The Exemplar is a carrier and while the lady might be running low on squadrons right now, small craft is her primary way of fighting.
"Commander Khan, have the CAG get our birds prepped for launcher," you order Tahmina, "Someone get the engineers working on our shield generator. I understand that it will take some proper repair work to get it back to full long-term functionality, but I want them to try and get some extra juice out of it for this fight. It might be the difference between life and death."
"Captain!" calls the CAG on your terminal, "Orders for our squadrons once they are in the air?"
"Gunships are to target the enemy frigate," you order, "Fighters to engage the corvettes. Interceptors can't really hurt those warships so hold them back in reserve."
"Understood, ma'am," replies the CAG, "I'll relay your orders now."
"Captain, I've got the crew working on the shield generator now," says Commander Khan, drawing your attention back to her.
And with that your primary involvement is over. You aren't without work as you review the damage reports and help organise getting your ship into fighting shape, but your subordinates have their orders and don't need you babysitting them as they carry them out. So you watch and wait as three squadrons of small craft soar through the void and wreckage towards the cluster of hostile warships.
Spotting your pilots, the mercenary escorts turn to engage them while the light cruiser continues to drift along. The frigate and corvette spit out missiles at the Exemplar's fighters and gunships and from there, it goes badly.
You aren't sure if your pilots got sloppy or the corvette gunners lucky, but missile after missile slams into the fighters. Not all of them die, but as the surviving fighters break off their attack run, you have lost maybe half of them to the defensive fire of the Seekers.
Thankfully your gunships handle that Kilo-class much better, pounding it with massed anti-vehicle weapons until the warship's energy shield gives out under the sustained firepower. A single gunship couldn't do much to that warship on their own, but an entire squadron is fully capable of taking it out with time.
"Captain!" shouts Tahmina, "Engineering reports that they've got the shield back at 98% percent power. It is just a temporary fix for the next couple of minutes or so. A more long term solution will require some proper repair work, which means taking a few hours to do the job right."
"Tell them that they've done some good work, Commander," you reply as you check the newly updated readouts of the Exemplar for yourself, "That additional defence could be the difference between life and death for us even if it is only a fleeting measure."
Meanwhile the gunships continue to pound away at the now shieldless frigate, dealing damage to the ship itself. The weapons of the Kilo-class Frigate are hit especially hard with practically all of the missile launchers being taken offline by the firepower of the gunships.
The surviving fighters have also regrouped and are making a better showing of themselves as they hit one of the corvettes with anti-shipping missiles. The mercenary warship doesn't suffer any actual damage to its hull, but its shield flickers and disappears as the shield generator is overwhelmed.
[] Engage Target. (Choose target)
-Have the Exemplar directly engage one of the merc warships with her remaining laser cannons.
[] Maintain Distance.
-Have the Exemplar does her best to keep some distance between you and the enemy warships. Mutually exclusive with trying to directly engage them.
[] Take Aim.
-Direct the crew to review and refine the sensor data to provide more accurate data to the guns and squadrons.
[] Emergency Repairs. (Choose area)
-Direct the crew to engage in some emergency repairs to temporarily regain some additional capabilities for the duration of this engagement.
[] Brace For Impact.
-Order the crew to prepare the Exemplar for some breaching hits.
[] Overcharge Shields.
-Order the crew to overcharge the shields to withstand more punishment. Beware that the shield generator is already damaged.
[] Evasive Manoeuvres.
-Order the crew to engage in evasive movement in an attempt to dodge the incoming enemy fire.
Small Craft
Three Actions Available.
Unassigned Squadrons: 2 Interceptor,
Frigate Strike: 1 Gunship
Corvette Hunting: 1 Fighter
[] Cruiser Deathblow.
-The enemy light cruiser is effectively crippled and should be easily finished off.
[] Frigate Strike.
-The Kilo-class Frigate shouldn't be too hard for your small craft to take out.
[] Corvette Hunting.
-Seeker-class Corvettes are meant for hunting freighters, patrolling empty space and screening for real warships. Your small craft can take them.
[] Reserve.
