Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

I ran the numbers, and unfortunately we don't have enough gold for my plan. I'm going to have to swap out the Occult action - instead of Potions I'm thinking Every Little Piece. DC is 15 higher, but also costs zero gold.
@TempestK questions about omakes since I've never written one before but I have an idea that won't leave me alone; is there any hard and fast rule for what makes an acceptable omake aside from "write good and don't be a complete munchkin"?
Not really. Whether it's made canon or not is completely up in the air, but so long as it's of decent length (more that 500 words) and well done grammatically, then it's up for consideration.
Shouldn't we at least use on of aladin's actions to kee contact with his fiance, or we keep the contract in the background regardles?
[X] Plan: Fight For Your Honor (We Are War)
- [X][Martial]Forging a Red Sword
With all of the issues that are springing up that require a martial solution, Ahmed is looking at expanding his staff to better handle all of the moving pieces without letting anything fall between the cracks logistically or martially. Gain a second Martial Action.
DC: 120 (Heroes assigned to this task may substitute their Learning for Martial)
Cost: 2,000 Gold, 500 Gold Upkeep per turn after
Bonuses: 18+11+17+10+5 (+61), +76 with XP.
- [X][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with Agrabah independent of any marriage.
Even if things between the Princess and Aladdin fall through, Agrabah would be an important trading partner to have. Send some diplomats to set up a trade agreement independent of any marriage that may or may not occur. Improves income by 1000 gold per turn.
DC: 45
Cost: 2500 Gold
Bonuses: 11+15 (+26), +41 with XP.
- [X][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with Maldonia.
With the sea access that Ababwa now enjoys, as well as the open route to Agrabah with the removal of the Sand Witches, opening trade with the kingdom of Maldonia is now a possibility. Send out some envoys to negotiate an agreement. Improves income by 1500 gold per turn.
DC: 65
Cost: 2500 Gold
Bonuses: 11+15+12+5 (+43), +58 with XP. Garth also gives a 10% discount, so -250 gold cost.
- [X][Diplomacy]Looking West
With the new shift in the world, Ababwa needs to gain the measure of the people that now occupy the land of Egypt. Send a diplomatic envoy to establish communications with this new Kingdom.
DC: 70
Cost: 2,500 Gold
Bonuses: 19+25 (+44), +59 with XP.
-[X][Diplomacy]As Above, So Below
Making political contact with a god is a tricky business, especially ones as mercurial as Hades and his wife are reported to be. And especially with the birth of a new divine child. Do the polite thing and send the Lord and Lady of Olympus and the Underworld an appropriate gift to celebrate the imminent arrival of a new divine spark.
DC: 60
Cost: 2,000 Gold
Bonuses: 19+25 (+44), +59 with XP.
- [X][Intrigue]A Friend in Need
With Nemo's ship in very poor shape; Haroud and Iago can see to diverting a few caravans with materials that the scientifically-minded pirate would likely find of use in his repairs; especially after having familiarized themselves with the materials that Muntz and the Global Elite Hunstman's Club had requested for their repairs and supply drop. Greatly increases the level of trust and respect Nemo has towards Ababwa and Aladdin.
DC: 50
Cost: 5,000 Gold
Bonuses: 20+20 (+40), +55 with full XP.
- [X][Intrigue] Hiding in the Mists
The Kingdom of Lemuria is an enigma, the Southern Satraps shouldn't have been able to consolidate so quickly. Nor do they have a history of having access to much gold. Something's going on there, and as spymaster of Ababwa it's up to Haroud to figure out what...
DC: 70/120
Cost: 1,200 Gold
Bonuses: 20+20+23 (+63), +78 with XP, +98 if Haroud's trait procs.
- [X][Learning] A Dragon's Hoard
Viggo Grimborne represents a unique opportunity to further expand the scope of the menagerie and the studies of the university. Not just dragons, but it's possible that he may be able to be commissioned to hunt and capture other rare, magical creatures for display and conservation within the Menagerie. Opens new Stewardship action for Viggo to hunt a random creature for the Menagerie. Each new creature increases the income of the menagerie by an amount determined by its rarity and splendor. May open up new Learning actions.
