The Empty Crusade (Horus Heresy)

Indeed, and it's not like it will effect the war, the new guy can make his own and the tenth work well with the fourth.

God there will be two Tenth Legions, the Iron Shields and the "Perfect" Legion.
And since the depending on what options get chosen they might still be the same blank faced flesh automata we saw on his Home world, instead of whatever monster he and the Selenar can come up with. I'm glad we kept them around don't get me wrong but holy shit this is a bad situation.
And since the depending on what options get chosen they might still be the same blank faced flesh automata we saw on his Home world, instead of whatever monster he and the Selenar can come up with. I'm glad we kept them around don't get me wrong but holy shit this is a bad situation.

Could be worse, but for sure could be better. But that's kinda what i love about it, this is a divisive situation for even the three Primarch brothers, who while not all as close as can be (Perty and Big G) Ferrus is a disruptive force to the entire structure of the Imperium, will Big G keep to the lessons of Malcador and think that the needs of the Imperium justify this monster, or will Ferrus push things too far and be censored/killed as an example that not all Primarchs will be ones who deserve to join the Imperium.

And yeah we should probably keep Ferrus away from Luna and Mars. Mars especially for...Dragon reasons.
[X] [Ferrus] The Ash World
[X][Ferrus] A Honed Blade
[X][Ferrus] Necrontyr

[X][Perturabo] Sons beyond Blood
[X][Magnus] The Sigillite
[X] [Ferrus] The Ash World
[X][Ferrus] A Honed Blade
[X][Ferrus] Necrontyr

[X][Perturabo] Sons beyond Blood
[X][Magnus] The Sigillite
[X][Perturabo] The Kinslayer
Ferrus has slighted Perturabo and endangered his family. The fleet would go to Medusa and vengeance would be claimed.

At this point we can only kill Ferrus and move on.
[X] [Ferrus] The Ash World
[X][Ferrus] A Honed Blade
[X][Ferrus] Necrontyr

[X][Perturabo] Sons beyond Blood
[X][Magnus] The Sigillite
So...out of curiosity, how well would people want the Iron Shields to be the main leading charge against any rebellion/betrayal from Ferrus and his monsters. Cause I want Voitek to get his dues against his monster of a Father, i would be satisfied with him landing a debilitating blow to Ferrus while Perty ends Ferrus
So...out of curiosity, how well would people want the Iron Shields to be the main leading charge against any rebellion/betrayal from Ferrus and his monsters. Cause I want Voitek to get his dues against his monster of a Father, i would be satisfied with him landing a debilitating blow to Ferrus while Perty ends Ferrus
depends on how much his sons dislike him cause this guy cause remember some world eaters willing put nails in their heads to feel closer to angron.
Also wow we really did create a monster a mix of the four primarchs horrible traits ferrus flesh is weak, fulgrims perfection, perty lack of care for his sons (cause this is a lesser versions of pertys desamation), and angron for how he treats his sons
depends on how much his sons dislike him cause this guy cause remember some world eaters willing put nails in their heads to feel closer to angron.
Also wow we really did create a monster a mix of the four primarchs horrible traits ferrus flesh is weak, fulgrims perfection, perty lack of care for his sons (cause this is a lesser versions of pertys desamation), and angron for how he treats his sons

Necron Parenting at it's finest, like i said before, a race of Sociopaths on the best of days
depends on how much his sons dislike him cause this guy cause remember some world eaters willing put nails in their heads to feel closer to angron.
Also wow we really did create a monster a mix of the four primarchs horrible traits ferrus flesh is weak, fulgrims perfection, perty lack of care for his sons (cause this is a lesser versions of pertys desamation), and angron for how he treats his sons
I think its the caveat of making the other Primarch's so different. Out of the next four at least one of them will turn out weird and fucked up.

Though this does bring to mind a few options we had in the past, remember the cannibal bird people on Fenris, and how they were an option for magnus? That could have easily led to a thing where magnus conquers the world with crazy bird magic and punishes the "land dwellers" by going down and doing blood eagles on them. There was similar thing with Perty where he could have landed in the den of the Devil right off the bat,from that path he could have put down whatever rebellion came forward and helped the Devil in its quest.

