The War of Omens (V20 Dark ages, Mature, Horror)

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The year is 1,203 and war rages on the horizon. The disastrous events of the 4th crusade are already in motion, unable to be stopped, soon the city and its Archangel will fall.

But, that is a war of mortals and you are not a mortal, not anymore at least. You are a beast of the night, a Cainite, A Vampire to the masses, and you have been dragged into the largest conflict of your kind since the Punic wars and the razing of Carthage.

So! I'm Caney and this is my newest quest! I felt like trying something new and I've really been into V20 Dark ages recently, having my own run-in with the omen war (Fun story! Might even tell it if there's interest! RIP Gustav our storyteller knows not how much we loved you.) (I'm not sure I used the header right. Still kind of new to using SV to make my own content. ;w; )
Introduction/char creation part 1
On one hand, we have the noble Ventrue. According to them, they are the noble rulers of Kindred society. If you listen to most others, they are the blueblooded nobles looking down upon the low clans. Yet perhaps their ideas of superiority are correct, as much of the known world falls under the secret rule of the Ventrue. From the ancient city of Rome to the entire Holy Roman empire.

Standing with them is a truly odd ally, Clan Tremere. The newest of the clans after their Devouring of the Antediluvian Saulot, progenitor of the Salubri who they now strive to hunt to the last. Known as Ursurpers, Warlocks, Magi. Their knowledge of the mystical is second to none. As is their mastery of the blood

The other hand contains many enemies, who would seek to break both the Venture and their allies for the things they have done. Only two of which truly matter at this moment.

Tzimisce, the clan of the dragon. Also known as fiends for the horrors they inflict, their mastery is over the land itself and all who reside there and they have a personal vendetta against the Tremere, for it was their stolen blood that was used to create them. However further mockeries against their very blood since then have elevated this from a simple battle into a war that will likely only end in one side's complete destruction.

The last of our clans? The simple Gangrel, the clan of the wolf. Wild and free like their namesake most of them care little for civilization or its ways. They would have little reason to get involved were their own not slaughtered by the Tremere. Warped and change into hideous servitors of stone and blood. The wolves have a long memory, and it would take far less of a slight to drag them into this conflict.

This is really a chance for me to get better at writing and I felt like interacting with the lovely people of SV. Also considering the Far Reaches of the Omen war and the fact I don't want to be writing all night… For this quest, I decided to limit it to 4 clans! But whichever clan wins the vote will have multiple premade characters to choose from! Anyways without further ado onto the vote.
[X] Venture, Your starting disciplines will consist of Fortitude (Supernatural toughness.) Dominate. (The power to implant commands and thoughts into the minds of mortals and lesser vampires.) And Presence. (The vampiric ability to manipulate emotions.)

[X] Tremere Your starting disciplines will consist of Auspex (Supernaturally heightened senses, at higher levels you will be able to pull impressions from objects and even travel the world as a spirit.) And Thaumaturgy also known as blood magic! (This is a bit hard, to sum up in a couple of words, but it does everything from allowing you to forge someone into a magical weapon that keeps their abilities, to throwing fireballs at people, to divining the future!)

And on the other side.

[X] Tzimisice. Your starting disciplines consist of (most likely) Auspex (Listed above) and Visicitude (The power to craft flesh into any form you like. At the highest of levels you can even achieve various forms of near immortality) And Koldunic sorcery (the power to draw on the very spirits and legends of the land itself for many different effects, from simply animating a cookpot (or turning yourself into one if you roll poorly) to legions of water elementals at your command. )

[X] Gangrel. Your starting disciplines will consist of Animalism (The power to do everything from speaking to animals at the lowest levels to commanding all of them within many miles to serve your will) Fortitude (Listed above), and Protean! (The signature discipline of clan Gangrel, the tales of vampires turning into bats, wolves, fog, and many other things have been historically attributed to the use of this discipline)
[X] Gangrel. Your starting disciplines will consist of Animalism (The power to do everything from speaking to animals at the lowest levels to commanding all of them within many miles to serve your will) Fortitude (Listed above), and Protean! (The signature discipline of clan Gangrel, the tales of vampires turning into bats, wolves, fog, and many other things have been historically attributed to the use of this discipline)
[X] Tremere Your starting disciplines will consist of Auspex (Supernaturally heightened senses, at higher levels you will be able to pull impressions from objects and even travel the world as a spirit.) And Thaumaturgy also known as blood magic! (This is a bit hard, to sum up in a couple of words, but it does everything from allowing you to forge someone into a magical weapon that keeps their abilities, to throwing fireballs at people, to divining the future!)
[X] Tremere Your starting disciplines will consist of Auspex (Supernaturally heightened senses, at higher levels you will be able to pull impressions from objects and even travel the world as a spirit.) And Thaumaturgy also known as blood magic! (This is a bit hard, to sum up in a couple of words, but it does everything from allowing you to forge someone into a magical weapon that keeps their abilities, to throwing fireballs at people, to divining the future!)
[X] Tremere Your starting disciplines will consist of Auspex (Supernaturally heightened senses, at higher levels you will be able to pull impressions from objects and even travel the world as a spirit.) And Thaumaturgy also known as blood magic! (This is a bit hard, to sum up in a couple of words, but it does everything from allowing you to forge someone into a magical weapon that keeps their abilities, to throwing fireballs at people, to divining the future!)
Gotta say, I love that it is between the Usurper Clan and their most hated enemy.
Go underdog!

