Hefusts Explores the Inner Sphere

To throw out my thoughts, the primary plan should be to try and get Fred to shore up the legitimacy of Nondi. Failing that, offer to accompany him.

As for contingency, obviously position ourselves as a counter force that can not only react to any landing, but quite possibly smash an incoming force in space. At the very least breaking up their cohesion for our ground forces to maybe not lose against one of the smaller landing zones.
To throw out my thoughts, the primary plan should be to try and get Fred to shore up the legitimacy of Nondi. Failing that, offer to accompany him.

As for contingency, obviously position ourselves as a counter force that can not only react to any landing, but quite possibly smash an incoming force in space. At the very least breaking up their cohesion for our ground forces to maybe not lose against one of the smaller landing zones.

Why would he shore up Nondi's legitimacy? He wants to be Archon, and up until this point he would have been Archon. Thats pretty much the one thing he won't do.
Why would he shore up Nondi's legitimacy? He wants to be Archon, and up until this point he would have been Archon. Thats pretty much the one thing he won't do.
Aight. Then we accompany him to Tharkad. Using our PA to whack Nondi is a bad plan, as it would be fairly simple to trace back to us, and thus him. Even if stealth armored PA, for the same reason.

As for why to go to Tharkad, well, we are on a diplomatic mission in the end, even if it is very open ended.
Aight. Then we accompany him to Tharkad. Using our PA to whack Nondi is a bad plan, as it would be fairly simple to trace back to us, and thus him. Even if stealth armored PA, for the same reason.

As for why to go to Tharkad, well, we are on a diplomatic mission in the end, even if it is very open ended.

And pick sides in a literal civil war? Literally the riskiest play we could make? With a fractured force that we do not control in any real sense of the word.
Well, not declaring his own archonship immediately is not what I expected from Fred. He's the legal heir, was the expected heir, and right now he's just chilling.

Someone is gunning for Fred, and we still don't really know who. I've got a sneaking suspicion that the Duke coming here is actually supporting Nondi, and just wants Fred to get off his seat of power so he's either arrested or killed to get him out of the way.

Waiting and doing nothing seems like a losing move, but taking action besides hanging out here is escalating the conflict into a shooting war. I guess, something along the lines of:
[] [Main plan] Try to get Fred to declare himself the legitimate heir to the throne, and ask for support to rally at Duran

It's very much throwing down a 'Come and take it' challenge, but it puts the onus on Nondi's forces to come and attack, or back down and let us gather support before heading to Tharkad. If she does come to assault, then Fred can point the finger at her and go 'Hey, aggressor' and play to popular support.

About the only thing I can definitely say is a good idea is heading back to orbit, and dropping onto any invaders.
So that's probably Aldo Lestrade, specialist in playing Fred like a blunt instrument.

Also, Nukashuba is almost at the point of building a Seydlitz, if they wanted to, but is still a half-ton over on minimum engine weight. (And they can't save any tonnage using other advanced technologies, unlike with mechs.)
And pick sides in a literal civil war? Literally the riskiest play we could make? With a fractured force that we do not control in any real sense of the word.
A fractured force? You mean 'a force that includes the Cretu bunch'? Because that's the only actual fracture to speak of.
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So that's probably Aldo Lestrade, specialist in playing Fred like a blunt instrument.

Also, Nukashuba is almost at the point of building a Seydlitz, if they wanted to, but is still a half-ton over on minimum engine weight. (And they can't save any tonnage using other advanced technologies, unlike with mechs.)

A fractured force? You mean 'a force that includes the Cretu bunch'? Because that's the only actual fracture to speak of.

We also have the USCR on board, but the number doesn't matter. While we might be their ride we cannot negotiate for them diplomatically or order their forces around. That kind of divide caused no end of problems for the expedition and can very well do so here.

You seem to be way to willing to take risks for nebulous rewards with uncertain odds of success, and the risks here are tremendously high.