DC: 60
Cost: 500 Gold
Bonuses: 14+30 (+44), +59 with XP.
- [X][Learning] Getting a Leg Up
Chiron's prosthetic leg is a marvel, and one that, if developed correctly, could very well assist many who have lost limbs. It will require hiring engineers to work with the doctors in order to figure out the right mechanics and the best compromise between limb functionality and structural integrity. Allows for the construction of advanced prosthetics for those that have lost limbs. (Think Hiccup's leg from How to Train Your Dragon).
DC: 80
Cost: 3,000 Gold
Bonuses: 14+30 (+44), +59 with XP.
- [X][Occult] Every Little Piece
Zummi isn't quite sure what all these reagents harvest from the Dreaded One are capable of, or what kind of preparations they need. He's going to need to do a lot of dedicated research on this.
DC: 90
Cost: 0 Gold
Bonuses: 16+30 (+46), +61 with XP.
-[X][Red&Angry]Assign the girls to one of your advisors to see what they can do given a little understanding supervision. Or take them under your own wing personally as your new assistants.
- [X][Personal]Bearing it All
Zummi has asked Aladdin to come down and speak with him, as well as the rest of his acolytes. He can't say that he's not the least bit curious about what they want to talk to him about. ???
Diplomacy DC: 40
Bonus: +19, +34 with XP.
- [X][Personal] Bigger than you Believe
While Cade has been incredibly supportive and happy for Leah after her development of her powers, not to mention her managing to master them, Aladdin has spotted the young man occasionally looking forlorn. Perhaps he needs a talk with a big brother figure? And Aladdin's the best fit for that role. May unlock options for Cade to become some form of Hero unit.
Diplomacy DC: 65
Bonus: +19, +34 with XP.
- [X][Iago Personal] You Scratch My Beak...
Iago is well aware that you didn't hire him on for his good looks. He'll pitch in as best he can with projects. Just tell him where to put his effort in.
--[X] Hiding in the Mists
- [X][Jose Personal] learning Arabic
Jose is able to communicate thanks to his knowledge of languages, but it seems his grasp of Arabic isn't as comprehensive as anyone had thought. He'd been using quotes from books as a way to make his needs known, which Scherezade realized after speaking with him for a bit. Time to add another language to his lexicon!
Learning DC: 60
Bonus: +25, +40 with XP, +50 if Henry's trait procs.
- [X][Tai Lung Personal] Training
Tai Lung is a fitness and training fanatic, and seems to always be on the lookout for new weapons to learn or styles of combat to fold into his own personal arsenal. And he's more than happy to have someone to spar with. Can allow other characters to increase Martial, allows Tai Lung to familiarize himself with new styles of combat and reduce his malus when encountering them.
-- [X] hand-to-hand
---[X] Abu
DC 45 as given last turn, so 15+15+10 (???)-5=+35, but auto-passes with just 10 XP.
- [X][Leah Personal] Speaking with Holly
Holly is such an interesting person! And so adorable to boot! Perhaps Leah can get a bit more information out of her in regards to where she came from and what brought her so far away?
Diplomacy DC: 75
Bonus: 19+10 (+29), +44 with XP.
- [X][Selous Personal]Miracle of Life
Selous is eager to see the hatching of the infant Foreverwing, and will suspend his other actions in order to observe the birth of the dragonet. Raises his loyalty by +10
DC: 0
- [X][Helga Personal]Lingua Franca
Without Thatch here Helga no longer has a translator within easy reach. Best to buckle down and learn the local language to ensure that she's as efficient in her job as possible.
Learning DC: 60
Bonus: 11, +26 with XP, +36 if Henry's trait procs.
-[X][Indy Personal] His Father's Son (Help a Hero unit study a language)
–[X] Jose
–[X] Helga
-[X][Hub Personal] Helping Hands (assist with a National)
–[X] Forging a Red Sword
-[X][Garth Personal] Second Hands (Assist with a National)
–[X] Set up a Trade Agreement with Maldonia
Costs: 20,950 gold, +500 upkeep/turn, +2,500 gold/turn. Another +1500 gold/turn once the Foreverwing hatches.

