If I Were A Rich Man (No SV, Time to make Money.)

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[X]Plan Cyberpunk Space hunter revised
-[]Mae Boatson

---[]18: Well Fuck, 18 years old and now utterly kicked out of your home, without barely any warning, because your parents were assholes. You have nothing, no bank account, no home, and now, no support. The only thing you have is a high school diploma and your grit. Good luck. (Begin with only one skill set to competent, but, you are young, with a lifetime ahead of you to learn and grow, and have the ability to choose your own congenital (Genetic) trait)

----[]Gray: It seems you like living on the edge, doing the things that aren't exactly legal... but it does pay... If you survive of course. Turns out Grey Market and those that run it... well, they have difficulties.

Almost perfect, but had a glaring fail.
[X]Plan Loving It
-[X]Mac Donald

---[X]21: Well it was a shitty way to end your free ride, on a bender that fucked you up. But soon, things only just got worse. Because now you are out in a city where you do not know anyone, and now, you have to make your way in the world. And that is terrifying. (Begin with Two skillsets to competent, and one that is skilled. But you will start with a random good and bad trait)

----[X]Gray: It seems you like living on the edge, doing the things that aren't exactly legal... but it does pay... If you survive of course. Turns out Grey Market and those that run it... well, they have difficulties.

I have no idea why I did this, I just knew I had to
So do you all want an optional reason to make money? Or just stick to what I gave you?
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Oct 20, 2022 at 6:39 PM, finished with 22 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X]Plan: Started from the bottom... and still there.
    -[X] Johnathan Mercer
    -[X] 18
    -[X] Legal
    [X]Plan Cyberpunk Space hunter
    [X] Plan: Gangster's Paradise
    [X] Plan: Not Easy
    -[X] Name: Mendel Dreamlander (Male)
    -[X] Image pic: QM chooses
    -[X]18: Well Fuck, 18 years old and now utterly kicked out of your home, without barely any warning, because your parents were assholes. You have nothing, no bank account, no home, and now, no support. The only thing you have is a high school diploma and your grit. Good luck. (Begin with only one skill set to competrnt, but, you are young, with a lifetime ahead of you to learn and grow, and have the ability to choose your own congenital (Genetic) trait)
    -[X]Legal: You are going to make your money square. After all, the government can only take so much. And the Corps can't buy your soul. At least you think.
    [X] Name: Lucas Taylor
    [X] Image: QM's choice
    [X]21: Well it was a shitty way to end your free ride, on a bender that fucked you up. But soon, things only just got worse. Because now you are out in a city where you do not know anyone, and now, you have to make your way in the world. And that is terrifying. (Begin with Two skillsets to competent, and one that is skilled. But you will start with a random good and bad trait)
    [X] Illegal: Hey, with the entire world being run by criminals... What's one more criminal in the lot?
    [X]Plan Cyberpunk Space hunter revised
    [X]Plan Loving It
    -[X]Mac Donald
    ---[X]21: Well it was a shitty way to end your free ride, on a bender that fucked you up. But soon, things only just got worse. Because now you are out in a city where you do not know anyone, and now, you have to make your way in the world. And that is terrifying. (Begin with Two skillsets to competent, and one that is skilled. But you will start with a random good and bad trait)
    ----[X]Gray: It seems you like living on the edge, doing the things that aren't exactly legal... but it does pay... If you survive of course. Turns out Grey Market and those that run it... well, they have difficulties.
So something I'm going to say for the quest:

Every turn is going to be three month interval.

But that may change if we start doi by really crazy shit.
Well we could go the self enlightened route with greed. As in while we could be incredibly greedy we are willing to not be totally evil about it for pragmatic reasons.

Long term goal would like us to have our own city that is actually extremely nice place for everyone living there. It's not necessarily solely for charity reasons though, it's just that our guy isn't interesting in settling for just any city but the best city around.

To keep with the theme we might pull something like a metaphorical Mortal engines where we grow our city by taking apart others places resources to build up our own city.
Well we could go the self enlightened route with greed. As in while we could be incredibly greedy we are willing to not be totally evil about it for pragmatic reasons
I mean you can also pull a Scrooge McDuck and just do everything for the hell of it as well as trying to make the world a better place.

And by also being the richest person in the world who is honestly a good one.
Long term goal would like us to have our own city that is actually extremely nice place for everyone living there. It's not necessarily solely for charity reasons though, it's just that our guy isn't interesting in settling for just any city but the best city around.
We have space travel. Think bigger.
To keep with the theme we might pull something like a metaphorical Mortal engines where we grow our city by taking apart others places resources to build up our own city
Any questions?