What I'm getting at is that there are options with more consequences than others, and we should try to get the Primarch's as close to a normal upbringing as possible, and not having really fucked up sociopathic foster fathers. That doesnt exclude them from being morally grey or even evil but it does mean less of things like Ferrus trying to "Perfect" the imperium by way of a psychotic robot angry about some frog people from 60 million years ago.
What I'm getting at is that there are options with more consequences than others, and we should try to get the Primarch's as close to a normal upbringing as possible, and not having really fucked up sociopathic foster fathers. That doesnt exclude them from being morally grey or even evil but it does mean less of things like Ferrus trying to "Perfect" the imperium by way of a psychotic robot angry about some frog people from 60 million years ago.

Sounds good, but doing so may be harder in cases where we don't know how it might mess them up, which i am fine with, obviously Evil Primarchs are a staple.
Sounds good, but doing so may be harder in cases where we don't know how it might mess them up, which i am fine with, obviously Evil Primarchs are a staple.
Oh Naturally, but I'd much rather Mortarion and his bioweapons over Ferrus and his "Build a son" projects. Speaking of Morty I don't think we've discussed what we want to do with him, maybe a Chogoris!Mortarion to and a Barbarus!Jaghatai to mirror what we're doing with Leman and Magnus. Morty might have a more heavy cavalry thing going on but what would a Barbaran jaghatai look like?
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Oh Naturally, but I'd much rather Mortarion and his bioweapons over Ferrus and his "Build a son" projects. Speaking of Morty I don't think we've discussed what we want to do with him, maybe a Chogoris!Mortarion to and a Barbarus!Jaghatai to mirror what we're doing with Leman and Magnus. Morty might have a more heavy cavalry thing going on but what would a Barbaran jaghatai look like?

hmm well Barbus aside from the horrible psyker xeno overlords, had plenty of valley people in need of a uniting force to fight the Psykers...maybe a Gurillia war expert, turning the villages into killing zones for the Xeno soldiers. Of course, there could be other options Tennis puts in that help make decisions.

Personally, i would not mind putting Morty on either Baal or like Perty on a world fit for one of the lost Primarchs. Baal mostly for the fact that place was a post-apocalyptic waste land in need of some medical stuffs, and Morty was made with that in mind.

With Jaghatai, i think he could do well on Necuria or Caliban, just worlds where he has options for going fast either on horses or just loads of space for him to move.
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With Jaghatai, i think he could do well on Necuria or Caliban, just worlds where he has options for going fast either on horses or just loads of space for him to move.
"He's a growing Primarch, he needs lots of open space to run around a pillage." Nuceria I agree with, plenty of stuff for him to kill and more than enough plains to get a horse army (Chariots maybe? or just mechanized brigades from the city states) but Caliban is like 70% murder forest that limits horse stuff, save small hunting parties to cull the beast populations, maybe Nostramo, get spaceship stuff early rather than horses and throw him into Nostraman gang structures to usurp a city.
Fun idea for Lion. Lion the Monster Hunter. This would be less towards him being a knight, but him being the huntsman. Sending him to a world akin to the Monster Hunter franchise or something like it. A relatively "High Fantasy" setting in which men fight extraordinary great beasts for fame and fortune. Bonus points if it's an Exodite world and Lion gets to chill and/or fight against dinosaur-riding Exodites.
Fun idea for Lion. Lion the Monster Hunter. This would be less towards him being a knight, but him being the huntsman. Sending him to a world akin to the Monster Hunter franchise or something like it. A relatively "High Fantasy" setting in which men fight extraordinary great beasts for fame and fortune. Bonus points if it's an Exodite world and Lion gets to chill and/or fight against dinosaur-riding Exodites.
Nocturne, instead of the blacksmith he lands alone and benchpresses some of the smaller magma lizards all day, then he wresltes the fire drakes into submission. But he's still a Wildman and when his brothers come to get him its a cross between chasing your drunk uncle who still has high motor function and a oil slick gorilla made of steel. Eventually they grab him in one of those animal nets and chain him up Hannibal style and force him to learn the alphabet.
[X] [Ferrus] A Honed Blade
[X] [Ferrus] The Ash World
[X] [Ferrus] Quenching
[X] [Perturabo] Sons beyond Blood
[X] [Magnus] Ferrus
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Planetary Tennis on Oct 26, 2022 at 3:54 PM, finished with 46 posts and 16 votes.