rail gun allowing it to accelerate a slug of iron to an acceptable velocity. Normally the slug is more then enough to deal with whatever's on the other side but if you really want to kill something then enchanted rounds exist that either help with targeting or deal more damage.
After firing it will rapidly relocate to avoid counter battery fire. It also comes with an anti air version, a rocket battery version and a command vehicle version.
You can make omakes, I'll try to think of rewards for them.
As for your generic wizard girls? You can make Wizards, later on if you encounter a small council you could probably get one.
As for making your own? Not until you encounter that council. Wizard spells aren't really available to the public. Granted anyone with magical power will improve the mecha they are in.
And we don't need to create our own wizards. I want to make them an elite force in our furs, so to speak, and make them become idols or something similar to increase the popularity of our company. In general, yes, the entertainment industry should work and make a profit!
And yes, will we have a CEO or someone like that who will give us bonuses as the head of the corporation?
I would like to create my own main character so that everything was not so impersonal.
[X]Taurus Heavy Industries
-[X]Security forces: Surprisingly you specialize in creating security for your factories, to the point they might as well be a small army. Both your factory workers and security forces are thankful for spending the time and effort to keep them safe(And effective). -[X]Mass production: Making so much of something so quickly and efficiently that you kicked out the competition. While what you make might not be too special, there is way more of them than any of your competitors.
-[X]The mining city "Tine": A city with a large population, most of which work in the mining industry. Since we are not too overbearing and actually pay them decently, they are entirely willing to join any defense force we make. Factory workers are in no short supply here, what is in short supply is food, we have enough and a steady supply sure. If we go to war or any nearby suppliers get taken over, we will have hunger problems. Population +++, morale ++, and metal resources ++. Food xx, sophisticated workers(Researchers, metal workers, etc)xx.
[X]Taurus Heavy Industries
-[X]Security forces: Surprisingly you specialize in creating security for your factories, to the point they might as well be a small army. Both your factory workers and security forces are thankful for spending the time and effort to keep them safe(And effective).
-[X]Mass production: Making so much of something so quickly and efficiently that you kicked out the competition. While what you make might not be too special, there is way more of them than any of your competitors.
-[X]The mining city "Tine": A city with a large population, most of which work in the mining industry. Since we are not too overbearing and actually pay them decently, they are entirely willing to join any defense force we make. Factory workers are in no short supply here, what is in short supply is food, we have enough and a steady supply sure. If we go to war or any nearby suppliers get taken over, we will have hunger problems. Population +++, morale ++, and metal resources ++. Food xx, sophisticated workers(Researchers, metal workers, etc)xx.
Taurus Heavy industries. That was the corporation that had taken over the mining city of Tine. Honestly it wasn't that bad compared to everywhere else. Other corporations have their factory workers work 12-14 hour shifts, which is-
Choose 1(Will give the CEO a bonus of some kind. CEO can be killed.):
[]Inefficient, the more focused the worker the better the product!
[]Dreadful, I was once a factory worker and I was only able to get to where I am because of that one day off I got.
[]Write in?(One word, followed by a sentence or two. Doesn't have to be positive.)
But that's getting off topic, the conditions at THI are still rough, as all factory jobs are, however it's a godsend compared to what the people of Tine were working with before. They damn near started a revolution before word got out that our corporation only gave 8-10 hour work shifts with much better pay.
After that the other corporation, who I've forgotten the name of, couldn't adapt and they failed. That seemed to be happening a lot. While I haven't heard too much outside the surrounding cities, but war seems to be brewing.
It's not a powder keg, not yet, but an arms race of sorts is happening, who knows what will happen. But I swear upon my name-
What's your name?:
[]Write in?
That my company will survive through this era!
You have 4 actions per turn! Use them wisely!
Current budget: 20 total. Gain 10 budget every turn.
Military(Military actions gain +20 when it comes to training or raising an army):
[]Train up a small army(Costs 3 budget): We need to start somewhere, might as well start off small and efficient. This will be about 500 people and will serve as a defense force until we can better equip it. As a bonus this will not piss off the people too much as it's a small number. Choose as many below as you want.
-[]Rifle weaponry(Costs 10 additional budget, mass production bonus applied.): It's both cheap and a good weapon. It lacks firepower needed for combat against mecha and attacking any fortifications, but it will do the job just fine against other infantry units. -[]Machine gun weaponry(Costs 3 additional budget): It's more expensive and honestly not that reliable, but just having a single infantryman in every squad with this weapon will greatly increase firepower. -[]Basic uniform(Costs 10 additional budget, mass production bonus applied): This is similar to our security forces uniform, except it's designed to take more of a hit in combat. It won't stand up to too much fire, however it can save a life from stray bullets or shrapnel.
