The Ways of Fate: A Primarch Quest

Early Childhood
[X]Have just re-cracked the atom
[X]He will prevent a terrible tragedy
[X]A world of extreme weather,
[X]An indomitable psyker
[X]Alekandros Megalos

The first thing Alekandros Megalos Bourgh remembered were the lights. Small flickering flames in the darkness of his mind flashing in and out of existence. Small little things of warmth and emotion, hovering near him only for as long as he could hold on to them, soon dissappearing like sparks dissappeared into the night. Ma told him what he was feeling was a person's soul, that he would be able to see them for longer the more powerful his abilities grew. She would then hug him tightly and as always, he would close his eyes and try to see hers, feel her wamrth beyond the tight, loving embrace, see the spark of the person most dear to him.

He always came up empty, grabbing at emptyness, much to his frustration. When the two of them were out and within the fortress cities halls and corridors, he would ocasionally spot glimpses of other parents being out and about with their children, feeling the love ematating from their souls when he managed to focus the attention of his mind for just a second. He did not understand why Ma was hiding from him, why she choose to cover her soul in nothingsness, unable for him to reach out and feel the warmth.

A ember of resentment that stayed and festered, building steam until they bottled over. It was a bad day, one of the usual, sudden changes of the weather had cancelled their trip to the menorian cliffsides he had hoped to see. Alekandros was sulking with all the energy a few month old primarch could muster. Ma was an saint, with endless patients but it seemed like she too had reached her limit with his tantrum. He felt slighted, betrayed. He had observed he was not like the other children he played with on occasion, he was taller, smarter, they could not see the sparks. He knew his Ma could protect them from the weather and he really wanted to see the cliffs.

When she told him no, his kettle boiled over. His frustration manifested its way into reality in a crackling wave of force, directed at the object of his frustration before him. Anger turned to fear when the walls around them collapsed inwards, stone and rock and metal crumbling under the power of his emotions like paper, burying the two of them, crushing them under rock. For a moment, he could not move, more weight pressing down on him that the superhuman strength of his little body could ever hope to move. Fear turned to panic as the moment dragged on, trapped, isolated, alone.

The rocks moved, debris flowing backwards back where it had come from. The incredible weight on his chest was lifted as Ma rushed forward to take him into her embrace. As the room around them continued to fix itself, he could see something in her, like tiny daggers and ripping teeth digging on the edges of his mind. Her presence paused when she felt his discomfort and she returned to blankeness. He was wailing by then, afraid and yet at the same time craving her comfort, saying he was sorry. His ma just apologized softly and hummed, contuning to hold him until he fell asleep.
Time passed and his understanding of the world grew with him. By now people had noticed he was not developing normally, having experienced twice the number of years of physical and trice of mental development normal for his age. He basked in the attention, but also felt a tinge of sadness when seeing his neighbourhood friends were falling behind him as they continued to develop normally, their sparks retaining their childlike energy. Ma said he had come to her from outer space and one day someone important would come to take him back there. Space was what sorrounded planets, he knew that. He also knew he lived on a planet called Tenus, in the mighty Coalition of Sargell. He knew the Coalition had rediscovered nuclear fission during a destructive and horrible war against an imperialist and evil neighbour on the souther continent, the Empire of Solimin, which was apparently a big deal. Everywhere he went, people celebrated that nuclear energy would power their homes and nuclear weapons ensure their supremacy over Tenus. Apparently a long time ago Tenus had been part of a star spanning human realm, until a great catastrophe had brought it low. Sorrounded by the terrible and unpredictable weather patterns: winds strong enough to lift boulders into the airs, rainfalls heavy enough to wash away hills and dry periods so hot the sun cracked the rock beneath their feat, the people of Tenus had fought and labored hard to draw a meager living from the land. Cities had been carved into the bases of the tallest mountains, mines dug deep into the earth to extract Tenus rich natural resources and men of knowledge and wisdom labored hard to resiscover what had been lost all those centuries ago. Alekandros could see his Ma was not happy with the state of how things were, but she remained elusive when asked about it. Only giving up that peace could only be maintained as long as only the Coalition would have nuclear weapons. The people on the vox channels said the nuclear secrets were safe, but his Ma was wise and powerful, so maybe she was right.

As he grew older, he also began to become his own person through interaction with others and his life experiences, being less dependent on his Ma. What traits did Alekandros develop in his early life. Vote for as many positive and negative traits, the highest two of each will win, of his that will effect his personality going forward. (Please dont just make Vulcan 2.0, thank you)

Positve Traits:

Negative Traits:

Additionally, his dormant psyker powers developed more and more with every day. The sparks that he had once only been able to observe fleetingly, began to be a constant. Ma observed the careful exerimentation he did with his fledling powers with a weary eye, telling him to be careful, reminding him of the day he had almost buried himself. She sat down with him, told him of beings from beyond reality that would seek out and abuse him for their own gain. As he grew more powerful, the light of his own soul would attract them like the smell of freshly baked bread attracts the masses on a workday morning. He had laughed and promised her he would be careful.

