KalinaQuest: Reflection (Bleach AU Quest)

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A quest set in an AU of the Bleach setting, following a custom created character. That being: Kalina, skilled Kido user and member of a subterranean empire.
It has a sister quest occuring elsewhere in the same setting over on SB.
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Reflections Prologue Part 1

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X34igEEtrac

What does the term "Butterfly effect" mean?

If you were to ask an internet search engine to define it, it would say the following:

"The phenomenon whereby a minute localised change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere."

Everything has an effect on everything else. A flap of a butterfly's wings can disturb the air near it. That air then moves in a different way. If that air hadn't been moved, the atmospheric conditions would have been in the wrong place to cause that typhoon that was now killing hundreds of people.

You see?

There was once a miracle, and that miracle had knock on effects. Things that would have never happened if not for the miracle occurring.

Some of those things were good, some of them weren't.

In a town called Karakura, something happened- no. It would be more fair to say that "something will happen."

While the tense used was for future events, that doesn't mean that it isn't inevitable.

Time doesn't just flow like a steady stream after all. There are many things that can cause time to flow improperly.

And so events in the future can propagate changes to the past.

You, for example. Are a result of this. Just one more bit of air displaced by the butterfly's wings.

Time for character creation. Your path comes first, in other words this will be your race or class in another game. I need to know it before I can describe anything from your character's perspective.

I'll give a brief description of each option first and an example character:

Shinigami, gods of the departed that help the fallen. (Rukia)
Quicies, holy archers serving their king. (Uryū)
Superhumans, the next stage of humanity.(Kanonji)
Fullbringer, wielding souls and emotions as weapons. (Chad)
Soulcasters, resolve is their blade, kindness their power and both are their shield.(Orihime)
Bounto, children of madness who seek the old ways (Jin Kariya)
Hollows, lonely wanderers of the empty desert (Grimmjow)
"Beasts", children of ancient gods who now protect the world with animalistic forms (Original)
"Kami", some of those ancient gods who return to earth after a long absence (Original)
"Beneath", those who lurk in the shadows, plotting conquest (Original)
"Angels", The western world's answer to Shinigami (Original, but also represents witches from Burn the witch in this AU)
"Out of context", Those who just don't fit in with the rest of the world, outsiders to all (Original)
As you see, about half of them are "original" to this AU. I've given you as much as I could without spoiling things about the factions that other factions wouldn't know. Those aren't their real names, just cover names.

There is also a second part to each path, your "connection" to your race.

Paragon, you are one of the "nobles" of your faction. A leader and a powerful one. This would make you part of one of the noble clans if you were a Shinigami or it would just give you great potential if your faction didn't have nobles.

Freak, you are an outsider, you're not appreciated for your faction for one reason or another. This doesn't make you evil but it does make you unusual. It isn't enough to set you against your faction though, at least as long as you don't do something else to anger them.

Outsider, you never knew about all this supernatural ghost stuff in the past. You grew up as a normal human and discovered your power later in life. This means you'll be starting off with a lot less information and training but in return you're not judged in any way. There won't be unreasonable expectations or discrimination.

To give a few examples:

Ichigo starts as a Shinigami/Outsider (though someone seeing him a few arcs later would say he's a Shinigami/Freak)

Rukia is a Shinigami/Paragon, as is her brother.

Chad is a Fullbringer/Outsider, Uryū is a Quincy/Outsider but with more education than you'd get, Orihime is a Soulcaster/Outside though that's a special case. Soulcasters are so rare that you can only take them with Outsider.

While I can't tell you much about the hidden factions, I will invite you to ask me what specific combinations would make, feel free to ask either before or while voting.

Beasts/Freak makes you part of a faction connected to Beneath, Angels/Outside makes you a living superhero in the style of Marvel, DC and My Hero Academia while OOC/Outsider makes you something from a different anime series entirely. Feel free to ask for more combos or characters you want to be told the combinations of.

And now, with that all said:

[ ] Race/Connection (Write in)

Hello everyone. This is my first quest on SV but I've written a few others, one that even take place in the same AU as this quest (That quest is still fairly new and ongoing so you have a chance of running into the other main character). For reference, the other quest chose "Beast/Paragon" but it would probably be best for you to pick something different if you wanted to see other parts of the setting. If you do choose Beast/Paragon though, you won't be the same subrace as the other quest.
The AU that this quest uses has a lot of extra things in it. I didn't create this AU but I also don't want anyone reading up on it and spoiling themselves on the twists.

