Finding the Spark (Pathfinder 1E Quest)

Ah, not sure how I missed that.

Hmm, giving up Trapfinding isn't awful, but losing it along with Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, and Improved Uncanny Dodge hurts a lot more. That's trading in too much Rogue-ness, IMO.

If you just want the Inspiration mechanic, there is a feat for that.

Unchained Rogues can also learn it as one of their Talents. Either option is a lot more palatable than the Snoop archetype.
Ah, not sure how I missed that.

Hmm, giving up Trapfinding isn't awful, but losing it along with Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, and Improved Uncanny Dodge hurts a lot more. That's trading in too much Rogue-ness, IMO.

If you just want the Inspiration mechanic, there is a feat for that.

Unchained Rogues can also learn it as one of their Talents. Either option is a lot more palatable than the Snoop archetype.

Okay. I like the inspiration mechanic for him, and you are right. It costs too much
How is this for Cob's build, y'all? @DragonParadox?

I swapped the Vandal feat out for Deadly Agility so Cob can use his high Dexterity for weapon damage, and changed his drawback from Magical Klutz to Impatient. That seems to be a better fit for what we've seen of Cob's personality and mannerisms so far, plus Magical Klutz could be outright crippling later on. Rogues and UMD go together like butter and popcorn, even when they have a low CHA attribute.

Since DP approved using Background Skills, applying that to Cob opened up a couple additional skill points that I applied. Also, DP had a Craft skill assigned a skill point but hadn't slotted in which Craft skill it was. I've got Alchemy in there for now. He's a super genius by Goblin standards, so he could have learned enough from observations and that book he "borrowed" to pick up the rudiments of the skill. Goblins and Alchemy seem like a good match, so long as adequate fire safety precautions are observed.

Biggest change was to swap the Makeshift Scrapper archetype to Arcane Charlatan. I think it's a neat deviation from standard Rogues and it fits Cob's background pretty well (subject of magical/Alchemical experimentation), not to mention all the mischief it will let him get up to later on. For now he's limited to a single cantrip, but that will change soon enough. I chose Prestidigitation because it's useful and fun, and Cob would probably like the ability to flavor his food and change the color of stuff for the lulz.

Oh yeah, also used his Favored Class bonus for a +1 HP bonus.

I can change anything that needs adjustment, DP.

Name: Cob
Alias: N/A
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Race: Goblin (Small Humanoid)
Level: 1 (255 XP/2000 XP)
Class: Unchained Rogue 1
Feats: Deadly Agility
Traits: Color Thief, Goblin Foolhardiness, Mathematical Prodigy
Drawback: Magical Klutz
Class Features: Sneak attack (+1d6)
Languages: Goblin, Duergar

HP: 11
AC: 10 + 4 (DEX) + 1 (Size) = 15
Initiative: +4 (DEX)
Attack: +0
  • Stonebow: 0 + 1 (Size) + 4 (DEX) = +5
    • Damage: 1d6 [x2], +1d6 damage with Sneak Attack
  • Dagger: 0 + 1 (Size) + 4 (DEX) = +5, Special: +1 attack bonus when facing a larger foe with no allies nearby)
    • Damage: 1d4+4 [19-20/x2], +1d6 damage with Sneak Attack
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Unchained Rogues are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, short sword, and shortbow. They are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

8 (-1) Strength
18 (+4) Dexterity
14 (+2) Constitution
14 (+2) Intelligence
13 (+1) Wisdom
10 (+0) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 0 + 2 (CON) = +2
REFLEX: 2 + 4 (DEX) = +6
WILL: 0 + 1 (WIS) = +1

Appraise: 4 + 2 (INT) = 6
Climb: 4 - 2 (STR) = 2
Craft (Alchemy): 4 + 2 (INT) = 6
Disable Device: 4 + 4 (DEX) + 1 (TF) = 9
Escape Artist: 4 + 4 (DEX) = 8
Knowledge (Local): 4 + 2 (INT) = 6
Perception: 4 + 1 (WIS) + 1 (TF)* = 5/*6 (to find traps)
Ride: 0 + 4 (DEX) +4 (Racial) = 8
Sleight of Hand: 4 + 4 (DEX) = 8
Stealth: 4 + 4 (DEX) + 4 (Size) + 4 (Racial) + 2 (Color Thief) = 18
Swim: 4 - 2 (STR) = +2

Knowledge (Dungeoneering): 4 + 2 (INT) = 6
Knowledge (Engineering): 4 + 2 (INT) + 1 (Trait) = 7

Special Abilities:
  • Trapfinding: Cob adds 1/2 his level on Perception checks to locate traps and on Disable Device checks (minimum +1). He can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.
Equipment of Note: Dagger x4; Stonebow
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Hey, what about the Sapper archetype? Mad goblin genius who scavenges everything and that can improvise destructive solutions to obstacles.

Can we have it? Pretty pleaaaaase?
Hey, what about the Sapper archetype? Mad goblin genius who scavenges everything and that can improvise destructive solutions to obstacles.

Can we have it? Pretty pleaaaaase?
If y'all don't want Arcane Charlatan as an archetype, we can get something else, but Sapper really sucks, dude. Trading Trapfinding and our first two Rogue Talents for the Sapper abilities is pure flavor and mechanically awful.
I kinda like his non-magicness as implied by the drawback.
So that's a no to Arcane Charlatan and you want Magical Klutz as a drawback?

Snoop – d20PFSRD

The sapper archetype could replace the Vandal feat, making it more flavorful and fitting, while we can get something that I found and I like quite a lot:

So that he can be the annoying little fucker that does silly things and doesn't get killed.
I do like the Roll With It feat. That's neat and flavorful without handicapping Cob. Maybe as his next feat?
The magical klutz was there intentionally since I know we are going to have a lot of wizards and other spellcasters in the party, the temptation is to have as much magic as the build can bear in every single class, but that tends to flatten the character. But if you guys really want a magical goblin I can roll with it...