[]Security drills: It's one of the few things we can do cheaply and will have a good effect. Our security will run drills, train, and overall increase their effectiveness in combat. Hopefully we will never have to use them but when the time comes, they will be ready. More effective security?
[]Need a general: Someone to lead our armed forces is needed. It's a simple as that, it's needed for anything military related. Roll 3d100 for the generals quality.
[]Surrounding defense system(Costs 1/4 budget): Make defenses outside Tine that will detect enemy forces and hopefully delay or even fight them off. At base it's just a few security guards, but if we put in the budget we can get a good countering force against any invaders.
Industry(Any industry action that requires specific metalworking skill(Military factory, making a unique mecha, making a complex weapon or mecha, etc) have a malus of -15.):
[]Create a military factory(5 budget, takes two turns): A factory dedicated to making weapons, armor, and possibly the occasional mecha. Having an entire factory dedicated to this will massively increase production capabilities on the war front. Gain a factory capable of producing weapons, armor, and mecha. Produces weapons, armor, and some mecha every turn.
[]Create transport vehicles(21 budget, mass production bonus applied): Currently any long distance traveling is done on old vehicles from 20+ years ago. Perhaps not a problem for normal people, but for the military? An upgrade is desperately needed. Reliable troop transport.
[]Focus factories on production: This will make the population happy and give us profits. Morale increased for 1 turn, gain 5-10 budget.
[]Expand industry(Costs 0/3/6 budget): Expanding our industry will allow more profit to occur as well as production capabilities. Gain more budget per turn.
Research(Due to low amount of researchers, -15 to all rolls):
[]Armor types: We need to understand how to armor our mecha effectively. Providing a type of armor that can bounce rounds more effectively will be a big gain towards combat capable mecha. Better armor?
[]Weapon research: There are things we don't have, which we could use. Should get some people on that, honestly. -[]Grenade launcher(Costs 2 budget): A basic grenade launcher that can be used by infantry or put onto our mecha. -[]Smoke grenade(Costs 0/2 budget): Making grenades that can smoke are easy, making them effective in combat is gonna be a bit trickier. -[]Assault rifles(Costs 0/3 budget): Rapid fire rifles, the concept is a basically a lighter machine gun in the form of your standard rifle.
[]Mecha research(Costs 0/5/10 budget, 3/2/1 turns): Right now all we can make Mecha wise is the 'Tractor' proposal. This is not good enough, so depending on how much we invest, we could become capable of producing a variety of mecha in the coming months. More invested, the better the base mecha and variety.
[]Proposal 'Tractor'(Costs 6 budget, 1-2 turns.): This proposal is as cheap as it is simple. A simple rotating turret with two machine guns, on top of a small platform that moves via treads. It would be piloted by one person who would be inside the turret and should provide some good firepower for cheap cost. Overall the mecha would be 6 feet tall. Gain cheap mecha(Military factory can make about 10 a turn at no extra cost), designed for infantry engagements.
-[]Make suggestions?
Public relations:
[]Population survey(Takes 1-2 turns): Get accurate data on the number of people in this city. This might take a while, however knowing both the number of people we can call up, along with how many are supposed to be taxed and by how much, will help us out a lot.
[]Surrounding area: There should be various factions and possibly corporations around the general area. There should be no corporation with more than two cities, but it wouldn't hurt to check. Gain info on other corporations or cities nearby. Write ins for anything are welcomed, however are majorly subject to veto. Questions are welcomed.
[X] Plan: Legal mafia.
Choose 1(Will give the CEO a bonus of some kind. CEO can be killed.):
-[X] Short Sighted. While it may induce gains in raw production while further minimizing costs in the short term. Long term it's infeasible in terms of quality control, worker retention, and Worker Morale. This style of work is only truly feasible if one has a monopoly with no competition able to break into a market, and any competition, either economic or political would quickly cause the people pursuing this rather brutal style of forced work week to lose lots of money either via lesser quality or worker issues. As such it simply doesn't work unless hegemony is secured tightly.
Pursuant to that, while the lesser work weeks hurt the bottom line short term, and as such can draw the ire of the Investors and stock holders, if they are smart they will let it lie. Happy motivated workers cause far less issue and will happily spend income, most of which will help build up the city and corporation that has the lion's share of it. In short money is needed to be spent, and spent well in order to grow. It is safer long term to have more competitive and worker favored work weeks and wages, simply to allow greater growth.