Also, don't forget things are happening in the main thread where the Palporis Expedition/Stone Swords are moving to support their own faction. If there is anything that can result in a Palporis system war its the Hefustus expedition and the Palporis Expedition backing different sides of the Lyran Succession Crisis.
We also have the USCR on board, but the number doesn't matter. While we might be their ride we cannot negotiate for them diplomatically or order their forces around. That kind of divide caused no end of problems for the expedition and can very well do so here.
Number matters overwhelmingly. The problems on the expedition were caused by not having enough reliable forces (and not even Nukashuban forces being reliable, thanks to FNA mostly STD doing what they do best). Not by the existence of unreliable forces. Cretu grabbing the Prize didn't actually hurt anything.
You seem to be way to willing to take risks for nebulous rewards with uncertain odds of success, and the risks here are tremendously high.

Say what? I'm not everyone posting in this thread. I don't think you can name one referent for this.
Also, don't forget things are happening in the main thread where the Palporis Expedition/Stone Swords are moving to support their own faction. If there is anything that can result in a Palporis system war its the Hefustus expedition and the Palporis Expedition backing different sides of the Lyran Succession Crisis.
I mean, we kinda should forget that considering the Hefustians have no such information...

Also, it's ludicrous to think that a Papolris system war is going to happen with one side being composed of Cretu and Hefusts. That's like saying that WWIII will be everybody vs. Denmark and Luxembourg.
Say what? I'm not everyone posting in this thread. I don't think you can name one referent for this.

True, and you didn't vote in the last turn so you not really at fault for what has happened. But the majority that are voting seem to be in the camp that think they can get something out this situation that is even remotely equal to the risks we are taking and/or that we are able to control the situation to prevent us being dragged into a undesirable situation when we really cannot.

Also, it's ludicrous to think that a Papolris system war is going to happen with one side being composed of Cretu and Hefusts. That's like saying that WWIII will be everybody vs. Denmark and Luxembourg.

Cretu is a no name faction yes, but you seem to be forgetting that Hefusts is the second most technologically advanced nation in the system and the only other faction beside Nukashuba to have a Jumpship (abet one that cannot replicate) and is currently carefully balancing between both the Nudzretians and the Nukashubans because they don't have the military power or population to survive the attentions of either of them. Do you really think no one in the system is going to respond to this? That the Hefustians unilateral in the name of Palporis actions are not going to change the other powers minds that they something that can be safely ignored?

This will destabilize the system even more than it already is, and that instability can very easily spark a system war.
I will say that furiously escalating on our advanced but quite small force would be a bad bad place.

We're not cut out to tackle even one IS regiment, and there's a lot more than one regiment worth of trouble looking for a place to happen if this heats up.
Cretu is a no name faction yes, but you seem to be forgetting that Hefusts is the second most technologically advanced nation in the system and the only other faction beside Nukashuba to have a Jumpship (abet one that cannot replicate) and is currently carefully balancing between both the Nudzretians and the Nukashubans because they don't have the military power or population to survive the attentions of either of them. Do you really think no one in the system is going to respond to this? That the Hefustians unilateral in the name of Palporis actions are not going to change the other powers minds that they something that can be safely ignored?

This will destabilize the system even more than it already is, and that instability can very easily spark a system war.
No, I'm remembering that Hefusts is tiny and weak in every area except technological advancement, and has a clear awareness that they cannot take the world head-on. Your proposed catastrophe pits them directly against the people you're saying they're balancing between - a position from which their only remotely plausible move would be to fold immediately.
Realistically we can only either escort Freddie purely on a defensive basis or stick to Duran, again on a defensive basis.

Now if Mary turned up here at Duran, then maybe more is possible?

But ultimately our Forces here on Duran need to recover and balance their G Exposures while improving their Mech Skills.

On another note.... I feel bad for the Dorman's World lady who is wondering what in the World's her life has become.
I have to wonder why we're still running shipboard famine conditions while actively providing mercenary services over Duran. If working for Fred doesn't even fill the larder, we should probably look for literally any other line of work.
I have to wonder why we're still running shipboard famine conditions while actively providing mercenary services over Duran. If working for Fred doesn't even fill the larder, we should probably look for literally any other line of work.
You're not running tight rations anymore, but Anya remembers it and wasn't happy about it.
[X] [Main plan] Ambush and kidnap the visiting duke on his way back to his DropShip. It's a ninety minute trek between the palace and the spaceport, you're in charge of the honor guard, and you have stealth BattleMechs at your disposal.