In general, this plan is geared towards preparing for a war with Lemuria. To this end, we deepen our revenue stream, strengthen our communication skills amongst our heroes, get a second Martial action, help Nemo (who has been having his own troubles with the Lemurian's sponsors), scout out Lemuria, avoid pissing off Hades by snubbing the birth of his daughter, and protecting our west by checking out the Egyptians. Every Little Piece doesn't cost any gold and might give us some helpful tools, and Bearing It All finishes out the plotline with Zummi. I put Garth on the Maldonia deal because he has contacts there, and Hub on Forging A Red Sword because he has some frankly ridiculous Martial bonuses. Iago on the Lemuria action because, well, why not? And Leah on Holly because I think there's a lot to be said for a better relationship with the little fae who gave Louis the ability to talk.

If all goes well, during Turn 12 we can have Selous, Garth and Hub all learn Arabic while the other heroes work on Nationals.
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[X] Magic & Mystery v1
- [X][Martial]Forging a Red Sword
- [X][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with Maldonia.
- [X][Stewardship]Bound for All Points East
- [X][Diplomacy]As Above, So Below
- [X][Diplomacy] Hire Local!
- [X][Intrigue] Hiding in the Mists
- [X][Intrigue]A Friend in Need
- [X][Learning] Mastering Magic
- [X][Learning] It's Just Gibberish! ... Isn't It?
- [X][Occult] Dark Wings in the Night
- [X][Personal]You only Live Once
- [X][Personal] A Talented Twisted Tongue
-- [X] Greek
- [X][Iago Personal] You Scratch My Beak...
-- [X] Hiding In The Mists
- [X][Jose Personal] learning Arabic
- [X][Tai Lung Personal] Training
-- [X] hand-to-hand
--- [X] Abu
- [X][Leah Personal] A Little Elbow Grease
-- [X] Mastering Magic
- [X][Selous Personal]Miracle of Life
- [X][Helga Personal]Lingua Franca
- [X][Indy Personal] His Father's Son (Help a Hero unit study a language)
-- Aladdin
-- Jose
-- Helga
- [X][Garth Personal] Second Hands (Assist with a National)
-- [X] Bound For All Points East
- [X][Hub Personal] Helping Hands (assist with a National)
-- [X] Forging a Red Sword

Nobody's presented any more complaints, so here I go
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[X] Plan: Fight For Your Honor (We Are War)

Looks good. That said, @TirelessTraveler , how about this action next turn?
-[][Learning]Awakening the Past
The animals that were brought back from the Valley of Frozen Time are incredible specimens. Have Tai Lung begin breaking them free of their prisons in order to begin studying them. The zoological department of the university is alight with interest as to their behaviors and habits. There's just the matter of making sure that they have properly secured enclosures...
Gain +1500 income per turn from the new additions to the Menagerie.
DC: 40
Cost: 9,000
More cash, and probably helps the war beast martial action.
[X] Magic & Mystery v1
What are your plans for assigning Red and Angry?
[X] Plan: Fight For Your Honor (We Are War)

Looks good. That said, @TirelessTraveler , how about this action next turn?

More cash, and probably helps the war beast martial action.
I'd love to; depends on how we do insofar as income goes, because we're starting to run against a lot of really expensive actions and not nearly enough gold to pay for more than a fraction of them. That action alone costs 9,000 gold. In fact... runs off to do nerd calculations

Edit: I'm back!

OK, running the current plate of actions through the Eisenhower Decision Matrix. They're coded as follows:
1 - Urgent and Important
2 - Important but not Urgent
3 - Urgent but not Important
4 - Neither Urgent Nor Important.

