Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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@Ericwinter I agree wholeheartedly, and philosophically.

I am having difficulty putting something into words.

What would you call what we did for Jade Whistle? Soft Sweeps, would have tried to do for Twilight...

It's not teaching its... something? I cant say what really.

The impact we chose to have on their lives was not with the lores. Even disregarding the lores in Soft Sweeps case.

I would say. Not even teaching others about the lores. The most of what we have done is steer people away from them? If that's a thing.
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@Ericwinter I agree wholeheartedly, and philosophically.

I am having difficulty putting something into words.

What would you call what we did for Jade Whistle? Soft Sweeps, would have tried to do for Twilight...

It's not teaching its... something? I cant say what really.

The impact we chose to have on their loves was not with the lores. Even disregarding the lores in Soft Sweeps case.
Guiding is the best I can think of. We didn't teach them anything—though with Twilight that was mostly due to being interrupted—but instead provided them with a path to learn something on their own, or not as the case may be. That Twilight could remain faithful, that Jade could endure her pain, that Soft Sweeps was still loved, and could love in return. We helped them learn about themselves, but that doesn't mean actually doing the teaching.
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You know what? Let's do it. Don't you want to see what Silky Stream is like once she has a stack of Heart Lore?
Not sure she'll get Heart, honestly. Nor am I keen on her showing off its uses, given what Heart does.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if she turned out to be a mini Velvet, actually…
Welp, I want Velvet Axe to loot the Royal Catacombs for everything they've got since she can then still help us yoink Twilight. This does mean we have to scry Twi though, and hope she doesn't have anything that would block Lore scrying around her.
[X] Plan Rarity to the rescue v2
-[X] Selene (Winter)
-[X] Rarity (Lead Expedition to rescue Twilight, take DoA with you. If this is not enough have Velvet take leadership and spend Velvet 5th​ and 6th​ actions on it)
-[X] Servants (Help to reequip one of your farm barns into playground for your fillies. Trampoline, table tennis, some decorations and so on. Nothing suspicious here.)
-[X] Jade (RotT for Twilight at our barn after its refurbishment, equip SH artifact. Hide ritual circles under carpets. If anyone finds them then they are here for Wizards&Knights games. If RotT fails replace Velvet 6th​ action with second attempt)
-[X] Hintchasers (get a body)
-[X] Raisen (steal manuscripts)
-[X]DoA (Lead expedition under Canterlot castle)
-[X]Velvet actions
--[X]AoTL for Comet action (Free)
--[X] Visit the Dry Well (Free)
--[X] Craft Reagent (Grail 3 , Free)
--[X]1.Grail Influence with Cadre bonus, Grail 3 reagent
--[X]2.Teach Rarity
--[X]3.Comet Feet social. With Fluttershy, not in reserve
--[X]4.Soft Sweeps social
--[X]5.If doing FR for Twilight craft Forge 3 reagent x2. Otherwise help Rarity not to fail at her job (either by assisting her directly at boutique or by negotiating on her behalf depending on what Velvet will consider more effective. Without FR Velvet will have bits saved on reagents so she can even go to Canterlot and throw her weight around if it can assist Rarity.
--[X] 6.FR for Twilight at the barn (after making sure that Twilight is not in the state where it can kill her).

Basically my attempt at doing everything at once. DoA goes on two expeditions, Velvet teaches Rarity and gains Grail Influence for social actions with Soft Sweeps and Comet. Velvet does no go to Twilight personally, but sends Grail 3 Rarity and DoA instead. If it is does not work for some reason there is still 5th and 6th Velvet actions to correct situation. If all goes well Velvet will spend last two actions on further damage control. Either we prepare for FR ritual when we are sure that Twilight is not in the state where it can kill her or we take actions to save Rarity job, after she spend her own time on leading expedition.

Also, if we stay at Ponnyvile, barn is the best location to choose, since it would allow us to summon Baldomare and DoA when their time will come.
A few quick comments

-[X] Servants (Help to reequip one of your farm barns into playground for your fillies. Trampoline, table tennis, some decorations and so on. Nothing suspicious here.)
-[X] Jade (RotT for Twilight at our barn after its refurbishment, equip SH artifact. Hide ritual circles under carpets. If anyone finds them then they are here for Wizards&Knights games. If RotT fails replace Velvet 6th action with second attempt)
I will read the flavor on this very loosely, understanding the intention is "use an action to make ritual-casting at home less suspicious". I'll decide on how that happens, though.

--[X]5.If doing FR for Twilight craft Forge 3 reagent x2. Otherwise help Rarity not to fail at her job (either by assisting her directly at boutique or by negotiating on her behalf depending on what Velvet will consider more effective. Without FR Velvet will have bits saved on reagents so she can even go to Canterlot and throw her weight around if it can assist Rarity.
--[X] 6.FR for Twilight at the barn (after making sure that Twilight is not in the state where it can kill her).
Forge Redemption, if I recall correctly, only accepts one sacrifice, so the two Forge 3 reagents have me a bit confused.

Also consider that nopony (not you, not your servants, not anypony else) can "aid Rarity's job".

