[ ] Plan Chimeraguard
-[ ] Industry, 3 dice
--[ ] Buried Gold Caches, 1 die (10 Resources)
--[ ] Renewable Power Stage 2, 1 die (10 Resources)
--[ ] Sugar and Flour, 1 die (3 Resources)
--[ ] Medical Supplies, 2 dice (10 Resources)
-[ ] Subterfuge, 5 dice
--[ ] Become a Legitimate Business, 1 die (2 Resources)
--[ ] Underground Union Contacts, Pt. 1, 1 die (1 Resource)
--[ ] Off-Grid Membership, 1 die (1 Resource)
--[ ] Backroom Contacts, 1 die (8 Resources)
--[ ] The Inner Circle (Business), 1 die (5 Resources)
-[ ] Activity, 4 dice
--[ ] The Inner Circle (Politics), 1 die (1 Resource)
--[ ] Repeated Outreach, 2 dice (4 Resources)
--[ ] Protection Fees, 1 die (1 Resource)
Resources Available: 58
Resources Used: 56
Resources Remaining: 2
Okay, I decided to go for a die on Renewable Power. It's got a high resource per die cost but reduces our costs overall, so I decided it's best to work on it now while we have a surplus. One die probably won't finish it unless we're really lucky, but it's good to make progress now.
Resources: 58, +46 per turn
Actually, a thought here.
@notbirdofprey do we have access to both the 58 Resources and the 46 per turn?
Because I'm looking at the math from last turn's industry, where we had 50 RpT and I used 43 of them (and no bank). So that would have left us with 7 Resources carrying over to this turn, not 58. So I feel like the numbers somewhere are off.