“Holding out Hope and Better Times” (No SV, Hold out until the Hero Arrives in Outer World)

Think of a very Angry New Deal Coalition, who just wants social and political reform and peace.

Then Put them in space and have everyone hate them for representing the political Center...and then have them spend all their time helping people, fighting pirates and just genuinely being nice people...while acting somewhat self-hating and sad at times due to spending the better part of 76 years traveling through Warzones and seeing the worse of humanity on offer for a long time.

Now, with Halcyon falling apart, they are no longer asking and no longer running.
Well they sound like good people maybe we could work with em.
They are a bit skittish, and well allying with them comes with a lot of baggage.

Much like making a deal with the SR's and the Tesla Mutiny boys.
Considering how they've been slapped around it makes sense that their skittish but that's for another day right now we gotta focus on the present and that means surviving monarch's sulfur pits.
hmmmm.... I've got an idea for a completely separate plan to focus on econ and diplomacy (without using any maluses). Hopefully these bonuses would fast track our efforts to unite the planet, and then we can just focus on ships, research and interplanetary diplomacy and espionage separately. Just putting it out there in case someone wants a different option, but I do like the other plans people have come up with

[X]PLAN: Great leaders for the paradise yet to be
[X]An Inspiration calls for aid (-2 CP)
: You've heard many times that you are an inspiration to others in Monarch. Yet, now, at your darkest hour, after most of your friends have perished at Amber heights, and you face impossible odds.... Now, those that call you an inspiration answer the call for help unheeded. You're hearing dozens of reports across monarch of groups organizing under their own initiative, and trying to resolve local problems, while also asking how they can help you and MSI in general weather the storm (Start with some degree of Aid to help you reestablish contact with the rest of the Planet,with a bonus to Diplomatic Actions, however, this has caught the attention of the Board's Blockade forces and they have sent forces to investigate, causing a Bonus to Disaster Rolls for 2 Turns, ???)
Renewed Purpose (-5 CP) : Sanjar underestimated them. He truly had not realized, even in his wildest dreams, what his fellow monarchites (Or whatever they are calling themselves now that Halcyonite is no longer wholly true) would be capable of. While many still grieve, or live in fear or are just plain paralyzed by everything that has happened recently, it appears a few MSI workers have recognized the truly dire situation MSI finds itself in now, and have responded appropriately.
While every instance of self-motivated action has been independent, it collectively has turned into something larger. Workers have turned up for extra hours, Managers have streamlined manufacturing lines, and in general, waste and inefficiencies have been minimized as all the workers murmur about the coming 'war of survival.' You didn't plan for this, but there is no way you won't take advantage of the industrious spirit of those below you who have turned this situation around. ( A Major Economic buff for 3 turns, can be lengthened depending on further actions)
[X]Blockade Runners(-2 CP): If there is one thing that motivates the downtrodden and desperate tramp freighters that dot Halcyon its profit, and their own bottom line. It means a lot and you have some degree of communication and trade, for the right price of course (Have contacts within the Independent Tramp Freighters and smuggling actions, can expand into something far greater if cultivated.)
[X]A Better Ecosystem(-1 CP): Research has been conducted into the monarch ecosystem and how it works. Not only has this led to improvements in fishing and other resource gathering, but it has also lead to bonuses when handling the dangerous animal and fauna of Monarch. While the board has often considered this research focus to be a waste of money, it is now paying dividends for Sanjar, as the research has provided at least some temporary measures that he can use to tame the wildlife of Monarch. While the planet is still dangerous, this research has kindled the hope that Monarch can still be colonized properly, and turned into the paradise it was always promised to be. (Lower chance of negative events occurring during turns, increase food and resource production, can be sold on the Black Market for Favors and Resources.)
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I'm kinda curious if we could make our own science weapon when we are in a more stable position if other companies could do it then why not us?
Sanjar feels just like he does in the game someone who needs a vacation day yet can't take it due to everything not being 100% perfect so I'd say 10/10
Yes...I know.

I'm also writing him as exactly the sort of man Graham Bryant presents himself as and honestly I found all the things Graham says he is more applicable to Sanjar.

Yes, this shy, bookish bureaucrat, with no military or real state-running experience, who's needed vacation for well over a decade living in one of the worse situations imaginable is more of a man and an Anti-Board Rebel then the guy who claims to be fighting the Board backed by his own ideology.

Yes, he's gonna stumble a lot in this quest, make mistakes and yell at people, act like a coward, and just want to curl up in a ball in his office and moan about his Poor Performance Review...but he's still, in the end, the man worthy of Ruling Monarch.

Its just getting there that's the real journey.
[X]PLAN: Great leaders for the paradise yet to be
[X] Plan Trusted Authority

Sure, I'll throw a vote behind that plan.
Honestly kinda wanna learn about The Commune of Starbrook Quarry seeing as they are new in this universe.
Well they have history...know that.

Here's a little something.

The Commune of Starbrook Quarry

Ideology (Union Man Path): Democratic Socialism of the MSI Union(Reformed Welfare Democracy[1])

Ideology (Scab Union Path): Red Lion Socialism (Batur Thought[2])

Ruling Party (Union Man Path) :The MSI Union (Starbrook Chapter)

Ruling Party (Scab Union Path): SRA Syndicalist Democrat Remnants (SRA Remnants)

General Description: Starbrook Quarry was a Boomtown during the early days of Halcyon Colonization it mined Iron, Titanium, and Rare Earth elements to fuel the wider colonization of Halcyon. From the Great Shipyard of Tesla to Byzantium, the Starbrook name was on every box, every parcel and even made it to the Halcyon Postal Stamp collection of 2212.