And finally. If you don't go to the Twilight expedition, you will have no agency over the (possibly) very crucial moment on "how to face Twilight depending on her state". Your minions will do the best they can, based on what they believe to be your best interests, but according to their own judgment.
I will read the flavor on this very loosely, understanding the intention is "use an action to make ritual-casting at home less suspicious". I'll decide on how that happens, though.
This is fine

Forge Redemption, if I recall correctly, only accepts one sacrifice, so the two Forge 3 reagents have me a bit confused.
Yeah, i just thought that we may want second reagent for Velvet own FR further down the line

Also consider that nopony (not you, not your servants, not anypony else) can "aid Rarity's job".

Then I am not fully understand what Rarity failing at her job entails. If it is not completing on time her contract with Needles then Velvet writing to them and asking to extend some delay for a favor theoretically solves some issues. If it is her brand losing some popularity then Velvet can make some efforts to maintain it, visiting Canterlot for example, making donation in Rarity name or negotiating with some model agency for future contracts. Is nothing among mentioned can help? Is there some issues with Rarity job that I am missing?

And finally. If you don't go to the Twilight expedition, you will have no agency over the (possibly) very crucial moment on "how to face Twilight depending on her state". Your minions will do the best they can, based on what they believe to be your best interests, but according to their own judgment.
This is understandable. In my opinion If Twilight is reasonable they should be able to come with optimal decision on what to do. If she is not then DoA should just deliver Twilight to us, so we can decide our next course of action.
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@BirdBodhisattva could we ask our uncle to help in giving Rarity some leeway on her next job in case she misses the deadline?

He was there when we made the deal, and helped us with it. He has contacts with the Needle I imagine.

Could HE basically nullify a failure from Rarity?

EDIT: it's a nice, not-suspicious way of using our letter and freeing Rarity's action this turn!

@BirdBodhisattva could we ask our uncle to help in giving Rarity some leeway on her next job in case she misses the deadline?

He was there when we made the deal, and helped us with it. He has contacts with the Needle I imagine.

Could HE basically nullify a failure from Rarity?

EDIT: it's a nice, not-suspicious way of using our letter and freeing Rarity's action this turn!
Our uncle is a mob boss, having him "arranging" a new leeway for Rarity would be suspicious as hell, especially since we're about to accept a very important government job and with a Celestia in full Templar anti-corruption mode.
Just put rarity on her job, ffs
if we can find ways to have her delay her job with little to no consequences, we should take it because we're THAT desperate, ffs.

Our uncle is a mob boss, having him "arranging" a new leeway for Rarity would be suspicious as hell, especially since we're about to accept a very important government job and with a Celestia in full Templar anti-corruption mode.

Our uncle was involved in creating the contract, and all it would take from him is an implied threat. "My niece told me her friend Rarity has been going through some personal problems, and so might need a bit more time for that dress. I'm sure that wouldnt' be a problem, right? After all we all understand these are troubling times...

EDIT: it might not even require a threat, implicit ot explicit. Surely a minor courtesy to him wouldn't be too much to ask to the Needles
Our uncle was involved in creating the contract, and all it would take from him is an implied threat. "My niece told me her friend Rarity has been going through some personal problems, and so might need a bit more time for that dress. I'm sure that wouldnt' be a problem, right? After all we all understand these are troubling times...
And that kind of things are exactly what Celestia has shown as not having any tolerance for anymore.
Then I am not fully understand what Rarity failing at her job entails. If it is not completing on time her contract with Needles then Velvet writing to them and asking to extend some delay for a favor theoretically solves some issues. If it is her brand losing some popularity then Velvet can make some efforts to maintain it, visiting Canterlot for example, making donation in Rarity name or negotiating with some model agency for future contracts. Is nothing among mentioned can help? Is there some issues with Rarity job that I am missing?
Her job is coming up with new designs for the next fashion season. She can't get help because the issue is not the amount of clothes but making interesting ones and it can't be delayed because it means the can't produce them in time for the fashion shows or the season start, which is something outside the control of the Needles.
Huh. I'm kind of surprised that only one plan's been officially put forth so far. Then again, voting did open early in the morning (at least for my timezone).


[X] Plan Vespertine
-[X] You will do the bare minimum to get the farm running. For the benefit of your workers and your city, if nothing else.
-[X] (Servants) Find a way to reduce suspicion of at-home rituals (don't tell them that, of course)
-[X] (Hintchasers) Obtain a dead body from the cemetery
-[X] (Rarity) Focus on her work
-[X] (Jade) Scout Crepuscular Jailbreak with RotT
--[X] Sacrifice Lantern 1 reagent
--[X] At the Velvet estate
-[X] (Velvet Axe) Lead an expedition (Beneath the Royal Castle
--[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to physically scouting Crepuscular Jailbreak if RotT fails
-[X] (Risen) Fleeting opportunity: Steal the original manuscripts from the Bright Library
-[X] (Selene) Winter
-[X] (AotL) Grail: Comet Feet
-[X] (Knock) Explore the Ruined Church
-[X] (Forge) Grail 3
-[X] (Winter) Raise a Flourishing Risen
-[X] Perform the Calling of Influence (Grail)
--[X] Sacrifice Grail 3 reagent
--[X] At the cult's gathering place
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Comet Feet
--[X] With Fluttershy from the start
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Soft Sweeps
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Family Lore lessons
-[X] Fleeting opportunity: Dissociate 'Velvet Covers' from cult
--[X] Conditional: Drop and reassign to Crepuscular Jailbreak if both RotT and scouting fail
-[X] Lead an expedition (Crepuscular Jailbreak)

I think that's everything?