This quest uses a modified D20 system and the character sheet will be below.
The vote here is the first part of character creation. It's to determine your race and any "special details" about your character. The next vote will be for the more basic things like name, gender and if you want to get involved in the canon storyline, and if so, how much.
Also, once you have a name, I'll try to change the name of this quest to reflect that.

I'm creating this quest in an effort to boost interest in the greater world's story. I have a rule where I wait for at least three (Though I like more) votes before locking it in regardless of time. It normally takes a while to get votes from my small pool of voters in the other quest so I'm creating this one too. If you like this story… well, I don't want to post a link to the other one yet as I want to keep them separate until the characters meet (And if they don't look to be on track to meet for ages, I might provide a link in the quest itself).

Feel free to ask questions if you want more info.
Character Sheet
Name: Kalina
Level: 9
Story Level: 1

Max HP: 86
Max Reiatsu: 1178


Favoured Skills:
Weapon Attack
Reflex Save
Will Save
Flash Step
Knowledge: Current Events
Knowledge: Kido Lore
Knowledge: Local
Martial Lore
Treat Injury
Sense Motive


Reputation: 5
Wealth: 24
Leadership Score: 12 (Level 8 Cohort, 8x level 1 followers)

GaianYou are a Gaian, a kami from long ago that abandoned the surface world and went underground. You
gain a spear that is made from rock and wood. This spear deals 1d6 damage + 1d6 damage per 5 ranks in
Weapon Attack you have above 1. You are a spirit of life, as such you become more powerful as you gain levels.
As such, at third level you gain 2 Shikai abilities. Each third level later you gain an additional shikai ability. Your
shikai abilities must be drawn from two of the following types. (Earth, Fire, Light, Space, Water, Barrier, Sand,
Primal, Metal, Plant, Summoning, Bone, Dragon, Spider, Healing, Darkness, Weapon and Gravity). At eighth
level and every three levels thereafter, you gain a Terra Ability chosen from the Terra abilities list. Gaians do not
eat, breath, sleep or age past maturity. Gaians have Darkvision out to 60 feet. You may shut off any Shikai Ability
you do not wish to use. This is a living race.
SurgeryThe character can use the Treat Injury skill to
perform surgery without penalty. See the Treat Injury skill
Reiatsu Defensive AuraYou may concentrate your reitasu into an aura that
bolsters defense giving those allies in your aura +1 natural
armor + 1 per three levels. This aura is activated as a move
action, and dismissed as a free action. It remains active as
long as the user wishes and extends 30 feet from the user.
The aura is dismissed if the user is knocked unconscious or
killed. Only one reiatsu aura may be active at one time.
TalentedPick any three skills. These skills become favored
skills. This feat can be chosen multiple times. This is an
extraordinary ability
Deadly TouchEach day, you may cause wounds with a successful touch attack as a standard action. You can deal a
total number of hit point damage equal to your character level x your charisma modifier. You may divide the
damage up however you choose. The target may attempt a fortitude save (DC 15 + character level + charisma
modifier) for half damage. Alternately, you may use this ability to heal those with undead traits.
Special: You may spend 30 Reiatsu to add 1d6 damage to the damage dealt. You cannot spend more than your
Wisdom Modifier x 30 to add d6's of damage.
Skill Focus (Intimidate)You get a +3 bonus on all checks involving that
skill. If you have 10 or more ranks in that skill, this bonus
increases to +6.
(For context, Intimidate is one of the skills used to control your reiatsu)
TalentedPick any three skills. These skills become favored
skills. This feat can be chosen multiple times. This is an
extraordinary ability.
Martial Study (Blade magic)You have unlocked Blade Magic (The simple description is because spellcasting is at once complex and very simple. For the sake of the discussion, just know that this gave your reiatsu a massive boost.)
Gaian PowerYou gain an additional Shikai Pick
BloodedYou add your Con bonus to your hit points gained
per level (minimum 1/level). This feat applies retroactively.
This feat can be taken multiple times, but then only adds +2
HP per level. This is an extraordinary ability.
Heroic Attribute (INT)You gain +2 to an attribute of your choice. This feat
can be chosen multiple times. This is an extraordinary
TalentedPick any three skills. These skills become favored
skills. This feat can be chosen multiple times. This is an
extraordinary ability.
SpellcasterWhen you take this feat, you begin casting Kido of one of the Hado/Bakudo/Reido
spell list from grade 1. The number of Kido you gain per grade is equal to your
spellscore modifier, which is chosen upon selecting this feat from amongst your Mental
Statistics but is normally charisma. You gain an access to an additional Kido grade bracket every second level after
taking this feat.
This counts as 3 Reiatsu Feats instead of 1.
LeadershipHaving this feat enables the character to attract
loyal companions and devoted followers, subordinates who
assist her.
EnlightenedYour Spellscore is treated as 4
higher for acquiring Kido and determining
any spell orientated effect.
Gaia's WingsYou gain a burrow speed equal to your land speed. You may only burrow through loose dirt and soil.
Super Gaian PowerYou gain 1 Bankai ability.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time gain an additional Bankai ability. You cannot have
more Bankai Abilities than one half the number of Shikai Abilities you have.
Earth SonYou may assume the form of any normal human hiding your nature from the world as a standard action.
You gain a +10 to Disguise Checks. This grants you a +2 bonus to Charisma while you are so transformed and
you lose access to your Shikai Picks, Bankai Picks and Terra Abilities, but not your Gaian Spear. It is a standard
action to transform back to your Gaian state
Prestige Class: Terra Knight:
Pressure Release
You gain a release created by doubling your Shikai Picks and adding in any you gained from feats other than
Gaian. This form can be released once per level per day for an entire encounter and replaces the shikai picks
that you have on your body currently.. It is a standard action to release Pressure Release.