Unfortunately, Starbrook slowly became less and less relevant as Monarch began to grow and prosper as a Fishing and Chemical production planet, fueling the sulfur chemical and food supply of the wider colony.

While no less important than in its glory days, it fell to the wayside as Steller Bay and Amber Heights, as well as Cascadia, took greater and greater economic and trade importance in the years leading to Monarch's Independence it became a Hotbed of Union and Independence opportunists trying to take advantage of the disgruntled population to fuel a coming and irreversible change.

Union Man Path Add-on Description: Sanjar Nandi, ever the Pragmatic and even-handed planner, calculated a 45.34% growth of population from Crashlanders,and the now winding down refugee crisis, so planned to take advantage of the wider situation by giving the MSI Union of Monarch territory to oversee.

This was both a practical and imaginative move by the bureaucracy-minded Sanjar, who knew that the Union would in due time turn it into a Model settlement of the MSI's corporate reforms and Workplace oversight the Union provided, and would allow Sanjar to move the more extreme minded members of the union, somewhere were he can have them safely be yelled at by the Union and not lead to an embarrassment or policy backlash.

While a ship with a stuck rudder and led by Steller Bay, the change was coming, slowly, methodically and efficiently. Disputes were down 39%, the Automechanical malfunctions had all but ceased and finally, the cities inner roads inside the walls were finally paved after 23 years of waiting…Starbrook was once again slowly becoming Steller Bay's equal.

Now with Union Men making it a Union Town, a part of a wider whole. Perhaps it was proof that despite all the Heartache, the Monarch Experiment was alive.

Scab Union Add-On: It is all too easy for a plan to fall to ruin, and in despair and disappointment, the people once again chose to change. Sanjar's ideas failed, and with their failure, the disgruntled masses turned to someone who would give an answer.

The Answer was Simple "Sanjar and his Corporate Scabs must surrender or die for the fire of Freedom." Though these men noted and praised Sanjar for cutting the Tether of the Board from Monarch, they criticized his timid handling and mismanagement of the crisis that caused the Planet to fragment and the lives lost because of it.

"The SRA will Rise in Halcyon with or without you Sanjar. When they speak of history they will see a Red Lion Banner, not a Bureaucrat." The Cries of their Revolution came and the Break in the MSI Union was complete.

Revolution was in the Air of Monarch and Starbrook would lead the Red Vanguard.

The Leaders

Leader (Union Man): Jaron Lahore (Age: 30)

Description: If there was anyone who represented the best of Sanjar's Experiment in Monarch it was Jaron. While a Factory Manager by day, he was noted for his firebrand behavior, slowly but surely building the nexus of the MSI Steller Bay Union, it was HE, not Sanjar who was the one on the ground recruiting the manpower and services of the smaller trade unions and underground social clubs (Though Sanjar's money and connections to keep him out of the stockade helped) into a planet-wide unit.

Much like Sanjar, he sees the potential for something greater with Monarch, he will as always complain about the necessity of rejoining the Board but understands the reasoning.

"We're all in this boat, best not start a fire on it."

He will do his part, and oversee the transition to a better, and hopefully a more just society. And the Union will be the one to make sure it stays ON said path.

Its why he's here, to keep Sanjar from getting lost.

Leader (Scab Union): Goyle Federov (Age: 62)

Description: General Batur had a saying "Never Compromise with the ones you know…

To compromise is to give away a part of one's self without repayment. It was the ultimate betrayal of what a man is in the end. The Red Lion did not compromise, he ROARED as the Galaxy fell around him."

Sanjar Nandi had courage, convictions, and a brilliant mind, in another life Goyle might have called him a friend. But he and his ilk are no revolutionaries, men of war and force that will drag the world kicking and screaming into a better world.

Federov like all survivors of the SRA carry's with him a sense of distrust and duty, having led many of the Survivors to Halcyon in the Eve of the Seventh Great Corporate War looking for a chance to heal and rebuild and try again.

He worked as Starbrooks underground organizer and built the Red Lion's lessons into something easy to understand and to feel.

Now with opportunity abounding in the Chaos of the Amber Height Massacre the time of change is now.

The SRA will rise in Halcyon, even if the other So called Revolutionaries try to stop him…other survivors, and other fools.

The change was coming, and Monarch would become the Canvas of it.


1.A Rising Ideology within the Outer Periphery, it calls upon the construction of a massive Welfare apparatus for the Citizenry, regardless of corporate or state loyalty, it grew primarily from the Resettlement Movements of the Eight War's Aftermath, and how the Corporate and State failed to build a proper resettlement of the Wars Refugees. It has been modified to be a call to action by much middle management and Union organizers as one of the only ways to rebuild social trust and begin to heal from the worse excesses of the Wars and the societal effects from them.

As seen in its implication in Monarch in 2335 the long-term effects were....

2. The Organized Life Ideologies of the Red Lion General Batur of the SRA, it is the principles of a state-backed militant socialism witch calls for the total dismantlement of the Corporate structure of the current Galaxy without compromise. While popular with many Radical socialist movements, it has been criticized by Military and Economic theorists as "A Red Bannered Military Industrial Complex fueled by the Human lives of its aspirants."
While never seen on a large scale successfully in peacetime the ideology stresses...
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Hmmm dealing with them will be hard if they are on the scab path cause in their eyes attacking them would prove them right, kinda glad my plan makes sure they are on friendly terms with us.