hmmmm.... I've got an idea for a completely separate plan to focus on econ and diplomacy (without using any maluses). Hopefully these bonuses would fast track our efforts to unite the planet, and then we can just focus on ships, research and interplanetary diplomacy and espionage separately. Just putting it out there in case someone wants a different option, but I do like the other plans people have come up with
[X]PLAN: Great leaders for the paradise yet to be
[X]An Inspiration calls for aid (-2 CP): You've heard many times that you are an inspiration to others in Monarch. Yet, now, at your darkest hour, after most of your friends have perished at Amber heights, and you face impossible odds.... Now, those that call you an inspiration answer the call for help unheeded. You're hearing dozens of reports across monarch of groups organizing under their own initiative, and trying to resolve local problems, while also asking how they can help you and MSI in general weather the storm (Start with some degree of Aid to help you reestablish contact with the rest of the Planet,with a bonus to Diplomatic Actions, however, this has caught the attention of the Board's Blockade forces and they have sent forces to investigate, causing a Bonus to Disaster Rolls for 2 Turns, ???)
Renewed Purpose (-5 CP) : Sanjar underestimated them. He truly had not realized, even in his wildest dreams, what his fellow monarchites (Or whatever they are calling themselves now that Halcyonite is no longer wholly true) would be capable of. While many still grieve, or live in fear or are just plain paralyzed by everything that has happened recently, it appears a few MSI workers have recognized the truly dire situation MSI finds itself in now, and have responded appropriately.
While every instance of self-motivated action has been independent, it collectively has turned into something larger. Workers have turned up for extra hours, Managers have streamlined manufacturing lines, and in general, waste and inefficiencies have been minimized as all the workers murmur about the coming 'war of survival.' You didn't plan for this, but there is no way you won't take advantage of the industrious spirit of those below you who have turned this situation around. ( A Major Economic buff for 3 turns, can be lengthened depending on further actions)
[X]Blockade Runners(-2 CP): If there is one thing that motivates the downtrodden and desperate tramp freighters that dot Halcyon its profit, and their own bottom line. It means a lot and you have some degree of communication and trade, for the right price of course (Have contacts within the Independent Tramp Freighters and smuggling actions, can expand into something far greater if cultivated.)
[X]A Better Ecosystem(-1 CP): Research has been conducted into the monarch ecosystem and how it works. Not only has this led to improvements in fishing and other resource gathering, but it has also lead to bonuses when handling the dangerous animal and fauna of Monarch. While the board has often considered this research focus to be a waste of money, it is now paying dividends for Sanjar, as the research has provided at least some temporary measures that he can use to tame the wildlife of Monarch. While the planet is still dangerous, this research has kindled the hope that Monarch can still be colonized properly, and turned into the paradise it was always promised to be. (Lower chance of negative events occurring during turns, increase food and resource production, can be sold on the Black Market for Favors and Resources.)