Beneath the Fog of London - An Eldritch Horror Quest

[X] While you have no explanation either, you have some favours you could call in from the Royal London Hospital. Maybe the surgeons can tell you more about the hand while Mr. Gladwell tries to keep order at the mine.

Medical conditions should be referred to medical professionals. Before we jump into the supernatural, let's check of there's a mundane explanation first so we aren't chasing imaginary ghosts. If it is spooky, knowing about the effects on the body should be helpful for chasing an actual ghost!
[X] Learned or not, you are just as baffled by this as Mr. Gladwell. Send him ahead to calm the workers while you try to find some books or other sources in London that might have an explanation for the hand.
[X] Learned or not, you are just as baffled by this as Mr. Gladwell. Send him ahead to calm the workers while you try to find some books or other sources in London that might have an explanation for the hand.
[X] This is indeed a strange thing, but if it has been ongoing for two months, you can spare a few days to read your codex. Send Mr. Gladwell to calm the workers and keep the shaft closed until you have time for this. Maybe you will find something relevant in the old compendium.

[X] There are a lot of unknown dangers in mines and you will not become hysteric over this. Send Mr. Gladwell back to Willerton and let him re-open the shaft. The miners just need to be more careful.
[X] This is indeed a strange thing, but if it has been ongoing for two months, you can spare a few days to read your codex. Send Mr. Gladwell to calm the workers and keep the shaft closed until you have time for this. Maybe you will find something relevant in the old compendium.
One mustn't get improperly impatient. The book has waited 600 years. What is another week or two?
The common man is simply too ready to jump to unsound conclusions. They need firm, and level headed, leadership.

[X] You need to investigate this yourself. Travel to your mine in Willerton, near Sheffield, and see what you can learn there.

[X] While you have no explanation either, you have some favours you could call in from the Royal London Hospital. Maybe the surgeons can tell you more about the hand while Mr. Gladwell tries to keep order at the mine.
[X] While you have no explanation either, you have some favours you could call in from the Royal London Hospital. Maybe the surgeons can tell you more about the hand while Mr. Gladwell tries to keep order at the mine.

Medical conditions should be referred to medical professionals. Before we jump into the supernatural, let's check of there's a mundane explanation first so we aren't chasing imaginary ghosts. If it is spooky, knowing about the effects on the body should be helpful for chasing an actual ghost!

And also let's see if we can find some supernatural explanations in those books, the whole thing we have going on is leveraging knowledge

[X] While you have no explanation either, you have some favours you could call in from the Royal London Hospital. Maybe the surgeons can tell you more about the hand while Mr. Gladwell tries to keep order at the mine.
[X] You need to investigate this yourself. Travel to your mine in Willerton, near Sheffield, and see what you can learn there.
Jump straight into the deep end
[] Learned or not, you are just as baffled by this as Mr. Gladwell. Send him ahead to calm the workers while you try to find some books or other sources in London that might have an explanation for the hand.

[] While you have no explanation either, you have some favours you could call in from the Royal London Hospital. Maybe the surgeons can tell you more about the hand while Mr. Gladwell tries to keep order at the mine.

[] This is indeed a strange thing, but if it has been ongoing for two months, you can spare a few days to read your codex. Send Mr. Gladwell to calm the workers and keep the shaft closed until you have time for this. Maybe you will find something relevant in the old compendium.

I'm leaning to one of these three, going there without any preparation or information smells too much of a deathflag, and plot-hook for others. "strange things happened in the coal mine, shortly after the owner started searching for a certain book, and it came to a peak when he finally got his hands on, resulting in his death".

And disregarding it all with the last one is just asking for more trouble...

Though, @Azel , only one mentions keeping the 12th shaft closed... does that mean every other option reopens it?
[X] Learned or not, you are just as baffled by this as Mr. Gladwell. Send him ahead to calm the workers while you try to find some books or other sources in London that might have an explanation for the hand.
[X] While you have no explanation either, you have some favours you could call in from the Royal London Hospital. Maybe the surgeons can tell you more about the hand while Mr. Gladwell tries to keep order at the mine.
[X] This is indeed a strange thing, but if it has been ongoing for two months, you can spare a few days to read your codex. Send Mr. Gladwell to calm the workers and keep the shaft closed until you have time for this. Maybe you will find something relevant in the old compendium.
"Hospital" vote is IMO a trap option. It's offered because it's the rational thing to do, but what will actually happen is that we'll be accused of faking it for attention, our reputation will be ruined, and
At best they'll rationalize it themselves, we'll blame the workers for lying to save our good name, and the workers will receive a semi-plausible explanation they may not accept. But IMO if we want that result we should be voting for the royal society or something.

