The Empty Crusade (Horus Heresy)

[X]The Front

Seeing the regular Army in battle sounds the most interesting. I'm really, really, hoping Ferrus will wait a few more decades before his sudden but inevitable betrayal. Perhaps enough time to raise other Primarchs properly so he can see the odds stacked against him and, y'know, not.
Seeing the regular Army in battle sounds the most interesting. I'm really, really, hoping Ferrus will wait a few more decades before his sudden but inevitable betrayal. Perhaps enough time to raise other Primarchs properly so he can see the odds stacked against him and, y'know, not.

Knowing how stories go, he will probably wait to build up a influence in the Imperium, either through his personal Fiefdom gaining power and prestige, or through his Legion expanding it's numbers and connections. Not to say he won't be a issue in some things, diplomacy with him is gonna be practically non-existent and it will be a hassle to get him to do anything he does not want to do.

No to mention the now bitter relationship between the "True" Tenth and the Fourth. I foresee lot's of bad blood coming into the Perfect Legion and Iron Wanderers. But seeing as he's now with Magnus in the Ork turff, it will probably be fine, Magnus has a lot of things that might make him interesting to Ferrus, like his Psyker powers, Necrons don't have that and Ferrus is nothing if not ambitious in his persuit of Perfecting mankind, Space Magic might go a long way if he can crack it's secrets.
"What I think he means to say is that there are many places to draw forces such that if one doesn't mind the delay or slight reduction in numbers we could switch worlds over to a voluntary service system." All turned as the Matriarch of Selenar cult's spoke her voice strangely alluring and drawing all eyes to her.

am I being paranoid, or does this sound slanshi? a strangely alluring voice advocating that the impruam do away with the draft? Feels like a cultist backing any policy that would erode the empires military.
One of the chaos gods will approve of almost anything due to their excessive, fractious, and expansive nature's. The trick is to avoid excess, stupidity, corruption, and apathy in order to prevent them gaining true footholds.
Wheel of Fire Campaign: Imperial Forces 1
Johan Kar hunkered in his trench las rifle held tight to his chest as his breath frosted in the air. The Embankment wasn't visible in the dim floodlights of the emplacements along the trench. It was likely the construction Titan had left and with it the Twin Legion Hammer Satra. Now only the Army was left to guard the position and clear the remaining ork forces. He looked over the edge of the fortification and the field was empty, a land of ash and smoke where once was a thriving Agriworld the ork and human corpses decorating it left little to imagine the cause of the destruction. A distant rumble echoed through the land and Kar looked up praying that the Lightning Stone would guide him to victory. Then he went about peering over the trench line and firing at the incoming orks the first shots hit the creatures with no injury even as the rest of the line began to fire into the charging force.

In moments artillery joined the sound of distant explosions from their firing and arriving. They sounded almost like drums as he replaced his charge pack and returned to firing. The orks died but they kept coming but the fortress was surrounded by earthworks, the orks stumbling over their own bodies as they rolled down after dying to the fire. It didn't matter as for each one that died two more would appear from the horizon to join the horde. It didn't matter how many they brought though, the Imperial Army stood strong and let the orks bleed upon their blade. They died from sunrise until sunset, the assault continuing until the orks pulled back, unable to muster the numbers to continue the attack.

Kar grimaced fixing his bayonet and charging out of the trench line a Malcador to the east lighting up the night as the Army chased the orks in their retreat the ground was wet with ork blood and Kar nearly slipped only to be caught by his lieutenant. "Keep your feet under you, hard to charge if you fall, soldier." Kar couldn't help but smile as he returned to the dash against the orks. As they reached a ramshackle base the orks began to return fire, small orkiods moving and firing between the buildings as the Imperial Army soldiers moved forward cutting them down though he watched as his lieutenant took a slug from an Ork gun and fell, as his leg was blasted out from under him.

Kar ran over avoiding the gunfire and responding with his own shots. He grabbed his lieutenant and started dragging him back to the fortifications. The orks fire, cutting off as the rest of the charge kill them. The battle was won but it wasn't without cost the world was slowly being cleansed. It was just one of the worlds the orks took from the Leagues and there were many more at the heart of the orks.

Admiral Ada Kadendrawk turned an augment eye on the hololith, the kill cruzers, and roks of the enemies are either spinning broken in the void or have made landfall on the fortress world below. "Should we expect another assault anytime soon?" The man next to her shifted his head, his red robe covering the metal covering his body.

"Predictive computators indicate a 32.56% likelihood of another assault in the next week. 100% in the next year." She gave him a look.

"Was that a joke?" The rebreather on his face looked flatly at her, a mechadendrite adjusting settings on the hololith.