[][Martial] Have the hunters look for warbeasts specifically
- 2. The warbeasts offer some nice bonuses depending on the roll, but as we've seen with the Sirrush they can be an action sink.
[][Martial] Train a prehistoric animal for War.
- 2. Same as for the hunting action, although they might offer some great bonuses and they have the advantage of already being in the menagerie.
[][Martial] Fanning the Fires of Rebellion
- 4. We have no compelling interests in China, and all of the options are massive gold sinks.
[][Martial] Cross Training
- 4. Gonna be honest, I have no idea what bonus this would add, nor how their lack hurts us. The only thing they have going for them is that they don't cost any gold.
[][Martial] Engines of War
- 2, arguably 1. If we go to war with Lemuria, we'll want to have the ability to beat down their defenses.
[][Martial]Dragon Your Feet
- 2, arguably 1. Again, a massive force multiplier.

[][Stewardship] Prospect for new resources
- 2. Basically a mystery box that is guaranteed to help us out.
[][Stewardship] Something's Fishy...
- 2, arguably 1. Really helps with the Northern Satraps, and is a good source of good. A crit might even give us Ned Land as a hero.
[][Stewardship] Fresh Faces!
- 2/1. We need to get rid of that upkeep cost for the Northern Satraps. Only didn't go for it this turn because our best Stewardship heroes are busy with personals and because it costs more than we can spare atm.
[][Stewardship] Going Greek!
- 1. Gives us contact with Greece, puts us close to the new faction of Phil's Refugees and the heroes there.
[][Stewardship] Expand trade district
- 2. Always a good fallback action if we can't afford anything else - low-hanging fruit that gives a guaranteed income boost.
[][Stewardship] Expand housing district
- 2. Same as above.
[][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with the Kingdom of Lemuria
- 4. Given what we know about Lemuria at this time, it would be actively detrimental to us to do this action.
[][Stewardship]Bound for All Points East
- 1. If it wasn't for our dearth of Stewardship heroes and desperate need for easy income gains, I'd have chosen this action this turn; as it stands, I want to do it next turn at the very least.

[][Diplomacy] Establish a Diplomatic Embassy in Xiang-Wu
- 2. Strengthening our good relationship with our eastward neighbor can only help us.
[][Diplomacy] People are what they Love
- 2. Even if we don't accept a deal with them, getting a good look at their leadership should help our in-character understanding of the faction.
[][Diplomacy] Hire Local!
- 1. Same as Fresh Faces - we need to get rid of the upkeep cost, and I like the idea of maintaining local control. Hopefully we can do this next turn with Garth or Leah.
[][Diplomacy] Send Envoys to the (East/West/North/South)
- 1. Any direction will help immensely; who knows, we might even find another hero a la Will Turner.
[][Diplomacy] Speaking to the Sirens
- 1. We need to meet them strength-for-strength; maybe this will let us stymie their diplomatic assaults.

[][Intrigue]Like Thieves in the Night
- 2. Maybe this will give a bonus to Haroud's operation?
[][Intrigue] Now Hiring!
- 1/2. Haroud needs all of the help he can get.
[][Intrigue] A Golden Opportunity
- 1. I'd have taken this action this turn were it not for Nemo needing our help right now.
[][Intrigue] Plotting a Course
- 2, arguably 4. We know our immediate neighbors, reaching further out is more of a luxury at this time.
[][Intrigue] Digging up Roots
-2, arguably 4. Same as Plotting A Course.
[][Intrigue] Eyes on the East
- 2. Not urgent, but we do need eyes on what's happening in China.
[][Intrigue] Needing a Hand
- 4. If it wasn't so expensive, I'd push it up to a 1, at least for the anti-Lemuria operation, but as it stands we just can't afford the 40 Thieves.
[][Intrigue] The Man In Red
- 4, possibly 2 or 1. We really don't have enough information to determine how dangerous he is.

[][Learning] Tinker, Tailor, Engineer...
- 2. Last time we did this, we got crossbows.
Honestly, all of the Learning actions are Important, but not Urgent. I'd like to do them in order of expense.

Like Learning, all of them are Important, but not urgent, with the possible exception of
[][Occult] Dark Wings in the Night
Which is probably a 1. Maybe do that one next turn, and assign Leah to it?