[X] This is indeed a strange thing, but if it has been ongoing for two months, you can spare a few days to read your codex. Send Mr. Gladwell to calm the workers and keep the shaft closed until you have time for this. Maybe you will find something relevant in the old compendium.
Kicking the problem down the road in the very first vote... Ugh. Still, I do want to start the eldritch quest by reading a big scary codex.
Kicking the problem down the road in the very first vote... Ugh. Still, I do want to start the eldritch quest by reading a big scary codex.
If reading the codex is ignoring the problem depends a lot on how likely you think it is that some Arab philosopher in the 13th century wrote something that helps you figuring out what's going on in the mine.
If reading the codex is ignoring the problem depends a lot on how likely you think it is that some Arab philosopher in the 13th century wrote something that helps you figuring out what's going on in the mine.
Oh I'm sure he wrote all about the horrors from beyond reality that we could placate/summon/manipulate to help with this issue.
I just also think that reading the book will start a whole other set of actions, and that we'll just get sidetracked and leave the mine closed for ages.

I'm still voting for it though. Starting the eldritch story by reading a madness-inducing tome is a classic.
[X] While you have no explanation either, you have some favours you could call in from the Royal London Hospital. Maybe the surgeons can tell you more about the hand while Mr. Gladwell tries to keep order at the mine.
Yet again tied. Nearly a three-way tie at that.

Adhoc vote count started by Azel on Dec 29, 2022 at 10:01 AM, finished with 22 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Learned or not, you are just as baffled by this as Mr. Gladwell. Send him ahead to calm the workers while you try to find some books or other sources in London that might have an explanation for the hand.
    [X] While you have no explanation either, you have some favours you could call in from the Royal London Hospital. Maybe the surgeons can tell you more about the hand while Mr. Gladwell tries to keep order at the mine.
    [X] This is indeed a strange thing, but if it has been ongoing for two months, you can spare a few days to read your codex. Send Mr. Gladwell to calm the workers and keep the shaft closed until you have time for this. Maybe you will find something relevant in the old compendium.
    [X] You need to investigate this yourself. Travel to your mine in Willerton, near Sheffield, and see what you can learn there.
    [X] There are a lot of unknown dangers in mines and you will not become hysteric over this. Send Mr. Gladwell back to Willerton and let him re-open the shaft. The miners just need to be more careful.

Vote remains open.
[X] Learned or not, you are just as baffled by this as Mr. Gladwell. Send him ahead to calm the workers while you try to find some books or other sources in London that might have an explanation for the hand.
[X] Learned or not, you are just as baffled by this as Mr. Gladwell. Send him ahead to calm the workers while you try to find some books or other sources in London that might have an explanation for the hand.
[X] While you have no explanation either, you have some favours you could call in from the Royal London Hospital. Maybe the surgeons can tell you more about the hand while Mr. Gladwell tries to keep order at the mine.
[X] Learned or not, you are just as baffled by this as Mr. Gladwell. Send him ahead to calm the workers while you try to find some books or other sources in London that might have an explanation for the hand.
Vote closed.

Adhoc vote count started by Azel on Dec 29, 2022 at 2:21 PM, finished with 27 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Learned or not, you are just as baffled by this as Mr. Gladwell. Send him ahead to calm the workers while you try to find some books or other sources in London that might have an explanation for the hand.
    [X] While you have no explanation either, you have some favours you could call in from the Royal London Hospital. Maybe the surgeons can tell you more about the hand while Mr. Gladwell tries to keep order at the mine.
    [X] You need to investigate this yourself. Travel to your mine in Willerton, near Sheffield, and see what you can learn there.
    [X] This is indeed a strange thing, but if it has been ongoing for two months, you can spare a few days to read your codex. Send Mr. Gladwell to calm the workers and keep the shaft closed until you have time for this. Maybe you will find something relevant in the old compendium.
    [X] There are a lot of unknown dangers in mines and you will not become hysteric over this. Send Mr. Gladwell back to Willerton and let him re-open the shaft. The miners just need to be more careful.
Can I ask what are some inspirations for this quest?
or general recommendations you might have?

I love this kind of dark fantasy and time period and vibe