What's your name?:
-[X] Victor Taurus
Name: Victor
Chinese Name: Lǐ Zéyán (李泽言)
Japanese Name: Zen (ゼン)
Korean Name: Lee Taekeon (이택언)
Occupation: THI's(Taurus Heavy Industries) CEO
Birthday: 13 January
Height: 183cm
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Description: If there were one word to describe Victor's life, it would be "survival". The orphan has had to fight his way up through the ranks of others like him since he was a child. From an ordinary street kid who wanted to get an education and get out in the world, to a bandit when he couldn't afford a normal education despite his excellent results in school, and after a hired hitman and the head of a crime syndicate. It was a long road that saw him bury many friends and many more enemies. He ended up here as the head of the corporation that practically controls the entire city. He is spared the poverty and the peopele he thought were enemies, but the past will not let him off so easily.
Point is that our hero will be a former bandit who broke out of poverty, despite the fact that fate has left him at rock bottom. Going as a simple worker in a factory was stupid considering how much effort he had put into his studies in his time, so he decided to tie his life to crime... which paid off. How many of his friends he lost as he ascended is hard to say, but it is certain that he is no longer afraid to get dirty. [X] Build Plan: Preparation
[X]CEO Build: The Economist
The most important thing for an operation of this scale and ambition is going to be people we can trust.
Here's what I propose for our budget and the reasoning behind each decision:
-Our army proposals are easy enough to fulfill, since both rifles and basic armor are free. Adding in machine guns will be an effective force multiplier, which we'll need at this small size and this early stage. (6 budget)
-We are a businessman/woman, not a warrior. We need someone we can trust to lead our security forces and eventually our army. So we need a general, preferably a good one, and we need an effective fighting force sooner rather than later.
-Our industry is already outproducing the competition. If we expand our industry quickly as well, we'll overwhelm our enemy with what is, effectively, a zerg rush of product. Add in a military factory to equip our troops and prepare for a larger expansion. Troop transports aren't really needed for the moment, since we're going to be turtling up
-That -15 to research is going to bite us hard if we don't either fix it or get VERY lucky with our rolls. So for now we should focus on what we already have and what we can do to improve it.
-The Tractor mech is barely the size of a man.
[X] - Operation: Minotaur (Budget 17) -[X] Need a general: Someone to lead our armed forces is needed. It's a simple as that, it's needed for anything military related. Roll 3d100 for the generals quality.
-[X]Train up a small army(Costs 3 budget): We need to start somewhere, might as well start off small and efficient. This will be about 500 people and will serve as a defense force until we can better equip it. As a bonus this will not piss off the people too much as it's a small number. Choose as many below as you want. --[X]Rifle weaponry(Costs 10 additional budget, mass production bonus applied.): It's both cheap and a good weapon. It lacks firepower needed for combat against mecha and attacking any fortifications, but it will do the job just fine against other infantry units. --[X]Machine gun weaponry(Costs 3 additional budget): It's more expensive and honestly not that reliable, but just having a single infantryman in every squad with this weapon will greatly increase firepower. --[X]Basic uniform(Costs 10 additional budget, mass production bonus applied): This is similar to our security forces uniform, except it's designed to take more of a hit in combat. It won't stand up to too much fire, however it can save a life from stray bullets or shrapnel. -[X]Create a military factory(5 budget, takes two turns): A factory dedicated to making weapons, armor, and possibly the occasional mecha. Having an entire factory dedicated to this will massively increase production capabilities on the war front. Gain a factory capable of producing weapons, armor, and mecha. Produces weapons, armor, and some mecha every turn. -[X]Expand industry(Costs 6 budget): Expanding our industry will allow more profit to occur as well as production capabilities. Gain more budget per turn.
The most important thing for an operation of this scale and ambition is going to be people we can trust.
Here's what I propose for our budget and the reasoning behind each decision:
-Our army proposals are easy enough to fulfill, since both rifles and basic armor are free. Adding in machine guns will be an effective force multiplier, which we'll need at this small size and this early stage. (6 budget)
-We are a businessman/woman, not a warrior. We need someone we can trust to lead our security forces and eventually our army. So we need a general, preferably a good one, and we need an effective fighting force sooner rather than later.
-Our industry is already outproducing the competition. If we expand our industry quickly as well, we'll overwhelm our enemy with what is, effectively, a zerg rush of product. Add in a military factory to equip our troops and prepare for a larger expansion. Troop transports aren't really needed for the moment, since we're going to be turtling up
-That -15 to research is going to bite us hard if we don't either fix it or get VERY lucky with our rolls. So for now we should focus on what we already have and what we can do to improve it.
-The Tractor mech is barely the size of a man.
[X] - Operation: Minotaur (Budget 17) -[X] Need a general: Someone to lead our armed forces is needed. It's a simple as that, it's needed for anything military related. Roll 3d100 for the generals quality.