Really it depends on what kind of party you want.
Level: 1 (255 XP/2000 XP)
Is this including XP for spider?

[X] Jurdan is sure to come to a bad end if he keeps using his tribe like this

[X] The Stone Munchers and other tribes would have been better off trading and crafting than continuing to raid and thus tempting the wrath of their neighbors

Either of this.
Is this including XP for spider?

[X] Jurdan is sure to come to a bad end if he keeps using his tribe like this

[X] The Stone Munchers and other tribes would have been better off trading and crafting than continuing to raid and thus tempting the wrath of their neighbors

Either of this.

No, that is just your duergar XP, I did not calculate the spiders yet
The magical klutz was there intentionally since I know we are going to have a lot of wizards and other spellcasters in the party, the temptation is to have as much magic as the build can bear in every single class, but that tends to flatten the character. But if you guys really want a magical goblin I can roll with it...

Really it depends on what kind of party you want.
Okay, swapped Magical Klutz back in. No need for a magical Goblin.

What do y'all think of the Rake archetype for Cob?

Rake – d20PFSRD

It's not particularly powerful, but there is some potential synergy that can add up to something quite nice if we focus on it a bit, even if his Charisma is low.

With the Signature Skill unlock at 5th level, Cob could select Intimidate, which is probably the most effective of the unlocks. Imagine a little Goblin coming out of nowhere and attacking, not to inflict horrible damage, but rather to terrify his target so badly that it flees in a panic or simply cowers, unable to act?

Intimidate (Cha) – d20PFSRD (Gotta scroll down a bit to see the Unchained unlocks)

Also, I'm amused by the idea of Cob being our party's most capable member when it comes to social skills.

EDIT: Hmm, nevermind, I just remembered the size penalty for Intimidation. Cob would always be operating at a -4 penalty because he's vertically challenged.
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Maybe Cob just doesn't need an archetype. He can get flavor through feats and such.
I was actually thinking the same thing. Everything we would have to give up for an Archetype is something useful that we might regret not having later. Just going straight Unchained Rogue should be just fine, IMO.
I would give up Vandal feat for the Sapper's ability to destroy things with more time though.

But that is not that important.
I would give up Vandal feat for the Sapper's ability to destroy things with more time though.

But that is not that important.
Right now I've got Deadly Agility slotted in for Cob's first feat instead of Vandal. That changes his dagger damage from 1d4-1, due to his Strength penalty, to 1d4+4 thanks to his Dexterity bonus. That's a cumulatively huge difference, especially at low levels when his Sneak Attack damage is so low.

At 3rd level, however, the Unchained Rogue ability Finesse Training will kick in and it will basically do the same thing as Deadly Agility. Then we can retrain the feat to something else. That'll let us get 2 feats at 3rd level, such as Roll With It and something else to enhance his Rogue-ness.
[X] Jurdan is sure to come to a bad end if he keeps using his tribe like this

Cob has a surprisingly interesting backstory, and wonder if we will encounter his old 'boss' later.

Jurdan sounds like a wizard who enslaved a goblin tribe just so he'd have plenty of access to test subjects.
[X] Jurdan is sure to come to a bad end if he keeps using his tribe like this

Cob has a surprisingly interesting backstory, and wonder if we will encounter his old 'boss' later.

Jurdan sounds like a wizard who enslaved a goblin tribe just so he'd have plenty of access to test subjects.
I hope we do encounter him later.

'Later' being at some point after we've grown powerful enough to shank him and carve out his liver.
the smartest noggin to lead the tribes to make knew tribe,
Sensible, by Goblin standards. And misspelled new/knew, but for a goblin that's in character.
Urg the Unclean drank all the mushroom beer and then he took a bath in the Bloodwine that the Blue Faces had traded with the wolfmen of the woods, and then the brother of the old Stone Mucher chief set fire to the bang-tent of the shaman of the Rust Tinkers and he made a really loud BANG that killed six hands of goblins."
..very goblin. Also, I take it back, I want more stories about this guy.
Link is broken.
Ooh, saves some cash at 3rd level for weapons. And good for thrown weapons and against animals. We'll need a bag of weasels, or else the rogue will be a pincushion.
A bloody nightmare in the flesh, you think back to all the stories you had heard about the mad experiences of the flesh-smiths
Man, I can barely keep dark folk and derro straight.
Stealth (Dex) 4 +4 (DEX) +4 (Size) +4 (Skilled) +2 (Color Thief) = 18
So, if a enemy has Cob's +5 to perception, and Cob rolls a one, the enemy needs to roll a 14 to spot him when standing next to him, or a 12 if he gets a +2 for favorable conditions (darkvision). If Cob stays 90 feet away, he cannot be detected on any combination of rolls. Of course, in the darklands, 90 feet might as well be a mile. But many darkvisions cap out at 60 feet, which would be terrible conditions, -5 to the perception check.

Also, Cob will just about never wake up a sleeping enemy, at -10 to their roll, and a distracted enemy is -5.

Bottom line, good sneak attacking, but better scout.
@DragonParadox , could you give me an advise, please?
Where can I find information about DnD/Pathfinder feys? Not mechanical, but about their lore?
@DragonParadox , could you give me an advise, please?
Where can I find information about DnD/Pathfinder feys? Not mechanical, but about their lore?

The fey have always been the vaguest of the otherwoldly beings in D&D, they just pop up in bestiaries and are assumed to have some kind of link to nature for good of for ill, that said the Pathfinder sourcebook First World Realm of the Fey talks about them in the context of Golarion quite a bit.