[X] Plan: Reach for the stars
[X]To Protect the nest (-1 CP): While your fleet is gone, you were able to save some of your Planetary Fighter Wing. Not everything has been lost, and while the brave pilots that remain aren't enough to break the blockade on their own, they are willing to fight. (Start with a small amount of MSI's Planitary Defence Fighters and their pilots, and crews.)
[X]Directorate Veterans (-3 CP): The Earth Directorates Veterans have made Monarch their home, and will do much to keep it intact, even if they are not perticuallly happy with the arrangement of being branded outlaws with everyone else. (You have the veterans of the many Corporate Wars at your disposal, Every unit trained is one Rank Higher due to the veterans giving them actual basic training.)
[X]Training never fails you (-1 CP): Graham may have betrayed you, but the training he gave the infantry and Security forces of MSI was reliable, and you now have the chance to use his own weapons against him. (Graham Bryant's Security Officer training has left you with a fine selection of Military officers that know what they are doing and can fight on Monarch effectively. Gain a Bonus to certain rolls and in Battle Gain a Bonus to your dice roll)
[X]Experimental surface fleet (-2 CP): One of the boards cockamamie schemes was to use a surface fleet to wear down and destroy the dangerous wildlife from a safe distance. This plan ended up being too expensive, due to the expensive missiles the board decided to use for the project. Yet, Sanjar found out about this experimental fleet and revived it, refitting it with more sensible modern armaments. ( You start with a Military Surface Fleet to guard your fishing fleets, and opens many tactical and strategic options)
[X]Enduring Logistics (-3 CP): Sanjar has always focused on making sure everyone is prepared and knows what needs to be done for a job.... and it is this moment of crisis that that tendency for overpreparation pays off, as the common worker still knows how to do their job, and deal with any complications and problems that may arise from these necessary tasks. Many executives and technical experts lay dead... bu t your people know enough about how to handle the common tasks and problems that they can continue on without much delay or problem. (Logistical issues when deploying forces outside and on Monarch itself are very small, in terms economics your solid)
[X]MSI's Special (-1 CP): While your Weapons building and development aren't entirely up to the standards of say UDL, you have a rather small but robust Military manufacturing sector, now these things were made to survive MONARCH, Not a War zone. (MSI's logistics are rated for Planetary use only, your going to need to encourage your logistical development, but its a start. Your equipment is stored efficiently.) *Can be taken more then once as it represents your stockpile of military Ordinance*
[X]United Language(-1 CP) : Your entire faction knows a single language that they can use to communicate to each other. More importantly, you all understand the various cultural differences within your faction. While your members may be a mixing pot of so many different heritages, your people are always able to understand each other, and work together for a better tomorrow. (Start with something of a Unified Linguistic Background and with it a sense of common community even if most of the colony is either from Earth, the Colonies or somewhere in the Deep Periphery)
[X]Dishonest Dealer (+3 CP): Sanjar will say it himself that he is not a People Person, that was Graham's Expertise, always being the people person as he filled out the paperwork and made sure the language was clear enough to get what he wants…unfortunately, in a world of trust being shown face to face Sanjar has shown that he needs room for improvement, a lot of of improvement. (Small Malus to all Diplomacy actions with all factions.)
[X]Sacrifices Recognized (-3 CP): Sanjar has seen the disaster that the Blockade has brought to Monarch. Sanjar has seen the worst possible results that could occur now that Monarch is on its own. Sanjar knows what is at stake... so he has sacrificed, personally, in order to save what people he can... And people, not just his people, but representatives of the downtrodden from all political stripes and backgrounds have seen this sacrifice, and recognize the charitable spirit behind Sanjar's actions. (decrease in starting AP, but start with a Bonus to those who share similarities to your Ideology or at least some of your policies and those who are at least somewhat more "Lawful", it makes it harder for the Board to sell Monarch as "A Haven of Outlaws" )
[X]The Union of Monach and its Union Man (-3 CP): Sanjar has always spent personal resources to help grow and develop the MSI union. Not only that, but he has truly listened to the union workers, and attempted to fight for their rights at great personal and economic costs at time. These fights have helped convinced even the most stubborn, radical socialists to at least hear him out. However, his willingness to speak out for the union has only led the board to believe the union is Sanjar's pet army in waiting, and they had curtailed much of the investment into the planetary security forces before Sanjar came into power. But with all the sacrifices made for their benefit time and time again in the years before the now rebranded MSI UNION of Steller Bay and Starbrook gladly considers Sanjar a "Union Man." (Bonus to diplomacy with socialist powers, and an Ally/Vassel: The Commune of Starbrook Quarry, however, start with less available Security Forces Manpower as you need to hold the City and the Commune.)