-Hold the small craft squadrons in reserve to deal with unexpected threats or surprise attacks.
Commodore Elora Ripley
-Determination: 4/It takes a certain type of individual to be a high-ranking idealist in the UNSC, but you have the guts and stubbornness to be one.
-Intelligence: 4/You are smart and knowledgeable enough to get command of a fleet carrier, a cut above the rest yet nothing truly special.
-Charisma: 6/You are especially charming, able to make friends out of strangers and get people aboard your position.
Commander Tahmina Khan
-Determination: 4/It takes a certain type of individual to be a high-ranking idealist in the UNSC, but just like you, Tahmina has what it takes.
-Intelligence: 4/Tahama is a smart and intelligent officer, more than ready to take a command of her own.
-Charisma: 5/Tahmina is a capable leader in her own right, able to inspire those beneath her to greater heights.
-Motivational Spirit: Pass one failed Exemplar Check per encounter.
Enterprise-class Fleet Carrier UNS Exemplar Weapons: 1/2, Several batteries of light laser cannons and a pair of heavy torpedo launchers. Both torpedo launchers and multiple laser turrets are offline. Shields: 1(2)/2, Standard warship shield generator. Shield generator is operating at partial capacity, but has been jury-rigged to operate at near full power for the immediate future. Hull: 3/5, Basic carrier hull with a standard amount of armour plating. Hull has taken a substantial beating. Engines: 0.5/1, Standard set of dual engines for a capital ship. One engine is offline and the hyperdrive is on the fritz. Hangar: 12/1.5 Gunship Squadrons, 0.5 Bomber Squadron, 2 Interceptor Squadrons, 1 Fighter Squadron. Crew: Regular Special = Squadron Coordination Network: Enhanced ability to command all small craft squadrons.
First round of combat and things could have gone better for you. Your gunships barely got their licks in whilst the fighters got rather unlucky or rather the corvettes got rarely lucky as both got the high rolls to take out an entire squadron's worth of starfighters between the two of them.
Anyway, you've dished out some damage to that frigate while one of the corvettes is without its shields and your shields are temporarily back up to full strength.
Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
You will need to assign small craft squadrons to a specific action if you want them to carry out that action. Otherwise the small craft squadrons will continue doing whatever they are currently doing.
I'm actually thinking, that with the light cruiser heavily damaged, and the frigate now also essentially weaponless. The corvettes should be the only threat left to destroy. But I'm thinking to pad our numbers we send in the interceptors, plus they should be able to intercept any missiles remaining.
As you assess the situation, you decide that your orders need to change. The loss of the fighters is an unexpected pain and with the frigate losing its weapon systems, that leaves both of the corvettes as the biggest threats right now.
"Alpha Squadron, Bravo Squadron, Charlie Squadron," you call into the comms, "Focus your attacks on the corvettes. That frigate is currently unable to harm us and therefore a lesser priority than the warships with working guns."
Getting a series of affirmatives, you turn your attention back to the Exemplar. The shields are back to mostly full strength, but half of the carrier's weapons are offline. A fleet carrier isn't meant to be directly fighting, but that doesn't make the lack of direct combat capability any less concerning. Especially given how reduced your squadrons are and the lack of any escorts.
"Commander Khan, get our engineers working on our weapons," you order, "If at all possible, I want our torpedo launchers back online."
"Planning to engage the enemy warships directly, ma'am?" inquires Tahmina.
"No, we'll continue to keep our distance for the movement," you answer, "I just want the combat capability in case anything else goes wrong."
"I'll go and the crew now," says Tahmina and as she leaves, you turn your attention back to the battle.
Both the gunships and the fighters are making attack runs on the shieldless corvette. The gunships are only able to do minimal damage as the corvettes focus their defensive fire on them, but that allows the fighters to strike the sole engine on the shieldless corvette.
In response, the corvettes switch to trying to hit the fighters with their missiles, which frees up the gunships to act, which they promptly do. Massed anti-vehicular fire shreds the armour and hull of the damaged Seeker-class Corvette, leaving it riddled with holes. As the warship doesn't explode, the power core must have remained stable, but the corvette is nothing more than a drifting wreck.