-[X]Train up a small army(Costs 3 budget): We need to start somewhere, might as well start off small and efficient. This will be about 500 people and will serve as a defense force until we can better equip it. As a bonus this will not piss off the people too much as it's a small number. Choose as many below as you want. --[X]Rifle weaponry(Costs 10 additional budget, mass production bonus applied.): It's both cheap and a good weapon. It lacks firepower needed for combat against mecha and attacking any fortifications, but it will do the job just fine against other infantry units. --[X]Machine gun weaponry(Costs 3 additional budget): It's more expensive and honestly not that reliable, but just having a single infantryman in every squad with this weapon will greatly increase firepower. --[X]Basic uniform(Costs 10 additional budget, mass production bonus applied): This is similar to our security forces uniform, except it's designed to take more of a hit in combat. It won't stand up to too much fire, however it can save a life from stray bullets or shrapnel. -[X]Create a military factory(5 budget, takes two turns): A factory dedicated to making weapons, armor, and possibly the occasional mecha. Having an entire factory dedicated to this will massively increase production capabilities on the war front. Gain a factory capable of producing weapons, armor, and mecha. Produces weapons, armor, and some mecha every turn. -[X]Expand industry(Costs 6 budget): Expanding our industry will allow more profit to occur as well as production capabilities. Gain more budget per turn.
In principle, a normal plan, although I would suggest that we also address the issue of creating large enough and protected underground farms for our population. And such that it could be mass-produced and given to its workers slightly above its cost. In this case we will develop quickly and get satisfied workers if we make free canteens for the workers of the company.
As a suggestion, I think we should think about mushroom farms. Mushrooms really need a little bit to grow and they grow fast!
After that, we could start raising chickens or pigs that could use those mushrooms and other things as fodder.
All in all, we need to remove the dependence on food in other nations.
[X] - Operation: Look out (Budget 12) -[X] Need a general
-[X]Train up a small army(Costs 3 budget)
--[X]Rifle weaponry(Costs 10 additional budget, mass production bonus applied.)
--[X]Machine gun weaponry(Costs 3 additional budget)
--[X]Basic uniform(Costs 10 additional budget, mass production bonus applied)
-[X]Surrounding area -[X]Expand industry(Costs 6 budget)
We need food, other people have food, peace is cheaper than war. Make friends now to cover the gaps in our plan and our mass production will make us valuable trade partners.
The military factory seems a bit paranoid for now given the lack of threats so spending some time getting the lay of the land is more valuable
i'm making the CEO a girl just because I like Kronii's Mafia outfit
[X] CEO Build: Elagance
-[X] Stupid, Humans lose productivity and suffer more injuries after 40 hours of physical labor per week. Both skilled and unskilled Workers are functionally capital assets not expenses and should be treated care.
[X] Victoria Taurus
-[X] Female
-[X] Appearance: [X] Build Plan: Preparation
-[X] Need a general: Someone to lead our armed forces is needed. It's a simple as that, it's needed for anything military related. Roll 3d100 for the generals quality. -[X]Train up a small army(Costs 3 budget): We need to start somewhere, might as well start off small and efficient. This will be about 500 people and will serve as a defense force until we can better equip it. As a bonus this will not piss off the people too much as it's a small number. Choose as many below as you want.
--[X]Rifle weaponry(Costs 10 additional budget, mass production bonus applied.): It's both cheap and a good weapon. It lacks firepower needed for combat against mecha and attacking any fortifications, but it will do the job just fine against other infantry units. --[X]Machine gun weaponry(Costs 3 additional budget): It's more expensive and honestly not that reliable, but just having a single infantryman in every squad with this weapon will greatly increase firepower. --[X]Basic uniform(Costs 10 additional budget, mass production bonus applied): This is similar to our security forces uniform, except it's designed to take more of a hit in combat. It won't stand up to too much fire, however it can save a life from stray bullets or shrapnel. -[X]Create a military factory(5 budget, takes two turns): A factory dedicated to making weapons, armor, and possibly the occasional mecha. Having an entire factory dedicated to this will massively increase production capabilities on the war front. Gain a factory capable of producing weapons, armor, and mecha. Produces weapons, armor, and some mecha every turn.
-[X]Surrounding area: There should be various factions and possibly corporations around the general area. There should be no corporation with more than two cities, but it wouldn't hurt to check. Gain info on other corporations or cities nearby.
scouting, getting a basic defense force up and starting our military stockpiles.
Honestly I was going to suggest a lady CEO named Augusta Taurus the fifth (with the roman numeral for 5 as the horns on a bull for our company's emblem)