Oh no, how could I forget Master Gig.. A monster that requires 2 tributes to be summoned an then pop a monster, at the cost of 1000 LP, may even three if he had a full board. Master Gig even has the amazing protection from, nothing.
To be serious I'm more scared of snail and Psychic Borg, as they hit above average to very hard for normal summons. Indirect damage would hamper his ability to play spells and monster effects without risking something like mirror force or mind control. I think all three plans could work, but all three plans could have him respond with counters. Telekinetic power well could have backfired the board wipe plan, mirror force or any disruption/floodgate for the rush life points. Some common twin twister or enough muscle on board can break through a defense play. The thing is I have a harder time thinking of cards that a psychic player could have that would brake a defense either without paying a good chunk of LP or doesn't have another cost like discard a card.