What is marines relationship with Solkan worshippers?
I've not considered it extensively, partly because you've not interacted much with the religious authorities in the Empire. However, I imagine given Solkan worship is pretty unpopular, they would be grouped in among the various small cults. Some of those cults the Chapter is pretty hostile against, eg the few Khainites in the Empire, whereas others they don't really care about at the moment, which I think would include Solkan. There's no major areas of disagreement, but equally Solkan has little influence and therefore wouldn't cause much problems. The big three are Sigmar, Taal and Ulric, the Imperial authorities are far far more concentrated on them. Ultimately it would depend on whether the Solkanites would accept the 'actually your god is a saint' strategy the Chapter are pushing.
Is some sorta Shard of Emperor or Vestige gestating within warp of WF and waiting for its Godhood?

If it as a God somehow enters 40k warp what will be the outcome?
I think it will become a larger issue when we enter Tillea probably in the near future, there are many more Solkan worshippers there.

Speaking of Wildness in Tilea, if the Skaven ever do become really splintered is there any chance we might ever see some Kweethul followers? I know he hasn't been depited for a while but he did have his own deamons and Thanquol belived he was a real presence in the world, not that Thanquol is a reliable narrator exactly, lol.

Actually your plan doesn't include any that would ameliorate the Empire's tensions just identify them.

I think for tensions to be ameliorated first they must be accurately identified. To solve a problem well one really does need to understand it first yes?
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I think for tensions to be ameliorated first they must be accurately identified. To solve a problem well one really does need to understand it first yes?
Hmmm ok.

[X] Plan Expanding Empire

Anyway so one of the things I thought in regards to the Biologis vault to be unleashed is what we could do in regards to trade or domestic usage.

For example existing resources that started wars over access to them. Tea, silk, tobacco, spice etc. can work with that. The first vassal in Araby can get first pickings on what resources they'd like closer to home. Cash crops for domestic wealth? Gotcha or more staple crops to fix that food crisis they had?

Nehekhera presents an interesting site for redevelopment. The people are long dead but as their dna still exists, something of them can continue to fix what Nagash did.

But first the geneseed.
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Is some sorta Shard of Emperor or Vestige gestating within warp of WF and waiting for its Godhood?

If it as a God somehow enters 40k warp what will be the outcome?
The answer to these, as with many aspect of cosmology that the Chapter don't really understand, is basically 'maybe, it's complicated'.

To the Chaplains, there's a serious question as to whether gods like sigmar even exist, or whether the sigmarites are just heretic psykers who's imagination allows them to produce religiously aligned warp phenomena.

So as to the first question, I don't think there's any evidence either way. As to the second, if the Marines did accept the existence of warp entities such as Ulric or Solkan etc, I don't think they could predict what would happen. Maybe they'd be ripped to shreds or eaten instantly, maybe not
Would significantly depend on the level of engagement the skaven eventually get in the quest tbh. We're 200k in and they've yet to be depicted.
Another just as necessary resource for the locals is fine quality wood.

The chapter doesn't really need it but others might.

A search in the biologis vault might have something useful.
A search in the biologis vault might have something useful.
There was some talk a while ago about a trade goods factory. You do have access to loads of good quality hardwoods from the Southlands jungles, and additionally rubber etc, which would all be useful. Turning into a provider of trade goods would indeed make some of the merchant factors more interested, whereas now they sort of just perceive you as a new conquerer.

Also, putting a timer on the vote. Militarum Morale seems to be winning currently.
.they've yet to be depicted.
So your telling me these fellows: ''the mutated creature more beast than man, laughing and frothing at the mouth as it struck at the Astartes with a sword covered in the same green sludge, which Amra realised with a start was the same substance Hath-Horeb had been creating using his Warp Accumulator!'' 'by the hands of the Alfiran when they took your sons bodies as weapons? '' were not Skaven assassins from Eshin then? Or just that the chapter didn't recognize them as such?
Or that such didn't count because they had no idea at all what they were really encountering?
Another just as necessary resource for the locals is fine quality wood.

The chapter doesn't really need it but others might.

A search in the biologis vault might have something useful.

I think from my prior and continuing research on it imperial agriculture is best suited for three things, producing massive monocrop cultures, basically breeding dinosaur herds (Grox, Mhoxen, others) and growing huge huge quantities of drug producing plants of which Lho Leaf is probably the most common. Timber production is NOT unknown but so far this is the only reference to It I have found.

''Galavan is a Jungle World of the Imperium which is often deluged by sudden and quite frequent heavy rainstorms that can stun an unprotected person. Due to the reputation of the rainfall on Galavan, the inhabitants of the sector jokingly refer to Galavan's native inhabitants as Mutants with gills, rather than baseline humans. Inquisitors from the Ordo Malleus, who are known for their dour outlook and distinct lack of a sense of humour, have investigated these rumours and found them to be without basis in fact. Galavan is also known for having primary exports that consists of timber and pharmaceuticals. ''

As fractious says though we have plenty of high-quality trees right here in the Southlands at our disposal as a resource if you desire such.
There was some talk a while ago about a trade goods factory. You do have access to loads of good quality hardwoods from the Southlands jungles, and additionally rubber etc, which would all be useful. Turning into a provider of trade goods would indeed make some of the merchant factors more interested, whereas now they sort of just perceive you as a new conquerer.

Also, putting a timer on the vote. Militarum Morale seems to be winning currently.
It would put those hostile to us far harder to deal with because we sell goods they need.