[X] [Contingency] Stay on Duran and faithfully guard Duran.
[X] [Main plan] Ambush and kidnap the visiting duke on his way back to his DropShip. It's a ninety minute trek between the palace and the spaceport, you're in charge of the honor guard, and you have stealth BattleMechs at your disposal.

[X] [Contingency] Stay on Duran and faithfully guard Duran.

I may vote for this too, but I think we may have better chances of capturing the Dropper in space via Battle Armour?

Though could be a risk of Dropper having Dakka sufficient to foil that too I guess?

In addition, we should cycle our personnel up to the Ships in Orbit and back down for Mechs and Pools.

I'm wondering about more ways to help our Low G Worlders....


Could giving their Uniforms/Pilot gear Inflatable Shoulder Pauldrons full of Helium take some of the strain away at all?

Go for the Samus Aran Armour look with huge shoulders? Lol

Or maybe a pseudo humpback bulge with Helium in addition?

Ooh! A Helmet that can inflate out to do the same maybe? Kind of like a Wo Class Abyssal Hat, but without tentacles....?

Swimming and Baths, buoyant liquid suspension are better to take off strain from the body as a whole, but are not exactly applicable outside of a Mech Cockpit....

The note of not overdoing submersion lest skin damage occur is a useful hint of not to go too far that way at least, though fully sealed skin suits with facial sealed breathing units would prevent the main cause of damage from prolonged skin soaking.

If in sealed skin suits, then higher salinity in liquid might ease G Strain further too?
I may vote for this too, but I think we may have better chances of capturing the Dropper in space via Battle Armour?
Ambushing him in transit on the ground seems way more deniable. Not very deniable considering we're in charge of the honor guard and (I presume) are not going to shoot our own people in the process. But more so than a space attack where everybody would be able to see what the ship does after being stormed.
Ambushing him in transit on the ground seems way more deniable. Not very deniable considering we're in charge of the honor guard and (I presume) are not going to shoot our own people in the process. But more so than a space attack where everybody would be able to see what the ship does after being stormed.
It's an eight-day burn to the jump point and the visiting duke will probably be spending at least a few days, so "space attack" includes quite a range of possible set-ups. Some would be more obvious than others.

Currently, you have 4 Martell starfighters at the jumpship and 2 Seraphs (maximum ASF power that you could leave behind given available bay space distribution and small craft not fitting in ASF bays), and your marines are divided roughly evenly between the JumpShip and your ground force.
Any interest in a plan to get at Aldo while enroute to the Jumpship?

Or maybe destroy his Dropship during Orbital Egress?

Make it seem like an accident?

Does not need to be a capture, could just be a removal of a threat to good stability in Papolris's favour?
[X] [Main plan] Invite the visiting duke for a Meal and chat, before he returns to his DropShip. You're in charge of the honor guard, and you have some genuine Papolris Cuisine that was able to be saved thanks to the Hydroponics, we can learn about his Planet and Region and watch his expressions as he indulges in some Nukashuban, Nuhaian and Hefust Produce! (Hope he likes Heavy Metal!)

[X] [Contingency] Stay on Duran and faithfully guard Duran.
Don't take this the wrong way Omni, but I am in no way certain of if the duke's actually supporting Nondi or just giving advice to Fred as he sees it.

And offing one of the loyal supporters by accident is a Really bad look. Hah.
Don't take this the wrong way Omni, but I am in no way certain of if the duke's actually supporting Nondi or just giving advice to Fred as he sees it.

And offing one of the loyal supporters by accident is a Really bad look. Hah.
For mostly out of character reasons, I'm pretty sure the Duke is playing his own game and using Fred.

In character, the Duke is giving Fred advice that we may not like.

On the other hand, yeah, there's absolutely no reason to think Fred would be happy to learn we'd eliminated the Duke. It'd be a pretty wild play.
[x] [Main plan] (write-in) Tell Fred he needs to track down who has been trying to kill him - with real data, not just assuming it must be his rival for the throne.

[x] [Contingency] Try to protect Fred even if he goes to Tharkad.
[x] [Contingency] Take to the high orbit, recover from the damned gravity, and then drop like a ton of bricks if invaders show up.

A vote! It doesn't help at all!