[X]Mighty Medics (-3 CP): Seeing the chaotic times ahead, one of the first deals Sanjar made was to get some medics to come to Monarch, and help build a proper healthcare infrastructure.... and this decision has continued to hurt your wallet ever since you made it. And all for a third rate healthcare system.... which is still connected planet-wide, and is ensuring far fewer people are lost in this chaos. Yes somehow one of your greatest achievements as things fall apart is the fact that a Corporate Run Planet that doesn't even have total control has one thing the Board can never claim to have fully implemented, a poorly run social healthcare department. (Medical emergencies across the planet are mitigated somewhat, troops heal faster. Doctors are overworked.)
[X]Out of position(+2 CP): Sanjar did have a plan.... And then the Amber heights massacre happened, the board intensified their blockade, and the wildlife collectively seemed to go mad with rage at the same time.... And Bryant went rogue.
But Sanjar did have a plan, even for something like this.... It was just that he expected more time to respond to all these threats. Now he has to haul what remaining experts and managers he does have from across Monarch to where they will be needed. In the meantime, the MSI will be left floundering, though, and there will be nothing he can do about it. (start with a negative economic debuff that will be resolved in 2 turns)
[X]The Unity of a Union (+1 CP): You have few options in this time of struggle and war. You need some help in order to make sure that Monarch doesn't immediately fall. You have cultivated a relationship with the union, and now that things are in this dire state, it is time to call in some favors. Hopefully, they will be able to help in small but important ways, relaxing certain rules, like working hours and safety regulations.
However, even this small sacrifice, in the name of efficiency and victory in war will cost you dearly. Many in the union already argue for worker ownership of MSI, and those voices will only be amplified with your request. Its quite likely that by the end of this war for survival, MSI will look nothing like you first imagined it would... and even worse, you might be trading an economic disaster for a political one, as you have to carefully thread union politics to ensure you get what you need without sacrificing everything (chance of economic buff's at the beginning of every turn, become involved in MSI Union/Syndicalist/Iconoclast events/storyline)
[X]Barebone Necessities (+3 CP): The Board never really invested in the local education system beyond the bare necessities, and Sanjar always had overlooked the institution. However, after the Amber Heights massacre, and Board's blockade, the remaining students and professors have offered their services to MSI, as long as Sanjar continues to fund the college. The college barely functions to provide Halcyon certification courses in its current state, but it does have the facilities for basic research, and more importantly, the computers and manpower necessary for extensive analysis. While the university is far from competitive, it does provide a valuable opportunity for Sanjar. It should be possible to use the extra manpower to help accelerate research, even if Sanjar will need to spend resources in order to ensure that the lights stay on. (Small decrease in research time, Low per turn resource cost for university)
[X]'Apolitical' professors (+2 CP) : Sanjar had been depending on the fact that the scientists and researchers at the monarch field research campus would help support MSI after it's separation from the board. After all, he had helped establish this university, and had spent resources and energy to set up this university system, and had continuously ensured material and political support for the university. However, the professors there now demand a change to the deal, demanding freedom from the non-compete clauses, as well as more freedom to choose, or at least veto, research topics they are not interested in. It is rapidly becoming more and more clear that your only source of research is preparing to declare itself independent, and will be willing to sell any research they accomplish to all parties. They may even be selling certain research to other factions exclusively, charging higher prices to ensure you can't get your hands on certain advancements. You can't be sure why this is happening; whether or is over some lingering attachments and influence from Graham, or if it's the board, but it seems that one of your enemies has neutralized one of your greatest tools without you discovering anything (less research options available, all research has a moderate chance of immediately spreading to enemy or rival factions within range of monarch, research finishes much more quickly, exclusive research is possible but research cost is doubled)
[X]A Better Ecosystem(-1 CP): Research has been conducted into the monarch ecosystem and how it works. Not only has this led to improvements in fishing and other resource gathering, but it has also lead to bonuses when handling the dangerous animal and fauna of Monarch. While the board has often considered this research focus to be a waste of money, it is now paying dividends for Sanjar, as the research has provided at least some temporary measures that he can use to tame the wildlife of Monarch. While the planet is still dangerous, this research has kindled the hope that Monarch can still be colonized properly, and turned into the paradise it was always promised to be. (Lower chance of negative events occurring during turns, increase food and resource production, can be sold on the Black Market for Favors and Resorces.)
[X]Profitability Policy (+1 CP): The board had a policy of pursuing research that strictly was supposed to contribute to the bottom line of the company, and many rules were created to focus research. Unfortunately, this lead to a culture of overlooking new possibilities and avenues of research, even those that might be profitable, but would require investment before such gains could become obvious. (Bonus to research speed, but a reduction in new research options, can be overcome with reform actions.)
Edit: I forgot to add the socialist angle did some readjustments.