It's quite an unorthodox way for marines but economic warfare is another angle to take them on.
So what I'm hearing is that quite a lot of people see dealing with Sigmars Empire and stabilizing the place as our first priority, I'm really not at all convinced of that being the most beneficial thing the Imperium on Mallus does. That said I'm willing to devote next turns vote to such. We probably will need to do plenty of write-ins to make such work.
Also really my vote can be bought quite easily with Biologous Vault options and or attention towards strigos just so anyone should know.

I figure though that if regularize uplift passes as part of this vote that should at least help stabilize infrastructure in Solland and Norsca, which cannot harm relations too much?
Also if someplace causes to much trouble by trying to attack us we can just let things like vampires, trolls, ogres, beastmen, etc attack them surely? Independence means an independent defense of their own territories? And who knows if some of those ogres if such invaders show up could be converted to the Imperial creed ;-)
For intrigue, I'm already voting for using both the Thunderhawks and Peregrin to do scouting pretty much everywhere outside the chaos wastes, having a chance to look at Ulthuan or Naggoroth or Albion trumps looking into more localized threats because if someone like Malekith or Belakor is plotting something right now then that strikes me quite frankly as more threatening than whatever anyone other than Nagsh might get up to.
I'm very tempted to swap to making one of those votes investigating Nagashizaar if my other supporters are behind it.

@Alias @bryanfran36 @Belisario Would there be any issue you fellows would have with investigating Nagshizaar?
Oh, I mixed up intrigue and learning in my own dull sponge of a brain, looks like I don't even need to modify the search routine at all!

I also learned on an unrelated note that Apparently elves can become liches in Warhammer and at least occasionally do that! Sometimes losing those you treasure can really mess with your sense of everything.
''the mutated creature more beast than man, laughing and frothing at the mouth as it struck at the Astartes with a sword covered in the same green sludge, which Amra realised with a start was the same substance Hath-Horeb had been creating using his Warp Accumulator!'' 'by the hands of the Alfiran when they took your sons bodies as weapons? '' were not Skaven assassins from Eshin then? Or just that the chapter didn't recognize them as such?
Or that such didn't count because they had no idea at all what they were really encountering?
Oh yea they were totally Skaven. I think Al Firan was 'the rats' or something, I can't remember what translated word I used. But yes, the Chapter don't recognise them as such and therefore aren't aware of them. Similarly, you had a really bad roll for discovering them, which means that in teh Chapter's archives when you search for Skaven you just get redirected to mutants etc.

Timber production is NOT unknown but so far this is the only reference to It I have found.
So think about a modern city adn the stuff you build, most things are synthetic. Even doors in offices or desks are usually wood pulp rather than timber, or they're plastic etc. As such, I'm sure wood is used locally on many worlds for various purposes, eg Gaunts Ghosts use wooden stocks for their lasguns I think, but I don't think they'd be used much beyond the local level, except perhaps at the higher levels in luxury trade.

But yes, not unknown to the Imperium
This was the guy I was alluding too before: Koros-dar Nael
I have a feeling he isn't meant to be canon anymore but I really do like the idea of an elf so driven by spite that they decided to try and out-spite the dwarves of all peoples, its just a deligtful idea IMO.
Ugh I thought I had updated Militarum morale before but I had not. It is now properly done.
On a different note, I imagine we have contact with Marienburg through our shenanigans in the empire, do the Lions have any opinions on Elftown within it?
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elves can become liches
In theory I suppose anyone can, it's just a matter of inclination. This specific elf wanted to rez his master, so that needs necromancy, whereas other elves might turn to Khaine for vengeance. Also Elves have a fundamentally different view of mortality than humans, so there aren't the same push factors otward necomancy.

do the Lions have any opinions on Elftown within it?
They're compliant abhumans, and therefore low priority, same as Imperial Dwarves.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by FractiousDay on Jan 16, 2023 at 2:42 AM, finished with 50 posts and 5 votes.
I got mixed feelings on the vote but I'm getting apathetic to care.

I'm sure the rolls will give me something to care.
@16 characters
To confirm, your plan is this?

[X]Witch Hunters

[X] Serf-Militarum Facility Expansion
[X] Regularize Uplift

[X] Serf Training
[X]Void Training

[X] Study the Abhumans
[X] Acquire Abhuman Sample

[X]Write In: Spycraft Expansion.
Nassor's most trusted human operatives are given the resources and training to infiltrate their local criminal organizations.
[X] Nagashizaar

[X] Write In: An Governor's Triumph
Amra ,now healed, travels imperial-held territories and tribute states with a special emphasis on reassuring leaders of cities and military groupings that not only does the Imperium remain strong and able but that the empeor continues to aide them, maybe healing mutants along the way, etc
@16 characters
To confirm, your plan is this?

[X]Witch Hunters

[X] Serf-Militarum Facility Expansion
[X] Regularize Uplift

[X] Serf Training
[X]Void Training

[X] Study the Abhumans
[X] Acquire Abhuman Sample

[X]Write In: Spycraft Expansion.
Nassor's most trusted human operatives are given the resources and training to infiltrate their local criminal organizations.
[X] Nagashizaar

[X] Write In: An Governor's Triumph
Amra ,now healed, travels imperial-held territories and tribute states with a special emphasis on reassuring leaders of cities and military groupings that not only does the Imperium remain strong and able but that the empeor continues to aide them, maybe healing mutants along the way, etc

Yes I can confirm that such is indeed my plan, sorry for the wait my sleep cyle is still wiley beast despite all my best efforts to tame it. Colder rooms don't stay cold when other people are dialing the thermostat, noise levels vary depending on how much industrial activity is going on over here, etc.
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