We might as well tell everyone the truth, but maybe one at a time. Kyoko is probably nearby, she can help us process the news.

[X] Tell Kyoko about it first
[X] Keep it to yourself for now

"Grief Seeds continue to generate such energy while in contact with humans and the same substance that creates them in the first place. [...] after your tale of Lobotomy Corporation, we are calculating the viability of a similar institution in this age on Earth."
Managerial Tips 1
When <name>, with Level 1 Temperance, attempted work with Candeloro, their work type was automatically changed to Attachment. The same phenomenon occured with an Agent who had Level 1 Justice.
Managerial Tips 2
When the Agent attempted Attachment work with Candeloro, said Agent died instantly. However, the Qliphoth Counter increased.
The punchline here is that it's not like Lobotomy Corporation at all since the entire energy extraction thing was just a distraction from Ayin's true purpose. :V
[X] Tell Kyoko about it first

Following the logic of entropy ending the universe, what Kyubey does is just delaying the inevitable right? I'm not very knowledgeable of PMMM so maybe I'm wrong.
[X] Tell Kyoko about it first

Following the logic of entropy ending the universe, what Kyubey does is just delaying the inevitable right? I'm not very knowledgeable of PMMM so maybe I'm wrong.
It's delaying the inevitable in perpetuity - that is to say, it is effectively the same as beating it permanently so long as nobody interferes with the system.

That said, Ai and I amusingly have identical thoughts on Kyuubey, here. I'm glad for that. Hopefully, some way can be discovered to harness magic (and even, perhaps, the strength of Witches) without incredible amounts of suffering and death. I would suggest the Doppel system, but that is neither canon to the alpha timeline nor is it plausible for Ai to suggest or discover outside of some incredibly dubious shenanigans.

Edit: ah, [X]Keep it to yourself for now.
[X] Tell Kyoko about it first

Following the logic of entropy ending the universe, what Kyubey does is just delaying the inevitable right? I'm not very knowledgeable of PMMM so maybe I'm wrong.
I mean he give years to it
And by how he seems to have a quota and doesn't care about sacrifice the earth for Madoka Witch gaining years ahead the quota can made think that there are others Humans Planets for farming Emotions
After all one only isn't efficient
Ai glances to Kyubey, who is still busy eating through the small mountain of weirdly smiling bodies.

You... You did that on purpose. We're all lucky that we got a glimpse of Blue Star instead of the MoSB.

[X] Keep it to yourself for now

Also, Lob Corp with contracted humans! Leave your soul gems just outside the containment unit so when you get stabbed/crushed/devoured you can just come back tomorrow and wag your finger at the abno that did you in! "That wasn't very cash money of you, mister."
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Out of all her friends, Ai knows who the most level-headed is for sure.

[X] Tell Homura about it first, ask for advice
I really enjoy Ai's relatively leveled headed response after letting her initial frustrations out, it's quite unique.

City dwellers are just built different :V
[X] Keep it to yourself for now

Give it a few in quest days before consulting Homu and Kyouko.
[X] Tell Kyoko about it first

I've never bought the whole entropy thing. There are billions of years before Heat Death even resembles a problem, creating energy now in such a cruel way isn't justifiable to me. Plus we don't know how much energy is created, nor how they plan on turning it into useful energy. It's so flimsy.
I've never bought the whole entropy thing. There are billions of years before Heat Death even resembles a problem, creating energy now in such a cruel way isn't justifiable to me. Plus we don't know how much energy is created, nor how they plan on turning it into useful energy. It's so flimsy.

Seeding suns, I'd imagine. I don't know how an energy-starved reality would look like, but I do know that our local ball of fire fuels life here and it has an expiration date. Maybe they even add fuel to a sun or stabilize it some other way.
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Now that I think about it... Speaking from ignorance here since I don't know a lot of PMMM, but couldn't Kyubey just asked Madoka to make her wish something that stops entropy? Like infinite energy supplies, or, just ask her to make entropy not a thing??? After that just serve your savior Madoka for the rest of eternity.