Edit: Oh wait, the cost estimate

Available bits: 295
Costs: -35 (RotT), -30 (CoI), -45 (Reagent), -25 (BtRC, Axe solo), -60 (Jailbreak, w/ the Velvets)
Remaining bits: 100

Edit 2: @BirdBodhisattva I don't suppose the Comet FO counts as a social action we can spend bits on to make it more effective? :V
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Not the best plan I can think of, but I realized that if we get a forge lesson from master and read our books, then we have Forge 4 and just have a reroll for the forge redemption, so the chance of failure is like the same as using a regent, and we don't need to burn 45 bits for the making. If we want like a very small chance we could swap the Grail 3 Regent with a Forge 3 Regent, but the Influence is pretty important.

I am pretty sure we are also positive in the money we have 295 bits - 45 (Regent) - 85(ritual RotT+ FR+InFluence) - 60 (Jailbreak ) =105bits

[X] Plan Forge4redemption
-[X] Selene (Winter)
-[X] Rarity (Focus on Work )
-[X] Servants (Help to reequip one of your farm barns into playground for your fillies. Trampoline, table tennis, some decorations and so on. Nothing suspicious here.)
-[X] Jade (RotT for Twilight at our barn after its refurbishment, equip SH artifact. Hide ritual circles under carpets. If anyone finds them then they are here for Wizards&Knights games.)
-[X] Hintchasers (get a body)
-[X] Flourishing Risen (steal manuscripts)
-[X]DoA (Lead expedition to save Twilight)
-[X]Velvet actions
--[x] Explore the Ruined Church
--[X] AoTL for Comet action (Free)
--[X] Craft Reagent (Grail 3 , Free)
--[X] 1. Grail Influence with Cadre bonus, Grail 3 reagent
--[X] 2. Read Books 2x 3Forge 1x 6Lantern (Don't submit these notes to the cult yet)
--[X] 3. Forge Lesson Master
--[X] 4. Comet Feet social. With Fluttershy, not in reserve
--[X] 5. Soft Sweeps social
--[X] 6. FR for Twilight at the barn (after making sure that Twilight is not in the state where it can kill her).
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I think that's everything?
Honestly, the only things I see that might be weird are whether we should teach Rarity, instead of the family—and I can't even say that's definitely better right now—and also that you probably don't need to drop the association action if the RotT fails? Just have DoA drop her action and do scouting first, instead of sending them both on the full expedition action. It's one less action total.
Are you really sure it's a good idea to start a Mansus expedition when we already have our hands full with expeditions in the Wake? This sounds like an awful idea, we can take Mansus expeditions any time we want but right now we need to be all hands on deck in rescuing Twilight and preparing for our break with the Cult.

Also, we need to let Rarity focus on her career. We already ruined so many lives, I'd rather not ruin one more.
Honestly, the only things I see that might be weird are whether we should teach Rarity, instead of the family—and I can't even say that's definitely better right now—and also that you probably don't need to drop the association action if the RotT fails? Just have DoA drop her action and do scouting first, instead of sending them both on the full expedition action. It's one less action total.
Oh that's a good idea. I'll change that.

Edit: The scouting thing, not the Lore lessons. Those are staying.

Edit 2: Basically, I want to try to get our family up to 3/1 in their respective Lores by time we leave the cult (probably at the end of T16) for occult defense reasons, especially for Stormchaser. Which means two teaching actions. I think.
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To put it very simply.

Don't think of Rarity's job as "making dresses", think of it as "creating dresses". You marketed, presented, and "sold" the idea of her being a genius who can deliver the next "new thing". And that's exactly what the Needles expect of her, and what she hopes to deliver every month.
So the Needles aren't really paying her to create a new design or the likes, they keep paying her in the hopes that she will floor them and that they will be able to market the next big thing she comes up with.

Her job is not something that can be quantified by how many new things she creates, but only the inherent quality behind it. It is purely based on how much her creative genius can shine. That is why no amount of outside help can really aid her. The only way for her to really get it done is to either roll well, or honestly dedicate time and effort into it so her painfully developed (and cutie-mark fueled) talent can shine through. No amount of outside conveniences, racketeering, or attempts at renegotiating a contract will do anything, because at the end of the month the Needles will look around and think that "hey, that investment we have simply didn't deliver this month".

This goes doubly so because we are talking about fashion. And I won't get into a discussion about how much fashion is abstract, or art-based, or necessary/superfluous to life. But I think we can all agree fashion is something very subjective, at the very least.

So, she either impresses the Needles at least once per season, or they start falling out of love with her.

Does that make sense? Pardon the rushed answer, but this is the best way I can explain in short notice.