"I have no idea of what you speak." He spoke his tone slightly higher and she smiled. Shaking her head before ordering the lightly damaged escorts to move to the repair stations while the undamaged ships moved to provide orbital support to the planet. She didn't think about those who died on the damaged ships. War always had a cost and this was far cheaper than pushing into the heart of this ork infestation.

"War Master Perturabo." The looming iron figure turned with impossible elegance for a machine of his size. The mortal woman shifted looking uncertain for a second and the Primarch shifted his armor smooth all it's hidden weapons elegantly disguised.

"Yes Lord General Heldey?" He moved though several of the ship watch around him took over his place at the hololith directing support for not only the Ork containment perimeter but also the exploratory fleets still pushing into the galaxy.

"You must know the cost of this containment. Thousands dead from the skirmishes." The Primarch rested an iron hand on her shoulder cuff.

"Billions of deaths would be needed for the Army to push into the ork's worlds. The potential loss of a greater enemy growing as this war delays us looms. It's why I have decided the path that we have taken. I don't like the cost, I am sure that each man and woman lost have those who miss them. The risk is high, but I have spoken with the Mechanicum and other of the Terrain Council to get resources so that the Imperial Army and Navy can hold back the tide as long as it is needed to." He moved and she heard her data slate ring. Looking she saw diagrams and images for several new pieces of equipment and vehicles that Perturabo had pushed into development for the Army.

Select 1 of each category.
[][Infantry]Martian Pattern No. 45 Lasgun
The No. 45 Martian Pattern Lasgun is a durable and reliable variant of the Lasgun; it can fire at a higher rate and deal slightly more damage than the current standard models.
[][Infantry]Terrain Light Powered Armor
A stripped down modification of the Astartes power armor. While not nearly as powerful and expensive, the Terrain Light Powered Armor can be used for the elites of the Army to allow them greater capacity.
[][Infantry]Heavy Lightning Gun
A heavy weapon modeled after the Mechanicum's lighting weapons able to melt flesh and metal alike.
[][Infantry]No infantry support was produced.
-[]Another option to get another choice.

[][Vehicle]The Void Barer Malcador
This Malcador chassis has been gutted now the engine runs purely to move the vehicle and charge the stripped down void shield.
[][Vehicle]The Roboute Chassis
A lighter tank chassis than the Malcador however it retains the speed and has increased reliability and removed some vulnerabilities of the older model.
[][Vehicle]The Medicae Thunderhawk
A variant of the Thunderhawk the Medicae is staffed by biologis and support staff able to recover valuable forces in the field. With its suite often it can not only save lives but bring the critically injured back to fighting strength.
[][Vehicle]The Kelbor-Hal Mobile Superheavy Fortress
A tracked vehicle the Kelbor-Hal is able to take on titan fire and while it wouldn't be able to be deployed in great number it would serve as a major turning point for any combat it is deployed in.
[][Vehicle]The Magnus Choir Engine
A variant of the Malcador the Choir Engine is a mobile psykic resonance system that allows Psyker support even in areas of turmoils warp.
[][Vehicle]No Vehicle was produced.
-[]Another option to get another choice.

[][Void]Cawl Class Disruptor
A special class of ship this Escort has reinforced gellar fields, and a rapid charge warp engine lows the Cawl Class to make several tactical warp jumps in succession to deliver missiles and bombs into the heart of enemy formations.
[][Void]Scourge Bomber
A model of bomber to support Navy and Army assets the Scourge is a small bomber that carries several bombs and is controlled via vox from its mothership.
[][Void]Sky Breacher Cruiser
A cruiser with powerful engines and weapon systems designed to operate in an atmosphere and provide heavy weapon support.
[][Void]No void option was produced.
-[]Another option to get another choice.
[X][Infantry]Heavy Lightning Gun
A heavy weapon modeled after the Mechanicum's lighting weapons able to melt flesh and metal alike.

[X][Vehicle]The Medicae Thunderhawk
A variant of the Thunderhawk the Medicae is staffed by biologis and support staff able to recover valuable forces in the field. With its suite often it can not only save lives but bring the critically injured back to fighting strength.

[X][Void]Sky Breacher Cruiser
A cruiser with powerful engines and weapon systems designed to operate in an atmosphere and provide heavy weapon support.

Support, big weapons and a new means of killing our foes, all options are pretty nice but i like these ones
Guns, fast tanks, and micro-jump torpedo boats. COMBINED ARMS BABY!