[X] Tremere
Vote closed. We have a clear winner! The next post will be up shortly. Apologies if I have made any typos as it is 1AM but I couldn't wait any longer to put this out!
Scheduled vote count started by Caneythekid on Aug 23, 2022 at 2:06 AM, finished with 16 posts and 14 votes.

  • [x] Tzimisice
    [X] Tremere Your starting disciplines will consist of Auspex (Supernaturally heightened senses, at higher levels you will be able to pull impressions from objects and even travel the world as a spirit.) And Thaumaturgy also known as blood magic! (This is a bit hard, to sum up in a couple of words, but it does everything from allowing you to forge someone into a magical weapon that keeps their abilities, to throwing fireballs at people, to divining the future!)
    [X] Tremere
    [X] Gangrel. Your starting disciplines will consist of Animalism (The power to do everything from speaking to animals at the lowest levels to commanding all of them within many miles to serve your will) Fortitude (Listed above), and Protean! (The signature discipline of clan Gangrel, the tales of vampires turning into bats, wolves, fog, and many other things have been historically attributed to the use of this discipline)
Character creation part 2. Make your choice
[X] Alexandru Vlaszy- Born into an ancient Revenant family to serve your master. After a battle nearly a century ago you met his approval and attained the ultimate reward. Immortality. He has placed you in command of his forces as part of the wider omen war, a company of fanatically loyal revenant knights, battle-hardened falls at your command, each one has taken the blood oath to you as well. However, your will is not your own, as you are bound to your master and must obey his orders.

Many gifts are yours, Animalism, Presence, And Potence.

[X] Ania Bratovich- The Mistress of the hounds, hailing from the Bratovich family of Poland. The one who would embrace you watched for decades as you twisted the flesh and minds of your beasts and servants to prepare them for the hunts, once you had received the embrace you were a logical choice for a commander as you had much experience hunting and twisting creatures into your own army.

The gifts that fall to you are Animalism, Fortitude, and Vicissitude
In addition, you bear the ability to twist those beasts of yours into a horrific form for a time, that makes them more than a match for any man. However, it is invariably fatal.

[X] Emilia- You were but a child when your family was killed, lost in the woods. She found you an ancient Koldun of the Carpathians. She was your teacher, your parent, and your best friend. You know not why she cared for you the way she did but eventually she embraced you. Before being devoured by the Usurpers. From then you swore revenge and have found your place in the omen wars as a war mage.

Able to cause mighty earthquakes, cause explosive gas to leak from the ground, and buffet your foes with cold of the Carpathians, to say nothing of your mastery of rituals!

The gifts you are most in tune to are Animalism, Auspex, Dominate, and Koldunic sorcery.

The last one has marked you as a rare prodigy, as few are as attuned to the powers of nature as you.
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[X] Ania Bratovich- The Mistress of the hounds, hailing from the Bratovich family of Poland. The one who would embrace you watched for decades as you twisted the flesh and minds of your beasts and servants to prepare them for the hunts, once you had received the embrace you were a logical choice for a commander as you had much experience hunting and twisting creatures into your own army.
[X] Emilia- You were but a child when your family was killed, lost in the woods. She found you an ancient Koldun of the Carpathians. She was your teacher, your parent, and your best friend. You know not why she cared for you the way she did but eventually she embraced you. Before being devoured by the Usurpers. From then you swore revenge and have found your place in the omen wars as a war mage.

Able to cause mighty earthquakes, cause explosive gas to leak from the ground, and buffet your foes with cold of the Carpathians, to say nothing of your mastery of rituals!

The gifts you are most in tune to are Animalism, Auspex, Dominate, and Koldunic sorcery.

The last one has marked you as a rare prodigy, as few are as attuned to the powers of nature as you.
[X] Emilia- You were but a child when your family was killed, lost in the woods. She found you an ancient Koldun of the Carpathians. She was your teacher, your parent, and your best friend. You know not why she cared for you the way she did but eventually she embraced you. Before being devoured by the Usurpers. From then you swore revenge and have found your place in the omen wars as a war mage.