[][Adventure] On a Wing and a Prayer
- 2. Probably a lot of help with money and the roc wings, but nothing we can't do without for the moment.
[][Adventure] Around the World Map
- 1. We could really use that map, especially if we're going up against the Old Ones. But might want to hold off on doing it until...
[][Adventure] Armor of the Hair Apparent
-1. Having this for Aladdin or other heroes can only be a good thing.
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[X] Plan: Lemuria Delande Est!!
-[X] [Martial] Forging a Red Sword (Hub)
-[X] [Stewardship] Bound for All Points East (Garth)
-[X] [Stewardship] Expand trade district
-[X] [Diplomacy] Hire Local!
-[X] [Diplomacy] As Above, So Below
-[X] [Intrigue] Hiding in the Mists (Iago)
-[X] [Intrigue] A Friend in Need
-[X] [Learning] A Dragon's Hoard
-[X] [Learning] Getting a Leg Up
-[X] [Occult] Tonics, Tinctures and Tablets
-[X] [Red&Angry] Aladdin
-[X] [Aladdin] A Talented Twisted Tongue
--[X] English
-[X] [Aladdin] Bearing it All
-[X] [Iago] You Scratch My Beak...
--[X] Hiding in the Mists
-[X] [Jose] Learning Arabic
-[X] [Tai Lung] Training
--[X] Hand-to-hand
--[X] Abu
-[X] [Leah] Wood and Steel
-[X] [Selous] Linguistic Exercises
-[X] [Helga] Lingua Franca
-[X] [Indy] His Father's Son
--[X] Aladdin
--[X] Jose
--[X] Selous
--[X] Helga
-[X] [Hub] Helping Hands
--[X] Forging a Red Sword
-[X] [Garth] Second Hands
--[X] Bound for All Points East
- [][Learning] Secrets of the Heart
Chiron is convinced that they've only scratched the surface of what Silphium is capable of. Finance projects specifically to look into other applications to the herb. Add +1000 Gold to income from expanded applications of Silphium
DC: 90
Cost: 4000 Gold
Just did some quick math - if we did this action using Tai Lung next turn, we'd be rolling +74 before XP was applied. I kinda want to do it next turn now.
A King and His Pawns (Canon)
A King and His Pawns

Humperdinck felt his hand tremble around the exotic wine chalice he sipped from nervously. Across from him, the imposing king simply sat, exuding a quiet command that Humperdinck nor his own father had ever been able to replicate. To say the figure was imposing was to understate the sheer nature of the royal; he wore only a loose and worn tunic that had been dyed a dull shade of crimson, that hung over only one side. Its archaic nature wasn't worth commenting on however, as the stony countenance of the man was enough to shatter whatever sense of superiority the frightened king may have had into rubble.

"You pose an . . . interesting offer," the prince turned king spoke carefully, the shake and hesitance plain in his voice, before he cleared his throat, placing down his wine with care and precision betrayed by the shake in his hand. "Harbour you and your allies - and with it all the risk that entails." Humperdinck raised an eyebrow, as if to emphasize the risk he'd be taking in such a task, shrouding the concept with a veneer of ridiculousness that he hoped would prompt the man to sweeten his deal.

Sisyphus leaned forward, his eyes shaded as his own brows furrowed forward, his lips staunch and straight.

"I mean to keep you from an early grave, young king."

The former prince swallowed, his face suddenly a deathlike pallor of white - he could quite literally feel the presence from the opposing king, his frame a mountain of muscle that put strongmen to shame, his demeanor one that demanded respect and forced Humperdinck to shrink down in a show of demure submission.

"You are surrounded by forces beyond your understanding," the king spoke solemnly, turning an eye to the back of the room where another presence stood; it was one that Humperdinck had dared not demand be sent away for fear of the retribution it could bring him. He stood tall, taller than any man that the now king had ever seen before. Higher than seven feet, with shortened black curly hair that framed a passive, almost peaceful face.

"Ajax," Sisyphus spoke simply, and the man responded immediately, taking a step forward that in no other words - shook the room. Humperdinck felt the walls around him tremble, the floor creaking under the weight and presence of the thing before him. His breathing was now a quiet whisper under the authority of might - Ajax was a being the likes of which the timid and cowardly prince had never been faced with before.