Reiatsu Defensive Aura (AC boost to all nearby allies, activate as a move action)
Deadly Touch (Touch Attack that can deal minor damage, boosted with Reiatsu)
Soul Crush (A bit hard to describe. A weaponised Intimidate Check basically)
Gaian Cone (Cost: 70 Reiatsu, unleashes a 30ft cone AoE. Deals the same damage as a spear attack, half damage to those who pass a reflex save)

Innate Ability:
The summoning of orbs that deal holy damage that ignores your foes damage reduction. These orbs can be moved around with a move action. Enemies that move through their tile or start their turn in their tile take 1d4+2 damage per orb in the tile with them. You can fit a max of 20 orbs into a 5ft area. You can summon a total number of these orbs equal to your level.
You also have true sight 1, allowing you to see through some illusion and invisibility effects.
With Level 6 you've acquired Heavenly Rift, which allows you to summon a holy copy of yourself that can fight on the front line for you.
At level 8 you obtained the Bankai ability Slow Starter which allows you to summon one more angel per fight with every two turns that pass. Maxing out with 6 angels after 10 turns have passed.

Pressure Release: Divine Army
An advanced form of the innate ability. The doubles can make their own orbs while this is active and those orbs are stronger and faster.

Blade Arts:
Diamond Mind 4

Diamond Mind
Saphire Nightmare Blade (Costs: 75 reiatsu. Allows you to focus on an attack to do bonus damage.)
Stance of Clarity (Costs: 75 reiatsu. Take a stance that gives you greater defense against a single target but less defense against others.)
Moment of Perfect Mind (Costs: 75 reiatsu. Allows you to use concentration skill instead of will)
Action before thought (Costs: 150 reiatsu. Allows you to use concentration skill instead of reflex)
Emerald Razor (Costs: 150 reiatsu. Make a concentration check to make a normal attack a touch attack)
Mind Over Body (Costs: 225 reiatsu. Allows you to use concentration skill instead of Fort)
Mind Strike (Cost: 300 Reiatsu. Can deal wisdom damage)
Ruby Nightmare Blade (Cost: 300 Reiatsu. On a good concentration roll, this can double the damage you do.)


