... I don't want to veto outright but could you elaborate on what exactly you mean here? You want us to meet a half-dead legionary of our own legion, presumably separated from the rest in some manner?
Wouldn't be a member of our legion. Star Hunters were the pre-Khan White Scars and their whole schtick was the entire legion splitting into company sized groups who would go scout/explore far ahead of the rest of the imperium.

They're also the guys who found Horus. Famously their first thoughts on his homeworld Cthonia were "wow this place sucks, exterminatus would be an improvement."
Wouldn't be a member of our legion. Star Hunters were the pre-Khan White Scars and their whole schtick was the entire legion splitting into company sized groups who would go scout/explore far ahead of the rest of the imperium.

They're also the guys who found Horus. Famously their first thoughts on his homeworld Cthonia were "wow this place sucks, exterminatus would be an improvement."
Hm... like an outrider that went just a little too far out and got lost or something? Alright, that works. I was going to play fast and loose with the order the primarchs were found anyway.
To clarify you'd also be getting the skillset of that group. Notice that the Empress' soldiers are described as better fighters while the insurgents are stealth and infiltration experts.

To use a Space Marine metaphor: Sons of Horus versus Raven Guard.

Just one. You're getting a number of psykers and laborers already in addition to Dark Eldar weaponry; this is a bonus option I'm letting y'all decide on.

... I don't want to veto outright but could you elaborate on what exactly you mean here? You want us to meet a half-dead legionary of our own legion, presumably separated from the rest in some manner?
Aren't the Star Hunters the White Scars? Before they found the Khan?

[X] – Write-in: a half-dead star hunter legionary
... I don't want to veto outright but could you elaborate on what exactly you mean here? You want us to meet a half-dead legionary of our own legion, presumably separated from the rest in some manner?
the star hunters were the original name of the white scars the Vth legion Astartes and were the pathfinders and scouts of the great crusade its not inconceivable one got captured and tortured by the Drukhari we just fought and managed to escape during the chaos of the fight and he revealed himself to us as he recognised him as a primarch after that its up to you
the star hunters were the original name of the white scars the Vth legion Astartes and were the pathfinders and scouts of the great crusade its not inconceivable one got captured and tortured by the Drukhari we just fought and managed to escape during the chaos of the fight and he revealed himself to us as he recognised him as a primarch after that its up to you

Aren't the Star Hunters the White Scars? Before they found the Khan?

[X] – Write-in: a half-dead star hunter legionary

Aye, it was clarified to me above, it's been put into the main post under the Write-In section, thank you both ;)
Also I thought they were limited to the galactic core until the Cicatrix Maledictum formed?
Actually according to the lore in the codex, the Kin do travel outside the Core on various exploration/trading missions (some Leagues more than others). However if they were coming to this rock; trade wouldn't really be on their minds since nobody here has anything they care about compared to the far more valuable prize right underneath the human's feet:
"This is very simple. We don't want your lives, your coin, or that junk you call technology. We want your world. We want the riches you didn't even realize you had, and that you definitely don't deserve. Leave while you have the chance. Or don't. Either way, we're coming to claim what's ours."
Actually according to the lore in the codex, the Kin do travel outside the Core on various exploration/trading missions (some Leagues more than others). However if they were coming to this rock; trade wouldn't really be on their minds since nobody here has anything they care about compared to the far more valuable prize right underneath the human's feet:

That quote is so perfectly 40k, I love it.

Might have to get the Leagues codex just to read up on these guys...

... how can they be the closest relatives of a 20th millennium server room?

"Men of X" describes the various automata and clone workers created during the Dark Age of Technology to serve mankind.
.... Yes, and Squats are not at all like what man of stone refers to.

A man of stone is a hardware A.I., i.e. a computer cursed with sapience.
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Worse, the seer. She'd blown apart a trueborn noble. And in all likelihood he was going to have to pay for it.

For loss of a trueborn noble on what should have been a simple pleasure run they're gonna skin you alive as an appetizer and then decide what your actual punishment will be.

I'm still on the fence about this quest. On one hand, the writing is really damn good and supporting characters are great. On the other I really dislike PC. I hoped this arc would give me the final answer, but it didn't *sad face*.
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PC? You mean Sun-Sin?

Yeah. PC, as in player character.

The main reason I dislike him is because I don't see a big glaring weakness/flaw that most other Primarchs have. And the way he figured all the major plot points about Craftworld society from, like, two conversations, just screams "plot armor" and "main character bias" to me. He's too OP, basically.

Which, I know, is like the main point of playing a Primarch in the first place, but, subjectively, it still rankles.