Yes I am also allowing you to be the guardian of your family... :V
As in can we get more detail beyond it's a cyberpunk world?
I will make things clear:

This is not Cyberpunk 2077 or 2020. For the simple fact, I want to use my own original world.

However, I will give you a small breakdown of the power players of this world.

Echo Inc: The Largest conglomerate on the Planet, mostly known for biotechnical, and medical stuff. However, it goes to the dark side rather quickly. The Family that owns the company, the Vines, are two sides of the coin. The Kids are literally the only heroes in this world, and they have been sculpted from a genetic level to be the perfect humans. Basically, the Parents wanted to make gods. And they somewhat succeeded.

Unfortunately, the kids grew conscious, and they decided to do horrible horrible things in the name of simple human decency and freedom.

The Eldest Yukimaru is the World's greatest terrorist. He is an assassin, a mass murderer, who has been the one who caused what I call the "Love Like Fire Concert" Which caused China to collapse into another warring state and caused the United States to Amend the constitution to allow corporations to become states.

A CEO hasn't run for president yet, but don't worry, that can be changed with enough lobbyist money.

Cecelia Vine: Adventurer extraordinaire, sex goddess, and all-around psychopath... or at very least have empathy problems. See she has been hunted like a dog for a genetic weapon that is in her body (It's sentient BTW) and she has been literally trying to remain one step ahead of the entire world. She is the closest thing this world has to a hero, and she is trying to... well you know... deal with that problem.

Futaba: What if Rebecca from Edgerunners decided to stop being a Merc and become a Superhero for profit? It is as hilarious as it is terrifying. Also, she's only 15. And has a kill count in the hundreds... if not thousands.

The Parents are... well to put it bluntly, blatantly supervillains.

But they are also somehow the least Evil CEOs on earth.

That should tell you everything you need to know about how the Corpos are running the show.

Every CEO... is fucking Evil. Except for the Actual supervillains.

The Next Great Power Broker, is in fact, the European Union. (Or as I like to say, the Lawful Stupid of this world, but they try. They Really do)

Now Tens times more powerful with the Ukraine Run Russia (Don't ask, The Russians really fucked up), also Ukraine is the most powerful army in Europe.

See after the 2030's when NATO When postal on the Middle East during the Oil Wars...(Spoiler no one won but the Corpo's, but they haven't killed the biosphere yet), The EU bailed on American Stupidity and decided to Federalze. If only to save their own ass.

They are normal... but in this world, they can only do so much to protect their interests and their citizens from the absolute fucking insanity of this world.

China has once met the same prophecy as China does. Again.

The Empire, long united, must divide. Don't worry they'll get better. It's less a warring state... more a game of thrones on who's in charge

Then we have the minor factions.

We Have Luna: This is basically just city-states on the moon trying to not only gain independence... but also... try to shoot at the earth with space rock... but since there is so much space junk it just burns up in orbit.

The Cyniders: O'Neill cylinder that are basically the Ultra wealthy enjoying the chaos on earth.

Mars: Red Factions will rise again... Yes, the Commies took over mars... Twice... and they are still trying to take over to "Save" Mars. Though considering what they want, they are also pretty bad. Ironically, they are the second most sane group of people in the Solar System, because, despite everything, they actually want to help people. Which is just sad. Because they really really want to drop asteroids on Earth and try to reset everything by killing a lot of people.

And the final... big named, Planned faction, is Exodus Project:

Not very original, but they have been trying to send the Arcs out to keep Humanity going. Guess who's on those arks? You guessed it, the crazy ultra rich with their slaves. Yes, I said slaves. Everyone who signed on were sold a lie. but that is for... later.

And one more major I almost forgot to Put in:

The Soldier of Fortune Magazine, and Conglomerate: From bounty hunting to a Genuine Mercenary state... these guys got you covered. Sure they illegally took over Egypt and most of Eastern Africa is just their playground, but they are the sanest people in the world.

Yes... Mercenaries are absolutely the most normal people on this planet.
What kind of world are we going to?
I'll tell you more about the Tech in general, but expect cybernetics, bioengineering, genetic engineering, network uplinks, insane internet, True Artificial Intelligence, and more.

Also, and do not take this the wrong way:

Some Corps are legitimately Fascist as In they want to take over the world and destroy other corporations.

Easier for buissness if they have a monopoly on everything, in their eyes.
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