Bakudo 3

Spells: (More detail here: KalinaQuest: Reflection (Bleach AU Quest))
Bakudo 02: Tamashii Maki No Uchigawa (Costs: 25 Reiatsu, creates a veil that gives concealment)
Bakudo 06: Kaisatsuguchi (Costs: 25 Reiatsu, grants magical armour)
Bakudo 09: Geki (Costs: 25 Reiatsu, locks caster and target in place)
Bakudo 10: Hōrin (Costs: 75 Reiatsu, magical yellow rope)
Bakudo 16: Denkieidō Shīrudo (Costs: 75 Reiatsu, electric shield)
Bakudo 07: Sankaku (Costs: 75 Reiatsu, Generates a shield)
Bakudo 11: Suna no Naka ni Kaku (Costs: 75 Reiatsu, Creates a small burst, enemies within are marked. Marked enemies can be attack of opportunity'd more times than normal.)
Bakudo 20: Yokuatsu-teki Taikutsu (Costs: 150 Reiatsu, Bores an enemy and makes them struggle to care enough to do anything)
Bakudo 24: Taiyō o Osoreru (Costs: 150 Reiatsu, Gives an enemy light blindness)
Bakudo 26: Kyokkō (Cost: 150 Reiatsu, Concealment spell)
Bakudo 28: Tekase Zetsuboo Shimasu (Cost: 150 Reiatsu, Debuffs attack rolls, damage rolls and saves with an opponent's self-doubt)
Bakudo 14: Shin'iki (Cost: 75 Reiatsu, Sanctuary)
Bakudo 17: Shikonomitate (Cost: 75 Reiatsu, Creates a field that deflects ranged attacks)
Bakudo 19: Nami Shīrudo (Cost: 75 Reiatsu, Creates an Anti-physical or Fire DR shield that lightning passes through)
Bakudo 01: Sai (Costs: 25 Reiatsu, binds an opponent's arms.)
Bakudo 03: Han no Shokei Shimasu (Cost: 25 reiatsu, marks a target so they cannot hide)
Bakudo 21: Sekienton (150 reiatsu, Drop a smoke bomb and flee)
Bakudo 30: Shitotsu Sansen (Costs 225 reiatsu, Blasts a target back against a wall, possibly doing damage, and hold them there with beams of light)
Bakudo 31: Yokote Tsukamaidori Wana (Costs 225 reiatsu, Catches an opponent's attack in a snare when they try to pull back after a successful strike)
Bakudo 32: Kaze no Koa (Costs 225 reiatsu, Creates a large shield of wind around a larget that blows enemies back.
Bakudo 35: Mahō Juban (Costs 225 reiatsu, Magically empower armour or clothing to provide a better armour bonus, stacks with some other defence boosters)
Bakudo 37: Tsuriboshi (Costs 225 reiatsu, Creates a web or net that can be used to trap or slow enemies)
Bakudo 38: Hakufuku (Costs 225 reiatsu, Mudies the memory of someone you can lock eyes with and makes them pass out)
Bakudo 39: Enkōsen (Costs 225 reiatsu, Creates a multipurpose shield that can block all manner of things, it can even be cast using your attack of opportunity slot without needing the incantation, but doing that means you can't do much on your next turn)
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[X] Quincies/Outsider.
[X] Fullbringers/Outsider.

Always thought those two were interesting. I'd rather not be the "special me" option with OoO.

Editorial: I'd take it over the OoO.

[X] Angels/Outsider
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I should note: Out of context/Outsider is from a specific other anime. You don't get to chose a specific other anime or something like that.
That said, they are that anime's "Main race" (As Shinigami are to Bleach) so while I will try and hide the race even when you start playing, I'm going to bet you manage to figure it out within... let's say 10 chapters? Probably? You're all probably smart enough to figure it out.

I just want to make you all aware of that so you understand what you're voting for if you chose that.

Since we've also now got two votes for Angels/Outsider, I'll give some extra context for them too. I describe them as superheroes as you likely saw before. In gameplay terms they are actually the same race as Superhumans but a variant of it that trades out a little bit of power for versatility. Why I describe it as only a little bit of power? Superhumans are one of strongest races in the setting (Likely in the top 5), losing a little power for more versatility doesn't really harm them.
[X] Kami/Outsider.

This is the most interesting option, in my opinion. The Kami faction is described as ancient gods who have only recently returned to the world. Meanwhile, Outsider implies that our character has only recently become like this, so... The first deity of the new era? This combination has a ton of potential.

