@HalfTangible thanks for the tag, but i think my write-in is two pages too late though i think its pretty reasonable for a DE ending up as a prisoner here since the torment of ending up dead in the hands of mon-keigh and as a sacrifice to boot will be darkly hilarious to his enemies. Hence fueling his rage ang thirst for revenge even further ala Count of Monte Cristo.

Also allying with our PC is also reasonable since there are canon examples in Rogue Trader rpg and it serves his interest to ally and influence a primarch ala grey eminence. Besides, how "fun" would that be? A drukhari as a xeno advisor? Its way up there like the ork ambassadors in The Beasts.
I try to put all of the write-ins into the post. There's nothing stopping you from changing your vote if you feel it's too late ;)

Last I checked, Tech Monk and the Star Hunter write-in were at the top of the running... with Knight Pilots close behind.

>checks again
Yup. 13, 11 and 9 respectively.
[X] – Knight pilots
[X] – Tech Monks

- throwing it in with Knight Pilots then since i feel like a legionaire this early will unduly influence our PC by asking him to seek the Imperium early and derail the story of adventure in this world.

- i also like integrating the hovercrafts and both the lethal and non-lethal weapon tech of the DE into our arsenal
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- throwing it in with Knight Pilots then since i feel like a legionaire this early will unduly influence our PC by asking him to seek the Imperium early and derail the story of adventure in this world.

To clarify: Even if Sun-Sin learns of the Imperium and wants to go to them, Tabgach does not have voidcraft as far as he knows, and certainly nothing with a warp drive. You're in the age of sail, with occasional high technology. You'll have to wait for the Imperium to come to you.

The entire point of this quest is the adventures Sun-Sin went on on his homeworld, and his initial introduction to the Imperium. I promise that even if the Star Hunter wins the vote I will work with that.
So I thought this is okay so far. I did think the initial slaughter of the slavers was ridiculously over the top, given that anti witch issues are entirely justified in 40 K.

Also, frankly, what kind of people, what bloody, vicious, inhuman monsters can torture and murder 300 people? Is this a regular thing for them or are they just incredibly cruel in their day jobs?
...they are pirates, they literally murder and rob for a living. This has two major impacts: 1. A certain lax approach to rules and laws. 2. Conversely if you do manage to get their dander up then they get extra vicious fast.

So these slavers did a lot of things wrong. 1. They flew the pirate queen's colors. Not unforgivable among pirates, but not a good first impression. 2. They were slaving the psykers. They weren't executing them on site, they weren't being taken to a safe location to be properly trained, and they were being massively abused in the process. Untreated injuries, amateur and brutal suppression methods, starvation, dehydration, being packed in cages, not being properly cleaned. This makes the black ships look good.

As for 300 people, well subtract the ones that were tortured by just being tossed in the water and shot when they come up for air, or similarly dealt with without much direct hands on work, and then divide that remainder by the number of crew to get a better victim count per pirate.
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So I thought this is okay so far. I did think the initial slaughter of the slavers was ridiculously over the top, given that anti witch issues are entirely justified in 40 K.

Also, frankly, what kind of people, what bloody, vicious, inhuman monsters can torture and murder 300 people? Is this a regular thing for them or are they just incredibly cruel in their day jobs?

They're pirates

Murder parties are not a normal thing for them, but it's not outside the realms of possibility either given the circumstances.

It also drew Slaanesh's attention and made a demon fall in love with you reach out to deal, so it's not like it was a good thing for them to do.

...they are pirates, they literally murder and rob for a living. This has two major impacts: 1. A certain lax approach to rules and laws. 2. Conversely if you do manage to get their dander up then they get extra vicious fast.

So these slavers did a lot of things wrong. 1. They flew the pirate queen's colors. Not unforgivable among pirates, but not a good first impression. 2. They were slaving the psykers. They weren't executing them on site, they weren't being taken to a safe location to be properly trained, and they were being massively abused in the process. Untreated injuries, amateur and brutal suppression methods, starvation, dehydration, being packed in cages, not being properly cleaned. This makes the black ships look good.

That and this particular ship was unlucky enough to be transporting a cargo full of children, which made the entire situation even more horrific for everyone involved. (IRL crimes involving children will often get you straight murdered in prison because even criminals have lines.)

Sun-Sin initially planned to just take as much of their stuff as could fit on the Cutting Dagger and go, probably with a one-liner about telling their boss how "The Great and Mighty Ching Sun-Sin" would be a bane to all their ships or something. Some of the Reaver Queen's captains would've still done that, maybe called them sick fucks on the way out at worst.
As far as I'm concerned the only proper way to deal with this magic daemon lady is to cuck her by being bros with Jaghatai and being a good dad to his 100000 pirate sons.
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As far as I'm concerned the only proper way to deal with this magic daemon lady is to cuck her by being bros with Jaghatai and being a good dad to his 100000 pirate sons.

Joke's on you, she's into that

Being a pirate and being a good dad are kind of mutually exclusive

On a somewhat related note I have a question for anybody who wants to answer:
Do you guys see Sun-Sin's relationship with Fan as more a father-daughter thing, a brother-sister thing, or PC and escort quest thing?
Do you guys see Sun-Sin's relationship with Fan as more a father-daughter thing, a brother-sister thing, or PC and escort quest thing?
The biggest brother and the littlest sister merking the fuck out of everything this side of the Orion arm!

Also I've noticed something, and I'm not sure if this has been said yet but, is the magic daemon lady a massive reference to Eris from the Sinbad movie? Being a watery temptress and all.
On the subject of Fan, it could evolve into something like a father-daughter or older sibling-younger sibling sort of relationship. I'm not sure it's at that point yet, but it could get there.
Honestly I wouldn't even be disappointed in star hunter winning. Both represent pretty obvious benefits in the short and long term.

Tech monks short term means we're getting maintenance and tech from grateful nerds and long term means we might get better relations with the Admech and acess to certain marvels only available to the Xth.

Star hunter on the other hand means we have someone who know for a fact that we're a Primarch and what that means for this world. He'd give us information on what's happening in the wider galaxy and insights into Legion training and tactics before Big E even looks in our direction. Long term means we have an in with Jaghatais road warriors and a starter for good legion relations, he'd probably be happy to have his lost kid back and to know his lost brother saved him from the Drukhari.

Either way is a definite benefit but tech monks does represent a political connect to an on world faction while star hunter is purely imperium thing.
Good news: I initially forgot to bring up the slaves y'all were rescuing at all. So I added them in with a decision on who you were rescuing, which meant splitting the post into two. So the next update should come quick.

Unless work decides to stick its boot up my ass.