[x] [Infantry]Martian Pattern No. 45 Lasgun
[x] [Vehicle]The Roboute Chassis
[x] [Void]Cawl Class Disruptor
A distant rumble echoed through the land and Kar looked up praying that the Lightning Stone would guide him to victory.
Huh I didn't consider that religion under Gulliman would still be around, well I suppose Gillian does love his cultural vestiges and lacks knowledge of Chaos. So wait if I remember correctly was the Church of the Lightning Stone a Catheric offshoot or was it never noted as anything else.
Huh I didn't consider that religion under Gulliman would still be around, well I suppose Gillian does love his cultural vestiges and lacks knowledge of Chaos. So wait if I remember correctly was the Church of the Lightning Stone a Catheric offshoot or was it never noted as anything else.

I believe it was Catheric or some distant relation to that's faith's base roots
[x] [Infantry]Martian Pattern No. 45 Lasgun
[x] [Vehicle]The Roboute Chassis
[X][Void]Sky Breacher Cruiser
[X][Infantry]Martian Pattern No. 45 Lasgun

YES, slightly better equipment is what every soldier wants more durable, longer lasting and more bang for your buck. No need for fancy shmansy weapons that only a small minority will wield.

[X][Vehicle]The Medicae Thunderhawk

The healthier our troops the better and the easier it is to save our elite troops that could be handily dealt with the less expensive the Crusade will be. More meat shields for the Crusades is always a plus.

[X][Void]Scourge Bomber

Planetary bombing we really should use the advantage when we can because its huge for a force that stuck on some rock.
[X][Infantry]Martian Pattern No. 45 Lasgun
[X][Vehicle]The Medicae Thunderhawk
[X][Void]Cawl Class Disruptor
Its official, Ferrus is my favorite Primarch, the early primarch were too reasonable for my taste, their temper mellow, their choler cold, this one looks like he's about to make everything complicated. I hope he stays with the Imperium just so he can make more mess, that would be hilarious.

On the topic of religion, how's the development of Emperor cult? Without the suppression, it would be hard to resist worshipping the immortal giant in golden armor who is the master of all mankind's dominion. Even if he's not E money he's still and impressive and unique.
On the topic of religion, how's the development of Emperor cult? Without the suppression, it would be hard to resist worshipping the immortal giant in golden armor who is the master of all mankind's dominion. Even if he's not E money he's still and impressive and unique.

The cult to the First Emperor (OTL Emperor of Mankind) does exist it's somewhat common among the terrains who were conquered by him before the whole chaos thing.

The lack of information on what exactly happened to him for the public is both a hamper and a helper as it doesn't mean that people view him as just dying to something simple but also conspiracies put him out from everything to ascending to godhood to needing to leave the Galaxy to fight an even greater threat or whatever the hell wild ideas come about and aren't beyond the rules that the imperial bureaucracy has on religion
Its official, Ferrus is my favorite Primarch, the early primarch were too reasonable for my taste, their temper mellow, their choler cold, this one looks like he's about to make everything complicated. I hope he stays with the Imperium just so he can make more mess, that would be hilarious.

Best part was that it was entirely by accident, like yeah we plan to make some actively evil/problematic Primarchs, but Ferrus was just a complete happenstance.

Edit: i plan to advocate for a more...neutral Primarch for Chemos, not one that has a lot of good or bad stuff, i mean granted we have no idea how some Primarchs will change with time.
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Edit: i plan to advocate for a more...neutral Primarch for Chemos, not one that has a lot of good or bad stuff, i mean granted we have no idea how some Primarchs will change with time.
I hope Konrad lands there, we could create another hilariously evil Primarch. Maybe he would be different for the better with the regular injection of vitamin D
The cult to the First Emperor (OTL Emperor of Mankind) does exist it's somewhat common among the terrains who were conquered by him before the whole chaos thing.

The lack of information on what exactly happened to him for the public is both a hamper and a helper as it doesn't mean that people view him as just dying to something simple but also conspiracies put him out from everything to ascending to godhood to needing to leave the Galaxy to fight an even greater threat or whatever the hell wild ideas come about and aren't beyond the rules that the imperial bureaucracy has on religion
Sounds almost like Warhammer Sigmar. Which to be fair is a pretty good direction to take for the First Emperor faith.
[X][Infantry]Martian Pattern No. 45 Lasgun
[X][Vehicle]The Kelbor-Hal Mobile Superheavy Fortress
[X][Void]Cawl Class Disruptor
I want "evil" primarchs I think but Ferrus is something wild. He's fits the bill and all that but holy shit we went from decent enough and nice to humans to barreling past social Darwinism and straight into mass eugenics with him.

Interesting story beat for us to touch on later but I'm hoping we can keep the imperium around as a better institution to the inevitable break away domains of however many evil primarchs we end up having.