[] Engage Target. (Choose target)
-Have the Exemplar directly engage one of the merc warships with her remaining laser cannons.
[] Maintain Distance.
-Have the Exemplar does her best to keep some distance between you and the enemy warships. Mutually exclusive with trying to directly engage them.
[] Take Aim.
-Direct the crew to review and refine the sensor data to provide more accurate data to the guns and squadrons.
[] Emergency Repairs. (Choose area)
-Direct the crew to engage in some emergency repairs to temporarily regain some additional capabilities for the duration of this engagement.
[] Brace For Impact.
-Order the crew to prepare the Exemplar for some breaching hits.
[] Overcharge Shields.
-Order the crew to overcharge the shields to withstand more punishment. Beware that the shield generator is already damaged.
[] Evasive Manoeuvres.
-Order the crew to engage in evasive movement in an attempt to dodge the incoming enemy fire.
Small Craft
Three Actions Available.
Unassigned Squadrons: 2 Interceptor,
Corvette Hunting: 1 Gunship, 1 Fighter
[] Cruiser Deathblow.
-The enemy light cruiser is effectively crippled and should be easily finished off.
[] Frigate Strike.
-The Kilo-class Frigate shouldn't be too hard for your small craft to take out.
[] Corvette Hunting.
-Seeker-class Corvettes are meant for hunting freighters, patrolling empty space and screening for real warships. Your small craft can handle the second one like they did with the first.
[] Reserve.
-Hold the small craft squadrons in reserve to deal with unexpected threats or surprise attacks.
Commodore Elora Ripley
-Determination: 4/It takes a certain type of individual to be a high-ranking idealist in the UNSC, but you have the guts and stubbornness to be one.
-Intelligence: 4/You are smart and knowledgeable enough to get command of a fleet carrier, a cut above the rest yet nothing truly special.
-Charisma: 6/You are especially charming, able to make friends out of strangers and get people aboard your position.
Commander Tahmina Khan
-Determination: 4/It takes a certain type of individual to be a high-ranking idealist in the UNSC, but just like you, Tahmina has what it takes.
-Intelligence: 4/Tahama is a smart and intelligent officer, more than ready to take a command of her own.
-Charisma: 5/Tahmina is a capable leader in her own right, able to inspire those beneath her to greater heights.
-Motivational Spirit: Pass one failed Exemplar Check per encounter.
Enterprise-class Fleet Carrier UNS Exemplar Weapons: 1 (2)/2, Several batteries of light laser cannons and a pair of heavy torpedo launchers. Both torpedo launchers and multiple laser turrets should be offline, but have been enabled temporarily with jury-rigged repairs. Shields: 1(2)/2, Standard warship shield generator. Shield generator is operating at partial capacity, but has been jury-rigged to operate at near full power for the immediate future. Hull: 3/5, Basic carrier hull with a standard amount of armour plating. Hull has taken a substantial beating. Engines: 0.5/1, Standard set of dual engines for a capital ship. One engine is offline and the hyperdrive is on the fritz. Hangar: 12/1.5 Gunship Squadrons, 0.5 Bomber Squadron, 2 Interceptor Squadrons, 1 Fighter Squadron. Crew: Regular Special = Squadron Coordination Network: Enhanced ability to command all small craft squadrons.
Sorry about how long it took to update this quest, I forgot about it whilst I was writing my stories. Anyway, we are back and one of the corvettes is down and you didn't lose any more small craft. Given how slow the combat is going, I'm wondering how much of the thread would like me to speed things up. It would make the quest progress faster, but deny you more tactical choice in how things turn out.
Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
Hmm it seems like our guns are temporarily online again I say we have the carrier use it's torpedo's to finishes off the damaged enemy ships while our fighters finish off the last seeker.
[X] Plan Put That SCN To Work
-[X] Maintain Distance.
-[X] Take Aim.
-[X] Corvette Hunting.
--[X] 1 Fighter
--[X] 1 Gunship
-[X] Reserve.
-- [X] 2 Interceptor