"Ajax is a demonstration," the lord's words were far away to the ears of the frightened king, "a telling of the forces that lay beyond your hopeless little kingdom that you have abandoned to squalor." He leaned back now, hands folded as he looked beyond the noble. "I have witnessed death, and experienced it more than most; evaded it where others have not - and tirelessly struggled against fate for the freedom I have within my grasp. What I can promise you, little fledgling king, is that you will live to see your Kingdom without shackles brought by the might of your foes; that Helios' rays shall always shine upon every citizen within this land. You will not be some easily conquered footnote in history, for I have much larger plans for you and all of Florin, little king."

Humperdinck had never been roused before such as he was now - he could see it, the vision that the man painted in his eye; it was one of glory and greatness the petty king had never aspired for prior to this moment. Always had his ambition been lowly and simple - a prince wanting to be king, to use a fabricated war as an excuse to conquer another kingdom - those had been his ambitions before this calamity had befallen Florin. Guilder was gone, and replacing them were new kingdoms beholden to magics real and terrifying - to a legion of men that worshiped a deified pope in France, a tyrant Queen for a neighbor that had ignored him only for how little of a speck he was in her vision.

"You speak as though you can provide me all these things," the royal eventually found the courage to speak, sitting in his chambers with a newfound hunger for more that he had not felt since the days before he was to be crowned. "You talk of powers and things beyond me, forces that shadow my kingdom and and could step on us as though we are nothing - akin to a bug not worth a passing glance," a fierce, desperate kind of temptation and fear shone in his eyes now, "well what can you do to change that? What have you to offer me, Sisyphus?"

Sisyphus, for the first time since they had begun speaking, smiled.

Humperdinck had not expected to be taken so far out to the countryside - it had not been much of a choice in all honesty, for how could he have denied it from the men who could have so easily killed him already? Humperdinck was fairly certain that not even the guards posted all around the castle would be any use against the forces his fellow king commanded; among them was the fearsome looking Ajax, who now wielded a long spear, and a thick shield layered with an array of different hides - his guards all gave the man a wide berth, the horse beneath him impressive if only in how it managed to support the colossus.

Nearby too, was a woman with hair the color of winter snow; not silver, like some jewel, but pure and white so thick that you could confuse it for the clouds in the sky. Humperdinck did his best not to stare at the enchanting woman that was no doubt a thing beyond this world as well.

"Sisyphus," he called out from his horse to the other rider king - the king didn't look back at his cry, but the newly minted king continued speaking after a moment of silence. "This place - this thing you wish to show me, how much farther is it now."

Slowly, the king turned, and his face showed no emotion beyond a simple smirk. The group came to a sudden halt as he slowed his horse, the rest moving to follow. Around them, was an arid and desolate part of Florin; rocks and mountains amidst a small valley that had mountains on either side of it; the pass or gap, was lonely and stretched out quite a ways.

"We're already here."

The ominous statement had little bumps sprouting along the king's arms, that sense of danger he'd only felt around the intimidating Ajax once more descending.

The ground shook, and men began to panic as the earth quaked around them.

"Ambush!" Some shouted, and horses neighed out along with the cries of men, before a figure began to shape itself outward from one of the rocky mountains; no more was it simply another aspect of the environment - now there stood a behemoth perhaps larger than the sky itself, for it towered over everything, nary the size of the mountain it had no doubt been slumbering against.

Worse still, the stunned king noted to himself idly, was the numerous arms of foreboding muscle that lined every stretch of the being.

"Sisyphus," a boom followed the simple statement, amusement lining the tone of the beast. "Drafted another fool to do your bidding, have you?"

"King Humperdinck, allow me to introduce you to one of the last of his kind that still walks the lands free of shackles. Aegeaon, one of the Hekatonkheires," Sisyphus now turned to eye the lowly king personally, glinting with a hint of madness, "a Titan slayer."

A/N Were any of you aware that Disney holds the IP to Princess Bride? Well if you hadn't, you definitely do now. Enjoy.