It was not long after that the nightmares started. At first he would wake up, hearts racing and sweaty, not remembering what had happened, but as time went on the dreams became more clear. Whispers of voices promising him things in languages he could not understand, dirty flames drawing near him, their presence strange and confusing. Until one fateful night he felt something being in the room with him, invisible yet present. He whsipered for his Ma, terrified and confused, a Primarch yet still so young. Frost build on the walls and door as she tried to enter, before finally eradicating the obstacle between her and him from reality. She marched through the room uncaring of the presence, taking Alekandros into her arms, soothing him. A terrible coldness drew over him as she fought the entity. Alekandros could feel his own soul flicker under the drowning sense of emptyness engulfing him, clinging as tight to her as he dared to. He could feel the daggers and teeth again, but no matter how they hurt him they hurt the entitity more. He clung to her until he fell asleep again, remaining in her embrace until morning.

When he returned the following evening, the new door felt bitingly cold to the touch. His mom had done something to his room. The door, walls, floor and ceiling were covered in a black metal that made the room feel cold, not physically, but mentally. A cold his Primarch body could not overcome. Falling sleeping was hard, but he had discovered he did not need much of it anyway.

At least the entities never dared return.

It was a few weeks later that Ma pulled him into their kitchen and sat down at their kitchen table, a cup of recaff in her hand. The dark, bitter drink was heavily rationed, expensive, but Ma always seemed to have enough of it to share a cup with their neighbors. By now he was as tall as her despite his age, moving to sit down at the table under the yellow lighting of the Lumen above them.

Ma turned the cup in her hand, anxious. As usual Alekandros only had her mannerisms to read her emotions, her inner being unreadable to him, blank. She lifted the gaze of her green eyes up at him from the centre of the table, moving to say something, before looking down again, moving a strain of her long blonde hair behind her ear. He waited, it seemed important.

"Alek, I am sorry." She finally managed to say.

"What for?" He furrowed his brows, trying to read her.

"For not being able to help you with your abilities more. When I found you in that pod, I thought I could do more, but…" She trailed off.

"I never asked Ma." He responded, voice low. "It seemed like a question you did not want to be asked, but what are you?"

The unasked asked, she threw him a cold smile that ran a shiver down his spine. "I will tell you one day, I promise."

She took a sip, continuing before he could say something. "Transmuting your walls into phase iron is a temporary solution. You will need training from one of your kind."

"My kind."

"Psykers", she stated flatly. "We will move. This is not to be discussed."

He nodded, yielding to the stern tone of his mother.

Who will be responsible for training him? (Vote for one)

[]A Cabal of Underground Witches
Psykers are strongly feared, monitored and hunted on Tenus because of scars and fears, the roots of which run deep. There is a cabal of witches on Tenus pracisting and developing their powers and knowledge in secret, away from the eyes of the Coalition or the Empire in a remote location, since the time of the fall.

[]The Imperial Sorcererer Academy
While the Coalition has no such body, Solimin has at least a fledging intitution to train the strongest and most reliable with psyking powers.

[]An Eldar Farseer
Alekandros had only ever heard rumored stories of the humanoid Xenos, least that his mother actually know some of them personally.

Thanks for participating. I reserve myself the right to disregard, interpret, change and add to WH40k and 30k lore as I see fit to support the narrative. Comments and feedback sustain my soul.
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[X] Perceptive
[X] Friendly
[X] Self-aware
[X] Rebellious
[X] Stubborn
[X] An Eldar Farseer
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[X]An Eldar Farseer

What could go wrong? Aside from dad maybe locking in the death route early
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[X]The Imperial Sorcererer Academy

"The evils of man can only be destroyed when cast into the light. In the shadow of lies, they multiply and corrupt. I will not accept anything less than the purest truth."
-Alexandros (possibly maybe idk)
An appreciation for the truth and self-awareness of flaws is good.


[X]The Imperial Sorcererer Academy
The other side of the cold war story.
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[X]An Eldar Farseer
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[X]An Eldar Farseer
[X]An Eldar Farseer

Intelligent and diligent are 50/50 but self aware is most important i think.
[X]The Imperial Sorcererer Academy


[X]An Eldar Farseer

[X]The Imperial Sorcererer Academy

I wonder who's stronger between the MC and Magnus, though I suppose the two of them are meant to be back ups to the Golden Throne, in case the other is incapacitated

[X]An Eldar Farseer
[X] Friendly
[X] Rebellious
[X] Stubborn
[X]An Eldar Farseer

Doing what she did makes me think perpetual who has picked up tricks but that night not be it.
[X]An Eldar Farseer

I want to get into conflict with the Emperor about our views on Xenos. A Primarch learning from one and having empathy for them is a fantastic story I would love to see. It might even be connected to the tradegy we'll prevent, and we're doomed to be killed for that anyway.
Also, Eldar are one of the best choices for a teacher, as they're closer to our power than any normal human could ever be. They also probably know a pot about daemons, so that might help.