This is the most interesting option, in my opinion. The Kami faction is described as ancient gods who have only recently returned to the world. Meanwhile, Outsider implies that our character has only recently become like this, so... The first deity of the new era? This combination has a ton of potential.
Kami/Outsider is actually quite funny, the other Kami have been gone for-
*checks timeline*
A very long time.
The Outsider Kami though were the only ones that didn't leave. They just hid. They are "Outsiders" to the other types in that they didn't leave when the others did.
Kami/Outsider is actually quite funny, the other Kami have been gone for-
*checks timeline*
A very long time.
The Outsider Kami though were the only ones that didn't leave. They just hid. They are "Outsiders" to the other types in that they didn't leave when the others did.

Now, this definitely sounds like an exciting story. Also, this interaction has to be extremely fun because of the whole cultural divide.
I didn't notice when someone updated their vote to include Out of Context/Outsider (Even if I don't understand what they meant in their Editorial)
That does make three votes for one option but obviously it hasn't been long enough yet. There might be plenty of voters who haven't even seen this yet.
And so, unless it's taking a stupidly long amount of time, I'll want at least 5 votes (if not more if that comes too easily) on a single option before I set a deadline for any remaining votes.

I mentioned the sister quest in the thread header, I'm fairly sure I lost some of my voters from that purely because they didn't like the option they went with. I want to give everyone an experience they can be happy with.

You're free to include mutliple votes for different options. It means that even if your first choice isn't doing well, you'll be able to support all of the options you like.

I'll just use the vote tracker to count it properly.
That's still three for one thing so my previous comment still applies.

I am curious why you (and the others) chose it. None of you posted your reasons.
(You posted the fact you didn't want to be the OoC but that doesn't explain why you want to be a hero instead)
I did post my reason. I don't want to be something from another anime or out of Setting. Your explanation of 'Angels' essentially being super humans with a different focus solidifies that.
I did post my reason. I don't want to be something from another anime or out of Setting. Your explanation of 'Angels' essentially being super humans with a different focus solidifies that.
Ah, I should note that the Angel/Outsider is a special case there. Angel/Freak or Angel/Paragon are closer to Shinigami with an angelic flair. Or a Men in black flair for the younger ones.
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Another recap of how the vote's going (And an excuse to try and get more people who might be interested in this quest to spot it):
Kami/Outsider is leading with 4 while Angel/Outsider follows with 3.

What else can I tell you about both to make this post actually worthwhile? Fun facts.

Kami/Outsiders are in some ways like dwarves in that their hiding place is underground. They aren't beard-y miners though, they are Kami after all. They go for a medieval european style in their buildings actually. There are large caverns formed out of cooled magma in which they build castles and towns out of stone that they quarry out of the walls of their underground kingdoms.

Angel/Outsider was chosen to be superheroes because the angel faction doesn't reproduce with humanity these days. There might still be angelic blood in some parts of humanity from ancient times but now days there aren't so Outsider needed to be something other than "Human with angelic powers." which is how most outsiders work. So instead I just went for the second biggest faction that could be said to be allied with the Angels- the superheroes.
(I refer to them as superheroes because of the slight power differences but you could be a villain if you wanted. Or just neutral as long as you had interesting things to do).

Side note: If you really don't like either of the currently leading options, you should probably speak up to try to change people's minds, otherwise this quest might get a main character you don't like.
This looks cool. Only disappointing thing is that the winning options are both western inspired in a more Japanese inspired world, but not really a deal breaker. That being said I think I'll vote for:


I expect this not to pass, but I figure that if the faction's really as small as I understand then it would both give us the ability to influence our faction more easily and less inherent expectations from other factions.
I expect this not to pass, but I figure that if the faction's really as small as I understand then it would both give us the ability to influence our faction more easily and less inherent expectations from other factions.
Soulcasters are barely a stable faction in general. There are probably only a tiny amount of them around globally (Less than 50, probably).
It should say something where, in the AU lore, Canon Orihime would be considered either the strongest Soulcaster or just in the top percentile.
That's not because soulcasters as a race are weak, they just lack experience. If they had experience... Well, they are not only the best healers in the setting, but they wouldn't be a slouch in combat either.